Review Thread




Will resume reviews after Tuesday's events.



First of all many thanks for reviewing it, I will do my best to make the whole thing more presentable. Thank you.


The map used for mission one is an abandoned warehouse. It's full of a custom faction of Beduin Warriors (their description labels them as villains bringing shame to their people), the minions use the Broadsword powerset (Arabian Scimitar), and the lieuts use Archery, high enough to have Explosive Arrow - that particular attack feels a little bit out of place. Your goal is to recover the tablet, but there's two other optional goals - a CoT Ruin Mage named Archmage Trasis (spawns frontloaded and escaped after I attacked him), and a MA/WP ally named Sir Lionel Trevellia, who spawns without any guards and says "Nicely done"(?) when you meet him.

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I removed the explosive arrow that should help, I didn't feel it was a huge issue consideirng how often they turn up in action movies set in any age these days, but if people think it kills the feel they are out

As for Lionel I could have sworn I made sure he was fighting someone, but for some reason that never stuck hmm... well corrected again (and hopefully in the other missions as well) thanks for noticing


Turns out Tarsis tampered with the tablet and copied it, escaping to Cairo, Egypt with the copy. You take the Oriental Express and a ship to catch up to him, and agree to meet up in an office - which turns out to be taken over by Beduin Warriors. The mission has a 30 minute timer, which you're not warned about, and Tarsis tries to flee at low HP (I got him this time though). Sir Lionel Trevellia makes another appearance, again with possibly messed up text lines.

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I removed the time limit, it wasn't essential. As for the boss flees... really any boss who isn't done with his plot should try to flee I guess that is just my philosophy, but I will see about setting up some warning.


You finally make it to the tomb, only to find it's already being looted by villains - your goal is to recover the artifacts and subdue the leader of the tomb raiders. The raiders are from a faction humorously named the League of Scoundrels, and look rather appropriate for soldiers on a desert operation. They have typical soldier powersets, AR, Martial Arts, etc. There's some Bedouin around, too.
Your goal is to collect... 21 glowies, on a large Orangebagel map. I didn't believe my eyes at first. This is a long mission. Luckily enough, none of the glowies turned out to be particularly tricky to find, but I suspect luck to have played a role in that.

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Ok I admit this one is a bit tricky, but it is actually an optional goal, I can't decide you complete mission by either collecting all the artifacts or defeating the boss, so I went for having to defeat the boss, but eluded to you had to preserve them. I clearly marked that now as an optional goal and I changed it so you don't know how many there is in all (using the single instead of plural line). The idea for many glowies was for them to be collected for "british museums" making a remark to how the plundered the treasures of Egypt back in those days. Basically by not collecting them you are allowing the egyptians to keep their artifacts. Anyway they are still there.


You also meet Tarsis' (rebellious) apprentice as an optional boss, and your mysterious friend Sir Lionel Trevellia, held hostage this time.

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He wasn't in the original script but he enforces the level limit which I thought was essential.


The (Elite) boss is just called 'Commander', and wears a black outfit with a cape and military hat, in contrast to the light beige outfits and barrets the normal soldiers wear. He's Broadsword/Invulnerability, and killed me pretty good the first time due to being exemped below my godmode. The second time I had Lionel with me, and it went better. No Unstoppable, thank you to the author.

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Well he has unstoppable but he only have two attacks so he shouldn't be super hard. BTW I suppose due to your setting you never saw it but the regular "boss" mob for the LoS also wears black.


Unfortunately, it isn't over. Deeper in the tombs, the League and its enigmatic leader (whose name I sadly forgot... not in the souvenir either) are working on a necromantic ritual to bring to life some sort of creature trapped in the tomb. You're sent to stop them.

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I will see if I can get it in the souvenir, which is being completely reworked (to get room for text elsewhere). The poem is the original I wrote that I used as basis for the whole idea, but any story is a "kill your darlings" and I guess this is one I have to kill.


Your contact tells you that to do this, you need to take out the two Necromancers, and keep four pillars from being destroyed.
...strangely enough, once you're actually -in- the mission, one of your objectives is to destroy the pillars. I suspect the author picked the wrong objective type by accident.

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Sorry about that I tested this a lot on test and found that the mobs never ever attacked the pillars so I changed type, I apparently forgot to change the text, ops bad me this will be corrected.


