The Future




I always like the 'my global list is becoming emptier with people leaving therefore the game must be declining. I can see it with my own eyes!! Irrefutable proof the game is dying!!' bits. If anything my global list is becoming more and more populated. I had to scroll down at several points over the weekend to see the whole list!

People that have played the game for as long as you have will leave, yes. It's to be expected when you're played the game for so long. It happens. New people come along as well. If you took the time to actually LOOK at some of the people you've teamed with that AREN'T on your global list you'll see quite a few new players starting out.

I also really like the 'we want to know what's being worked on' posts, just so the very same people can come back and say 'but you said HERE that you were working on THIS and it would be released by XXXX and it's not so I'm going to have a big strop and quit the game because X, Y and Z games have also announced a feature very similar only they've got twice the budget and number or staff so have it ready by now!' posts. Believe me, if they could announce what they were working on they would, but with 2 other superhero MMO's in development, both of those having much bigger budgets and higher numbers of staff with no fixed release dates, such announcements could easily be poached by other dev teams without too much trouble. There's also advertising (ha!) ahem, sorry, I mean, really, there's advertising and marketing to consider as well as the possibility of bugs and delays due to staff illness etc. or even the possibility of something just not working at all in the game meaning that items being worked on often get put back, delayed or sometimes cancelled altogether. They can't afford to announce a expected release date either simply because there are many, MANY people on the US and Eu forums they routinely throw a strop at something that was implied or even hinted at that wasn't delivered quite the way they expected or even at all when there's been no confirmation whatsoever from anyone even remotely associated with the Dev's or community team.

You say the Dev's don't listen? The -range from taunt was an idea posted in the US suggestions forum. The 'Elusivity' PvP feature was also suggested in the US suggestions board. Sure, perhps our suggestions might not be read or commented on as much (or at all? not sure how much info gets fed back by the CC's here). They can't implement every idea that's suggested but improvements suggested about the MA when it was in closed beta pushed that back from i13 so yes, in fact they do listen when they are presented with a balanced, reasoned request or suggestion. A rant such as the OP has posted makes no suggestions on how to improve the game in his eyes when thousands of others are quite happy with the way the game is at the moment or would only tweak a few things here and there.

I was going to type something else here but I've decided against it right now. Lets just say that not everyone will be sorry to see you go judging by your 'rant' above.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Firstly, I would like to say that it is sad to see you guys go, particularly Belenus who i have always had a great deal of respect and time for, and can even remember when we first met ingame.

Good luck guys with whatever you move onto.

I agree with some of what was said, though at the moment I am happy to continue, hoping things improve.

Secondly, I find it really sad that this thread has not only been hijacked by GG and her inane insipid comments yet again, but has now descended into a bitchfest yet again.

Can we not just say sad to see you guys go and leave it at that just for once?

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



Belenus really sorry too see you go, I think for me you have been one the the best players in game and will miss the global chats, good luck with what you have gone onto . (OoNA)

Just ignore the trolls lol.



Can we not just say sad to see you guys go and leave it at that just for once?

[/ QUOTE ]

If the post was just "We fancy a break, we're off", then I'm sure that's what the replies would have been.

You reap what you sow, frankly.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"




Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just make that your sig

And for those taking a break - see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry GG - we're not likely to come back, unless there are some major change to the game as T said in his opening post.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know - so see you in an Issue or two

[/ QUOTE ]

Somehow I doubt it.

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll see

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah listen the lady, mates. I know it is kinda annoying but she's always right about that coming back issue

Anyway, even if we don't met in game i always enjoyed your contributions on the forums. Have fun out there, may life brings happiness to your road wherever you go.

Highest Regards,



At last I have a chance to overtake B's badge total!

It will be a shame to see you guys go, it's been a blast teaming with you and listening to the terrible jokes on TS. I remember the first time I joined a Scoobys team, running badging missions on a Valentines event. I hope I can team with you again somewhere

Good luck wherever you end up.


PS. I'm gonna need a new global friends list now, it's 95% Scoobys



... Moving on from a potentially developing row...

Taurus and the rest leaving, have fun in whatever you decide to do. I do feel most of what you express is mostly down to being burned out on the game and being bored with it, it's quite possible after playing for so long. Hell, *I* burned out on it about 2 years ago and had 6 or 7 months of pretty much not playing, though I stuck around on the forums.

Enjoy your break, even if it's permanent. Perhaps we'll butt heads in the future.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



At last I have a chance to overtake B's badge total!

It will be a shame to see you guys go, it's been a blast teaming with you and listening to the terrible jokes on TS. I remember the first time I joined a Scoobys team, running badging missions on a Valentines event. I hope I can team with you again somewhere

Good luck wherever you end up.


