Extreme Virtue lag?
This is the second time for this tonight happened around 9 PM EST too.
I haven't been able to move for like 5 minutes now :P
Well, it is double XP weekend...what do ya expect?
Geeze, this gives new meaning to the phrase 'Mapserved'...
Getting mapserved every 10 seconds...and staying frozen for sixty seconds, unfrozen for ten seconds, wash, rinse, repeat....
And now, I'm totally disconnected...sheesh...wonder if I will be able to get back in tonight...
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
Double XP at half the speed it seems =)
About the same here -- Tried to do a villain and got the lag several times until it was lost completely.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track
Just had a HUGE Mapserver issue. This is really starting to tick me off.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
It was kind of bad on my team, but I kept getting mapserver until I finally logging off and then back on got an instant mapserver that never went away for more than a couple of seconds until I got kicked. It was only yellow when I tried to log on, but that felt much more like red/near grey levels to me.
Wow this is so bad ... we need some compensation for this problem ... like a double exp week that would great ... and BTW nc you might look into new servers ... if you can not support a game that is almost dead then you in fact fail at hosting games.. what will aion look like if you can not support the game that is nearly dead what are you going to do when you see tons of people playing aion are you thing maybe going to upgrade so we don't experience the lag that we do in the aion beta and in coh ? if not why do any of us pay you 15 bucks a month blizzard cares about their players that is why they have great server that never lag out
And this is 2 yellow dots? ugh.
I agree with Tank..Server lag is horrid and the Rp'ers plus the buff spammers out there make it a game thats hard to play alot of times..Rid them and you might have better servers.
Hate to say this, but th AE causes more problems than the 15-20 people who have been in Pocket D jsut standing around.
The ammount of AE Spam and how laggy things get in the Big AE Zones (Atlas and Cap both wth multiple instances) just prove it.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
LOL I can't believe people are actually trying to blame the RPers for the lag and mapserving problems. Too funny!
Actually when things aren't like this I like to RP lag. So I'll stop in the middle of a battle and let the mobs bash on me and kill me. Then I disconnect on purpose.
I love when I log back in and I'm in the hospital.
Doesn't everyone do this? Sure you do.
So the thing is, now that it's happening for real...
LOL I can't believe people are actually trying to blame the RPers for the lag and mapserving problems. Too funny!
Oh wait...
Serber mus hates Whale. Keep gifin Whale dem dere LCMS errors.... Whale no likes dem
It's like that on all the servers. Even Guardian is laggy today.
Pretty bad yesterday -- got on briefly only to be rewarded an on-off-on mapserver message.
Was on for a bit this morning without issues....
Is it DoubleXP caused or just ill-timed?

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track
ha ha.. people are saying RP'ers are causing lag! Wow, you guys give them too much credit! If only I had the power to cause server lag at my will.. I would greif you till you log, all day... everyday!
Lets see.. create new character... select AT and Origin.. RP'er, Pocket D....
Select primary power: Server Lag
Select Secondary Power: Map Serve.
When all hope seems to have drifted away.. and the shadows of death creep closer. Do not fear or cower.. do not make peace or seek salvation. For I will be there, supporting your movement. So give me your pain, weakness, despair, fear and doubt.. The Light will grant you another stand.
I can only assume everyone is experiencing this, correct?