



Just thought I'd add to this thread and say that I've just picked up a sealed copy of CoH Deluxe off of ebay and want to apply the code to my account to get the cape and power slide ability.

However, when I enter the code, it takes me straight to new account creation. If it helps, I'm running an original 2005 CoH account, with the latest Steam edition, Cyborg, Good Vs Evil item pack and Mac item pack applied.

Any updates on this would be appreciated


Blast Bolt

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I'd raise it with support and perhaps they will do something for you, as I warned above, I don't think the code can be applied to most accounts, as I think they were set up differently then. But maybe support will look at it kindly for you

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Just thought I'd add to this thread and say that I've just picked up a sealed copy of CoH Deluxe off of ebay and want to apply the code to my account to get the cape and power slide ability.

However, when I enter the code, it takes me straight to new account creation. If it helps, I'm running an original 2005 CoH account, with the latest Steam edition, Cyborg, Good Vs Evil item pack and Mac item pack applied.

Any updates on this would be appreciated


Blast Bolt

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I'd raise it with support and perhaps they will do something for you, as I warned above, I don't think the code can be applied to most accounts, as I think they were set up differently then. But maybe support will look at it kindly for you

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Thank you Night Hornet, I'll log a request with them.



I presume you're aiming for an "Iceman" style sliding effect, but can you change the colour of the power slide effect? ISTR its kind of purple which might not work thematically for you.

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Correct and I believe I could RP my way around the colour, although having a blue for powerslide would have been excellent!