Avatea off duty...temporarily

Arctic Man



I found this on the French boards, couldn't find it on these boards though. Thankfully, I've translated it into English:

Hello everybody,

Rather than leave you wondering why I no longer respond to your messages or questions, or why your messages or discussions not suddenly disappear over the next week, I want you to know that I will be out of service in a place where I would have no access to my computer until Monday 27th April.

GhostRaptor will always be there for both English and French players (I took out the fancy words that Avatea used for simplicity), GMs also if you have any problems or to report emergencies.

I'll see you all in ten days!

See you soon!


[/ QUOTE ]



Kegger in the dominator forums!


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Would be nice to know what you're talking about, Rooks. Are you saying there's already a post made by Kegger in the Dominator forums about this or something? Because I can't find it there...unless you're talking about something else.

Or is there a party with lots of beer in the Dominator forums?



Would be nice to know what you're talking about, Rooks. Are you saying there's already a post made by Kegger in the Dominator forums about this or something? Because I can't find it there...unless you're talking about something else.

Or is there a party with lots of beer in the Dominator forums?

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you just edit that post after looking Kegger up on Google?

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Would be nice to know what you're talking about, Rooks. Are you saying there's already a post made by Kegger in the Dominator forums about this or something? Because I can't find it there...unless you're talking about something else.

Or is there a party with lots of beer in the Dominator forums?

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Did you just edit that post after looking Kegger up on Google?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I had a sudden feeling it was some sort of slang I didn't know about.



Lets conspire . . . . . where has she gone . . . . . .

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



she must be getting her "Welcoem to America" safety training.

you know, location of the fire exits etc.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Lets conspire . . . . . where has she gone . . . . . .

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooh!, ... where HAS she gone?



I personally think that she's taking her last chance for vacation before she's the *only* moderator on the EU boards.

I think that I would too...



Don't blame her!

Avatea if you're reading this while it's happening, have fun. If you read it after the event I hope that... ah well you get the point

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



You suggesting issue 15 is here? You know something we dont know?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



You suggesting issue 15 is here? You know something we dont know?

[/ QUOTE ]

I know you suck for causing someone to post on Mothership Raid Channel I was lucky I saw you two having your couples arguement in the Help channel.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Lets conspire . . . . . where has she gone . . . . . .

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Oooh!, ... where HAS she gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm voting for the maternity ward.

Anyway, while she's away there's nobody to moderate, NOBODY AT ALL!


Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Wasn't it Bridger who used to take time off before big announcements were made?

[/ QUOTE ]

Only if CuppaJo was off at the same time

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Wasn't it Bridger who used to take time off before big announcements were made?

[/ QUOTE ]

Only if CuppaJo was off at the same time

[/ QUOTE ]

Which she always was.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You suggesting issue 15 is here? You know something we dont know?

[/ QUOTE ]

I know you suck for causing someone to post on Mothership Raid Channel I was lucky I saw you two having your couples arguement in the Help channel.

[/ QUOTE ]

That ended up to be a joke in which a few people took a bit TOO serious . .. . . . . . . . Just ask anybody in atlas at the time, i got slaughtered!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



You suggesting issue 15 is here? You know something we dont know?

[/ QUOTE ]

I know you suck for causing someone to post on Mothership Raid Channel I was lucky I saw you two having your couples arguement in the Help channel.

[/ QUOTE ]

That ended up to be a joke in which a few people took a bit TOO serious . .. . . . . . . . Just ask anybody in atlas at the time, i got slaughtered!

[/ QUOTE ]

Any apendages that you didn't get back can I have to hit you with?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I was indeed using some of my Personal Time Off as they call it here before GhostRaptor's departure.

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I was actually right for once?



I was indeed using some of my Personal Time Off as they call it here before GhostRaptor's departure. Somehow things always seem to happen when I am off!

I'm back for the 5th Anniversary celebrations though

[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome back Av! Have a good time?

Are we allowed to reveal the TRUE us now your refreshed?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I need to prep myself for when all hell breaks loose!

[/ QUOTE ]

Rumour has it that there'll be CHAOS very soon Like in a few hours . . . . .

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



muahahaha soon.. so very soon then CRY HAVOK!