For those who want more challenge
Also, never use anything but brawl.
And play the game blindfolded.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Also, never use anything but brawl.
And play the game blindfolded.
[/ QUOTE ]
You stole my notes didn't you?
Have to say Joke or not, this is an interesting idea for me. I do miss the days when I would go to make a new toon and to have no idea what each powerset was like; just purely going on concept. Its now so hard to make a new and pick a set knowing that it 'under performs' compared to other sets.
Those were the days, everything was fresh and shiny and awesome, only thing stopping you was how long the coffee lasted. Oh to unlearn the numbers and information gained these passed years would be bliss.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Exactly, maybe we should ask the devs for an Old Skool mode
start a /dark scrapper and take all of these leadership pool, tough weave, fly, stealth (notice no stam) anf then take all the toggles from the /dark set
and see how long u go without popping blues left right and centre
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
start a /dark scrapper and take all of these leadership pool, tough weave, fly, stealth (notice no stam) anf then take all the toggles from the /dark set
and see how long u go without popping blues left right and centre
[/ QUOTE ]
At least everything would take endred and with all of the leadership pool I guess you could slot an endred in attacks instead of dmg/acc. Help a little...
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
-Applause for the Spade-
Adding in options for difficulty is fine. Hell, if the want is great enough, then the people will says its time well spent.
Some of us still havent played the whole game through, and some bits are still tough even on Heroic/Villaious!
(Just you try fighting Positron and Valkyrie EB versions with a bot/ff MM and an AoE focused Crab at lvl 41 vs 41 )
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
*Poorly disguised rant*
Didn't do that?
Well it is obvious you are not ready for a challenge. Move along now and don't bother us with your complaints anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]Or you could stop throwing a hissy closed-minded fit about what other people think and want. You say "us" as if you represent the playerbase as a whole. Aren't we all high and mighty.
Tip: Optional additions to the game won't bother -you- if -you- don't turn the options on. Nobody's asking for a total difficulty increase, they're asking for more -optional- stuff to do that's actually challenging, like the LRSF or STF.
All this thinly veiled "IOs are evil" talk is just plain stupid. Either you're venting because you suck at making inf and are jealous (like the old "PvP is evil" crowd), or you're just trolling for no real reason.
(Before anyone points fingers, no, I don't have purpled-out 1000 mil inf toons. The post was just plain stupid.)
And if this was meant purely as a joke, my apologies, but it looked too real, considering the kinds of posts we see here every so often.
*Poorly disguised rant*
Didn't do that?
Well it is obvious you are not ready for a challenge. Move along now and don't bother us with your complaints anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]Or you could stop throwing a hissy closed-minded fit about what other people think and want. You say "us" as if you represent the playerbase as a whole. Aren't we all high and mighty.
Tip: Optional additions to the game won't bother -you- if -you- don't turn the options on. Nobody's asking for a total difficulty increase, they're asking for more -optional- stuff to do that's actually challenging, like the LRSF or STF.
All this thinly veiled "IOs are evil" talk is just plain stupid. Either you're venting because you suck at making inf and are jealous (like the old "PvP is evil" crowd), or you're just trolling for no real reason.
(Before anyone points fingers, no, I don't have purpled-out 1000 mil inf toons. The post was just plain stupid.)
And if this was meant purely as a joke, my apologies, but it looked too real, considering the kinds of posts we see here every so often.
[/ QUOTE ]
Still seems you got hit by shrapnel.
Tip: Optional additions to the game won't bother -you- if -you- don't turn the options on. Nobody's asking for a total difficulty increase, they're asking for more -optional- stuff to do that's actually challenging, like the LRSF or STF.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tip: Optional additions to the game always affect other players either directly or indirectly as other players will be more inclined to use whatever suits them best and chances are you're going to be joining their teams at some point. So unless you solo everything, you're going to be affected regardless.
Anyway, calm down, your post is over aggressive. It's clear the OP was intended as a joke, even though he does make some valid points.
