Task Force/Strike Force Changes




The ITF isn't hard. Period! In fact it needs to be harder!

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^^^ this!

If we can complete an ITF with a team of 4 (as 4 left) which consisted of a mind dom, therm, pain dom corr and a lky'd crab spider im sure it can be done by a full team of 8 lol :P



RE: Mind Dom

I´ve heard rumours about mind doms soloing itf but havent found any proof yet



Decrease the number of cysts in that mish? Sure, maybe to 8. Things get slightly repetitive there, I can see your reasoning.

Weaken Rom? Nah, I like a challenge. I'm not going to bring up the "CoH is too easy" chestnut, but I like fighting an enemy that has a reputation for stopping ITFs in their tracks. I enjoy taking him down and getting the satisfaction of a job well done. I don't like going into combat knowing that I will always win. I like pushing the envelope and going that little bit further. I wager quite a few CoH players share that sentiment, and it is to this group that the high-end TFs are aimed.

I never really found Rom to be discriminatory to certain archetypes or teams. I've ran it a decent number of times, on a scrapper, mastermind, crab spider and most importantly, a warshade. I didn't die on my WS during the Rom fight, and my playstyle could charitably be described as madhouse suicidal. This was on a team mostly made of Brutes. It was a far cry from the radiation / granite combination that people say is the ideal balance for a TF, or any other commonly regarded mix.

I do completely agree that some TFs DO discriminate based on AT. On a LGTF run, we could not defeat the final boss because of his immunity to smashing and lethal damage. I don't mean resistance, I mean immunity, as in attacks dealing nil damage. That's the sort of thing that wants changing, and is the wrong way to make a challenge. In Romulus, we have something that challenges a diverse range of archetypes and teams, without being broken.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



yes a mind dom can theoretically solo (im mind/elec) confused rom to kill his own nictus- confuse ftw tbh



yes a mind dom can theoretically solo (im mind/elec) confused rom to kill his own nictus- confuse ftw tbh

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I daren't even think how long that would take, especially considering he would probably run from one Nictus to the other instead of just bashing on one of them.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



A simple truth is that reward correlates directly with effort. the harder you strive to succeed at something the greater the joy on it's completion. I have received very little joy from completing this post because it wasn't in any way a challenge but if I discovered a cure for cancer after decades of hard work I think I'd be over the moon for quite some time.

In other words defeating Rom as he is now gives players a feeling of pleasure in that they've actually achieved something. If you make him easier to kill then people will come over all meh! at the end of the ITF. So instead of moaning about how hard he is to kill - get yourself into a decent team who know what they are doing and learn from them so that in future perhaps you can be the player that makes the difference in taking down one of the baddest AV's in the game.

I think one of my favourite moments in game so far was failing during the Hami raid we tried a few months back. I'm sure there's more fun to be had down that road in the future and when we finally do take down Hami it will be a night worth remembering.



All i want is a insp shop in cimemora since the no passing insps to enemies rule is retarded.

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excuseee me. but i arent handing no insip to any hero scum tyvm. i like this. can be annoying but it still adds tht heroes v villains aspect.

but insip shop in cim is a good idea



Have to say Rom by far isn't the most challenging AV in the game with a mediocre team, the Freedom Phalanx at the end of the LRSF or just web activated buffed Lord Recluse at the end of the STF are by far harder simply due to the fact that it's the ENTIRE Freedom Phalanx (all 8 of them) or Lord Recluse is so well buffed that it takes either a stone tanker (lets face it, a well built stone tanker, there isn't much they can't tank) or another tanker using purple insps/high def build (Ice or IO'd out Shields for example) with +def buffs upto 75%.

But even those challenges can be reduced to ease with the right amount of buffs/insps/temp powers.

Hell during a LRSF finale we did the whole 'charge in and see how it goes' style tactic and took down 4 out of the 8 members before team wiping and dealing with the other 4 with ease simply because we had so much -res (which is hardly ever resisted by an AV/Hero) and -regen that Statesmans unstoppable actually did sweet bugger all to raise his Resistance values.

Tonight doing a STF, Ghost Widow is normally a sticking point with any team...she fell as easily as any other AV thanks to the many buffs applied to me (hell Clarity probably didn't need to be stacked since Soul Storm didn't actually HIT thanks to all the buffs I had stacked on me as the Tank).

Romulous actually has 3 viable tactics, if you've got a lot of -res, -regen and high DPS simply target Rommy and ignore the Nictus, he goes down like a sack of potatos and the healing Nictus simply can't keep up with the damage output (had this happen twice).

You can seperate him from the Healing Nictus and pound him to the ground (the more common tactic).

If you've got a lot of medium-long ranged damage then you can simply pick off the Nictus one by one by pummelling them for 10 minutes from range.

I have failed the ITF before, it's a kick in the crotch but I find the STF/LRSF to be a damn sight harder with only one real way of handling the end challenges, there isn't as many tactical options available.

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