Have you ever found your 'one special character'?
Yes, my Peacebringer, Tiger White.
Oh, and your linky is brokey.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Yeah one of the first heroes I made 2 years ago is my spine scrapper called Ravius, I still play him the most and like collecting badges on him.
Well, my first level 50 hero E. has a special place even though I don't play him much. And all the incarnations of my fire/*** themed hero: Rushfire. At the moment he is a fire/kin but he's a bit stuck at level 12. Anyway, when I first came to Paragon City, Rushfire was the first hero I made(a blaster) and he made it to level 16 before I started over.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Healer Kid, much like Soul Storm, he's the one character that comes on when there is nothing else to do. even if its just to stand in atlas buffing the lowbies.
Well I must like my Katalina Claws/SR cos with her being the most irresponsible AT she is my most fun toon really, and the fact she was first on my list for a complete IO set build must say somit too.
Currently I can expect her to tank upto 2 AVs till the cows come home unaided competently as long as no other tank is in team and if that sounds better than some tanks then I just have to say I expect any type of Tank to do atleast 5 at their peak. So no, no scrapper can poss outgun a tank at their job.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Oh I got a few characters that I love but probably my favourite is Fruit Coktail, my Master mind inspired on '60 Batman villains, every minion is named after a fruit. It's so funny to play with him
He's Thugs / Poison by the way. All natural, dangerous fruit power
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
Yes, My main Empathy/Psi Defender.
Never expected it to be that way to be honest. The first toon I made back in March 2005 was MA/SR Scrapper and the third an Earth/Storm Troller. It just happened that my 2nd character got the most welcoming response from the community and also was in demand for teams the most and so inadvertantly became my badgewhore.
Funny how virtual life works out huh!
Yeah, my minituarised mechanical alter-ego. He took his time to get to 50, but nowadays, despite rampant altism and suchnot, Alpha is the one I can always pick up and play. He's great fun to RP ('What are you doing? Get out of my lab!') and mass AoE destruction tails him whenever I go missioning
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Not really.
Been here since EU launch (with breaks) and who I have loved has changed over that time. Lost Ninja my main still holds a special place in my heart but I think if I could afford the name change x2 I'd 'respec' her from DM/Rng to Claws/WP.
I suppose for me its the name that holds the character not the powers, so in that yeah I guess Lost Ninja is the one for me... Its now my main online name.
Started 4 years ago and made a char under the name "Deathscythe" (cant even remember the server) returned a few years later and tried the name again on a new account - alas was unable take the name, fell in love with my corr "Lord Mortarion" for a year, then my blaster "Stryke"
However, nothing has come even close to the enjoyment I have with my scranker BS/WP megatoon Warscythe whom I cannot say I go a day of gameplay without splattering something or other. Its a combination of concept, look, name, and sheer stupid survivability that makes this toon fun to play.
Although it comes at the expense of over 15 very dusty unused toons
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
As much as I love playing as Thyristor my storm summoning / electrical blast defender, that was inspired by a character I rolled up for a champions game getting on for 30 years ago now ( eek ), my absolute favourite and the one I lavish the most influence and time is Powershift, a warshade.
Swissy has been kind enough to work on a sketch of her and you can see the work in progress
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
I guess Night Hornet (db/wp scrap) is the one for me, he was the second ever toon I made, my first 50 and even his main costume has still stayed the same after all this time. I always log on as him first each day and all my in-game friends know me as NH.
However I must admit I have a real growing fondness for my latest 50 Major Mystery kin/nrg fender (ssshhh don't tell NH )

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)
GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook
I have three!
Ionos and Arctic Princess were rolled out back in 2005! Ionos got to 30 and then Villains came along and I realised I had no idea how to play the game! It was pre-ED and the old debt system plus I was running the game on a rig which made the Hollows doubly frustrating, with constant disconnects and a lot of performance issues.
I re-rolled Ionos last year and, thanks to altitis for previous characters, he zoomed to 50 and is much fun. He is an Elec*3 Blaster and a total glass cannon. So much fun to play.
Arctic Princess started out as a MA/SR 50s/60s pastiche gettng to the dizzy heights of level 6 (she was my first character rolled), then became a sword-wielding woman (Kat/SR) called Ariadne and got to level 6 too! Then she was rolled out to join Red Commissar's Workers of Eastern Europe SG and the trip to 50 zoomed by. She was so easy to slot and pick attacks for plus play solo in the wee small hours of the morning and I have experienced most of the then content with her (Faultline and Safeguards etc turned up after she hit 50 - I have yet to complete the ITF and STF with her!)
My final 'favourite' or 'gem' is Whirling Dervish. I rolled her the same time as the final version of AP and she's my one character who feels really 'super' She's an Earth/Storm/Stone 'troller.
All three have been easy to play in different ways but slotting-wise I've always managed to get it 'right' for them in terms of my play style.
I have numerous other alts (including a few 50s) who, sadly, haven't felt the same way when I play them. AP is still very much my badgehunter and I just can't be bothered with HEATs, VEATs or badgehunting on my villain.
The one character I have that just keeps me coming back is Shadowe, my Eng/Eng blaster main on CoH. He was the first character I rolled up, way back in 2005, and he's always the first character I log in with when I load up the game. He's my badgehunter, my main RP toon, my main playing toon, and he's just awesome fun. I've clocked over 3600 hours on him so far (haven't checked for a while), and no other toon I've rolled has come close, though my Rad/Psi defender is very enjoyable, too.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Other name... not character I have had that I love is Grendel.
