Issue 15 Mission Architect Badge Changes




i still trying to get my head around there are some maps that let you put in i think 125 glowies, now if they didn't want to do these types of farms, why the hell did they put that in there?? i mean come on something like this should of show a promblem would happen as get all glowy badge getting is a 100 i think

it a tool they give us for some wierd reason and it made no reason

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Incompetence management expertise!!!

Rollback! To issue 3!! Please!!! And lets do it right from there!!!!



seems a lot of people were expecting MA to come out perfect first time.

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I wasn't expecting perfection but lets be realistic for a second - turning a game into a farming game by adding those invention enhancements closely followed by an auction house then giving the players a tool to create their own missions. How could they *not* have forecast the likely result? It's easy to be wise after the event but this one was so obvious...

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the marketing people got hold of it like they usually do and had it pushed out 'on time' regardless of the thing not being remotely ready.



Edited by Avatea



Also, don’t be surprised if you see Architect badges in future issues as well as we make this feature even more robust than was available at launch.

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your entitled to your opinion as we all are

call me a bully - quite the opposite, in my experience certain members in game ARE bullies. this is just my response to having stuff i have earned taken off me.

but dont worry your pretty little head about it because after the 4th june i wont be here. much to the multitudes pleasure (before you sate it)

so you dont mind having your own rewards taken off you I DO

[/ QUOTE ]ok i know i didn't say it but i meant ncsoft way of handerling this is the bully



seems a lot of people were expecting MA to come out perfect first time.

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I wasn't expecting perfection but lets be realistic for a second - turning a game into a farming game by adding those invention enhancements closely followed by an auction house then giving the players a tool to create their own missions. How could they *not* have forecast the likely result? It's easy to be wise after the event but this one was so obvious...

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the marketing people got hold of it like they usually do and had it pushed out 'on time' regardless of the thing not being remotely ready.

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Much as I love to bash Marketing in general in fairness MA was already delayed by an issue so they could get it right and reach some stretch goals. I reckon the pressure to release it was more based on their burdgoning and ever bloating schedule pipeline as well as the number of man hours already invested in it more than Marketing interferring.

That's more down to them underestimating the workload involved I reckon than anything else.

The idea is that you don't actually put 125 glowies so that a low number has 'random' positioning. The flooded city Ghostworld version has you looking for one glowie which means 125 possible locations for it.

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Sure, but there's no reason not to put a cap of 20 or so Glowies anyway. The 20 would just be randomized by the 125 potential points.

I think the potential points is due to how the initial map was created, probably for the reason you mentioned. But no-one in there said "Hey, shouldn't we put an hard MA Glowie limit in rather than just relying on the Map set-ups?"



And as for anyone who complins about badges being their right to have; no it isn't. Aside from your own character profile (which even that is under limited licence) everything in the game; badges, costumes, loot, etc. belongs to NCSoft and you agreee to that every time you play. It's in the EULA.

[/ QUOTE ] why is it a right to try and do Propaganda BS with the EULA. we know it there and there are some people out there have trouble reading stuff like that. i know im not great in understand all of that or at least remember about 10,000 lines of rules while i play a game. i still screw up on monopoloy don't mean i didn't read the rules.



all is not lost

winter 2009

[/ QUOTE ]lol OnLive, enjoy your vapourware.

As for the badges, I am kinda annoyed that some very nice badge titles are going missing, and the fact that they didn't deal with the badging cartels by revoking voting rights is annoying, but I do agree that at least some of the badges should be removed.



all is not lost

winter 2009

[/ QUOTE ]lol OnLive, enjoy your vapourware.

[/ QUOTE ]

Winter 2009. Cool, at least we don't have to wait Duke Nukem lengths of time for it



all is not lost

winter 2009

[/ QUOTE ]lol OnLive, enjoy your vapourware.

[/ QUOTE ]

Winter 2009. Cool, at least we don't have to wait Duke Nukem lengths of time for it

[/ QUOTE ]I would bet on there being a delay or few.



usually is. dont know about you but i can wait



all is not lost

winter 2009

[/ QUOTE ]lol OnLive, enjoy your vapourware.

[/ QUOTE ]

Winter 2009. Cool, at least we don't have to wait Duke Nukem lengths of time for it

[/ QUOTE ]

From the FAQ section.

