The City of Heroes Lore




I'm not sure there is a link between the Iggy's and the DE but I'd like to hear evidence to the contrary. From what Manti has said it's possible the Igneous have been underneath the hollows for decades but the hollowing has unearthed the tunnels leading to the caverns where the explorer was to meet an untimely end but was healed by the native Igneous transforming him for keeps.

Heroes: Phobos-, Protector-Bot, Shadow of Ra, Bionic Eye, Entropic Chaos, Strike-Freedom.

Villains: Necron Phobos, Khorne-Berzerker, Full Metal Panic, Smasher Devourer, Degrees Kelvin.

Co-Leader of The Echelon
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I'm not sure there is a link between the Iggy's and the DE but I'd like to hear evidence to the contrary. From what Manti has said it's possible the Igneous have been underneath the hollows for decades but the hollowing has unearthed the tunnels leading to the caverns where the explorer was to meet an untimely end but was healed by the native Igneous transforming him for keeps.

[/ QUOTE ]
Like I said in my post, have a look at the recon officer report when you enter the Hollows - it states that there's believed to be a link between the DE and Igneous.

To quote:

- 'Rock Men' It is believed that these cave guardians are connected to the Devouring Earth in some way.

[/ QUOTE ]
This recon officers report is afaik the only place/info that's ever suggested a link between the Igneous and the Devouring Earth. So I guess that's why the original questioner asked about the link as well.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Blue Steel = Chuck Norris!

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chuck norris = overrated
he's just a man looking typical american, nothing special about him.




Blue Steel = Chuck Norris!

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chuck norris = overrated
he's just a man looking typical american, nothing special about him.

[/ QUOTE ]

You must be Blue Steel - only he could say that!

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Now you see, as an ex table-top and LARPer I would say that (OOC) that's what's believed by the public (it would make sense from a random in the street) but that it really doesn't actually exist.

I used to throw a few things like that into my games, blatant lies to the players but they had to act as if they were true because they didn't have the knowledge as their character!

Yay for evil GMs!!!

xxx Ethan xxx

Yes, I'm one of those sad folk on twitter!

"Do not underestimate the power of Shiny�" - Mothers_Love



Hi guys, just a quick question - what was the date that the nuclear 90 were born? (ie, what's Fusionette's birthday. )

edit: rough guess on their age would be fine.



Now you see, as an ex table-top and LARPer I would say that (OOC) that's what's believed by the public (it would make sense from a random in the street) but that it really doesn't actually exist.

I used to throw a few things like that into my games, blatant lies to the players but they had to act as if they were true because they didn't have the knowledge as their character!

Yay for evil GMs!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
Agree fully in general, for randoms in the street or as misdirection to seed an adventure.

But this is from the recon officer - presumably feeding us the best intelligence the authorities (bit hazy about who they work for) have about the Hazard Zone.

It's also odd that, iirc, this is:
* the only reference to Igneous being related to DE;
* the only piece of misinformation in the Hazard zone briefings (if it is misinformation).

As such it looks more like true information that isn't realised anywhere else in the game.

BTW - I also wonder why, given no new info, people would imagine the Igneous are related to the DE. The DE may have some rock-based creatures, but are visually and geographically quite distinct. It's also almost unheard of to find the rock-based DE without their more obviously biological comrades - something the Igneous lack.

Also: Why mention the DE at all?? People tend to enter the Hollows c.lvl 5-10. They've probably never seen/heard of the Devouring Earth by then... so what use does this misdirection serve if it is misdirection? It effectively says These rockmen that you've not yet met seem to be related to another group of things that you haven't met yet.

Now I could believe that it was added by a mischeivious dev just to see how many forum posts they could generate just by popping in a starnge connection...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Reichsman's group was called the storm corps he kept them weaker so they couldn't oppose him unless this has been changed in the new TFs

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According to the wiki, the Axis America counterpart to the Freedom Phalanx is called the Amerika Korps.

The Storm Korps were a WWII Nazi super group fighting in Europe, although quite why they'd have such a bizarre composite English/German name is unexplained (they ought to be the Sturm-Korps or something). They mainly fought the Dawn Patrol, although presumably they were also responsible for wounding Statesman at Normandy.



Hi guys, just a quick question - what was the date that the nuclear 90 were born? (ie, what's Fusionette's birthday. )

edit: rough guess on their age would be fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

I could be sure I've seen this somewhere, not sure if it was in the Freedom Phalanx book or Web or Arachnos....might have been an on line source, I'll read the books again just in case

Edit: Healer Kid is supposed to be one of them as well, though I'd need to log him in to check if I've put an age in, in game he's supposed to look younger than he really is

Further Update: Just logged in and checked ID, myself and a few other Nuclear 90 characters I have seen via Wiki ect seem to regard teh nuclear 90 to be in their 20's making their birth year somewhere in the 80's



Hi guys, just a quick question - what was the date that the nuclear 90 were born? (ie, what's Fusionette's birthday. )

edit: rough guess on their age would be fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

I could be sure I've seen this somewhere, not sure if it was in the Freedom Phalanx book or Web or Arachnos....might have been an on line source, I'll read the books again just in case

Edit: Healer Kid is supposed to be one of them as well, though I'd need to log him in to check if I've put an age in, in game he's supposed to look younger than he really is

Further Update: Just logged in and checked ID, myself and a few other Nuclear 90 characters I have seen via Wiki ect seem to regard teh nuclear 90 to be in their 20's making their birth year somewhere in the 80's

[/ QUOTE ]

Early 20s or late 20s? Also, got any links to these other N90 characters? I've just started one myself, which is why I'm asking, it'll be interesting to see what other people have done with the concept.