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)
Was this not why things like MoSTF/RSF were introduced so players can set themselves extra targets, for that extra challenge.
Why not set impossible odds in Ouroboros, no temps, debuffed, no travel powers etc.
Then do it with your "gimped" set like people from these boards have done in the past, (cant remember who it was that rolled a MM with no pets, and the person who is trying to get to 50 without leveling up once.
The game already has ways for players to challenge themselves.
Although an "expert mode" could be benificial for some but I just see it as another way for farmers to get more "l00t"
I agree that if players want more of a challenge all we have to do is put in a little more effort and theres plenty of challenge there to be had.
Doesn't mean they have to delete all their big guns though
@MrMac & @MrMac2
*Poorly disguised rant*
Didn't do that?
Well it is obvious you are not ready for a challenge. Move along now and don't bother us with your complaints anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]Or you could stop throwing a hissy closed-minded fit about what other people think and want. You say "us" as if you represent the playerbase as a whole. Aren't we all high and mighty.
Tip: Optional additions to the game won't bother -you- if -you- don't turn the options on. Nobody's asking for a total difficulty increase, they're asking for more -optional- stuff to do that's actually challenging, like the LRSF or STF.
All this thinly veiled "IOs are evil" talk is just plain stupid. Either you're venting because you suck at making inf and are jealous (like the old "PvP is evil" crowd), or you're just trolling for no real reason.
(Before anyone points fingers, no, I don't have purpled-out 1000 mil inf toons. The post was just plain stupid.)
And if this was meant purely as a joke, my apologies, but it looked too real, considering the kinds of posts we see here every so often.
[/ QUOTE ]
Still seems you got hit by shrapnel.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well part of it was a joke/rant against those who complain that the game is to easy and we need nerfs. Especially when in my mindview (true or false) those people do have the 1000 mill toons and the uber AT's. Perhaps I laid on the sarsasm a bit to strong. And no, I don't see much use in uber lvl 50 characters myself. I wouldn't know what to do with them to be honest. My mains are normally collecting dust while I happily fun around with alts.
The other part however is less of a joke and offers some things to do to challenge yourself more.
Because you can ask for the devs to make things harder (which may or may not happen but they wont happen now) or you can make things harder for yourself and regain some of the fun and challenge you had when you started this game so long ago.
Nobody's asking for a total difficulty increase, they're asking for more -optional- stuff to do that's actually challenging, like the LRSF or STF.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, what I got from the 'original thread' was that some people do want a total difficulty increase.
Spade has several good points though and, even though he expressed himself jokingly, we should listen to what he has to say. There are ways of challenging your character. I wonder, sometimes, whether those who have complained in the past have actually tried them?
You say "us" as if you represent the playerbase as a whole. Aren't we all high and mighty.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, he didn't use it in that context at all. It was used once in the entire OP and was clearly meant as a barrier between those who do and those who don't.
He does have a point though. When you play an MMO for ages it just snowballs more and more into being easy for you. It's a serious pain in the [censored] to get a toon fully IO'ed up, heck, even DO'ed up at level 12. I have to do it by grinding the hell out of nothing but Hellions for the required ludicrously expensive magic salvage to both use and sell for the required inf. In a team, where you get sweet sod all salvage and the inf gain is pointless next to your upcoming expenses? Hahaha! No.
These days? I wait until the new character has an appropriately useless training enhancement no-one is selling any of, throw it on the market and buy it for two million with my level 50.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
These days? I wait until the new character has an appropriately useless training enhancement no-one is selling any of, throw it on the market and buy it for two million with my level 50.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why not just ask a friend to help you?
And not lose 10% inf due to WW fees.
I'm sure you could flirt with Golden Girl some to have her help you ^^

Why not just ask a friend to help you?
And not lose 10% inf due to WW fees.
I'm sure you could flirt with Golden Girl some to have her help you ^^
[/ QUOTE ]
There's not much point wasting anyones time. That inf is pocket change to a 50, and anything my new toon can't do with 1.9 million, isn't going to be possible with the flat 2.