Where will OnLive be available?
We’ll be launching across the continental US.

[/ QUOTE ]



at first - so ill have to wait



usually is. dont know about you but i can wait

[/ QUOTE ]Well, you can wait for the next 10 years if you want, but it's not coming out.



well if thats the case theres always the hardcopy and local ethernet lol



Avatea (or any Dev reading).

I do not know if this has already been mentioned (have gone through my excel sheet to see all the changes).. and Avatea if it has been responded to then I will find it out, if not please deliver the info to the proper person.

I found several badges NOT mentioned in his message to us all...
What is the fate of the rest of these badges? (also a little error on a certain consideration)

The entire line of Architect badges (Architect X, Architect XXV, Architect L, Architect LXXV and Architect C). They are not mentioned in Synapse's info.
Mission Seeker, Mission Investigator, Mission Detective, Mission Inquisitor, Mission High Inquisitor. They are not mentioned.
Also the badge "Virtual Destruction" is not mentioned, but since the rest of that line is scheduled for destruction and it is the first badge in the line I guess it stays?
Another badge:
"Virtually Unpredictable" is not mentioned in the list at all (both on those that exit the game and those that stays).

Also How on earth are you going to earn the "Admiring badge" in the future when "The Chosen one" has been removed. You are going to play a Devs choice... but now there will be perhaps no dev choice badge?
I'm interested in knowing that system, both as an author and as a badger.
Also you can get the "Critic" badge, but this badge comes from playing a certain amount of Hall of Fame badges... Which will be removed. Again, I would be interested to know more of the new system you are giving us.

I'm glad you removed some of these badges, but over 80 of all MA Badges? That was a wee bit over the top as many of them could be gained. A little in shock here, specially with the reason mentioned "farming". Yes, many badges would need farming, but most of the badges ingame do. So why take away some of the achivements of other players that love collecting badges?

(Do I wish the death of the most farm required MA badges, yes, those where simply boring. But those that it does not matter and are reasonable requirements... I have no trouble with those.)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Also How on earth are you going to earn the "Admiring badge" in the future when "The Chosen one" has been removed. You are going to play a Devs choice... but now there will be perhaps no dev choice badge?
I'm interested in knowing that system, both as an author and as a badger.
Also you can get the "Critic" badge, but this badge comes from playing a certain amount of Hall of Fame badges... Which will be removed. Again, I would be interested to know more of the new system you are giving us.

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As I understand it, missions will still be promoted to "Dev's Choice" or "Hall of Fame" and will appear as such in the mission browser, so you can play Dev's Choice and HoF missions all you want. There will just no longer be any badges given to the author when a mission is promoted.




However, we want badges to be something that everyone can obtain.

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You do? But you are not making changes to current badges…Why? Take the following for example. Not everyone can be exepected to obtain them.

Empath Earned by healing 100,000,000 damage to NPCs, Pets or other Players. No Self Heals.
Jailed Be under the effects of enemy Holds, Stuns or Sleeps for 80 Hours

And what about this?…..this is not obtainable ….

Passport Only awarded for any EU account that originally transferred from a US account via the now unavailable server transfer function.


We really didn’t want the Mission Architect to be an environment that encourages farming for XP, Rewards or Badges

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Ahhh then you'll want to adjust this badge too? Because I bet there will be farming in MA for it.

Leader Earn 2 billion Infamy to earn this badge.

Why are you not going to change that?





We really didn’t want the Mission Architect to be an environment that encourages farming for XP, Rewards or Badges, and we thought long and hard about the current Architect badge situation. Ultimately we’d like it to be a place where you go to play great player created content.