The two Necromancers are Necromancy/Dark Miasma EBs - could be tough for some, but the arc did warn you to bring a team. I think Tarsis was in this mission too.
The leader of the League is also present, though his name eludes me at the moment. I'm terrible with names, sorry. He fills the role of a third Necromancer, and throws undead minions at you. He conned as an EB, and wasn't much tougher than the other two in the mission.

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He is an AV, (at least MA says so) so he should be tougher, did a few changes to give him more firepower instead to make him a bit more different. Ohh and his name is Alexander Romanov


Destroying the pillars spawned a new objective - what looked like a young girl dressed in faux Egyptian garb named Nile. She mutters something in what I suspect is meant to be Egyptian, but I was unsuccessful in translating it. Granted, the first word she uttered resembled gibberish more than anything like a word... Escorting her out of the tomb ended the mission, and the arc.

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It's not Egyptian, it is ancient Egyptian, I used the Beinlich wordlist for the words what she asks is "Friend?" I might be using the list wrongly if so then someome please tell me how to do so correctly and I will


The arc is set in the past, though not in the form of an Ouroboros flashback, so it might be difficult to do in-character for those who enjoy that sort of thing. Unless you pretend it's a flashback.

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I guess it is meant as a retelling of an old adventure. The idea after all in MA is that it is an entertainment center so in the end I decided not to take that too serious. I will think on how to make it more accessible for RP'ers.


Your contact, the random guy who helps you in the missions, and the League are not introduced properly to the player. Nile's nature or fate are barely alluded to at all, and even then far too vaguely. I was hoping for an explanation in the Souvenir, but it turned out to simply be a semi-cryptic poem...

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I will do my ebst to fill the gaps and make these characters more "known" to the player, I guess I just didn't think much about it, my bad!


I do recommend this one to play, though. It just needs some work to make it more presentable. Also, the EBs are tough, the description wasn't kidding when it said to bring a team, especially due to the level cap (24).

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I designed it to be somewhat lower level just for it not to be another high level mish to wander through. I am fully aware it is designed "hard" for a solo but it is in all seriousness meant for a team.

Anyway thanks for the review I thought I be totally slaughtered but you only chewed lightly, I thank you for this and for pointing out all the problems, I will work on correcting them.

EU Global: @Night Druid
Little Squeak: Little Squeak talked to Me and Me said that Me is Me when Me thinks of me and Me is Me's name
Toxic Glow: I was tryin' ta teach her not ta refer ta herself in the third person, an it backfired



removing my arc 101282 from rotation for now! (one less on your list ). Found a severe problem with one of the EB fights. He calls a one mob ambush (and it was only one mob when I tested it) but when I played with a group the ambush was 10 of the same mob... impossible to beat.

I'll edit it and re-submit once its fixed.



#Arc 27552, "Apocalypse Cow"
tl;dr: 4 stars. Offenses: Surprise failable mission, powerposing/godmodding, "Just a bunch of stuff that happens".

WARNING: Humor is subjective. May not be funny to everyone, especially if you do not enjoy puns.

Your contact is Santa Gertrude... okay, this arc is so FULL of bovine puns I'm not even going to link what they all refer to. Seriously, play it, Google everything, nearly anything that is not a standard mob is a reference to a breed of cow or other cow-related joke/pun/reference. It's ludicrously well done.

Anyway, your contact sends you to rescue Jamaica Hope, who's been abducted by the Devouring Earth during her picnic in Eden. The mission is timed at 30 minutes, which you're warned of in advance (accompanied by what could be a subtle anti-farming stance declaration by the author). The map is the rather huge Eden map, as was expected... Luckily, there's no escort involved, so this was relatively quick and straightforward. By the way, she was kidnapped because she was in bio-weapons research in Crey Industries.

As if on cue, a Crey lab is attacked by DE, destroying anything they get their hands... claws... tendrils... er, limbs on. Your goal is to rescue some... okay, a LOT of scientists. Some are allies. Speaking of which, the map seems to either have a bunch of rather large ambushes or rather large patrols trotting around, one of which managed to kill one of the allies while I went AFK for like 20 seconds to get a snack from the kitchen, next to an elevator which I thought would be a safe spot. Mission failed, oh well.

One of the scientists you saved told you that the program they were working on (apparently focusing on cattle...) was run by a guy named Walter E. Cowtz, who'd fled with the genetic plans. The next map is a cargo ship (starting to feel like an overused map, that one), full of the usual boring Crey Tanks, and some oddly arcane looking bookcases.

Your goals are to pluck out two glowies from amidst several fake ones, and to defeat a boss, who is not, in fact, Cowtz. Instead, there was a custom Boss surrounded by 5th Column, who died way too fast for me to be able to tell what his powersets were. He seemingly tries to flee at low HP, which turns this into a surprise failable mission.

Without much of a briefing, you're implied to have chased Cowtz further, and the next map is the Primeva river map, full of the token gratuitous 5th Column cameo we've all seen in half of the arcs so far. Seriously, it's my favorite faction in the game, but everyone seems to put them in an arc whenever they need "unspecified bad guys with guns" so this won't win bonus points from me.
Cowtz is Mercenaries/Dark, and thus turned my Brute into mincemeat in our first fight before I could really do much. Goshdang Fearsome Stare. During the rematch I brought some appropriate insps and got my revenge. Cowtz rambles on a bit during the fight, and in the end you're explicitly implied to have killed him; oh well, the arc is Neutral.

But, who would've guessed it, there IS a cow level! The final mission reveals that the experimental humanoid cattle supersoldiers have escaped from wherever it is they were being held, and it's your job to stop them before things get ugly. The map is the Mother Mayhem hospital, and is a defeat-all full of custom mobs... and they're all cows!
Seriously, every one of them even has a description you'd expect to see in a cattle-themed Wiki, except for a sentence or two about supernatural powers in the end. In any case, either the author feels some sort of association between cattle and the arctic, or I missed a joke, but every single cow mob seems to have ice powers of some kind. Can be very annoying when Ice Armor using mobs get buffed by Cold Domination ones. There's also a moderately tough EB, Fire Melee/Ice Armor, and the only female, who you have to, quote, "slaughter". After turning them all into hamburgers, you're implied to make off with a little baby panda cow... thing, which was on her shoulder, deeming it too cute to kill.

I don't really know what to say. While running this arc, I was mostly staring at my screen in disbelief - but, for a change, in a good sense. The amount of cow puns is staggering, taken to the point of nearly counting as an art form. I realize I didn't cite any puns in the review, but, seriously, people... go play this. There's too many. Barely a single sentence that doesn't cowtain a pun on cattle.
Gameplaywise, some of the missions were annoying. The timed captive hunt on the huge Eden map isn't something that I particularly enjoyed, in spite of the humorous banter uttered by a DE patrol at one point. The second mission has a -ton- of escorts, none of which are allowed to die. The final one has particularly synergetic custom mobs, which may or may not strike you as a good thing.
I'm not sure if it's fair of me to nitpick at the story lacking impact, considering this was obviously a humor arc. Sure, the puns were hilarious in both quality and quantity, but it has the common flaw of not introducing or explaining characters or key plot elements - though, in hindsight, I suppose the 5th Column showing an interest in cow supersoldiers isn't that odd, considering they already employ Furries... Also, the arc blatantly decides what your character does, or even SAYS at some points, though this may not bother most people in a humor arc.
I understand the author is unable to edit the arc due to bloating, and not wanting to lose his current ratings. However, all things considered, this arc is definitely worth checking out. Bring help for the EBs though.



Arc #82059, "A proper heist."
tl;dr: 4 stars. Offenses: Punctuation, "Just a bunch of stuff that happens".

Your contact is a guy named Reynold Smalls, who proposes to you to rob a bank together, for only 10% of the cut. And by together, he means he's too old for this crud and needs you to assemble a posse of his acquaintances before you can pull this off, even if you could probably solo a normal bank mission - but cash is cash, so you roll with it.

First on our list is the muscle, who turns out to be a former Family heavy named Frankie, currently holed up somewhere in Mercy after shoving some Capo's teeth down his own throat after an incident involving Frankie's sister.
The map is the familiar old Kalinda's-first-mission map, appropriately full of Longbow. Your goal is to find Frankie and free him. Nothing too complex, and the map is tiny. There's also an optional Hellion Damned boss, probably only there for level scaling purposes. Frankie, dressed more like a former Hellion than former Family goon, doesn't need to be escorted after the rescue, and says he owes you a favor as thanks.

Pleased that Frankie owing you said favor means you don't have to pay him for his part in the heist, Reynold next sends you after Sammy Polenski, a hitman, next on our list under "firepower". He recently did a hit on someone from the Family, and they've caught up with him. You're told to go help the guy out, and ignore what he says about your appearance.
Sure enough, the next map is full of Family, an office. Another simple goal - just find Sammy and rescue him. Along the way, there was a particularly nasty Bone Daddy in a particularly tight corridor, who reminded me just how damn strong Skull bosses really were. Sammy looks moderately amusing, sporting a green suit with a green high-collar cape and green very-wide-brimmed hat. During the encounter he shows signs of rhypophobia, exclaiming that both his captors and yourself are all filthy, and that you should clean yourself up. At least he's sort of nice about it towards you.

