Non-Super powered Travel Powers
The existing Recall Friend doesn't really -need- anything visible ingame for the player to make out that his character is already using such a device.
Jump Pack? It'd be better if backpacks were available in the costume creator, if you ask me, same with Jet Pack.
The point I'm getting at is that there's no real need for another power pool just for Natural and Tech characters to explain why they can fly/jump stupid distances/Beam Them Down, Scotty when what you're after could likely be acheived through superior means or are unnecessary altogether.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

Fly + Rocket Boots works well for Naturals, too.
Segway travel is the future.
DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.
Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!
Parkour for naturals. I don't want every single natural toon that wants a travel power to have devices weighing them down, gosh.
Why not give us a choice of animations for the existing powers?
So you might pick a magical magician waving arms type animation, a tech-arm-panel type animation (already exists), a gadget in hand animation (something like aid other/self thing) or ... well you get the idea, there's loads of things you could do with it, the gist is that we've not got choice in this regard at the moment and would like it.
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
They would all either involve power customisation (unlikely) implementation of branching power sets (just as unlikely) or them doing hole new power sets with different animations (extremely unlikely)
don't know about other but I'd like to see the option of non-super powered travel powers
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Actually, yes, others would like to see this. It gets suggested about once every couple of months, and discussed more frequently than that.
Your actual idea doesn't make sense, really. It's mixing up a load of other transport powers which are thematically massively different, and why would anyone use this to get Fly when they need to take two other powers from it to do so?
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Like Ravenswing says the powers don't make much sense there also more tech themed than natural.
a quick idea
Natural Travel Power: Free Running
1. Quick footed: you are naturally quick footed and can move slightly faster than normal and avoid some attacks: Passive +Defence +Runspeed
2. Leap: after gathering your strength you are able to jump greater distances for a short period of time: click +Jumpspeed +jumphight
3. Sure footed: you have a excellent sense of balance making you more difficult to knock down: click Knockback protection 2pts (can be slotted for more)
Not sure about a 4th power i was thinking some form of endurance discount power any suggestions?
I gahtered that I was just pulling out powers that are tecnicually alreeady animated and therefore would be easier to implament than completley new powers sides it's only an idea.
a quick idea
Natural Travel Power: Free Running
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Interesting idea, but I'm not clear what it adds to the game compared to the existing Fitness and Leaping pools.
The existing passive power Fitness/Hurdle gives you superhuman jumping ability (jump height of 3.3 metres! the world record for the high jump is 2.45) even before you start slotting it. Similarly, the existing passive power Fitness/Swift in combination with Inherent/Sprint gives you superhuman running ability. (Swift + Sprint is faster than an Olympic 100m runner and you can sustain it for a lot more than 100 metres.)
DCUO and CO will never see my money. The Citygame will keep seeing my money for as long as I keep enjoying it

Manticore doesn't have any powers, he uses the hospital's teleporting grid thing to let his arrows and him teleport
pesky hackers these days...
a quick idea
Natural Travel Power: Free Running
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Interesting idea, but I'm not clear what it adds to the game compared to the existing Fitness and Leaping pools.
The existing passive power Fitness/Hurdle gives you superhuman jumping ability (jump height of 3.3 metres! the world record for the high jump is 2.45) even before you start slotting it. Similarly, the existing passive power Fitness/Swift in combination with Inherent/Sprint gives you superhuman running ability. (Swift + Sprint is faster than an Olympic 100m runner and you can sustain it for a lot more than 100 metres.)
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Honestly not a lot its really just another take on the current fitness pool
a quick idea
Natural Travel Power: Free Running
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Interesting idea, but I'm not clear what it adds to the game compared to the existing Fitness and Leaping pools.
The existing passive power Fitness/Hurdle gives you superhuman jumping ability (jump height of 3.3 metres! the world record for the high jump is 2.45) even before you start slotting it. Similarly, the existing passive power Fitness/Swift in combination with Inherent/Sprint gives you superhuman running ability. (Swift + Sprint is faster than an Olympic 100m runner and you can sustain it for a lot more than 100 metres.)
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Honestly not a lot its really just another take on the current fitness pool
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T'be fair, this is in a game wher the average CIVILIAN hieght is nearly all over 6 foot, verging on seven foot. (with the strange exception of two midget civilians seen in Cap Au Diable...tres wierd )
Again, I still think that they should simply balance the stamina and healt recovery levels, and not have the need for the fitness pool to actually just play. Maybe implement something like the Freerunning or Parkour ideas. Would certainly get my vote.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
How about this as a non-super mode of transport?
Of course, give one to a super strength toon and it'd break the sound barrier...
Looks like something Bruce Wayne might drive Hmm, shiny...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I like the parkour power idea a lot. Would be hard to implement properly i guess but it looks brilliant.
For the travel powers i think a cossie piece to reflect the power would be a good idea for those who want an explanation of how they can sj/fly/teleport/speed.
We got some options but i would like more.
There are already two travel powers for non-super powered people. They're called Swift and Hurdle, from the Fitness pool. Anything other than these and you're either Technological, Science or Magical origin* if you resort to inventions/gadgets/artefacts/other exterior sources of movement to move around.
*unless of course you're an alien and your natural movement capacity is whatever you choose for a Travel Power.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
i still stay with double jump, good for magical.
Huh whats double jump got to do with magical?
Manticore doesn't have any powers, he uses the hospital's teleporting grid thing to let his arrows and him teleport
pesky hackers these days...
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Only because he messed up his respec and states wont let him have another one
Huh whats double jump got to do with magical?
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every played devil may cry?
Yup but just because DMC has air hike its hardly magical infact Air hike is just like difrent version of of CJ/SJ as they both increase your jump hight and alow you to change direction mid jump.
Double jumping is common in many games of different settings. Mega Man (tech), Unreal Tournament (natural, science, mutant?), countless other examples I could think of if I had more time before uni.
I don't know about other but I'd like to see the option of non-super powered travel powers asI have 2 toons in particular that I have normal or tech as there origin and I try and keep to that in my builds and as you already incorerate a few tech based temp travel powers I didn't think that a secondary group geared towards this wouldn't be too hard. For example
Tear 1: Teleport Friend: just have a device in hand and this would work.
Tear 2: Localised Supergroup Portal: Would function a bit like the Ourobous Portal
Tear 3: Jump Pack: Basicly super Jump
Tear 4: Jet Pack: Either Sky Raiders or Goldbrickers
Just something thats been bugging me for a while.