And I haven't even spoken to GG in-game. It would probably count even further towards a sexual harassment lawsuit, and would waste time better spent trying to get into Blue Rabbits pants. I'm starting to get him confused about his sexuality now, it's only a matter of time.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
The other part however is less of a joke and offers some things to do to challenge yourself more.
Because you can ask for the devs to make things harder (which may or may not happen but they wont happen now) or you can make things harder for yourself and regain some of the fun and challenge you had when you started this game so long ago.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you've got a good point but deliberately limiting yourself is not to everyone's taste. A lot of the pleasure I get from games comes from finding builds and strategies to overcome the obstacles that are thrown in my way. In CoH, this usually means tweaking a build to overcome a specific weakness and developing new team tactics with my duo partner.
Deliberately restricting myself just sucks the fun out of it. Extra difficulty levels, awkward villains etc bring the challenge back and the fun comes with it.
I appreciate that this is something of a minority view.
Funnily enough, this cropped up with Rome Total War. The difficulty system just didn't work so experienced players couldn't make it any harder. Various players came up with all sorts of "house rules"; self-imposed restrictions to make it harder. Some people enjoyed these challenges but others just hated the idea. They wanted to play against the game with all the weapons in their armoury.
Funnily enough, I donnt havea any uber characters. I have 15 level 50s, none powerlevved, and I have never farmed.
I engage in frankenslotting from levels 30-40 (usually), mainly for the fun of it, although I am pleased with the end results.
Uber? I have two retired toons (Dom and controller) I play once a month who have anything approaching the "Uber" category.
That should make things much more interesting for you. Come back when you soloed Nictus Romulus now.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bah, If you fancy a challenge:
... Unless you are ambidextrous, Take your most proficient arm (right handed in my case) and strap it to your body in a sling so you cannot use it for the mouse, This means you have to use your left arm (odd arm) for both controlling the mouse and direction and typing (approximately triples response time).
Next, dose your system up to simulate the foggy drowseyness you have with post-op general anesthetic and painkillers as if you were in orthopaedic surgery not 48 hours earlier.
Next, answer a recruitment call for help for a team requiring a Defender anxious to complete the MoSTF after their 3 failed attempts.
Take part in said TF - Complete TF successfully - Collapse from exhaustion.
Then dream up more sadistic ways of challenging oneself.
Now for the challenging part. NO IO's allowed,
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're serious about this forget half measures - no enhancements of any sort.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Now for the challenging part. NO IO's allowed,
[/ QUOTE ]
If you're serious about this forget half measures - no enhancements of any sort.
[/ QUOTE ]
except in brawl and sprint
Didn't Coin attempt this with Turtleman?
There was someone that decided they were going to level a toon from 1-50 without dieing once. Last I heard they got to around lvl 20ish and i've not heard since.
You know who you are. The game is boring to you because you don't feel challenged anymore. Everything is to easy. No problem. Doctor Spade has the solution.
Select your main toon(s). The ones with those rare purples and expensive IO's. You know those that has cost 1000 mil inf or more.
Now click delete. Then confirm the name and press the confirm button!
Done that?
Good, you are on your way to find things challenging again.
Didn't do that?
Well it is obvious you are not ready for a challenge. Move along now and don't bother us with your complaints anymore.
Right for the next phase.
Uninstall mids hero designer. It is a great tool but not if you want to be challenged.
Then use the empty character slot to create the worst AT you can imagine. The one that you used to smirk at as that AT was just so underperforming in your opinion. Give him a nice name and for once a nice bio.
Now for the challenging part. NO IO's allowed, no power leveling allowed, no inf transfers allowed and of course freeze your difficulty at the highest possible. While we are at it. No Raptors, no veteran Powers. None of those tiny edges you are so used to.
Final challenge, don't team with your usual crowd. Strictly PuG's and no, you cannot try to make perfect teams.
That should make things much more interesting for you. Come back when you soloed Nictus Romulus now.
That will be 1000 million inf for the consult.