The Future




The Future

It is my sad duty to inform you that Belenus has left the game and will not be returning. He was a good player and an even better friend. He has his reasons for leaving some of which will be mentioned later in this post.

Ace.Rimmer has also left the game to not be returning. All I can say is "What a guy...."

Not wanting to steal the announcement, but Jade Warrior will also be leaving the game when his subs run out. I would like to say the same that he is a good player and a better friend, but think we should just stick to the truth in this post and so I will just say he is a great friend :P

And lastly of the leaving announcements, Remus, the longest subscriber to the game within the SG (4 years) has also left the game. I have to be nice to him so will say it is a shame he is leaving and he will be missed

I am also announcing that myself and Sparx will also be leaving the game when our subs run out, and not returning. We have a lot to thank this game for. We met each other whilst playing and through MSN and Supergroup meetings we fell in love and got together. But after 3 and half years of playing online (nearly 4 years for Sparx) we have both decided to hang up our capes as well, for various reasons.

With this it will also be the end of the Scoobies Supergroup. If any current members would like lead to be able to play with the fully kitted out bases etc please send me a tell in game or through the forums and I will pass lead on this.

One of the reasons that myself and Sparx are leaving is that we have set up home together and have other things to do rather than play the game. A few months ago neither of us would have dreamt of leaving the game but we both feel (and the other people mentioned in this post) that the game has declined in that time.

My main grievance with the game is the lack of population, and the response that is driven from people on the forum. I don't care what people shout about and say the population of the servers is declining. I know you can get full teams and stuff, I regularly built them and many people may have been on one of my teams with my various alts, but gone are the times of old when this was a simple process and it has turned into a lengthy affair that can take up to an hour to fill a team whilst doing missions.

Idiots on the forum. That is it. Enough said you know who you are and I hope you continue to have people to belittle and make you feel good about yourselves.

The second reason we have for leaving is the lack of content to do with level 50's. I have spent a lot of time with my main and some other level 50s (my main has nearly 2000 hours clocked up online) and hardly play them now as there is nothing to do except grind for influence or complete the new badges when they come out in issues.

Issues. These are far becoming a joke in my opinion and I am not easily fobbed off with the "Just wait and see what is coming" excuse anymore. Issue 13 was touted as being a massive issue and I feel that it was a massive let down. The was no power diversity (this has kept me going for a little while having new power sets on existing AT's), and was a little small and bereft of content. Issue 14 is reported as being just the MA (although GR has comented today this is not the case, but hey I dont believe em), which for me is not appealing and stinks of designers being lazy and getting players to create new content that I think should be provided by the designers. When this has been commented on the forums cries of "wait for issue 15 that will be awesome" are returned, well quite frankly I and others are not willing to wait that long.

The game is now too easy, or overly hard. I mean that general missions and the like are too easy and things can be steam rollered through. There is no thought or tactics required to doing a mission. I mainly play with the other people mentioned in this thread and pick ups, and no matter how bad the pick ups are we can smash through purples in a mission with little thought and preparation. And then on the other end of the scale you have the likes of the States TF that requires certain team builds to be able to complete it, and without them it becomes impossible.

Also the support and EU community is dropping off which too me also indicates something bad.

Overly the game has lost its "SUPER" feel for me with everything becoming a grind. It has got to the point where I look at the character creation screen trying to decide what to make next and there is nothing. I would have enjoyed an electric or energy scrapper but as there is no chance of that until issue 15 I am going.

Thanks to all that have teamed with me and friends I have made but I am leaving when my subs expire and will not be renewing them, unless something major happens like the servers are merged with the US or a million new people start playing in the EU. This is the same for others mentioned in this post.

Tuarus and Sparx, and on behalf of Belenus, Jade Warrior, Ace.Rimmer and Remus.



It's a shame to lose you but it's nice to know even in City of Heroes love can blossom.

As for some of your points I will say I agree (namely the wonkey difficulty at times between regular and certain TFs)

I am personally holding out hope that Issue 14 isn't just Issue 13.5, I have fingers crossed and hold out hope.

