NA Lounge




Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Actually, this might be the 'For Fun' section, but this is the General Discussion board.

I don't like that it has been lumped into a section where everyone assumes everything will be a joke. In the old EU Forums, this was placed near the top, near the Announcements forum.

It was a forum where people could share both serious and silly threads, as long as they were on topic. IE: A General Discussion.

So I fail to see why I should have to assume that every post on this forum has to be taken as a silly non-sequitor to the topic at hand.

And it doesn't change the fact that all this humour is still being based on the same stupid topic. It was amusing on day 1. Now it's a passive aggressive defense in response to us joining you.

Or are we going to continue to mock the way in which I'm posting, and the place in which I'm posting, instead of actually addressing what I'm posting.
Ok, dude (assuming you are a dude) I honestly couldnt care less where anyone is from. The only thing I care about is if the other person's brain works, if so great glad to meet them.

And I PERSONALLY assume that anything I see like the OP is a joke unless stated otherwise, and if it isn't a joke..... well then I just find it sad. Needless to say thinking like this has at least made MY world a happier place.

If you want to see things differently fine, but im going to continue to make sure the time I spend online is less depressing than the crap I see and hear about in the real world.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



This wasn't regarding the OP. In fact, I did see the OP as just a tasteless joke.

What I objected to was the tangent the topic took when Solitaire made her 'joke'. It was tasteless upon tasteless, and only sought to reinforce the negative image I had already been given about these forums. And I did apologise to Solitaire for using her post as a sounding board, and this thread as a sounding board, but it is the straw that broke the camel's back.

If *everyone* is so glad to see the EU members on these new forums, then fine, more power to you. But stop making jokes at our expense.

These new forums are supposed to be a merge of the two communities. So far all I've seen is people staking claim to forums, posting silly complaints that are just non-subtle tongue in cheek jokes, and passive-aggressive posting about how this is NA forums and EU have joined. And then to top it off, the moderators go ahead and make a forum just for EU players to "feel at home"? Excuse me? What sort of nonsense is that for community cohesion? We're not such a frail community that we need a special place built for us within the community we're now a part of. All that does is feed segregation.

Now, I'm willing to admit that all that negative image I've been given has soured my attitude towards these new forums. But it should not be my perogative to go in all smiles and sunshine against all that negativity and just lay down and accept it for the good of others.

The Community Managers want a community. Then perhaps they should step in and fix it before it falls into segments again. Because so far all they've done is say "You're NA, and you're EU. Oh, and NA, play nice with the EUs. They're CoX players too..."

Which is entirely the wrong message to give out. It's bias, and it is reinforcing a segregation I don't want to see.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



I think a lot of what you're pointing out comes from the fact that the communities really were separated for a long time. Firstly, the Americans were here first. I'm not saying that to "claim" anything, I'm leading up to something ( ). Then the European players came, without much real interaction between the two groups. After the Europeans came, a lot of CoH news was posted to you first, usually being relayed by posters before it was officially posted by the Devs. This led to a lot of (mostly joking) posts about "The Devs love the EU players more!". The NA boards have, since then, always made European jokes. Most of them are lovingly, because really, we love Europeans. You guys have the best TV and comedy. Now that you're here, though, those jokes are being made to your faces and I can see how that may seem unfriendly. But they're just that: jokes, and I'm sure they'll swell down once the initial "The British Are Coming!" feeing subsides.

As for the EU Lounge, I think it's a good idea. There's a lot more of us than there is of you (I think, anyway) and it's a place where you can meet with the familiar EU posters without feeling lost. But that's just my feeling on it.



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
This wasn't regarding the OP. In fact, I did see the OP as just a tasteless joke.

What I objected to was the tangent the topic took when Solitaire made her 'joke'. It was tasteless upon tasteless, and only sought to reinforce the negative image I had already been given about these forums. And I did apologise to Solitaire for using her post as a sounding board, and this thread as a sounding board, but it is the straw that broke the camel's back.

If *everyone* is so glad to see the EU members on these new forums, then fine, more power to you. But stop making jokes at our expense.

These new forums are supposed to be a merge of the two communities. So far all I've seen is people staking claim to forums, posting silly complaints that are just non-subtle tongue in cheek jokes, and passive-aggressive posting about how this is NA forums and EU have joined. And then to top it off, the moderators go ahead and make a forum just for EU players to "feel at home"? Excuse me? What sort of nonsense is that for community cohesion? We're not such a frail community that we need a special place built for us within the community we're now a part of. All that does is feed segregation.

