Peregrine level restriction
I'm not ready to poo-poo you're idea - but I'd be interested to hear your reasons why?
A lot of low-level Fake Nemesis hunters would disagree with you...
[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]
I'd love to see Peregrine Island become a 'level 40 minimum' restricted entry zone..
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Only if the island gets bombed to the point of uninhabitability. Until then, as long as there are civvies there, heroes of any level should be allowed to go there too, frankly.
[EDIT] Dear shift key: please co-operate or I will beat you with an active chainsaw. Thankyoo.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

I'd love to see Peregrine Island become a 'level 40 minimum' restricted entry zone..
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Umm... NO!
There's no reason for it, it's not a hazard zone
You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one. �Henry D. Thoreau
PL me plx!
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Until then, as long as there are civvies there, heroes of any level should be allowed to go there too, frankly.
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Oooh, love the RP logic.
I really should do something about this signature.
Things to prevent friends from teaming? No thanks. And PRAF, Crazy Dragon has a point. Hazard Zones are just that, zones that are hazardous, which is why normal population isn't allowed in there, and it restricts heroes of certain levels. To make Peregrine be limited to 40+, they'd need to come up with a reason why.
I whole heartily agree.
I am sick and tired of constant spamming in peregrines broadcast channel for little level 10's , 20's , etc etc trying to get into farming teams.
It's a level 40 zone,made for level 40's with level 40 mobs and level 40 mission contacts and the stores only sell level 40 and above enhancements.
There isn't even any missions or arcs below level 40 that make you go to peregrine, so whats the point in peregrine being open to all levels if there no game mechanic there for anyone lower than 40?
It would also cut down a lot on the PLers, farmers and alt grinders which can only be a good thing in my book.
Maybe it's just me, but i've worked hard to get my toons to level 40 and beyond, mostly soloing.. I'm fed up of lvl 10-22's (sometimes even lower levels) sitting in Portal Corp all day asking me to power level them, or do farm missions just so they can get to level 50 without experiencing any of the content. Now i understand alot of folks have already got several toons to level 50 and are probably bored of going through all the missions over and over with new toons, but i just feel that if you're bored of the game so much so that you just want to get to 50 as quickly as possible, you should stop playing for a while maybe.. Just my opinion, no offence to anyone intended.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097
It's a level 40 zone,made for level 40's with level 40 mobs and level 40 mission contacts and the stores only sell level 40 and above enhancements.
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And my level 22 (or 23) En/En Blaster is currently there getting the Intern Day Job badge. PI is the only place you can get it in CoH since you need to log out inside a Portal Corps building. She isn't bothering anyone, and if there was somewhere else to go, she'd be there, but there isn't.
I disagree completely with the OP.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Yes it is annoying. But being able to team up with anyone in the game is one of the big selling points of this game in my book.
When I want to party with a friend I know I can party with him no matter our level differences. For those power levelers there is an easy solution.
IGNORE them.
Definate no from me.
Ignoring the PL'ing aspect, we sometimes as a SG like to run PI arcs. Should another SG member come online it's nice to have the option to SK them up, rather than force them to play a 50 if they want to join in.
PI is the only place we can do this.
If you want a zone with less PL requests, go to RWZ.
Besides, I quite like the "u got farm?" tells ... they're fun people to annoy
It's a level 40 zone,made for level 40's with level 40 mobs and level 40 mission contacts and the stores only sell level 40 and above enhancements.
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And my level 22 (or 23) En/En Blaster is currently there getting the Intern Day Job badge. PI is the only place you can get it in CoH since you need to log out inside a Portal Corps building. She isn't bothering anyone, and if there was somewhere else to go, she'd be there, but there isn't.
I disagree completely with the OP.
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OK true there is only one way to get the intern badge and that's in portal corp. There's also only one way to get a multitude of other badges in missions, hazard zones,pvp zones and events and that's either meeting the level requirement or waiting for the event to come around,I wouldn't mind waiting until level 40 for the badge it would make it more of an achievement to me.
Yes it is annoying. But being able to team up with anyone in the game is one of the big selling points of this game in my book.
When I want to party with a friend I know I can party with him no matter our level differences. For those power levelers there is an easy solution.
IGNORE them.
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The thing is I would rather not have to ignore them, I'd rather not have them in the game at all and that also includes the farmers
Just live and let live
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Just live and let live