Issue 13 had a lot stripped out of it, either the VEATs were early or the MA was delayed to be worked on into a better state of affairs. Back when Positron made that announcement both the VEATs and the MA were included and if that was the case, it would have been a truly huge Issue but instead Issue 13 was kind of spread over Issues 12-14 and thus not as massive as initally thought out.

I can't say I'm not worried about the state of the EU, if it's got even FFM worrying then I too am worried despite assurances from GR, that little niggling feeling in the back of my head.

Still I love this game and will continue to play I said initially it is said to see you and your friends go, it's always a bad thing to lose people with as much experience as yourselves, infact the loss of anyone is always a bit of a downer.

Good luck and God Speed.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Bye. Can I have your stuff please?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Sorry to see a brave few peeps go in one fell swoop.
But tell me, moving on to any other games or waiting on a future game?



Wait Belenus Left!!! DAMMIT



Most of us are waiting for STO, but will play some offline (multiplayer online games) in the void



The OP skims very close to "ranting" in places, however I'm going to leave the thread for the time being. I will just quickly comment on the one thing that Tuarus (and other he mentions) have repeatedly discussed on these forums:

Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Sad to see you guys go.

I agree with you on some points, I disagree on others. Lets not turn this into a discussion thread. Anyway i believe I should congratulate you and Sparx for setting up your house or am i jumping to conclusions?



I am also announcing that myself and Sparx will also be leaving the game when our subs run out, and not returning. We have a lot to thank this game for. We met each other whilst playing and through MSN and Supergroup meetings we fell in love and got together.

[/ QUOTE ]


Take care out there, and good luck in the future.




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

I might go into more detail in my own post nearer the time.

Oh and GR - thanks for leaving this thread open - you'll have to forgive T, he loved this game, and for him (and the others, myself included) the current state of the game is like watching a dog that you've had since a puppy getting ready for that last walk - You know the time has come to say goodbye, but you can't seem to do it, you know it's for the best, but that doesn't help. In the end you have do it. You make the call, and say your goodbyes, and close the door.




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know - so see you in an Issue or two

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know - so see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I doubt it.

Unless someone (looks for a developer NOT a forumrite) would like to come out in the open and drop the cloak & dagger stuff for once and just tell us what the plans are - PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

Personally - this is just one of the reason I'm off. Since issue 6 I've put up with people telling me the same stuff over and over again. I am fed up with "hints" and "maybes". I'm not looking for details, nor timelines, more of;
"this is what we're working on now"
"this is what we want to develop"
"we expect to have this around <insert date>".

This would enable the players to feedback with comments & suggestions, i.e.
"don't waste your time - that feature wouldn't be used"
"maybe you should do it X way"




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know - so see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I doubt it.

Unless someone (looks for a developer NOT a forumrite) would like to come out in the open and drop the cloak & dagger stuff for once and just tell us what the plans are - PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

Personally - this is just one of the reason I'm off. Since issue 6 I've put up with people telling me the same stuff over and over again. I am fed up with "hints" and "maybes". I'm not looking for details, nor timelines, more of;
"this is what we're working on now"
"this is what we want to develop"
"we expect to have this around <insert date>".

This would enable the players to feedback with comments & suggestions, i.e.
"don't waste your time - that feature wouldn't be used"
"maybe you should do it X way"

[/ QUOTE ]

You know what's coming: The Mission Architect.

something that the players asked for, for a long time. So the Devs put it together and it's out next issue. It means you can create your own content.

The Devs told us that they would give us it and they've delivered.

We asked for VEATs, we got VEATs....

I dunno what game you're playing mate but the one I play, the Devs seem to be listening and the feedback is pretty positive.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



to GR.. ofc there will be an upwards trend at the launch of a new issue thats coz it is smt new, servers are delapidated and unless ur in fairly "active" and "biggish" sg/vg you'll struggle to fine a team. the game is dying a slow death but thats with all things though, all this said its still for me the best PvE MMO outhere atm and thats y i'm still hovering around these parts. i14 will be a very hit and miss issue due to its nature, im looking forward to it but 2 of my close Gaming friends aint. as ive said before i15 is the real major issue for the ratings as it looks like it could coincide with the other 2 hero style MMO realeases. anyway sad to see a substantial group leaving, but the show must go on ... Good Luck and God Speed

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



Well other stuff has been asked, hasn't been implemented.

