Task Force/Strike Force Changes




I sorta agree on taking down 10 shadow cysts to 5, but I would leave it at 10 as it doesn't take too long anyway

And NO you can't make Rom easier, the tf is a challenge that is why many people love it!



Is Heroic really that hard for some people?

Honest question.

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In some cases? Yes. Not in teams, normally. But solo, yes, at times.
Certain groups as well, such as Malta, Carnies, certain others, are tough in general, and, depending on the team make-up and lvl gaps, can be quite hard.

Woo, cohegent thought late at night XD

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I´ve done the ITF with a number of weird combinations(most of them were run by Alvan)
I have also failed it a couple of times but you cant do much but quit and try again some other day.




Oh, and for those who are saying "Don't nerf Rommy, the game is too easy" - 'the game is too easy' has only been positively said by some people on this forum, so frankly, that's not enough to warrant not putting Rommy down a little bit. I am not saying nerf Rommy so he is not a challenge for anyone, make it so he's that little bit easier for the unusual/weaker mix of toons yet still a challenge for a l33t mix of toons.

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what do you mean by unusual/weaker mix of toons? as I've been on a few ITFs now with pretty varied team makeups and we've only struggled once to take him out and we eventually did it.



The 10 shadow cysts mission is excellent and I would hate to see if cut in half because some of you can't be bothered to defeat all 10. Hell why not have just 1, surely after that you have proved you can do it and should be spared the bother of doing it again?
10 keeps the mission a good length, means the team have to pay attention even longer and since the crystals are fun I would rather have 20 than 5.
And there is nothing wrong with Romulus. I have never had an issue with him caused by him, so nerfing him will not help. Its the Nictus around him that provide the challenge and without them he is weak.

Of all the missions to remove why this one? Its some of the CoT missions that make it tedious on poor teams.

That sounds like you have a personal issue with the scout rather than a real reason.

And onto your comment of: Can't he not go and get this himself? Is it really that hard?

The same can be said for a lot of the missions. Are you just plain lazy?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



ITF its not that long, and its not that hard , simple. Its a case of make better toons im afraid. Iwud only agree that the lag on it is sorted out. WE accomplished a 1hr 40 on ITF so wats the problem? much of the other TF's are harder and longer than that, esp RSF if not done right.



I love the ITF, one of the best TF's in the game! I've also done it numerous times, on different toons, with differing teams and I think it's only been failed the once.

Honestly, most of this game is hard enough already, why take out one of the best challenges in the game?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Just because people have completed the ITF before doesn't make my suggestion useless. That's about as reasonable as saying that people have completed Posi it shouldn't be shortened (one of my suggestions). I've yet to see someone who doesn't want Posi shorted. It's pretty obvious that people are disagreeing with my ITF suggestion, sure we might have had a bad mix, that's not the point is, the point is to make it a good challenge for a bad mix instead of bearing on impossible. And yet still make it challenging for all who play it. That is possible, y'know.

I rest my case.



Shortening a very long TF is one thing, shortening a TF that doesnt take over 2hours or making an AV easier is another.

I think all TF's should be balanced to hit the 2 hour mark and wouldn't object to Posi being rebalanced to hit that. Though currently I am perfectly happy with it considering the merit reward payoff you get at the end.

But Romulus does not need toning down, there are various tactics that if performed even half well make him very easy.

The easiest answer is just don't go in with a bad team makeup rather than trying to drag the enemies down to your level.

And to whoever it was saying they get stunned every time: You have I think 2 seconds to get out of line of sight of all the Nictus before that stun, so just leap down off the raised bit.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



sure we might have had a bad mix,

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Even a bad mix can do it with good tactics.

I think it was your tactics that was poor, not your team mix.

And that's why it is such a good battle as it is; it makes you think and use tactics.

And if your tactics aren't good enough, you should fail.

I really should do something about this signature.



the point is to make it a good challenge for a bad mix instead of bearing on impossible. And yet still make it challenging for all who play it. That is possible, y'know.

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It really isn't.

Encounters will pretty much always be tuned to the majority of the playerbase, this makes the most sense on so many levels. The ITF is fine, it is not fundamentally broken because you say so because you had some bad luck while running it.

If you are unable to do the ITF there are a number of other TF/Trial options suited to your, shall we say, specific playing style.

I'd wager a large amount of players deem the ITF too easy and would like something requiring more tactical effort. Should we make the TF harder if they voiced their opinions in the same way you think it should be altered because you've voiced yours?



