The *OFFICIAL* fix the servers thread




Originally Posted by PaladinChan View Post
Huh, isnt this recent announcement interesting.

After the maintenance and patch, My connection is worse then before.

I am also having massive amounts of "Duplicate In" packets.
yeah I still have lag also on freedom and virtue sigh. Looks like I will be stuck to playing on ghost town severs



Originally Posted by Redmanfx View Post
Funny that maint today is to fix the servers that they just admitted had instability issues. In addition they apologized for the bad server performance and will be giving us another double xp weekend because of it. So you are wrong, wrong on most of what you just said. And BTW if the server is acting up then it does not mean everyone will have issues.
This is awesome. Thank you NCSoft/Paragon Studios for the apology, and for the maintenance!

Where are all the nerdragers at?



Umm... I didn't see any post about admiting they had instability issues nor another Double XP weekend soon to make up for it.

God honestly, I was on Virtue all weekend long, and outside of th 7pm-11pm Central time window, I had no issues.

Mind you that the time frame is a higher usage time, and while the 5 minutes of mapserving was annoying, once you go through it it was stable. Heck, even the globals were not as problematic overall as in the past.

Now I understand that Atlas and Cap were in worse shape than other zones, mostly cause it seemed that the AE created a higher poluation in these zones, which again is something they will learn from and adjust to.

Oh, and yes, I ran a netgraph at different times throughout the weekend, which shows my ping time to the server that I am on, and 95% of the time to virtue it was green.

Now on to a brief explanation of routing and dynamic routing.

Routing has nothing to do with the protocols that CoH uses, because it is encapsulated into a Packet for transmission using TCP/IP. the routers along the way /should/ adjust the routing depnding on statuses sent from the other router, IF and ONLY IF they are actually dynamically updating and the other routers are dynamically update.

Now even with that, until a TTL fails, a route is still valid, and again unless certian criteria are met (and these criteria dpend on how a specific router is programmed) the route will still be used.

By the way, unless it is the router right at the server farm location, NC Soft has NO CONTROL. Even the one at their Server locations, they might not have direct control over dpending on their ISP and maitenance agreements.

P.S. I was using my internet connection heavily with one machine running CoH, one machine for DJing when it was my time to, one machine streaming music, running IM, and web browsing, oha nd 1 machine wher eI was working on my RL Clients server that ahd some problems.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
Umm... I didn't see any post about admiting they had instability issues nor another Double XP weekend soon to make up for it.
Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Greetings Players,

Due to the stability issues that occurred with the North American servers this past Double XP Weekend, we plan to offer another Double XP Weekend in North America after Issue 16 launches.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to those of you who were unable to enjoy the event as a result of this, and would like to thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these types of issues in the future.

We appreciate your continued support.

The City of Heroes Team
I'm not saying I experienced any problem, or that I think they owe us anything, but I felt I should at least inform you that the announcement does exist.



Originally Posted by Take_It_Easy View Post
Might want to check her Link DJ_Shecky.

Due to the stability issues that occurred with the North American servers this past Double XP Weekend, we plan to offer another Double XP Weekend in North America after Issue 16 launches.

Vic Server Junkie



Thanks for the link to that, without the dev digest I'm a little lost only cause I don't go into every forum.

I still think this double xp weekend was the smoothes of them all so far, and I've done every single one.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Paladin had it doubly bad. The servers were having issues *and* she's a Crapcast subscriber.

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personally I am a trial player----

started playing last week monday no lag at all in michigan.
but i am playing mostly 10am till bout 4 pm eastern time.
played last night no lag from 6pm till 11pm.

now today i cannot move 4 footsteps without rubberbanding back 20.
I have that beginnner backpack at one point im moving forward and it starts to rubberband so i actually can see the exhaust in front of me so i zooned out and the exhaust from it is making S's in the air.
Now my question but first.
did a speakesy speed test to california.8875download 350 upload
test to florida 16450 down 320 up
usually those will tell me about internet congestion.
which they are about normal.
question is what changed other than a patch.
was gonna buy the game but after the last hour relogging and rebooting to no avail making sure it wasnt me. or at least i do not think so.
been playing these game since 1990. so ive a bit of history.
any suggestions to fix the lag.
comcast is my internet provider.
edited for retest values



Originally Posted by _Ydyp_ View Post
Unless you know the communication protocols CoX uses, you could be pretty wrong with saying it isn't a problem on NCSoft's side. It is the communication layer that should find broken routes with high packet-loss and adjust accordingly. Of course it wouldn't be able to adjust the routes if the problem is at the players own network or at the ncsoft entry node. As those can't be skipped by using another route.
The protocols are TCP - read the support articles on which ports need to be opened to the various servers. But, I am not saying they are or are not NCSoft's fault. I am saying there is more then the two possible causes presented; "my" computer and their servers.