I made a Claws/??? probably Rgn called Grendel in EU beta. Once live came a long Grendel became DM/DA. Got to 26/7 and was deleted as it badly needed stamina and I couldn't actually complete a respec on it. (Then came freespec with i4). Thats when I rolled Lost Ninja.
Grendel was rerolled into IIRC a blaster for a bit. But once LN reached 50 Grendel was my first Warshade... never got above 22 or so.
And now she's a DM/DA Tank so has sort of come full circle. I don't play her a lot as she isn't designed for solo play and I am finding a scarcity of low level teams that actually need/want a tank.
Oh and Polyphemus. Also made in beta, also gone through a huge variety of builds, designs and ATs. Now my level 50 blaster using the same sets I used in beta.
Back on the US servers it was Kiken (MA/SR Scrapper), who had actully started life on the boards pre-beta. Took something like 14 months to get him to 50, but that was down to goofing around with my SG and various alts (and a couple of periods when I had no internet), and I loved every minute of him.
When I switched to the EU, though, he got shelved after a while, as do all my 50s. I bounced around from alt to alt for a long time, filling all my chatacter slots on Defiant and starting in on Union.
Where Iron Anderson (Inv/SS Tank) became my new favourite. One of my quicker 50s (which still isn't saying much) he still gets regularly played. Even if it's just standing around drinking martini's in Pocket D. Although, with MA he actually gets proper play time too. Along with the Brute version over on Redside, who will most likely (finally!) be my first Villain 50.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I have characters I'm fond of playing for varying reasons, but as for one absolute favourite? I don't know that I do. Others have one main, I have five or six mains with some other neglected chars sitting twiddling their thumbs. I log all the mains at least once each every two days, often bouncing between them in a single day's gaming.
Floaty and other feline fans may know my Stalker Dishonesty I think, but I also have Rumour, Fervence, and now Oubliette as Brutes to run around on. Each has a different story and character so I'm never left without something to do. I've some slots left over with no chars in them, waiting for the next idea.
Thats a tough one, it's either my Dark/Thermal Corruptor because he was my first ever character and after about 9 months of altitis I dinged 50
At the moment though, it's probably my Kat/WP Scrapper, Aristocras, I just love playing him to bits!
Tbh I really can't decide, I love all my characters for different reasons
Ultimate damz: Level 50 illusion/rad controller, my first ever 50 and still my favourite character.
No matter how strong any of my characters become, they seem like nothing when compared to him. Slotting is weak too but it just seems so well balanced/powerfull that you cant help but fall in love with it.
Also my fastest influence earner by a clear mile, none of my other characters come even close to how fast this one can gain influence!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
My favourite alt would have to be Golden Samurai (kat/regen scrapper). My very first character created and first to get to 50, but that took a while (I had created a few alts before he hit 50). Hes also my badge wh0re. I still play him regularly, but I also like to play my others alts as well.
My most fun to play alt has been Mistress Char (fire/rad troller) and used a build that I found on the US forums designed around aggression and damage (which Ive had to tweak quite a bit). Its a lot of fun charging into a full mob with 1 of 2 outcomes - standing or face-planted.
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people"
I got a couple running atm that I'm really enjoying a whole bunch. The first is the Defiant version of Imoba Strife who is a Katana/willpower scrapper. I'm just amazed at how hard he is to kill!
second comes forth from my altitis, Archer's Paradox a Archery/energy blaster with a real ugly costume (although I did descover a glow in the dark colour from him ). He spends just as much time punching mobs as he does shooting them, which certainly lends to his name a bit even if it was unintentional
Yes Sekmet ....if theres a game, she..or a version of her has been in it...and her story now explains how this is possible
Of course she's not on her own she has a whole Family and friends to help her.
Oh and some versions of her and her Family can be seen at my deviantart page follow the link in my sig
The character that I play the most is Firestreak, a Fire/Fire blaster.
It's incredible fun to play and goes from mega damage dealing Demigod to one hitpoint in the blink of an eye
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Inspired by this thread on the US boards, I was wondering if anyone over here has ever found their one perfect character?
Personally I was extremely lucky. I went round to a friend's house and he let me play with the character creator and a bit of the tutorial. I was stuck for names and I called the character Rike, prompted by my friend as a mixture of 'red' and 'spike'... yeah... Later that weekend I got the game running via his buddy code and made my Rike again - only this time it was a Dark Dark scrapper, where before it was a spines/da. I was always a few levels behind my friends and that drove me to try to get to 50 first. By the time I was mid thirties (levelling was slower and debt was a real threat back then) my friends were starting to lose interest and some of them left the game. I carried on and before the last of my friends left the game (they still come back from time to time) and I hit 50 (took me 4 months which was average pace back then). That was the only character I have been able to just play and build as I go... I can never seem to just ride it through nowadays and sometimes characters are planned even before they start patrolling Paragon City!
So I immediately made my namesake, Soul Storm; my peacebringer and I continued in the same way building and playing it as I went all the way up to the early 40s and then I lost interest and my altoholism started. I've never recovered since.
But my favourite and 'one special character' personally has and always will be Rike, my very first character. He's the one I log on when I have nothing to do etc.
So, have you found your special character?
EDIT: link fixed