



So I have a character with whom the Prestige Powerslide would go well with. The only problem is as far as I've read this power is only available with the Hero Kit (or DVD collectors edition of CoH), which I don't believe is available anymore on plaync's store.

Is there any other way of getting this power or one similar?



Its one of the Vet rewards too now, but I forget which one.



Are you sure? I thought the vet reward was the sprint powers, which were a different pack according to the Wiki.



It's not one of the vet rewards and cannot be purchased from plaync anymore. Even if you could find a new sealed boxed collectors edition from a games store/ebay I'm not sure you could use the serial if your account was set up with a later version of the game.

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bah, so swift (think it's swift) and a glowing foot aura is the closest thing then?

Mind you I think my account was an original CoV account, but I'm not gonna look around for a box to try it out



I got the box set which included the prestige power slide super, super cheap on E-bay -- I think it was about £3.50, including the postage and with a month of play included (and another 15 days of paid play on a second code valid to set up another account). So it might be worth setting up a search on e-bay for a copy.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



I set up my account with a dvd collectors edition, and have used modern serials with it, so i guess it works the other way around, although i am not entirely sure.

I've recently recovered from a ban because someone petitioned me out of spite, and so if you DO find a collectors edition code, be careful what you do ingame x)



I've recently recovered from a ban because someone petitioned me out of spite, and so if you DO find a collectors edition code, be careful what you do ingame x)

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I'm curious. What did you do to earn the spite of whomever petitioned you?



Just got to say that i love using powerslide on my "surfs up dudddeeee" characters

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



With the 1 year Veteran award you get all the different prestige runs




With the 1 year Veteran award you get all the different prestige runs


[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to labour the point but the prestige runs with the 12 month veteran reward are Prestige Power Dash, Prestige Power Quick, Prestige Power Rush, and Prestige Power Surge. Not the Powerslide, please read the link you posted.

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Back when power slide was only for collectors edition CoH, I was awarded it erroneously on my main account (this one) and it has never been revoked. I'd sell it if I could as I loathe the pink glow. My alt account has it because it was started with my spare collectors edition.



If you can get a hold of a boxed edition you should be able to apply it to your account. I'm currently doing the same for the CoV collectors editions though for some reason one of the codes wouldn't apply to either of my 2 accounts so im waiting for support to get back to me (4 days and counting ) the other code applied without any problems so I'm thinking its some kind of duff code.



Isn't it illegal to purchase a code etc off ebay ?



Nope, and if it is NCsoft can't find out, and can't do anything to stop you



With the 1 year Veteran award you get all the different prestige runs


[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to labour the point but the prestige runs with the 12 month veteran reward are Prestige Power Dash, Prestige Power Quick, Prestige Power Rush, and Prestige Power Surge. Not the Powerslide, please read the link you posted.

[/ QUOTE ]

All I can say is oops, I could be sure it gave the slide as well since its named Prestige powerslide...

Oh well sorry about that.



I bought a CoH collector's box and had to email PlayNC to get it applied, but yeah it does work



Isn't it illegal to purchase a code etc off ebay ?

[/ QUOTE ]Nope, and if it is NCsoft can't find out, and can't do anything to stop you

[/ QUOTE ]

It is illegal to sell or purchase existing accounts and you may get a few nasty surprises too due to account restrictions. Getting the account banned for instance is one of those nasty surprises.

I seem to remember a case when a player sold his account to another player and then petitioned us to say that his account had been hacked into resulting in the account being banned after we figured out that he had actually sold it. This goes against our User Agreement.

We can find out when accounts get sold. When one game account get sold, it is the entire NCsoft (ex-PlayNC) account that needs to get transferred to the buyer, which implies that the seller needs to update all the account information to match the buyer's details. But there are always a few things that they can't change on the back end and that make it easier for us to figure out what happened.

And I am looking into possible ways to get that EU CoV Collectors Slide power. I should have more information about that tomorrow.

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Awesome, i'm a COV collectors edition account.

Also Avatea, in response to your selling NCsoft's intellectual property argument, people always find loopholes.

For example, go onto any ebay listing and you'll see

"You are paying for the service of having your account levelled up to 50, with 5000 million infamy" blah blah.

People always find loopholes like this to prove they aren't selling NCsoft's intellectual property, which is why ebay never removes listings of game accounts being sold.

And also, how can it be illegal to purchase accounts? I understand how it is illegal to sell accounts (sellling intellectual property of ncsoft)

But i find buyers are never punished. I found this to be the case with lineage 2, for example. How can you possibly punish buyers? They aren't breaking any rules. Just curious.



Isn't it illegal to purchase a code etc off ebay ?

[/ QUOTE ]

I bought an unopened Collector's edition still in its shrink wrap, and good luck to NCSoft if they want to try to ban people who've bought a copy of the game from reselling it unused.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



It is illegal to sell or purchase existing accounts and you may get a few nasty surprises too due to account restrictions. Getting the account banned for instance is one of those nasty surprises.

[/ QUOTE ]
Just to be picky but it isn't illegal which means you have broken a law. It will be against the EULA and probably T&C. But the police are very unlikely to arrest and charge you for it.

Buying boxed software providing you aren't buying the account isn't even against the EULA. (Unless they have updated it recently to stop people buying the game.)



Avatea isn't saying that buying the game over e-bay is against the EULA, she's saying buying an already active acount off of sombody is against the EULA. Unused games boxes are fine.



And I am looking into possible ways to get that EU CoV Collectors Slide power. I should have more information about that tomorrow.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sweet, thanks. I'd be happy if it was to be included in a future booster pack or something similar. Not so much if it was part of a veterans award though (It'd be a long time before me getting it and my Ice Hero would go without and to be honest that character is the reason why I asked ).

As for buying boxed versions from ebay or w/e, as far as I understand buying a box set with a code is fine as long as that code hasn't been used already to make an NC account or linked to an NC account and the seller is trying to sell the account.



Just thought I'd add to this thread and say that I've just picked up a sealed copy of CoH Deluxe off of ebay and want to apply the code to my account to get the cape and power slide ability.

However, when I enter the code, it takes me straight to new account creation. If it helps, I'm running an original 2005 CoH account, with the latest Steam edition, Cyborg, Good Vs Evil item pack and Mac item pack applied.

Any updates on this would be appreciated


Blast Bolt



I presume you're aiming for an "Iceman" style sliding effect, but can you change the colour of the power slide effect? ISTR its kind of purple which might not work thematically for you.

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