You are correct that the route can be adjusted but this also would not be controlled by NCSoft, which was my point.





2xp weekend is over, and this is still going on. I was on freedom tonight and it was unplayable, plain and simple. I mapserved 4 times (as in was completely disconnected from the server, and had to come back in from the login screen) in 20 minutes before giving up on CoH for the night. This needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY.



Originally Posted by Redmanfx View Post
Funny that maint today is to fix the servers that they just admitted had instability issues. In addition they apologized for the bad server performance and will be giving us another double xp weekend because of it. So you are wrong, wrong on most of what you just said. And BTW if the server is acting up then it does not mean everyone will have issues.
The maintenance is to push the build that has been on the test server and had nothing to do with these issues. Try again.

It's great that they apologized and are re-doing the event. What I said is still correct. Lag can be caused by many factors which by the way I did list the server being one of those. I also said it is probably not the cause. I was incorrect in that aspect.





WTF- I am late to this party, but extremely irritated with the lag, mapserves and dc's. I would ask them to fix the issues, but look what happened with the last maintenance they did...

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
No, that does not prove the problem is on NCSoft's side. The problem could be:

1) On your end (programs running concurrently, using the same port as CoH where other games and applications do not) for instance.
2) A problem at your ISP. Typically though this would prevent any traffic from leave and probably is not the cause.
3) A problem on any point along the route to the NCSoft servers. And since other actions heck even other games, will take different routes this is probably the cause.
4) A problem on NCSoft's side. If this was the case every player would experience the problems as I have stated before. This is not the case. It is probably not the cause.

Well..... Its not just players with rubbernbanding and synch issues. I was on one mission and one of the mobs was clearly rubberbanding. I asked the team if they saw it too and they did. So you have 8 people with different ISPs seeing the same thing at the same time. That means its on NC's end. When EVERYONE in one location mapservs at the same time its on NCs end.



Originally Posted by Naufragus View Post
Well..... Its not just players with rubbernbanding and synch issues. I was on one mission and one of the mobs was clearly rubberbanding. I asked the team if they saw it too and they did. So you have 8 people with different ISPs seeing the same thing at the same time. That means its on NC's end. When EVERYONE in one location mapservs at the same time its on NCs end.
Amen. Well, emergency maintenance just took the servers down. At least freedom... so all of you naysayers will have to accept the truth that the servers are indeed having stability issues.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Amen. Well, emergency maintenance just took the servers down. At least freedom... so all of you naysayers will have to accept the truth that the servers are indeed having stability issues.
yeah i just got this while playing on justice as well. Man i hope they fix this be nice too get back on freedom.



They're not fixing lag or stability by going back to the same version used for Dxp (a weekend I didn't have any issues on tyvm!). However they are fixing a user initiated crash for the caster and those around the caster when summoning a rikti monkey.

Folks were using this power to grief people in AE.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Amen. Well, emergency maintenance just took the servers down. At least freedom... so all of you naysayers will have to accept the truth that the servers are indeed having stability issues.
And according to the post about it it was to roll back the patch that went live TODAY.

That means it had nothing to do with this weekend.

the point being that was there an issue at times in the evenings on servers, yes, that I concede. I did not see it most of the time, during the weekend, and I was in game a lot.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



well all I know is that if this does not stop by the time my next payment is due I will be dropping my sub cuz i know it not a prob from my end.



I'll miss you. We all will.



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
And according to the post about it it was to roll back the patch that went live TODAY.

That means it had nothing to do with this weekend.

the point being that was there an issue at times in the evenings on servers, yes, that I concede. I did not see it most of the time, during the weekend, and I was in game a lot.
Well if the servers are not having stability issues, why else would they take them down in such a manner and at such a time?

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand
Well if the servers are not having stability issues, why else would they take them down in such a manner and at such a time?
Because people are griefing others by causing them to crash. All they have to do is cast their rikti monkey.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Amen. Well, emergency maintenance just took the servers down. At least freedom... so all of you naysayers will have to accept the truth that the servers are indeed having stability issues.
Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Well if the servers are not having stability issues, why else would they take them down in such a manner and at such a time?
The original post was about instability over the weekend. I did see the message from Niv, which as I ssaid I din't see anything wrong and probably the best stability during adouble xp weekend since its started a few years ago.

The mait today was to roll back from the new version put live this morning, which did cause stability problems (see login screen/announcements area).

The MAitenance right now has nothing to do with Double XP weekend which the thread was originally about.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad