New Mob - Trophy Hunters
AV attacks??????? When you are out there soloing with your squishy minding your own business perhaps relaxing, rpging or even trading? Not my idea of fun.
Besides I hate the concept of non powered normals trying to kill super powered beings. That's why I loath malta (and not just completely because they are nasty as well).
Yea maybe the AV was a step too far.
Bear in mind if you are just hanging about you wont be zoning thus no issue.
How about a group that specialise in hunting down the super powered and taking a trophy from them, a mask, a bit of the cossie etc.
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I have this vision of a toon rezzing in the hospital with the trousers removed across all costume slots.
Cue embarrassed shuffle over to Icon for a quick cover up...
Edit: And, ideally, the trophy trews flying from the City Hall flagpole with appropriate "Stolen from..." text in the info box. Just to make the humiliation complete.
How about a group that specialise in hunting down the super powered and taking a trophy from them, a mask, a bit of the cossie etc.
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I have this vision of a toon rezzing in the hospital with the trousers removed across all costume slots.
Cue embarrassed shuffle over to Icon for a quick cover up...
Edit: And, ideally, the trophy trews flying from the City Hall flagpole with appropriate "Stolen from..." text in the info box. Just to make the humiliation complete.
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^This, signed. I love the Idea, although only from one cossie, and you would have to go buy a new one from Icon.
Assuming the AV thing gets scrapped.
Well you will have to make sure they only attack one target unless they are being attacked by someone else. You don't want to have a lvl 50 Trophy Hunter killing newbies in Atlas.
Also running away from the fight ought to be a valid option. So no Clockwork chases! Not everybody can go one on one vs a boss or worse. Plus you don't want them to spawn immediately after zoning. People with slower computers should not be penalized.
Ideally the hunter should be the same AT as its target perhaps?
Of course there should be at least a badge for hunting the hunters.
Only problem with adding a badge is that youll have badge collectors straining the zoning system by entering and exiting two zones.
An option would be to have "Hunting parties" spawn as a random event targeting a random character in the zone.
Hunting party could mirror the targets party AT's and a zone wide alert goes out with a "LVL XX hunting squad is loose in XX and gunning for $target"
They head towards their target and not aggro through range and level distance, only upon being engaged.
if they are engaged and their target dies they default back to the hunted person.
If that Hunted Zones then they abandon the hunt and head to doorways as citizens do.
Eek, no AV attacks please! I normally play squishies, they'd be flattened before they even saw the things coming if they were soloing.
Besides I hate the concept of non powered normals trying to kill super powered beings. That's why I loath malta (and not just completely because they are nasty as well).
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I hate malta because they are seriously overpowered. If player AT's could do what malta minions do, there would be mass nerfage all round. Minions stunning and reducing endurance to zero in one hit is ridiculous. Minions using machine guns with a range greater than a blasters snipe is plain daft. Minions rezzing turrets at or above their level in about half a second while under fire...grr
Y'know, the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title was these guys - just warp into a zone and lock onto the biggest threats they can find, be they mob or hero/villain...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

... you know, your signature, starting with "..." when combined with an actual message that ends in an "..." can product interesting associations, Dreamy.
"Why would they attack the biggest things that have an owl?"
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I love Malta. As an organisation that specialises in controlling metahumans, it make perfect sense that their gear and tactics should be very effective against said metahumans.
And it makes a refeshing change to encounter an enemy group which rewards thought and tactics, rather than the simplistic blast though everything you usually get.
Soloing a massive Malta group invasion was the highlight of the new issue 13 content for me.
I really should do something about this signature.
I like the concept. Might be cooler if when exiting a regular mission, players randomly zone to some kind of trophy hunters super trap, instead of sharkhead, atlas, etc.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
So you been watching Predator again?
NO thanks. I think this is tantamount to NPCs griefing PCs...
The only way I'd support it is if there was no badge/award, it was totally optional and could be disabled in Options and if the NPCs only ever attacked PCs who had bought in to it and were solo

Thelonious Monk
Where you thing just a random Player or where you thinking a whole team?
Im not sure how many people would be willing to hang about and wait for a member of their team to come back dead or alive.
I suppose if its a 1v1 it wouldnt take too long. you could also scale the Mob difficulty with the mission difficulty selector (not sure of the name, but heroic, rugged, tenacious, etc)
So you been watching Predator again?
NO thanks. I think this is tantamount to NPCs griefing PCs...
The only way I'd support it is if there was no badge/award, it was totally optional and could be disabled in Options and if the NPCs only ever attacked PCs who had bought in to it and were solo
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If there is going to be an option to opt in, I'd prefer it if it was done through a story arc. One fighting the proposed group which brings you to their attention, and one to sabotage their records of you.
ps. Am I the only one who imagines these guys having super powered blunderbusses and handlebar mustaches.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Where you thing just a random Player or where you thinking a whole team?