Muscle, get, firepower, get, next up is the getaway driver, which seems almost unnecessary when most villains have a travel power by threat level 14. He brings it up later that she can just drive you to the bank, so you don't have to wade through the streets to get there. In any case, the driver turns out to be Reynold's own daughter, who you have to go and save - this is essentially a carbon-copy of mission 2 (obligatory Bone Daddy for level scaling purposes included), only the map is a warehouse and the captive is female. Note, this particular captive seems to actually be a combat-capable Ally, though the mission ends in success when you rescue her anyway, so all she did was pull out a shield before I exited.

As for the finale, Reynold casually tells you that he's already sent the others ahead of you, and tells you to go catch up to them and wrap things up - they should've cleared the bank by now.
Reynold overestimates your helpers. The map is a standard Bank map, full of the usual Security Guards faction, who are -not- cleared out at all. Indeed, Frankie is within sight, subdued by the guards and muttering that they should've waited for you before barging in. Whoops. In any case, this last mission is pretty easy, though Frankie went through some MAJOR AI-glitches... Oh, you also rescue Sammy in the vault room, right before grabbing the loot and taking off.

Well, it works as an easy lowbie villain arc. I use the word "easy" here liberally, as the Bone Daddies were anything but. However, they're entirely optional and only present for level scaling purposes, so players with luckier spawn locations can simply bypass them.
The story's kind of dull, though not to an unreasonable degree, being aimed at lowbies, to whom robbing a bank might still be a complex operation. However, it's consistent, and possesses some witty dialogue, including several Lampshadings/gags at recurring CoV elements (brokers, the need to traverse the streets to get to a bank when you could drive there, rescuing people as a villain, etc.), resulting in an overall enjoyable experience.
While it isn't quite epic to the degree of some of the other content out there, it's appropriate for its intended level target, and completely soloable, with no overpowering gratuitous custom factions. Worth taking a lowbie villain on a playthrough.



A fair review.

All of the rescuee's are combat capable Allies.

The reason Sammy is indeed snappily dressed but for the choice of green, well it suits his nickname, the full name for the people are Frankie the Fist, Sammy "Bean" Polenski (hence tall and dressed entirely in green) and the Daughter has the surname Smalls but is obviously anything but...

The Skulls/Hellion bosses are there for level scaling purposes but you forgot to mention they all have dialogue actually EXPLAINING why they're there in each map so it doesn't make it look too untowards. If I could just select the level range of Longbow, Family and Private security guards as 5-14, I'd remove them in a heartbeat.

Having played through 5-14 arcs villainside, most of them aren't hugely exciting in terms of what goes on and I didn't want to make things too complicated with regards fighting.

Guessing that you find the contact dialogue kind of dry wereas another reviewer actually really loved the contact dialogue, so it's swings and roundabouts.

There are also ambushes after each rescue in the final mission which you didn't mention either.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



There are also ambushes after each rescue in the final mission which you didn't mention either.

[/ QUOTE ]I was busy trying to get Frankie to stop running back and forth between the entrance and vault room randomly for no apparent reason, sorry.

No idea why he kept doing that. Nearly got me killed due to agro, too.



If I could just select the level range of Longbow, Family and Private security guards as 5-14, I'd remove them in a heartbeat.

[/ QUOTE ]

With the changes in i15 you will be able to.




Wow should really pay more attention to that overview...

An yes...not sure what the hell Frankie's problem is but I've tried changing powersets, spawning him in a different location, whatever I do, the AI just seems to go beserk.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Thanks for the review Colonel; A couple of points, and let's start with the most important one first; COWS! It's not ice, it's very, very cold milk :P I'd hoped each description on the usage of cows would give it away ("frozen moo juice sluice" "impenetrable beef sheath" etc)... however some characters apparently have intense difficulty with the -recharge, as you mentioned, so I've edited them locally to have sonic powers on the primary for both the freezing Friesland and buffing buffalo instead... I'm not sure yet if the change to timed damage makes them too strong or not, as being local I can only run it solo, but it also gives them the advantage of trying to close into melee more often, which apparently will aid the odd person who might find them getting stuck on the scenery (I had one report of one spawning in the roof).