Now, I'm willing to admit that all that negative image I've been given has soured my attitude towards these new forums. But it should not be my perogative to go in all smiles and sunshine against all that negativity and just lay down and accept it for the good of others.

The Community Managers want a community. Then perhaps they should step in and fix it before it falls into segments again. Because so far all they've done is say "You're NA, and you're EU. Oh, and NA, play nice with the EUs. They're CoX players too..."

Which is entirely the wrong message to give out. It's bias, and it is reinforcing a segregation I don't want to see.
Ok, I can see your point on that. But I have a question, before the merge did you ever browse around the NA forums? Posts similar to this were always showing up there to basically point out how ridiculous the actual negative threads along the same lines were. Of course everyone and their brother would join in on the fun while saving the negative responses for the threads that were serious.

And by all means, poke fun at us NA people right back. Its pretty much what these threads are for, and personally I wouldnt find them half as amusing if you didnt. I mean come on, I can only rip on myself so much

You guys have the best TV and comedy
I love Red Dwarf

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
This wasn't regarding the OP. In fact, I did see the OP as just a tasteless joke.

What I objected to was the tangent the topic took when Solitaire made her 'joke'. It was tasteless upon tasteless, and only sought to reinforce the negative image I had already been given about these forums. And I did apologise to Solitaire for using her post as a sounding board, and this thread as a sounding board, but it is the straw that broke the camel's back.

If *everyone* is so glad to see the EU members on these new forums, then fine, more power to you. But stop making jokes at our expense.

These new forums are supposed to be a merge of the two communities. So far all I've seen is people staking claim to forums, posting silly complaints that are just non-subtle tongue in cheek jokes, and passive-aggressive posting about how this is NA forums and EU have joined. And then to top it off, the moderators go ahead and make a forum just for EU players to "feel at home"? Excuse me? What sort of nonsense is that for community cohesion? We're not such a frail community that we need a special place built for us within the community we're now a part of. All that does is feed segregation.

Now, I'm willing to admit that all that negative image I've been given has soured my attitude towards these new forums. But it should not be my perogative to go in all smiles and sunshine against all that negativity and just lay down and accept it for the good of others.

The Community Managers want a community. Then perhaps they should step in and fix it before it falls into segments again. Because so far all they've done is say "You're NA, and you're EU. Oh, and NA, play nice with the EUs. They're CoX players too..."

Which is entirely the wrong message to give out. It's bias, and it is reinforcing a segregation I don't want to see.
I've ghosted on the EU forums several times just to see what they thought about certain things. When the merge was announced I went on the EU forums to see what they thought about the merge. Most seemed to greet it with much trepidation fearing they would get swallowed up by loud Americans. Then I read the NA thread on the same subject most posters were excited about the merge (As I was).

My obivious sarcasm seemed to be lost on you and I do not apologize for it. I did put a wink smile on my post to make sure people knew I was kidding sadly I can't find the emitcons on the new forum otherwise I would have put a wink smile in my OP.



Originally Posted by Solitaire_NA View Post
sadly I can't find the emitcons on the new forum otherwise I would have put a wink smile in my OP.
If you scroll down in the posting page (not Quick Reply) you'll see a tiny list where things are listed as "ON" or "OFF" - click on "Smilies are ON" and a new page will open with a list of the commands for all the new smilies. I had to change my ":P" to have a tiny "p" to make it work.

Which is silly, because my tongue isn't that small.



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
Which is silly, because my tongue isn't that small.
Dude........ I did not need to know that........

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
If you scroll down in the posting page (not Quick Reply) you'll see a tiny list where things are listed as "ON" or "OFF" - click on "Smilies are ON" and a new page will open with a list of the commands for all the new smilies. I had to change my ":P" to have a tiny "p" to make it work.

Which is silly, because my tongue isn't that small.



*scratch, scrabble, scrabble, scratch. munch munch munch*

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
Were is the North America lounge. I have never felt this left out of a forum ever hehe.
I think you mean "Where"....



I knew we would meet the definition of 'sarchasm' somewhere on the boards. I am glad I have found it.

Now, if I could only find my avatar...



Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
Never heard of this one before..... would ya mind informing me what the definition is?

