Is there any fun in pvping since i13 ?




I was in sirens call a while back with my Ice blaster, Some Villain had shown up on the Nav tray with a bounty, turned out to be a mastermind. I tried to attack and with surprise on my side managed to get their health very low until they realised and started spamming heals. I, being just high enough level to get in, didn't seem to have the power to do any decent damage from the distance required to maintain relative safety and if I ventured any closer the villains minions would have shot me to buggery. What surprised me soon after is the Villain took to the sky too and came straight at me until I immobilised them with one of my ice abilities which made them fall down to the ground.

It went on like that several times in a kind of stalemate before they quit the area, and while I didn't achieve much more than irritating them (possibly) I enjoyed myself and look forward to doing more PvP when I've done all the other stuff I want to do!



Originally Posted by Bad Bad Girlfriend View Post
I hear The Sim's 3 may be right up your alley..
I quit Sims when I no longer needed to create UML diagrams for my cities reservoir systems and financial spreadsheets for my cities next 500 fiscal years.

Appreciate the troll, but you have got to do better than that.

PvP isn't challenging as it is now, It's a nuisance. So no, in my opinion PvP isn't fun other than the fact I can farm Players in my farm zones now. But then I wasn't around pre-i13 either. All I know is that this current iteration of PvP isn't fun.

If the intention of these changes was to make PvP accessable to the average player and new players (Like myself) Then why the disparity between PvP and PvE rules? Why implement PvP IOs when the "average" player doesn't PvP as much as the seasoned PvPer? (Giving PvPers PvP IOs is like giving a warm cookie and a glass of milk to a kid that just got sucker punched in the gutt. It doesn't help the pain and he's going to have cavities later.)

As an outside observer it just seems like the devs are being grossly counter-productive (you don't make PvP more attractive to the average player by making it completely alien to a system they are already familiar with).



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
As an outside observer it just seems like the devs are being grossly counter-productive (you don't make PvP more attractive to the average player by making it completely alien to a system they are already familiar with).
Dude, this is pretty much what I said the day they announced i13 pvp changes. Rather than tweaking the system in place to balance gameplay, they introduce new systems, ditch old ones, essentially exchanging one game for another. But there was never any guarantee that the new system would be more successfull. It was a complete toss of the dice, and castle rolled snake eyes..critical miss, the hardcore who said they hated it have left, and the casuals who said they loved it got bored with it and went back to pve. Now no one pvps. GG



I am having fun for sure in rv ...however theguys that bring in regen scrappers and believe their unstoppable...well their not having as much fun.



Originally Posted by Globey_EU View Post
It's not worth it. You are correct.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
r u catgurl?????


solo pvp?

Cooler than every single owl EVER.



You're still here?



There was some pretty kick-butt action in RV on Virtue tonight. Multiple battles happening everywhere, though the vills eventually got overpowered due to heroes having superior numbers (and a trio of fire/regen scrappers from Korea. I kid you not).

All I13 did was get Widows out of zones and force people to team more. At least on Virtue.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



If anything I13 made most builds less team-dependent. This may or may not be a bad thing but in an MMO that puts a heavy emphasis on teaming, it seems awkward.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
If anything I13 made most builds less team-dependent. This may or may not be a bad thing but in an MMO that puts a heavy emphasis on teaming, it seems awkward.

I disagree.

It's ******* stupid as hell. That's what it is.



Well I have always been a duelist not a FFA PvP'r and though Ihave had to changes my choice for pvp toons here and there to adapt I still enjoy a good duel or arena match. hopefully they will finally find a level playing field although I am not sure I have the ammount of sunshine left in me that GG has



PVP is definitely worth it now with the i13 improvements. Yes, I seriously believe the changes were improvements. Not to mention the chances for a very valuable PVP IO recipe drop.



Glad you are having fun, The_Coming_Storm.

If anything positive comes out of it here, it's that I'm basically levelling goofy builds and just having fun with them. It's still fun to smash people I guess.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I've PVP'd before i13 and I still pvp now. They were both fun. Old pvp was way more hardcore, and now PVP has been casualized. [made up my own word there]

PVP is what it always has been to me: fun. I was never hardcore in pvp but I pvp'd more than casually. Then again, I never played Fotms and I was sniping before it was viable.. pvp'd with doms before the buff.. To me it's fun to make a build that isn't fotm and getting good with them.

PvE < PvP for me anyday.

I wish the devs would just listen to what we want a little bit more though. I'd love to see a pvp server with villains invading hero zones and vice versa.. and I'm sure many would like the idea... but w.e I digress



Still build dependent, and sometimes the powers you have to choose to be competitive clash with powers you personally like.

Specific power pools are mandatory, slotting requirements, etc.



I've been around since I2, before Arena was even introduced and I must say that I used to love PVP. Last summer I read about all the PVP changes coming to I13 and I cried. I played it for a week and was so disappointed with the changes that I canceled my account with NCSoft.

3 Weeks ago my wife and I rejoined to check things out and as before, PVE was fantastic however PVP is still horrible with the new system.

I beg and plead with the developers to either put the old system back or at least have a zone where your powers work the same as PVE.

Note: The new Detoggle rule however is fantastic for both PVE and PVP, but other than that, I13 makes me want to go back to WoW.