Regarding the Eden map, I'm surprised people find it so large, but then I've ran it so many times I know it by heart now; It's really just two small paths north (one on the cliffs, one in the valley)... but this is the most common complaint, so I've added a captured animation (Plant Cage) to Jamaica also for when I can get changes to stick; If anyone knows of another map which would suit the Devouring Earth that wouldn't be troublesome, please do say and I'll see about replacing it entirely.

Issue 15 should bring level forcing, which should allow me to finally edit and means I can drop the battles, which are keeping the DE spawning correctly; but if it isn't likely to be here soon, I'm thinking of removing the one patrol on the first map, and two more elsewhere to get below what it thinks is 100%... it would be a shame to lose that piece of dialogue though, it's the one joke everyone seems to comment on.

Farms eh? Regardless of what I may or may not believe, it's a cow pun, so in it goes!

Second mission and scientist death? It's the second most common problem people have; I try and warn people twice they don't have to take it all at once in the introductions; dump them at the door and you can't fail if they subsequently die... by the time you have two or three you can mow through the ambushes. The only problem is, I didn't get any feedback until far too late about large teams or extreme difficulty, so some of the early ambushes (there are no patrols on this map due to that inflated size, there are 3 ambushes tied to one of the 5 NPCs each, they spawn Middle but the map is random so they could be close or far) can be too large for people to tag them all before they see the scientists. This is compounded by sometimes two scientists appearing very close together; if they are both 1 of the 3, you'll get 2 ambushes arriving very close together as well. As a consequence they've been moved from Minion to Lt. strength, and I've scaled down each ambush from Hard to Medium. Hopefully that should ensure survival long enough to prevent people feeling they've failed because of unfairness, rather than lack of skill. I've also moved Nurse Blonde D'Aquitane forward (from being the final rescue) so she can use her healing to aid those who may not be able to heal the scientists themselves). Porter West was originally able to fight, but he's a Generic Fat Civilian now because it saved 4% or so arc size

I had expected the third boss to die fast, hence why I set him to flee, but I'd not considered this makes the mission failable... I shall change it so he doesn't. Regarding the book shelves, hard to know what model to use there, as none of them really fit for the cargo ship style at all; so the needs of humour triumphed instead. However, I'm amazed at how few people spot WHY it's a cargo ship, over used as it already is. Little spoiler then, that entire mission is a subtle nod towards another famous film, whose poster was not quite "In Paragon, No One Should Fear Their Cream", but was also set aboard a commercial towing vessel...

The second missions' title was of course a nod towards Dr Strangelove, although there's nothing strange about loving cows... There's also some pretty blatant adaptation of a certain much loved TV show associated with one of the scientists; You'll be please to know that I've been able to cram the line "You're a true cattle-star, $name" in to go with him now too! And the fourth matches the plot of Apocalypse Now itself of course, but I'd ran out of space for more custom characters; I had to rely upon general pop knowledge to carry some of the arc then, hence the Fifth Column standing in for both the French Colonials in the Redux film (because they had the most foriegn names I could find) and the Montagnard tribe (Montbeliard in game) who follow Cowtz. I mean Kurtz, sorry! The rambling monologues, suitably beefed up, are largely from the film, so I can't take total credit for them, indeed it's said Marlon Brando improvised "The Horror" speech there on the set, ignoring the lines he'd actually been given... but it's a true piece of genius, one of the best descriptions of mental breakdown and trauma I've ever heard. I just wish it would let me force him to spawn on the temple, as it does in game for Bosses, for that true Apocalyptic feeling... I'd have loved to explain more, but again, that damnable space issue...

The final mission, eh? The EB/AV is actually Fire/Fire, but the Buffalo can give her ice resistance if it spots you coming first; Alas I can't do much against the ability of mobs to see through walls, but hopefully the changed spawn will allow her to not be quite so daunting at times. Also, minature panda cows are real; you can imagine how happy I was to discover this, AND that there's a panda shoulder model in game!

Overall, very fair review, thanks Col! And to everyone who provided feedback; some of you caught the one genuine typo I'd missed (labratory instead of laboratory in a few spots) and the power feedback was especially useful (I don't personally mind long strategic fights, but they didn't work with some powersets I wasn't using)... I just wish somebody hadn't already ripped off both the name and the theme of my arc, and ratings weren't tied to the arc and not the badge, so I could republish. I don't really care too much about the ID # itself, but it would be gutting to have done all that research only to find everyone thinks I copied someone else with it because my arc is now published long, long after he released "his". Bah!