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Never heard of this one before..... would ya mind informing me what the definition is?
Something along the lines of... the gulf between a poster's joke and a reader's interpretation



Originally Posted by Days_ View Post
Something along the lines of... the gulf between a poster's joke and a reader's interpretation
My hand just left one hell of a red mark on my face for not getting that......

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Never heard of this one before..... would ya mind informing me what the definition is?
Sarchasm (n) : The gulf in understanding between the intended meaning and perceived meaning in a sarcastic or other non-serious posting on a message board. See also 'Two nations divided by a common language'


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Was already taken care of Canine..... face still hurts from not understanding the obvious.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Was already taken care of Canine..... face still hurts from not understanding the obvious.
Responses were posted while I was typing mine up.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Or are we going to continue to mock the way in which I'm posting, and the place in which I'm posting, instead of actually addressing what I'm posting.
Okay, let's address what you're posting: Dude, take a chill pill.

When Niviene starts rounding up the Europeans and telling them not to come out of the "EU Lounge" ghetto, then you can get angry.

It's not our fault that your English-speaking board got merged into our English-speaking board while the French and Germans got to keep their own boards. We had nothing to do with it. We're just players, the same as you.

Whoever created the "EU Lounge" was trying to soften the blow by giving you a little piece of home. They weren't out to segregate you and point out how "different" you are.

As for the passive-aggressive hate, maybe you need to take a look around at the whole forum. In the Roleplaying forum we embraced each other and said "Yay, more RP and more fiction to read!" I'm guessing they did pretty similarly in the art and media forums.

I haven't even really noticed much a difference in "Hero and Villain Culture" aka "Effectively, Off-topic".

You're getting your panties in a knot about the fact that here in this forum we're all just acknowledging that we've got new neighbors. Big smegging deal. Guess what? We've had Euros in this forum from the beginning. It's not REALLY that novel an experience.

As for me calling it "this forum", I can't help that it feels like you were moved into ours as opposed to both neighborhoods being bulldozed and a new joint neighborhood being built. When I look around, I see the trappings of our NA website surrounding it. When I browse the merged forum, I see mostly the threads that were in our forums before the merges. We were more prolific posters than you because there are more of us.

Hate on it if you want, but to most NA forumites, this is going to feel like you were transplanted into our forums. Sorry that offends you or that we have our own American or Canadian ways of expressing the jostling as we all shift and make room for the new neighbors. When you've contributed around here the way that LadySadako has or developed the annoying-yet-strangely-lovable rep of GoldenGirl or earned a rep for thoughtful commentary like SamuelTow or just become a regular and positive participant like any of the other Brits, Aussies, and other non-NA forumites who have lived here for years, then we'll consider you family and ease off on the razzing.

Don't like? Tough. You're in America now, cowboy! Put on your big girl pants and deal!



<inspirational quote>

<comment regarding not repeating the same joke that upset me earlier>

<Restating of previous argument>

I'm going back to the RP boards. It's more comfortable there.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Well, I've been here since the forums came back up, I'm an EU player and felt nothing nasty at all , so I dunno where the fuss is

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin_ View Post
Well, I've been here since the forums came back up, I'm an EU player and felt nothing nasty at all , so I dunno where the fuss is
Don' pay it no mind, mang.

Some people just got persecution complexes, and have to turn 'Off-handed and possibly tactless joke' into 'HATEFUL MEAN-SPIRITED ATTACK'. It's a human psychology thing - and I stress the human part, because we're all monkeys here. Ain't nuthin' different 'bout nobody!

...Personally, I find the wider range of association somewhat refreshing, and amusing at the same time. It's always fun to find out how similar cultures are at their center-points. Or maybe that's just my inner sociologist poking her head out.

End of the day, though, s'all good, right? :3

(Disclaimer: This post may be unintentionally soap-boxy. It's really supposed to be more conversational, but like always, my point got lost somewhere after the start. To those having trouble finding out what that point was... Ignore the haters, their 'thing' is being grumpy and bitey. Grrgrr. Arrrrgh.)

(P.S.: I, for one, welcome our international visitors! I'd say overlords, bu-

The editorial department would like it to be known that the author of this post was sacked before she could say something predictably silly, and get into beef with our legal department. Instead, have a cat. )



Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
lol, silly kittehs



This thread fails at life.