help roman tf to hard!




ok so im level 38 blaster and i got together a task force of 8 people pretty much all of them were level 50's so it made things easier, in the party we had, 4 blasters,healer,scrapper,tanker,troller ater the 2nd level of the tf the troller dced and never came back, but we got through the tf till we got to rom nictus, and we could not even touch him. we tryed everything. drawing the nictus away all out attacks nothing worked!!! so 3 and a half hours went to waste! please could any1 offer me some help or even a place in a task force please!



All on the AV, if you aint a melee char stand back so the nictus cant heal off you, dont bother to attack the nictus's, when he dies run round corner (to stop you all being stunned), wait for him to rez then all back on him.

Repeat each time he is revived, every time he is revived a nictus dies.

If you are really struggling get some shivans.

That task force takes 1.5 hours if you get your finger out



our tf must of been bugged we tryed everything, could i please have a more detailed explantion on how to kill him. as when we tryed we couldnt kill him fast enough as his heals were over powering our dmg and wen we tryed to hit a nictus heal we did no damige to it wot so ever. so when we tryed blasting rom we couldnt hit him hard enough and wen we tryed to hit the heals they where immune



Forget attacking the nictus's, you want ALL attacks on him, not them.

And stand back unless you are a melee char, dont let the nictus's heal off you.

What server you on? If you are on Defiant give me a shout and do a run with us one night if you want the badge/costume/bit of xp.



The Nictus are debuff immmune but they are vulnerable to sleep.

here's a layout and a description for each of the Nictuses (Nicti, whatever the plural is) powers based on their positioning.


N1: Darkitty Nictus of healing, this is the one which spams the twilight grasp, keep this nictus away from Romulous while you deal with him, it causes barely any damage on it's own but if you pull it out of healing range of Romulous it's a good thing.

N2: Darkitty Dark nictus of summoning, this one is the one that summons all those annoying extra black puffballs of doom, need someone hardy to distract it, a MM with taunt personal Force Field normally does the trick or if you've got another tank with high energy resist, use that.

N3:Lord Darkitty Dark Nictus of AoE spam, This Nictus is the one that does the auto-to-hit Sunless mire AoE, this one is best dealt with by having someone aggro it but then keep out of range of the sunless mire.

Editors note: N2 and N3 may be swapped in places as it's been a while since I last ran an ITF.

Romulous: He's very vunerable to confuse, if you want the easy way (considering he puts out so much damage even when confused) is have someone who can stack confuse on the team or better yet, two and have them keep Romulous confused where he proceeds to pummel the other AVs into submission, once he's done with them, he's pretty much like any other AV fight...a big sack of HP to wittle down on his lonesome.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



im on union make an alt on union and come help me:P so the problem with my tf is i had no controllers, just 4 blasters lol



I have been on a 5 blaster, 1 corr, 1 defender and 1 tank ITF on Inv diff setting and it took under 2hrs.

The method on the above TF was to inch the blasters and corr into 80ft range of each nictus in turn and blast the snot out of it. After they were done Rom was a wimp :P. But this tatic only works if your ranged heavy.

You don't need any AT as such, but some make it easier.

One note if you are going for the defeate rom 4 times option, get out of LOS as soon as he dies other wise you get hit by soul transfer when he res's this has a mag 30 12second stun which will put almost every powerset combo in serious drunk mode.

I'll be running an ITF next wednesday evening (730pm UK), send me a message @Dagar if you want me to save you a spot.



im on union make an alt on union and come help me:P so the problem with my tf is i had no controllers, just 4 blasters lol

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If i can get a team of the usual gang gathered i'll be more than happy to run an ITF with you on saturday.
send me a tell ingame. @jb-warsmith or @jb-warrior



There is a way to pick off the Nictus if you are heavy on ranged damage. Max range, at 80ft you can attack the nictus without them aggroing you or romulus (don't use AoE tho). stand at max range and use single target ranged powers you can kill off the 3 nictus with ease (if you have enough damage).



Its easy dont see why your having that much of a problem, id guess that you have a bad team



Last time I was on an ITF we worked it slightly different. The Tank pinned down the nictus floaties and kept them out of sight while the rest of us beat the snot out of Romulus.



Thats pretty much the tactic used on most runs I've done - they don't need to be out of sight thought just out of healing range and preferably far enough away that my Dom doesn't get their aggro - the hurt when you're squishy

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



well i run one of the main sg's on union so i can help you out on that one myself and my friends on uni can easily help out with tf's just give us a shout @galaxy1



ok il be on saturday. my lvl 38 blaster is of corse called sindrone. what sort or time do you think it will be? early mid day or evening, either way il log on for the day thanks again everyone, these tips are really helpfull!



Don't remember the team composition we had, I just remember we were 8. Think we were heavy on damage (scrappers, brutes, blasters) and low on controllers (maybe only a mind/ff).
We went down the "kill Romulus 4 times" route, but we found it quite easy. Yes, there were a couple deaths but it wasn't a constant wipe.
All taken it lasted around 1h45.

I still find 4th mission of RWZ TF (defeat weakened hamidon) more complicated, all the "unresisted damage" and "-heal" debuffs are quite a pain.



Sometimes it's actually easier to take out the Nictus' before you take on Romulus. After all, when you defeat Rommy, he ressurects himself using one of the available Nictus' so take them down and you only have to kill him once.

The biggest problem I find is that annoying stun. It lasts SO long and seems to be unavoidable, even with mez protection. You can pop Break Free's to null the effect, but it's still annoying.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



The biggest problem I find is that annoying stun. It lasts SO long and seems to be unavoidable, even with mez protection. You can pop Break Free's to null the effect, but it's still annoying.

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Just get out of line of sight of Rommy and you will avoid the stun

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



The biggest problem I find is that annoying stun. It lasts SO long and seems to be unavoidable, even with mez protection. You can pop Break Free's to null the effect, but it's still annoying.

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It's a soul transfer so a mag 30 stun, it'll go through all protection unless you get multiple applications of CM for example.

Or as said above, just move out of los as soon as he pops. With my blaster I position my self on one of the walls by the steps, as soon as he pops just take a step back and your out of los.



Its easy dont see why your having that much of a problem, id guess that you have a bad team

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This is not terribly helpful - much better to explain how it could be made easier

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I was actually the Scrapper on the TF that Sindrone is referring to and for me the problem was clear. The tank we had was simply too weak. We were asking him to pull Rom out of LoS of the healing nictus and it wasn't happening. For me the tank just wasn't good enough, or more likely experienced enough, to tank the situation.

Although as unhelpful Shockwave was he was absolutely correct. It wasn't a good team, both in terms of skill level and team build.



I've been on teams without healers and tanks and still managed to finish the tf. Just need some proper debuffs.



IIRC the only debuff we had was snow storm. As I said, a poor team build for the task in hand imo.



It wasn't really directed at you cap. It was a quick reply.
Speaking of breaking los, always found it a bit risky since if the healing nicti is left alive it's really tough to kill without shivans and chem nukes.



Killing Rom should kill a nictus, LoS or not.

I really should do something about this signature.