PS. I'm gonna need a new global friends list now, it's 95% Scoobys

[/ QUOTE ]

We're sorry to be leaving you and your many many alts behind Suz. You've always been a fine addition to our teams.




and unless ur in fairly "active" and "biggish" sg/vg you'll struggle to fine a team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Utter poppycock! I refute this entirely.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to pull you up on this but to refute you have to provide evidence. You can deny it, you can reject it if you like, but your post doesn't refute it. Just a pet hate of mine, carry on

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Your probably not gonna like this but it sounds like complete martyrdom to me. You think the game is dying and you leaving is somehow going to make people see this and change it. Nothing is going to change and i have to agree with the rest, that your problems are through boredom than anything actually wrong with the game.
I wish you luck with what you do but i imagine it'll be the same when you return.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Sorry to pull you up on this but to refute you have to provide evidence. You can deny it, you can reject it if you like, but your post doesn't refute it. Just a pet hate of mine, carry on

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole this from QI!

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Your probably not gonna like this but it sounds like complete martyrdom to me. You think the game is dying and you leaving is somehow going to make people see this and change it. Nothing is going to change and i have to agree with the rest, that your problems are through boredom than anything actually wrong with the game.
I wish you luck with what you do but i imagine it'll be the same when you return.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you and others have hit the nail on the head its not that the game is "Dieing" or that the servers are becoming deserted (I'm sure people are leaving but after 4/5 years there's gonna be a decline) its that they've for what ever reason become board the game has become stagnate for them and it no longer excites them.

Its something that seems to happen to every one (tho not GG and her constant chirpy ness it seems) and when it dose the person either ups and leaves (with or without announcement) or they find something within the game that still interests them for be it badges playing the market soloing AVs or helping the little ones. Those that leave more often that not venture back at some point normally thanks to the reactivation weekends (don't believe me sign up the the google new service and have city of heroes as your search term just see how many people out there blog that there returning to CoH after X months/years absence and are having fun)

I've done it my self i was feeling board with the game and the PS3 and Wii were calling my name and then the hole switch thing gave me that finale push when my account time ended i didn't renew it on my main account and i had intended to let the same happen with my secondary account but along came i13 yes it was content lite but there was anuf there to rekindle my love i played through the new villain stuff in a night got a lvl on my brute who had languished around 45 for months and that was me i was off doing missions again i joined up with sals badge hunters (i cant recommend doing this anuff) even tho I'm not a rabid badger i still like them and i figured these would be active people i did 2 ITFs and a LGTF later that week and hit 50 since then I've dragged a tank from 34 to 38 (again thanks badge hunters) a defender from 29 to 32 (from random PUGs) another tank from 22 to 24 doesn't sound like a lot but when your dark/ice and have all of 4 attacks (brawl,frozen fist,sands of Mu and nemi staff) its hard going again thrue random teams plus I've rolled and begun to lvl no end of alts.

So i put it to the OP and those that share the same view that its not the game that's dieing but there interest in the game it no longer thrills them and the reason they demand a list of upcoming features from the devs is in the hope that they'll be something there that will grab them but it wont your in a rut and you need to get out of it and i suggest to do this you do what your saying and leave the game don't look back but instead do other things go for walks in the park or play other games and one day come back and have a look at CoH with refreshed eyes.



Sorry to pull you up on this but to refute you have to provide evidence. You can deny it, you can reject it if you like, but your post doesn't refute it. Just a pet hate of mine, carry on

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole this from QI!

[/ QUOTE ]

They just read it from a dictionary, I'm of the lazy generation we watch TV while others read for us. I used my favoured medium of learning, quiz coms, and applied the knowledge gained

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Sorry to pull you up on this but to refute you have to provide evidence. You can deny it, you can reject it if you like, but your post doesn't refute it. Just a pet hate of mine, carry on

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole this from QI!

[/ QUOTE ]

They just read it from a dictionary, I'm of the lazy generation we watch TV while others read for us. I used my favoured medium of learning, quiz coms, and applied the knowledge gained

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually it was Stephen Fry and he did the same thing, amusingly smacking down Clive Anderson refuting his answer by stating a refutation requires evidence, and it was pretty much a moment of Stephen Fry proving that he really is just way, way smarter and well read than everyone else.

As a cherry on top, he offered 'repudiate' as an alternative word.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Sorry to pull you up on this but to refute you have to provide evidence. You can deny it, you can reject it if you like, but your post doesn't refute it. Just a pet hate of mine, carry on

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole this from QI!

[/ QUOTE ]

They just read it from a dictionary, I'm of the lazy generation we watch TV while others read for us. I used my favoured medium of learning, quiz coms, and applied the knowledge gained

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually it was Stephen Fry and he did the same thing, amusingly smacking down Clive Anderson refuting his answer by stating a refutation requires evidence, and it was pretty much a moment of Stephen Fry proving that he really is just way, way smarter and well read than everyone else.

As a cherry on top, he offered 'repudiate' as an alternative word.

[/ QUOTE ]

It may well have been while he was younger but one day he learned that word and its meaning and I learnt from Fry The Master Of Wit. As all should

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"