Just ordered those CoH books btw, even if they don't have the info in, they're bound to be an interesting read.



I am aware a lot of people like to do Westin Phipps Arc's... as such I am interested in doing an Arc told by him as the contact in the MA - could you provide any information about what stories the Dev's would have like to have him tell (or innocent people he could victimise) that you guys haven't ever had chance to write about?




A new Canon Fodder post is now up with some additional info on Blue Steel for those that were *not* amused last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!




Hi guys, just a quick question - what was the date that the nuclear 90 were born? (ie, what's Fusionette's birthday. )

edit: rough guess on their age would be fine.

[/ QUOTE ]

I could be sure I've seen this somewhere, not sure if it was in the Freedom Phalanx book or Web or Arachnos....might have been an on line source, I'll read the books again just in case

Edit: Healer Kid is supposed to be one of them as well, though I'd need to log him in to check if I've put an age in, in game he's supposed to look younger than he really is

Further Update: Just logged in and checked ID, myself and a few other Nuclear 90 characters I have seen via Wiki ect seem to regard teh nuclear 90 to be in their 20's making their birth year somewhere in the 80's

[/ QUOTE ]

Early 20s or late 20s? Also, got any links to these other N90 characters? I've just started one myself, which is why I'm asking, it'll be interesting to see what other people have done with the concept.

Just ordered those CoH books btw, even if they don't have the info in, they're bound to be an interesting read.

[/ QUOTE ]

The books are awesome, there was meant to be a third but as far as I know it was shelved.

I cant remember the link for other players characters sorry will try to find them for you tho




A new Canon Fodder post is now up with some additional info on Blue Steel for those that were *not* amused last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!


[/ QUOTE ]

"Blue Steel has a special rank in the PPD and is also registered as a super-powered hero"

Aw, you totally missed the chance to say that Blue Steel is registered as a lethal weapon, and that his rank in the PDD is "Blue Steel", and that all the other ranks are named "The Rest"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




A new Canon Fodder post is now up with some additional info on Blue Steel for those that were *not* amused last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!


[/ QUOTE ]

There were people who were not amused? Was it the Queen?

'one is not amused!'




A new Canon Fodder post is now up with some additional info on Blue Steel for those that were *not* amused last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!


[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot to say that Blue Steels father was just one day away from retirement when he was shot.

Retirony FTW!




A new Canon Fodder post is now up with some additional info on Blue Steel for those that were *not* amused last week.

Have a great weekend everyone!


[/ QUOTE ]

You forgot to say that Blue Steels father was just one day away from retirement when he was shot.

Retirony FTW!

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't forget that secretly it was his partner that was responsible for the death.



In terms of Ouroboros, Mender Silos supposidly broke his own "carbon law", did he do that by altering his own history, thus detatching himself from the current timeline?

Thats the only plausable way I can see it happening, and as such replicated the idea in my MA arc, just want to see if I got it right!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



I guess it depends on what the Carbon Law applies to. If he is who we all suspect he is, who's to say he's even human?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



What is the story behind Malaise?

Being a long time player of CoH I know that Malaise used to stand in Independance Port when Sister Psyche's body was in the hospital and her mind was sharing Aurora Borealis' body.
After Sister Psyche got her own body back, Malaise disappered and I'd heard that he'd gone evil again. He shows up in the 4th Shadow Shards TF as an AV. Is this the Preatorian Malaise (who is definatly evil) or the Malaise that was stood in IP? Malaise also shows up in the Recluse SF as a member of the Vindicators, so can't be all bad.

I'm guessing you'll save this answer for just before Going Rogue comes out :P



What is the story behind Malaise?

Being a long time player of CoH I know that Malaise used to stand in Independance Port when Sister Psyche's body was in the hospital and her mind was sharing Aurora Borealis' body.
After Sister Psyche got her own body back, Malaise disappered and I'd heard that he'd gone evil again. He shows up in the 4th Shadow Shards TF as an AV. Is this the Preatorian Malaise (who is definatly evil) or the Malaise that was stood in IP? Malaise also shows up in the Recluse SF as a member of the Vindicators, so can't be all bad.

I'm guessing you'll save this answer for just before Going Rogue comes out :P

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the poor man is totally mad and then changing sides all the time.



Me have Malaise by Supradine? lol

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



The last we saw of Apex in the comics, he was shouting for a team. Now, I know that sometimes the comics don't ALWAYS come over to the game but there is a badge that mentions him.

What ever happened to Apex? Has he gone "Rogue"? Will we be seeing him in game at all?

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.



The last we saw of Apex in the comics, he was shouting for a team. Now, I know that sometimes the comics don't ALWAYS come over to the game but there is a badge that mentions him.

What ever happened to Apex? Has he gone "Rogue"? Will we be seeing him in game at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

I actually was wondering that too.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
