293 -
Quote:I'm back because of GR, but only on one account./signed
i was one of those that left after i 13 and waited for CO.. i just recently came back.. because a friend said he wanted to come back to test out whats new.. and it makes me wonder why i even did. Champions online had its prob.. but at least it seems there devs listen to the pvpers.
My other account had my pvp-trainees on it. I see no point in reactivating it for GR, even though it's very good PVE content.
Fahie -
Quote:Doms and Forts were overpowered yes, but they certainly weren't unbeatable by any stretch.oh dont get me wrong.. gettin mezzed for 8 sec.. is nothing..
getting dominated for about 30 seconds is another...
either case they could have just fixed domination and left everything else the same for i13, and the game would have been waaaaaaay better.
domination and fortunatas killed i12.. which led to i13 and what we have now
But I agree, balancing them would have been FAR better than I13.
I find it insane that this conversation is going on 18 months later ( or however long it's been since I13 )
There are still no posts saying "PVP is great now, leave it as it is".
There are still lots of posts saying "PVP sucks now"
It really is a no-brainer isn't it. NCSoft ... do you want more money? If the answer is "yes", eat humble pie and revert the pvp changes.
You'll make quite a few people happy, very *very* few people sad and you will have more subs.
Fahie -
Quote:^^ This ( squared )Yeah, because getting stunned for 8 seconds and not being able to do anything about it is so much better than teaming with an Emp or carrying Breakfrees.
And yes, I remember that *they* said that reverting to i12 pvp would never happen, but I'm highly unlikely to reactivate my second account without it.
Think ncsoft ... that's another 9 pounds a month that you aren't getting .. nyah nyah nyah !
Gutted that they never brought in a "I12 PVP" button for the arena :P -
Thanks for the responses.
I kind of had a feeling that PVP hadn't picked up again, but was hoping that I was wrong.
One wonders if Positron etc will ever just admit that it was a bad mistake and revert to pre I13 for PVP .. lol
Still, at least the Ill/Rad is good for PvE too .. unless something has changed THERE too :P
Fahie -
I'm sure no-one will remember me on these boards, but I'm back and playing CoH after more than a years absence ( gotta love GR
The important question is, how's PvP looking these days since I hung up the sparring gloves after the I13 debacle?
Specifically, has anything happened with DR, suppression and so forth ?
Fahie -
700 lol .. reminds me of this one:
[/ QUOTE ]
It's great, but two questions;
1 : What does the designer of that room do with the 10 minutes they have each day that AREN'T spent on designing a CoH base room ?
and 2 : Why on earth is there a photocopier by a pool? Health and safety anyone?!
Fahie -
For any tattoo I get done, I come up with an idea then wait six months. If it still seems a good idea then, I get it done. Avoided several bad ideas that way
And avoid green ink on tattoos, I am led to believe that green is the hardest to remove :P
Fahie -
I would certainly say AR/EN could be fun, especially if you take the nrg epic too.
I don't think it's worth too much worrying about S/L damage, I'm assuming that you're not planning on sniping Brutes too often anyways
Now what would be REALLY cool is if you actually got a magnification scope on AR so you can pick out targets in the distance
Fahie -
To be fair, this is a bit of a geeky powerset.
What next? A trainspotting powerset too?
Fahie -
You've all missed the most important part though.
What colour would the power effects be ?!
I need to plan cossies
Fahie -
Now... Go.Kill.Skullz!
[/ QUOTE ]
Too late .. I got 'em all
Fahie -
For users with multicore CPU's changing the shortcut target to include -renderthread 1 should activate CoX multithreaded mode.
[/ QUOTE ]
I never knew that one for multicores, thanks ^^
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep .. that bit *was* a good tip
Thanks from me too
Fahie -
That sucks
You will get bored of minesweeper
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps, but a TB HD full of Movies and TV series' and Pron plus the inevitable binge drinking will cure some of that bordom.
[/ QUOTE ]
A little more information than I needed there
Fahie -
Ha, oh well I've never been technical minded anyway. I think that both parts of the original question have pretty much been answered, I'm sure I can put up with a long loading time (might stick the kettle on for a brew while waiting) and I'll mess about with the IG settings.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bizarely, the loading times are much quicker under Linux, but I wouldn't recommend that for the faint hearted
A new PC is out of the question at the moment as I intend on buying a laptop soon for when I'm working in the Falklands, no online games for 4 months
[/ QUOTE ]
That sucks
You will get bored of minesweeper
Fahie -
XP (32 bit) can handle 4 Gb but if you have a 256 Kb graphics card, then its address space is taken from XP's memory address space...
<----><----><----><----> 4 Gb (4096 Kb)
<----><----><----><---> 4 Gb less 256 Kb (3840 Kb)
[/ QUOTE ]
Err .. sorry .. that's completely incorrect.
XP 32 bit can take up to 4 gigs. However, windows will reserve most of the space over 3 gigs for it's own use, so you will only see just over three gigs available. Windows 32 bit does not have a PAE equivalent kernel, so it *cannot* handle anything greater than that.
Additionally ( and ignoring the fact that you have kb and mb slightly mixed up), windows only devotes local ram to the graphics card if it's onboard. Expansion graphics cards have their own ram. You do not lose 512 MB of system ram by having a 512 MB graphics card.
Windows does not need to assign 512 MB of memory space to it.
Just wanted to clarify that before erroneous information started being taken as gospel
Fahie -
I'll dig out a build for you if you still want it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd be interested in seeing this, if you don't mind. I've dug my neglected Ill/Rad out recently and started looking at a build for her, but it's so many miles away from the builds I normally do that I'm having a hard time with it.
I've got PA almost perma in one attempt, but then I'd been looking at a high def build for soloing as well, and was struggling to fit in enough of both def and recharge. Wondering whether to forget the def in such high amounts and concentrate on other bonuses - pretty concerned about my recovery, for one.
[/ QUOTE ]
No problem, I'll try and sort that out for you this week.
One point of note though is that with careful placement of yourself ( keeping at optimum range ), and the use of confuse for stragglers, you don't need any def at all once PA is perma. Given that their taunt is pretty impressive you can almost do a mastermind trick and watch from the sidelines, except that your pets are invulnerable
Fahie -
Once the date is confirmed, I may try and trundle along.
One question though, DR yes/no ?
Fahie -
Oh, and personally I would rate fly above SJ for ill/rad.
One of the few builds I would suggest it on, but you need to have very close control over distance considering you want to be spamming blind/confuse. Hover is also very useful here.
If you need SJ to chase someone down in arena PVP with an ill/rad, you're doing it wrong.
SS is a given considering you need hasten anyways, and you need a travel power to close in the first instance.
Fahie -
Excellent work
Far better than I can achieve. A few constructive criticisms I would like to make though, and I hope they are taken in the manner they are meant
The lip shape and highlights look a little wrong to me, can't put my finger on why though.
The eyes are a touch lopsided, the left eye ( looking at the picture ) looks angled too much.
The cleavage looks wrong to me. One boobie is overlapping the other. It's almost as if the left is much much bigger.
Anyways, onto the major plus points:
The fabric detail is very good, nice to see folds in cloth in the right places
The setting is great.
You can ACTUALLY draw hands! <applauds>. Moreover, you do something with them! Wonderful!
Proportions are pretty much spot on.
Love the pose.
Fahie -
I seem to recall someone telling me that the guy with the topknot was called Tribal but I wouldn't put money on it.
[/ QUOTE ]
That rings a bell.
Don't quote me on that though
Fahie -
Until recently with nvidia, the last three digits of the model gave you an indication of performance.
200 being the lowest, 950 being the highest I've encountered with 800 being typically the top performer for the release version.
For reference, I'm still using a 6800gt agp, and it's doing very well for it's age, an 8600 ( much newer ) isn't much better.
Anyways, back to your question. You'll have to trade off a lot of things. Either, characters will look quite good, or the scenery, or you can have some particle or shadow effects. You won't get all of them at anything above a slideshow framerate.
As Sinergy said, turn everything to minimum, then slowly edge things up. In a raid or TF you will probably have to turn everything back down again anyways.
Fahie -
Male or Female toon ? ( assuming the former due to your mention of huge
Serious or amusing name ?
You can keep the inf ( hats off for offering it though ), I just like thinking of names for toons
Fahie -
Soz, been away from the boards a bit recently
PVP Build will vary greatly depending on how much inf you have. I found myself slowly changing powers and slots around as I secured the purples.
As a general rule of thumb though your first goal should be to get PA perma, or as close to perma as possible.
The debuffs are a must, and don't underestimate the use of blind and confuse.
For epic, either Psi or Ice. I've just switched to Ice personally, mainly for hibernate but also for the additional -rchg/slows.
I'll dig out a build for you if you still want it.
Fahie -
If you want to win zonal PVP, roll an Ice/SS tanker.
If you want to win arena, roll an Ice/SS tanker.
I'm afraid it's got that boring I13+
Previous to that, lots of options would have been fun.
Arena with no DR ( diminishing returns ) is a *little* more interesting and gives you a few more options for fun builds.