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Indeed, everybody plays the game as they like. Some RPG, some hunt badges, some like to level loads of characters some like to PvP, some love to grind for uber IO's. Some people just want to have high levels without the minor hassle to level them up. Live and let live sounds like the best advice to me.
It's already annoying when you're playing with friends and get a mission in a Hazard Zone like Crey's or Dark Astoria and either have to do another mission or get them to switch to a character that can enter.
Ignore them, don't kill other's enjoyment of the game.
More then once, I've been on a team that were around the #0 marker. We were doing an arc and doing so IC.
In the case of this example, I was lvl 28 SKed to a lvl 33. Then the next mission was in Crey's Folley. Oh joy.
If you don't like the PL requests, ignore them.
They have just as much right to play how they want as you do.
if you find them harassing you, petition them.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
The thing is I would rather not have to ignore them, I'd rather not have them in the game at all and that also includes the farmers
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I'm quoting this one because I want to address it afterwards.
Peregrine isn't a hazard zone and therefore there is no reason for it to be level limited. Unless the logic would then be applied to all the other zones too. If people want to play with their high level friends whilst being SKed, well, they're in their right to do so, as that is what the SK system is there to do. If people want to hunt in a higher level zone and be subjected to the higher level foes, they're in their right to do so, as long as the EULA isn't broken.
So I'd say most definitely no the OP suggestion.
As for the quoted bit, I'm neither for nor against Powerlevellers or Farmers: it's their accounts, their money they're paying with, they can play as they want. They don't tell YOU how to play YOUR game and you shouldn't impose your way of playing on them. You're not forced to accept their invites or to invite them to your team, you're not forced to endure them in anyway, that's what the Ignore command is there for.
Play your game and let others play theirs as they like it.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
As for the quoted bit, I'm neither for nor against Powerlevellers or Farmers: it's their accounts, their money they're paying with, they can play as they want. They don't tell YOU how to play YOUR game and you shouldn't impose your way of playing on them. You're not forced to accept their invites or to invite them to your team, you're not forced to endure them in anyway, that's what the Ignore command is there for.
Play your game and let others play theirs as they like it.
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Let's face it, farmers are in every MMO, you can't stop them, just like you can't stop people eating fatty cheeseburgers.
There one of the groups in a MMO: there's the group who wants to have fun and just play the game normally, there's people who want to PvP, there's people who want to RP, and there's people who want to farm.
I can see a lot of farmers and PLers packing their bags if this suggestion is implemented.
Btw, suggested before - search ftw!
I also suggest a max level restriction in all zones. We need a max lvl 7 restriction in Atlas Park to stop people from killstealing lowbies when they dont even get XP. Same for Galaxy.
Max lvl 30 restriction in Talos Island to stop lvl 50 ebil marketeers making phat profits. [/sarcasm]
I disagree. Why? Because I've played this game for quite a while and often find the 1-22 part of the game bit of a drag. Also I like to play with my friends who dont always have a lvl 40-49 character they want to level. Yes, it is possible, I might actually want to play with a friend legitimately and not pester people to PL me or "help others skip content"!
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Reason 1: Game background. It says that Peregrine Island is as safe for civilians as anywhere else in Paragon City. Hence, no security passes required. Hence, level 1 heroes are free to go there.
Reason 2: I don't recall noticing significant broadcast spam in Peregrine, and I have three level 50s. (Admittedly, I don't hang about much in Peregrine, because hanging about reduces the amount of simulated violence I get to commit per hour of login time). Farmers and PLers will send a /tell to anyone between 46 and 50, wherever they are; I've found myself getting "come bridge for us" and "hey, wanna farm?" tells everywhere from Atlas Park to Crey's Folly. *cuddles the /ignore command and calls it George*
Reason 3: One of the great merits of City of X is that you can team with people of significantly different levels and be an effective part of the team. Level-restricted zones interfere with that.
Reason 4: Why shouldn't my level 22 character tag along with her beloved level 49 mentor when he goes to Do Justice in a faraway dimension?
DCUO and CO will never see my money. The Citygame will keep seeing my money for as long as I keep enjoying it

I am with the majority here: No to the Suggestion
RP, Game & Badge reasons all work fine as is. I'm sorry if you feel impinged upon by power levelling and farming, but as has been pointed out it's not a massive problem and you can ignore many people easily enough.

Thelonious Monk
I wouldn't mind waiting until level 40 for the badge it would make it more of an achievement to me.
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That's nice for you. Now, stop telling me how to play this game. I'm not in your face telling you how to play it.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I'd love to see Peregrine Island become a 'level 40 minimum' restricted entry zone..
Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097