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That generates some questions though, mostly about they ways you devs use rather than the badges.
I will try answering them myself, but correct me if I am wrong...
<ul type="square">[*]Why you gave so many badges to MA then? Probably to promote it enough so can reach even the badgers that didn't care about PLing. And now that served their purpose and you managed to have the numbers to make the press release about the success of MA, you remove them altogether. But numbers don't always show what is really happening. Is this really a success? Yes, we know: We are stupid, we don't understand, our opinion doesn't count, it's ok, you're the Gods in this game, you have the EULA to protect you, life goes on...[*]Why you gonna "fix" only MA badges? Can't you see that there are farmable badges outside MA? I see... You only care about MA's publicity at the moment, because there is an Architect Edition box to sell, so all those other badges that have unrealistic limits and it's impossible to get them if you don't grind foes or recipes, are ok as they aren't the main attraction right now... But the method for creating MA badges and those outside MA was the same... Yes, we know: We are stupid, we don't understand, our opinion doesn't count, it's ok, you're the Gods in this game, you have the EULA to protect you, life goes on...[*]How you can judge what is "great player created content" while you still let people earn tickets for each good rating, thus leading to ticket farming through ratings? You're doing that so all those farming missions will disappear into oblivion. That doesn't mean that what will be left is "good" though! Ratings system will continue to be as awful as it is now, so you can't ensure that we will manage to have "great player created content" in our top of our lists using the in-game's search system. All those changes don't change anything for players that was using other ways to be informed about "good content". Yes, we know: We are stupid, we don't understand, our opinion doesn't count, it's ok, you're the Gods in this game, you have the EULA to protect you, life goes on...[/list]For once more, I feel manipulated.
When all this ends, at least have the courage to say that *you* killed the player base and not the competition.

My 0.02 inf.



I have all those.... Am i special?

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



You have them with all your characters?
You're not special then...



Not intended to farmed. Is it a joke?
No seriously have the devs actually looked at the list of badges and checked availability?



There's a veil of red haze descending upon me and were these not the official forums my answer would be different and quite probably not fit for under-aged children. As it is, I'll try and exact some restraint upon my words and fully cap my feelings.

First of, thanks for the list. Will not talk about the timing of it as that is a completely different kettle of carrots.

Secondly, thanks, I can now stop trying to get the Golden Ticket one on my Hero with less than 2000 tickets to go.

I can also stop playing with the MA as it’s not worth it for me anymore. Played well over 100 different arcs, went out of my brain playing boring Dev Choice and Hall of Fame mission and now it’s all for nought. My 3 arcs will stay up for whatever people want to do with them. Heck, rate them at zero for all I care. After all, it’s not like it matters anymore.

After seeing the MA badges being extirpated like this I have to wonder why leave any badge at all? I mean exempting the ones required for the accolade might as well go the whole hog and delete them all. It's not like the time and effort people put into collecting them matters, does it? Especially in light of the


Also, don’t be surprised if you see Architect badges in future issues as well as we make this feature even more robust than was available at launch.

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where we will possibly get a chance to regain badges already worked for and attained and then you can take them back all over, creating a kind of feedback loop.

I read the

Q: What about non-Mission Architect badges?

A: We have no current plans to revisit old badges at this time, and I don’t foresee us doing this really. All badges unrelated to the Mission Architect will remain unaffected by the changes outlined above.

[/ QUOTE ] bit.

But quite frankly, this should be pursued further and with great enthusiasm. So, when can we expect to see most if not all of the Ouroboros badges removed, the Defeat badges removed, the epic Achievement badges removed, the Invention sets badges removed and the Wentworth sets removed? And what about all the ones people can no longer obtain or have a chance to? Like the anniversary ones, Bug Hunter, Passport and so on. Because after reading this pearl of wisdom


This means we will try to avoid badges that require repetitious tasks, aberrant play styles and give the illusion of “grindiness.” There may be “count” badges in the future, but they won’t be based on something you can grind at to achieve. An example would be a count badge for the number of badges you collect. That’s all I can really say right now as I don’t want to spoil any of the exciting badges that will go into future issues at this time.

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those fit snugly in that description. I strongly hope measures will indeed be taken to deal with them. After all, we don’t want any double standards in the way you act do you? It may lead to misleading the player base. Oh wait…

Or indeed, you could leave well enough alone and sort out the mess some other way. Like, for example, lowering the stupidly high requirements that force people into the “aberrant play style” you describe. And fix the system rating so that when a mission does indeed get into the Hall of Fame it stays there for at least a month regardless of the ratings it might get during that period. The only line needing removal would be the Builder one. The Virtual ones needed tinkering to lower their requirements. Once again, you go in with chainsaw where a scalpel would do. Bravo.

When will we see these changes take effect? Next patch?

PS - I did say try... I don’t know if I was able or not.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Shame, I had a number of these badges on MZ who has never been in a farming mission - just been reviewing MA arcs, testing and playing friends' arcs.

Still, will be nice to get the accolade once the changes are in