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Whole team. With the chance increasing the larger the team is since 8 scalps is a more juicy prize than just 1. I wasn't thinking of a huge mission, more like a monkey fight club/smash TV type thing.
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
What would you all think to a forced, though temporary Graphical change to your Character if you died to them, Like maybe a hunter tag replacing your Emblem for X length of time.
I like the idea, but it could work badly. Plenty of people have raised concerns and offered alternatives.
I'd like it to be more like a Zone Event. Maybe just a group, or single tough NPC who appears in a zone and starts to hunt the friendly NPCs in that zone, until a player attacks them.
"Trophy Hunting Party has been spotted in Atlas" and they proceed to scour the map for Longbow. If they're not engaged by players they clear the Longbow out or are defeated and then vanish. If a player attacks them they get flagged for the hunt too, maybe with the hunters getting reinforcements or something. There could be a few badges, maybe if the event was timed it could be a Survived the Hunt badge, or if you take down a Boss it could be Hunt the Hunted or something. Assuming we don't have badges called that already.
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
One thought that has just occurred to me is if its a single Tough NPC is having someway of him not getting too close to the Police Drones when he's not been engaged by a PC.
I was actually thinking of Van Pelt from Jumanji when I thought of the hunter.
Good ideas everyone. Like the opt out, like the mission to opt out, like the zone spawn.Like the idea of the AT being like a players, though an MM hunter sounds dangerous!
In retrospect I don't like my original idea of it being when you zone. The idea of them appearing in a zone and hunting any hero/villain appeals, maybe using the Rikti Invasion code. minion in the lowest level zones, Lt in next set of zones up, boss in next sets and so on.
I know theres issues with the invasion code and very low level alts but a single minion in atlas shouldn't be too bad, even for the lowest level alts. That said if we went with level 10 then Steel and Skyway and up would be the zones that this would occur in. Most alts should have a chance by then.
Not sure how much confusion it would cause, but you could have the opt out option on a NPC in the Hub areas of a Zone, and to opt out you pay a scaled amount of Inf to be taken off or down their hit list.
Not sure how much confusion it would cause, but you could have the opt out option on a NPC in the Hub areas of a Zone, and to opt out you pay a scaled amount of Inf to be taken off or down their hit list.
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Not a good idea. When you do things you get rewarded. They reduced penalties almost completely in this game. It would not make sense to make a mechanism that would cause a lot of players including me to get upset about.
Defeating a trophy hunter should be something interesting for you to do. Something you get rewarded for as well. Not something that grieves you.
So NO to costume changes. NO to inf costs of getting of the list.
If anything, I imagine them wandering around in either the Rogue Isles or zones like Cimerora and the RWZ. Zones that are actually challanges, and with enemies worth hunting trophies off. Every noob hero and villains has beaten the pants off of Longbow/Hellions/PPD/Skulls.
Also, groups hanging around as either allies or enemies on Monster Island would be cool. Either they welcome you to join the hunt or see you as competition.
And /Signed for the Victorian Gent look idea blunderbusses, long-rifles, big taches and monocles, thats the ticket eh what?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
You know, it's not a bad idea. To me, it fits into the genre of comics and superheroes well. It's not always heroes chasing down the villains in conveniently placed warehouses - sometimes the villains come to you (I wouldn't mind NPC attacks on bases - the Masters of Evil once raided the Avengers Mansion in a classic story...) and villains 'jump' heroes all the time in comics - even when they have 'better things to do'
True, however, the idea needs some boundaries. Perhaps only in hazard zones? Perhaps only in teams? Perhaps (as above) there are warnings?
I like the 'bounty hunter' type approach - but I also like the 'super villains' approach...
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
Fantastic idea Winterflare.
We visit their bases. It's time they visit ours.
I see two possible scenario's.
Last line of defense: The enemy is storming the base for a limited time only lucky enough. Sending endless hordes of villains into the base trying to wreck stuff and take names. Can you survive the storming of your base?
Vermin infestation: The enemy entered the base unopposed and are now looking for the goodie. They are everywhere everywhere and its up to you and your band of heroes to kick them out.
Sounds like fun to me.
How about a group that specialise in hunting down the super powered and taking a trophy from them, a mask, a bit of the cossie etc.
Rather than appear in missions they always ambush the players (Hero or Villain). Perhaps once a hero/villain become known to many of the population they could become a target for one of these, say level 10 (though that might be too early.
The Trophy Hunter would attack the player in the same way as a normal ambush but would be a alone.
Level 10-19 Lt Attacks
Level 20-29 Boss Attacks
Level 30-39 EB Attacks
Level 40+ AV attacks
The chance would need to be perhaps 1% each time a player Zones (so it could happen entering or leaving a mission).