What's wrong with me???
Funny, I can't bring myself to enjoy heroside partially because the hero zones ALL LOOK THE SAME.
My only real problem with Villains is knowing that I'll be soloing a lot more than I would be hero-side.
To be honest I find a lot of the Villain side zones are as samey as Hero side ones, but Heroes doesn't lean so heavily on Paper missions as Villains does. Of course Hero arcs do suffer from the "Go to the far end of Far-far-away Zone to do this mission from me".
Hm, i can find myself into your story.
Mercy is imho too big, too little. In Atlas, its packed, its fun and lotsa things to do (sewer thing, lvl50s hopping around, Ah nearby etc). Mercy you're on the top of some building, nothing around except a huge place with .. mobs.
All you do is run to some snakes, get lvl2 and run through entire Mercy just to finish some missions and move on.
CoV lacks places 'to hang out', such as Galaxy or Atlas, but even PI (main center of all lvl50 missions). Places that are 'static' to their missions are that 'scattered' nobody is hanging around the same place.
And offcourse, everything is dark, grey, sober.. why cant a villian work in 'friendly' places? (such as IP or such).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I can't play villians too. Have several problems; leveling and all that running around take ages, it is too gloomy and if you read mission descriptions i just feel dirty and lost part of my humanity (kidnaping homeless people for some lunatic for example).
Even it is just a game i can't bring myself to be a villian i guess.
After my second break i find everything nice on hero side tho. Even doing stupid hunts for badges with my 50s and i don't care about badges. Heh i even step into PvP zones, thanks to my luck i didn't run across any villian so far.
Mercy Island is probably THE most depressing zone in the entire Rouge Isles.
The rest isn't so bad.
I can warmly recommend the abyss.
The Golden Giza in st martial now that is a place with class. It makes everything in Paragon City look colorless.
Anyways... I'm starting to enjoy cov again. Mostly because the brightness of coh is raining on my parade lately.
But like that huge golden temple, you cant serious go there 'to hang out'. Need to enter 2-3 doors, cant happy jump jump, its out of reach for too many.
Key of succes on heroes, its the starting zone. Lvl1 lvl14 or 50, all can hang out and do lotsa stuff. Like where do you celebrate your lvl50? Pocket D? Nah, atlas park for life baby!
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I am exactly the same as the OP, I love hero side, and have loads of toons there, but for some reason find villside to be boring as hell.
I'd love a lvl 50 Dominator or Mastermind, but I just don't have the patience to do it. Dunno why, but it always seems dead, I think it lacks a communal gathering point, after a bit of leveling you can always hang about atlas park for a chat, catchup, etc etc.
On redside, you always seem to feel alone. :/
Shame, cause I'd love my first 50 villain.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
your a hero at heart

I'd love a lvl 50 Dominator or Mastermind, but I just don't have the patience to do it. Dunno why, but it always seems dead, I think it lacks a communal gathering point, after a bit of leveling you can always hang about atlas park for a chat, catchup, etc etc.
On redside, you always seem to feel alone. :/
[/ QUOTE ]
This is exactly it - it seems you can play on Villains for hours and not see anything in Broadcast or just see the odd person running about - I think hero-side just seems to be a comparative hive of activity.
Could also be that my Global list is more made of heroes
Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
I think it's because Atlas Park is the focus of a lot of things, to be honest.
What does Atlas have?
City Hall (cape and aura mishes)
The Atlas Statue (an obvious focal point, since it's the first thing you see if you choose Atlas as your starting zone)
A large plaza with a LOT of flat space and no enemy spawns.
Yellow Line station a short hop from the plaza.
What does Mercy have? (this is an honest question - I'm another player who really isn't a fan of villains, so I actually don't know)
I think the biggest lack is actually the large flat plaza near the original zoning-in spot with no enemy spawns nearby. The rooftop in Mercy is just too small to have several dozen characters hanging around on it and still not actually getting in the way of people visiting the trainer or the vendors or the contacts.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Mercy has:
Kalinda/Burke (cape and aura mishes)
Black Market
A large plaza with a LOT of flat space and no enemy spawns.
Architect Entertainment
I really should do something about this signature.
Even Talos is more community friendly than most of Villains, the only comparable spot is the market in Cap Au.
PI is easier to get around than stupid Spider City, Nerva is as annoying as IP in terms of the time taken to get around it, but as a hero it's generally fairly easy to avoid IP for the most part.
What does Mercy have?
[/ QUOTE ]
Everything that Atlas has, except for the meeting place/focal point. It really needs a statue of some sort, some kind of meeting point for players to gather and chat which has the room and accessability for all players to meet at. Maybe having the front of the Arachnos base cleared out of shacks/buildings and a Recluse statue made (by the locals via regular beatings and starvation until it's completed, of course.) so that there's a good place and easily recognisable landmark to meet at.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Mercy has:
Kalinda/Burke (cape and aura mishes)
Black Market
A large plaza with a LOT of flat space and no enemy spawns.
Architect Entertainment
[/ QUOTE ]
And everything spread out allover the fricken place.
Redside, i've found teams few and far between. great fun when you get one but hard to even start up yourself.
apart from that, I find the first 10 to 12 levels of redside to be incredibly monotonous... i've tried missions from both starting contacts (snakes! snakes and more snakes!) and I've tried street hunting. I've started every AT redisde but just cant bring myself to play more than the first run and then I just dont log back into them. My 43 MM is only that level because a: he started when redside seemed more populated and b: hes a MM so solo-ing is pretty easy
thankfully blue side keeps my alt-itis sated... except for Warshades and Peacebringers.. I have the same problem keepign intersted in them but I still create and play other alt ATs blueside.. maybe its something in the water ?
Mercy has:
Kalinda/Burke (cape and aura mishes)
Black Market
A large plaza with a LOT of flat space and no enemy spawns.
Architect Entertainment
[/ QUOTE ]
Entrance to RWZ? (aka, shortcut to PI from atlas).
And, wich is very popular US, sewers?
Even galaxy is way better then mercy (atlas > galaxy, always).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Mercy is probably my least favourite of the CoV zones, and I can see how it might make it difficult to get into. It gets better - all I can recommend is just do Kalinda's arc max, then go to Port Oakes, and then onto Cap ASAP.
Cap is probably the most populated villain zone, it's the closest thing the Rogue Isles has to a hub. You've got a nice area around the Black Market with the University and a salvage vault, and it tends to be relatively populated, people on broadcast, etc. Plus it's an interesting zone in looks. And there's a GM you can generally get a team for.
No, it's still not like Atlas Plaza, which I know some people really miss, but I have to say I prefer the villain zones.
Mercy is probably my least favourite of the CoV zones, and I can see how it might make it difficult to get into. It gets better - all I can recommend is just do Kalinda's arc max, then go to Port Oakes, and then onto Cap ASAP.
Cap is probably the most populated villain zone, it's the closest thing the Rogue Isles has to a hub. You've got a nice area around the Black Market with the University and a salvage vault, and it tends to be relatively populated, people on broadcast, etc. Plus it's an interesting zone in looks. And there's a GM you can generally get a team for.
No, it's still not like Atlas Plaza, which I know some people really miss, but I have to say I prefer the villain zones.
[/ QUOTE ]
Cap is my fav too. St Martial is OK too.
I hate the others. Nerva is annoyingly huge. Mercy is annoyingly hard to navigate with all those blind alleys and the dumb high up sections, Sharkshead gets old very, very quickly and Lagville is just a big mess and hell for a TPer or Superspeeder to get around.
Lagville is hell for a Superspeeder to get around.
[/ QUOTE ]I used to think this until I figured out where the elevators are.
They're also on the map, now, I think, so it's even easier.
Lagville is hell for a Superspeeder to get around.
[/ QUOTE ]I used to think this until I figured out where the elevators are.
They're also on the map, now, I think, so it's even easier.
[/ QUOTE ]
And now you can even buy a jetpack so the whole "Hell for SS" is a tad bit... Overdone these days.
Lagville is hell for a Superspeeder to get around.
[/ QUOTE ]I used to think this until I figured out where the elevators are.
They're also on the map, now, I think, so it's even easier.
[/ QUOTE ]
And now you can even buy a jetpack so the whole "Hell for SS" is a tad bit... Overdone these days.
[/ QUOTE ]
Still hell for TPing about.
Laptop Lag + Grandville Lag + Superspeed = "wheeee" for me a lot. The other pack is a godsend though.
(did you mean the 30 day jetpack? I'm not paying cash for DLC which only lasts 30 days)
Half the time I think I'm playing Booga boo. (and watching someone finish that in 30 seconds after I wasted days and days trying it as a youngster has now depressed me)
Lagville is hell for a Superspeeder to get around.
[/ QUOTE ]I used to think this until I figured out where the elevators are.
They're also on the map, now, I think, so it's even easier.
[/ QUOTE ]
And now you can even buy a jetpack so the whole "Hell for SS" is a tad bit... Overdone these days.
[/ QUOTE ]
Still hell for TPing about.
Laptop Lag + Grandville Lag + Superspeed = "wheeee" for me a lot. The other pack is a godsend though.
(did you mean the 30 day jetpack? I'm not paying cash for DLC which only lasts 30 days)
Half the time I think I'm playing Booga boo. (and watching someone finish that in 30 seconds after I wasted days and days trying it as a youngster has now depressed me)
[/ QUOTE ]
This jetpack.
So it also removes TP problems since you can use it.
It took me a while before my first red side 50 quickly followed by a second one. But I find myself now back blue side most of the time. The thought of yet more snake missions and paper missions fills me with dread
I would really like to get my VEAT moving but just can't.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman
This jetpack.
So it also removes TP problems since you can use it.
[/ QUOTE ]
*Learns something new today*
Ooh cool! Ta very much! No more Roadrunner plummenting for me(ep meep)
I play hero-side and get a lot of enjoyment out of the level progression and zones. Even new alts have kept me entertained following a short break.
I decided last night, following my brief sabbatical, to create a villain. Masterminds have always intrigued me and seem fun to play - played happily in the costume creator and before long my masterpiece was born!
That is where the problems started. I avoided the training section as I detest it with a passion villain-side and went straight to Kalinda. As soon as it loaded up Mercy I felt I couldn't face playing there and logged back onto Heroes.
I don't know why this is though, I love CoH and CoV is essentially the same game with a few graphical differences. Is it the fact that it always looks gloomy and depressing in the Rogue Isles compared to the relative bright cleanliness of Paragon. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is that puts me off CoV but I desperately would love to play the Villain AT's but just can't bring myself to do it!!! I did (some time back) get a Stalker to 50 through much patience and short stints but every other Villain I tried did not get past lvl 14.
Is it just me being somewhat odd or have other people felt this way (about Heroes or Villains) and is it because I started the game on CoH and that is familiar to me compared to the relative strangeness of CoV. To use 'the shoe analogy' - opting for the comfy old trainers rather than the shiny new shoes!
Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?