Simply put if you don't like the length of Posi, don't play it. I have no problems with it considering the large amounts of merits at the end.
There are plenty of other things you could do without doing Posi if it bothers you so much, that's the wonder of this game.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



I don't play posi. It is repetitive, boring and way way to long. The only good mission is the first one, where you are faced with the horrors of the Vaziloks. Yes you get a load of merrits for being bored to tears. Not my idea of fun or time well spend.

I like variaty in TF's. With unique and tough challenges that require tactics to solve them. ITF, is a good example of how a TF should be. Posi is a good example of what a TF should not be.



Simply put if you don't like the length of Posi, don't play it. I have no problems with it considering the large amounts of merits at the end.
There are plenty of other things you could do without doing Posi if it bothers you so much, that's the wonder of this game.

[/ QUOTE ]It's the newbie's introduction to Task Forces, and a terrible one at that. It's poorly designed. Compare it to villain Strike Forces.

I'd rather they retune it and make it more fun and/or shorter, even if it does mean lowering the merit reward. Which, by the way, is ridiculously high considering the rewards villain SFs have...

Heck, they've been retuning old Hero content for a while now. Faultline. Hollows (whether this one was an improvement or not is up for debate, though). Rikti War Zone. It's about time they get to the Phalanx/Shadow Shart TFs and make them fit the standard set by villain Strike Forces.



the point is to make it a good challenge for a bad mix instead of bearing on impossible. And yet still make it challenging for all who play it. That is possible, y'know.

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It really isn't.

Encounters will pretty much always be tuned to the majority of the playerbase, this makes the most sense on so many levels. The ITF is fine, it is not fundamentally broken because you say so because you had some bad luck while running it.

If you are unable to do the ITF there are a number of other TF/Trial options suited to your, shall we say, specific playing style.

I'd wager a large amount of players deem the ITF too easy and would like something requiring more tactical effort. Should we make the TF harder if they voiced their opinions in the same way you think it should be altered because you've voiced yours?

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^ This

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Didn't they add the ambush on the first mission, because people where complaining it was to easy?

If an ITF can be completed with a team of just scrappers then it really don't need toning down. IMO.



ITF isn't really hard, yes i've been on teams who have been unable to complete it, but those times it's mostly been due to 1: people not paying attention, 2: people left during tf and too shorthanded at the end.

ITF is also one of the quicker TFs, does not need to be shorter. There's many other TFs who are stupid long and monotonus (hi synapse, dr quarterfield, positron).

It does come down to "learn to play", sometimes it doesn't take much for a team to fail. And if you're in a team setting up for a tf and you see it lacking in damage... don't invite more non damage dealers and try get someone who can do copious amounts of damage. Tho i am of the opinion that anything can be done with anything. It might just take longer or require diffrent train of thought.



They can change whatever is lagging the frakk out of the ISF. Because it's a challenge to summon the patience to go through that kind of slideshow. Otherwise it's fine.

You would want at least half of the team at 50 though. With everyone at various levels, the outcome is in the blue.




Dunno depends on team, done synapse(ws, grav/kin, fire/sr, bs/shield, dm/shield and 2 blasters i think forgot sets) 1:57 and posi(fire/rad, ice/rad, will/energy, ar/nrg, kat/will, bs/shield and 1 more i think) in 2:37 both were loosely organised in sals(no at's preferred) basically pugs.
Then again i've been on 4h runs of both.
Having a couple of players exemplared helps.



"learn to play"

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^- this.

Universal truth about ITF :/

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
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Having a couple of players exemplared helps.

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That can be very bad news on an ITF as if they lose their exemp at any time the final mish will spawn at their level and running into lvl 53 mobs on a lvl 35-40 team isn't fun

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



lvl 53 mobs

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[/ QUOTE ]Don't play on Invincible reputation on an underleveled team?



lvl 53 mobs

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[/ QUOTE ]Don't play on Invincible reputation on an underleveled team?

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Team doesn't have to be underleveled because there's exemplared 50's in it.

Could have a team of 7 level 40's and one 50 exemplared down to 40, then on the third mission the person exemplaring the level 50 loses his connection for 5 mins, and then when moving onto the final mission you're greeted with lvl 53's instead of 43's.



I thought exemplaring down didn't work in TF's unless it was auto-exemping to max level on a low lvl tf?

Surely the 50 could just un SK and clear the map quickly?

Also why does everyone argue that taking on a hard TF on max difficulty with a poor team balance and players likely to quit halfway through should be the yardstick for difficulty?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



The ITF isn't hard. Period! In fact it needs to be harder!