(P.S.; the edited version now has about 10 MORE cow puns, including 5 in the second mission failure dialogue you all see so much... THEY CAN'T STOP ME AHAHAHAHAAAA)



Might be taking another short break due to a certain unexpected real-life incident I just heard about. Sorry folks, just can't bring myself to reviewing right now.



ADDENDUM: After experimenting with the files, I think I found another cause of mission bloat; by locking the creature files etc from being written too, you can prevent the nsbp code returning (instead of a space), which seems to inflate your arc in between the initial save and uploading.

As a consequence, and using the free program tool "WinMerge" to track differences between the collected edits, and a resaved-as-local version of the published, I've been able to edit my published arc reasonably quickly; I've also removed one ambush from the second mission, to get down to 100% size (even with the non-inflationary moo moos) which should make it that wee bit easier on the second mission.

I've also included a special new joke just for the Colonel... Enjoy! Feedback always still welcome though!

Oh, and in between testing and writing, I see Colonel has had some unfortunate news; hope things sort themselves out satisfactorily for you old chap...

EDITED AGAIN: I also forgot to mention, the boring Crey Tanks are because that's the only Crey which spawns at 50, and I had to take out the limiting battle for that map for space (Again with the space!); when Issue 15 brings the ability to chose your own levels, I'll line it back up with the first 2 and allow more Crey to appear... but as it's currently largely a fast glowie hunt I chose to sacrifice the spawn variety on that one for now. But still... good luck with real life!



I'd like to throw mine back into the review queue along with one addition (very short)

ARCID: 143449
NAME: AE Combat Evaluator
description: a straightforward PvP simulation program. what could possibly go wrong ?
5 maps.
no AV , no EB. solo-able. custom mobs. all maps ghostable.

levels: 20 +

also I have a short mission to present:

ARCID: 143311
NAME: Deep Deep Down
desc: a mine collapse, resuce the miners single map.
level: 5-14



Would love it you could try this arc I created over the first weekend of seems to have got lost amongst the throng

Arc ID: 32176
Author: @ElectroKitty
Name: Wonder League Infiltrate Chaos Fairy Clan
Description: Have you seen the recent increase in fairy folk around Croatoa? Rumour has it that behind their pretty, demure exterior an evil intent lurks. Can you get to the bottom of the new threat?
Easy arc to solo as you have a little help from The Wonder League along the way

Brushing twice a day keeps the Strep.mutans at bay!
If you play on Defiant Server send a tell @Electro Kitty to join The Wonder League SG



If I could just select the level range of Longbow, Family and Private security guards as 5-14, I'd remove them in a heartbeat.

[/ QUOTE ]

With the changes in i15 you will be able to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I sincerely apologise for major thread-jacking here, I just had to make something clear.

So, are you saying that Issue 15 you will be able to reduce, or even expand the level range of certain enemies in your MA missions? I saw nothing about this is the Issue overview O.o. this will get me dancing up and down and taking backflip lessons just so I can do a backflip if this is true, I just don't want to get my hopes up first. Also, just to make sure sure I don't get horribly disappointed, I'd appreciate a link to where you found this information please

In regards to the OP, you will hopefully be seeing my arc in the near future once I have overcome the issue of discovering Dr. Vazilok and his minions and slapping myself on the forehead going "Ah, so someone thought of this idea before me..."

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



From Positron's much maligned speech:

We've got a slew of tweaks and changes coming for Mission Architect -- things we wanted to add in at the last minute, but decided that they needed more love and testing before we could go live with them. Among these will be the ability to set the level range of your story arc, and even review missions with "key words" that players can search on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Note this doesn't mean you can expand the level range of standard critters: those restrictions are there because they don't scale across all levels like custom critters.

I really should do something about this signature.



I know you've played it already, but I've tinkered with it a bit since then and I'd appreciate a proper review...

Vernon von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions
By @ Igor Blimey
Arc ID: 115174
Vernon von Grun is placed in charge of the Arachnos version of Portal Corp...
Intended to be humourous, contains three AVs, an EB and a Custom Group, levels 48 - 50.




@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



And the Col has some more important things to deal with at the moment than reviewing arcs.

I really should do something about this signature.



I just don't want all of this excellent reading to go to waste in the depths - it's great for people new to the MA. And if it can't be a sticky..

And, yeah, but here's hoping that he gets better soon, his were the best around.

@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter