Mission Architect Academy




Sinster Shadow, Known Powers : Thugs / Forcefield! Huh? Did they get MM pet sets in there after all?

Looks nice I have to say. The offices remind me of the company in Total Recall.



Good find Mother. Nice to see more of the architect. Now I really want to get into that Beta!



Is it me, or does the Architect building look out of place there? Doesn't fit the style of Atlas at ALL!



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Is it me, or does the Architect building look out of place there? Doesn't fit the style of Atlas at ALL!


[/ QUOTE ]

How big is your list of story arcs to make at the moment FFM? I know mine is 7 fully planed out, around 20 half planned arcs and god only knows how many more ideas.



I believe its the converse FFM, The uniform lighting in Atlas (like most city zones) and little architectual diversity means this new building sticks out like a sore thumb, but thats good. I'm all for more architectual diversity to make the city appear more realistic, More buildings need to be wildly different to shake things up a bit design-wise, If more different styles are added then they will start to blend in the un-uniform way a modern cityscape does. Personally though If I were a Dev on the Design team I'd tinker with the lighting diversity/intensity on the city zones a lot more.

[EDIT]: Oh, and /em,cower at hordes of lv54 Malta. >.<



Wow that looks nice.

I have been managing to expect the worst but this shows custom enemy groups and ambushes!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Is it me, or does the Architect building look out of place there? Doesn't fit the style of Atlas at ALL!

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I expect Dr Aeon bribed the Paragon City building commity.

I really should do something about this signature.



Is it me, or does the Architect building look out of place there? Doesn't fit the style of Atlas at ALL!


[/ QUOTE ]

How big is your list of story arcs to make at the moment FFM? I know mine is 7 fully planed out, around 20 half planned arcs and god only knows how many more ideas.

[/ QUOTE ]

Make that 7.5 bluedarky. I liked your improved concept of my RachnaPunzel idea so much I want to post it (if you don't object of course) with some tweakings of my own of course.



How big is your list of story arcs to make at the moment FFM? I know mine is 7 fully planed out, around 20 half planned arcs and god only knows how many more ideas.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, not that many... 2, maybe 3.. hundred.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



From Massively.com's feature

Mission Architect's key features
System for creating missions is built into the game. A company called "Architect Entertainment" offers a virtual world experience for heroes and villains. You enter this company, create your adventure via a Holodeck-like interface and share it with the world.
XP and influence rewards for player-created missions are exactly the same as any other mission rewards.
You can level a character from level 1 to level 50 solely through Architect Entertainment at an equivalent rate to leveling elsewhere.
Missions can be shared with anyone regardless of what server or side someone plays on.
The mission browser is for people who just want to play the user created content. You can sort these stories by name, highest rated, length and recently added.
You can rate a mission from 1-5 stars after completing it.
Depending on how well the mission is rated, its creator will get in-game benefits and could even enter a Hall of Fame. Incentives!
Missions of high regard could become Dev Choice, where even more rewards lie in wait.
A mysterious third tier exists, but more on that later...
Inappropriate content

Language filters check for unwanted words and won't allow publishing them until they're removed.
Players can flag content for inappropriateness.
All users and flags are tracked for any potential vote griefing.

Every enemy group that's been in the game since launch is available.
Conversely, you can create custom enemies and enemy groups.
Pick from minions, lieutenants, bosses.
Give enemies any powers you want.

Local stories are on your actual harddrive, and you can have as many as you can store.
These local stories can be tested by you or your party, but they are not considered published yet.
While playing local stories, you gain no rewards as this is meant for testing.
There's a separate section for creating your own custom characters for missions.
Architect Entertainment buildings are in 19 different zones.
Each account can have up to 3 published story arcs.
A story arc can be made of up to 5 missions.
Up to 25 objectives in each missions.

[EDIT]: I can't seem to find the hour long audio file (Interview) mentioned... anyone?



These local stories can be tested by you or your party, but they are not considered published yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

= Infinite private stored missions for role players.

I really should do something about this signature.



oooh, thats nummy.



These local stories can be tested by you or your party, but they are not considered published yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

= Infinite private stored missions for role players.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn right. This is going to be an absolute GODSEND for us guys!

Don't worry though, you guys will see my best ones.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.





I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



DOOOOOO........wait. That looks good, to be honest!

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org

EU, Union mostly.



....OOOOOM. Because it has to be said, irrespective of the facts.

That said, looking very nice!



DOOOOOO........wait. That looks good, to be honest!

[/ QUOTE ]

I know. I can't even give out about the interface, it looks pretty good to me so far.



Bother, still can't find that Audio file;

We've got both a shiny collection of screens and a nice juicy hour-long audio file of Joe Morrissey discussing the various (and numerous) ins and outs of this hugely anticipated feature. Of course, we've also distilled the most pertinent information into an easily skimmed list, which you can find after the break along with the audio.

[/ QUOTE ]



Is it me, or does the Architect building look out of place there? Doesn't fit the style of Atlas at ALL!


[/ QUOTE ]

How big is your list of story arcs to make at the moment FFM? I know mine is 7 fully planed out, around 20 half planned arcs and god only knows how many more ideas.

[/ QUOTE ]

Make that 7.5 bluedarky. I liked your improved concept of my RachnaPunzel idea so much I want to post it (if you don't object of course) with some tweakings of my own of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go ahead, I only did it to keep me busy for an hour at work. (Now given that it took me an hour to write that, think about what I can do with a few days or weeks )

Oh, not that many... 2, maybe 3.. hundred.

[/ QUOTE ]

Should be an interesting first few weeks

EDIT: Hold it...

Pulled from Mother's list further up.
Conversely, you can create custom enemies and enemy groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

Make that story arcs 8.



Looks at the screenies... Magnifies... "Ambush details"? "Patrol details"? Custom minions? Wasn't there alot of doomsaying on them being unavailable at launch?

(I'm not sure about custom minions, but I hope that Ambushes, patrols and "don't aggro X" objectives (like in that RWZ mission) are there. )



Very nice, Thank you Mumsie.
Looking forward to play around with the system and make a few storyarcs. (Since i will work on badges (day job badges while doing it ;D)

Just hope the badge system will be ok, and not with too many badges connected with the Devs choice. But lets see.
Anycase, looking forward to this and all the content that will come from creative minds

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Well the first thing that hit me was that it was in Atlas till I read that it's in 19 zones.

And possibly the best part is picture 8 where you can set whether or not your boss runs away. That will be set to 'does not run away' for every mission for me.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Bother, still can't find that Audio file;

We've got both a shiny collection of screens and a nice juicy hour-long audio file of Joe Morrissey discussing the various (and numerous) ins and outs of this hugely anticipated feature. Of course, we've also distilled the most pertinent information into an easily skimmed list, which you can find after the break along with the audio.

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No file but there's a button to stream it just above "Mission Architect's key features" (I assume that's it, this box has no sound.) I



Thanks 3dent , I'll have a look/listen.