Ski times - Post 'em here.




Seasons greeting to you all. The piste is open and the snow is crisp. With the advent of the Advanced slope we have a whole new slew of times.

When posting please specify which run you ran (Expert or Advanced) and any buffs you may have received (including travel powers), if any. If you can't remember, not to worry.

Here's mine:

Expert slope: 17:75 with SJ and no other buffs.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to reclaim the title I held last year 'Fastest Brute on the Piste*'.

(*Expert slope only)

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Did the advanced one in 1:09 without any buffs or powers other than an unslotted sprint.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



43.13 on the advanced track - It was unbeatable for a good few hours, but now its not even in the top 5! Jeez!



only ran each 3 times so far just to get the six badges, not bothered for a great time yet



After spending a good few hours SBin and TPin people by the slopes, i might try and get the badges tomoz
Tried it twice and first attempt was something like 1 min 52 seconds . . . on the old slope!!!
The new slope . . . . . well lets say the timer reset.

Was good fun having races down them backwards though!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Expert slope: 17:75 with SJ and no other buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]Thanks for saving me the need to state my own time. :b



Any tips for a fast run, you ol' pros?

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



the word "AAAARGH" springs to mind. Barely scraped a bronze on the advanced course (with Sprint only).

However, I do now have Toothbreaker and a generous supply of canes

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



After spending a good few hours SBin and TPin people by the slopes, i might try and get the badges tomoz
Tried it twice and first attempt was something like 1 min 52 seconds . . . on the old slope!!!
The new slope . . . . . well lets say the timer reset.

Was good fun having races down them backwards though!

[/ QUOTE ]

Was that you that shot me as I left and caused me to well overshoot the first turn!



43.45 on advanced in dwarf form and unknown buffs, but i know i had atleast 1 SB and 1 IR

(not accurate but i know it was 43.something, and i had 4th place when i got it)

1st place on defiant right now is 42 exactly



Was that you that shot me as I left and caused me to well overshoot the first turn!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well i did shout out on broadcast a few times that if you didnt want SB to say You loved the falling really!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



That is me with my troller M0. 42.00 seconds dead. The fastest I have seen is 41.50 on defiant and that was yesterday.



Found a different use for dual builds here.

46.83 - 6 slotted superspeed and superjump. At the runspeed cap anyway so the random speedboosts didn't throw me off. (I think thats the current record for anyone doing the run with whirlwind running too )



Well i did shout out on broadcast a few times that if you didnt want SB to say You loved the falling really!

[/ QUOTE ]

I got very very good at the falling.



Well i did shout out on broadcast a few times that if you didnt want SB to say You loved the falling really!

[/ QUOTE ]

I got very very good at the falling.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is where Flight comes in handy



My best was 44.61. Was annoying missing a place on leader board as there were alot of 44.50's up at that point but the bar has probly been rasied again now!

With Kin buffs these times are easy to get! Long live the Kins .. long live IR! Hazaa



IR or CJ are what make this easy.



I hate all things ski related and the ski courses. I hold a special hard, cold ball of congealed hate for whomever decided badges should be associated with "twitch reaction games" and is now responsible for another shock of white hair on my head.

That is all.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



My best time so far on either event with any toon has been rubbish :S

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



My (potentially) 2nd best ever run was tainted by the fact that I had missed a gate on the last run and meant I was technically still on the previous run, which made my overjoyed smiley face turn into a scowl when on crossing the finish line faster than a greased weasel with Teflon shoe-soles it said "Congratulations!: 2:34:06"

*Doh >.<



My best ever run was like Mothers' total time 1:20:04 and I went round virtually twice as I fell off at the Winter Lord and had to jump back to top (only CJ at that point :'(). If only I had made it I'm sure I'd have been on the leader board briefly.

Best time to the TP thing so far is 21s... (taken at the top).



Any tips for a fast run, you ol' pros?

[/ QUOTE ]

As said on the slopes last night, I'm far from the fastest down the slopes but I finally managed the Gold medal 'Speeder' badgeypoos and this is what helped me:

#Speed Boost

#Inertial Reduction

#Steering with the mouse (after IR) more than the direction keys, (only use if you are definately going to hit a side of the course that will slow you down)

#On the broken barrier part of the course with the fall/jump option... coming off the speed a little ensures you miss slamming into the rock and will actually save you seconds.

#Go left

#Think ahead

#Use the Force?




#Use the Force?

[/ QUOTE ]

*force chokes anyone who gets a better time*

Woo i am the fastest!



New fastest time for me is 40.88. I havent seen a time faster than that Oh this is on the tabogon run.



My best last night was 50:63 - but that was only with SS and no buffs.

For the bronze medal, I actually had to use Fly to stop before I crossed the finish line to make sure I was over 1:00 but under 1:10

@Golden Girl

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