Btw, there's not really been any major EU-suggested stuff put in. Sure, necklines came, and I suggested bolo ties in Jay's thread - next issue, bolo ties were there, but except those, there really hasn't been.

Problem is devs don't really listen to the EU side. We either wait ages for GR to get it over or we sign up on US forums and suggest it there.




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Did it for him

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know - so see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I doubt it.

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll see

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




servers are delapidated

[/ QUOTE ]

Factually incorrect


and unless ur in fairly "active" and "biggish" sg/vg you'll struggle to fine a team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Utter poppycock! I refute this entirely.


the game is dying a slow death but thats with all things though,

[/ QUOTE ]

Totally unsubstantiated

all this said its still for me the best PvE MMO outhere

[/ QUOTE ]


"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



GG plsease stop trolling

scarlet a lot of ppl have left a lot of my globals have gone IT is harder to find a team everyone has experienced this (most of the prob is 8-24 blue side and 1-45 red side)

the game is dying otherwise we wouldnt have the mass influx of vocal were leaving.

however i love this game and at there is none better for me. im not getting involved in any more jousting of words over this as everyne is entitled to there own biased opinions.

im sad to see more and more left, but i understand and empathise with them.

one thing i cant stand is Golden Girl wrecking 90% of the treads in here ... this will prolly get modded but what the heck... shut the god damn hell up you spamming troll. seriously stop spamming ur stupid witless inane 2 worder responses or emote responses. again im gnna notify moderater if i see u do this again. there is a place for trolls and thats under a bridge that is dark and damp and has murky water

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



GG plsease stop trolling

scarlet a lot of ppl have left a lot of my globals have gone IT is harder to find a team everyone has experienced this (most of the prob is 8-24 blue side and 1-45 red side)

the game is dying otherwise we wouldnt have the mass influx of vocal were leaving.

however i love this game and at there is none better for me. im not getting involved in any more jousting of words over this as everyne is entitled to there own biased opinions.

im sad to see more and more left, but i understand and empathise with them.

one thing i cant stand is Golden Girl wrecking 90% of the treads in here ... this will prolly get modded but [censored]... shut the god damn hell up you spamming troll. seriously stop spamming ur stupid witless inane 2 worder responses or emote responses. again im gnna notify moderater if i see u do this again. there is a place for trolls and thats under a bridge that is dark and damp and has murky water

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not in a particularly active SG, and have no problems finding teams.

My global list is busy as it's ever been, and generally it's getting bigger, because I'm adding people that I meet in the teams I play in above.

The "New Player" section of these very boards is just as active as they have been, and given that a relatively small number of the games population post on these boards, we can only assume that there is a much larger influx of players than represented there.

The last paragraph is added to my little list of "Ironic Posts: CoX Forum Stylee"

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



the game is dying otherwise we wouldnt have the mass influx of vocal were leaving

[/ QUOTE ]

im not getting involved in any more jousting of words over this as everyne is entitled to there own biased opinions

[/ QUOTE ]


Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."




the game is dying otherwise we wouldnt have the mass influx of vocal were leaving.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not a mass influx. It's a few voices. It's a small cadre of people who are discontented and are airing their opinion repeatedly.

I can tell you for a fact I have very little trouble with getting a team, regardless of heroes/villains. In fact I spent yesterday on villains with no trouble getting PuGs and teamed all teh time I was on, pretty well full teams - all at under 45.

I don't have a massive SG, nor do I have a massive global and this was on Defiant.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



To put it simple:

you're bored of the game. simple.

You can find dozen of things that might be wrong about the game, but it doesnt change the fact you're bored with the game. For many its already close to 4 years, 4 years where you develop your own life and you change in preferences and other things get priorities.

See it like bubblegum, i saw this a while ago on kitchen science. If you chew it, eventualy it looses flavor. Its done, over, you wanna trow it away. But if you take a sugar, then start eating again suddenly the flavor is back. But the bubblegum never changed.

Take a break, enjoy life, maybe some day you stumble upon the game again and give it a spin once more. It keeps you happy for a while again, untill boredom kicks in again.

GG is right sometimes

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!