Zombie invasion in low level zones.
heh, my lvl 31 WS couldn't even take down a single Zombie LT in human form, although she does have yellow enhancements.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
lol something very wrong there - bit more development needed maybe. Must admit I havan't tried them on anything but a lvl 50 toon but they're quite easy for even my AR/Dev blaster which is saying something.
Aye, they are REALLY quite tough. If your lvl 50, probably not, but low levels do seem to have a lot of trouble.
Cant really remember how I founf Rikti on low levels, but im pretty sure that they werent that hard when teamed up. -shrug-
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Maybe they're designed to be taken on in teams? But i guess in a team, you just get more of 'em... Hmm!
Is there any way to hide from them, like you can from the Rikti by going under any overhanging object?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
They are highly resistant to negative damage, but probably vulnerable to lethal. My lvl 34 WS struggled a bit and he is well slotted with IOs.
They are a lot tougher at low levels too.
Vox could hold his own until he ran out of end, then he started struggling.
Vox is a Sonic/Devices Blaster.
I was fine if I could keep the mines and the Auto Turret up, but once you miss one attempt at placing them and they start attacking you, you don't get another chance to drop something.
[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]
Is there any way to hide from them, like you can from the Rikti by going under any overhanging object?
[/ QUOTE ]
This is exactly how it works.
Like with the Rikti, they have the hitpoints (and thus regeneration) of... what? lvl 30? 40? mobs, just their dmg output and threat level is scaled.
This can make them quite hard, especially if you're doing the wrong dmg type.
My lvl 15 DB/SR scrapper could hold her own until she ran out of end (which was after about 5 LTs), probably due to the Lethal dmg type.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Our Six-man all-defender team at L21/2 had absolutely no trouble with an Apocalypse spawn last night. I'd say it depends what you've got as to how easy it is to trounce them.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Interestingly, my level 50's have been getting bucket loads of level 30 recipes when taking on these invasion mobs, whether teamed or not. While not one to look a gift horse in the mouth (they can always be sold), they are not what I was expecting a level 50 toon to get when defeating level 50 mobs.
So far I've had no real problems with the zombies in general. My dark/kin corruptor did seem particularly week against them.
Its very much a case of certain power sets do better than others.
I guess in the higher level zones you tend to get a healing blanket that covers people in the thick of it, plus people chucking FS right left and centre. That will help alot.
Don't want to start a nerf fire/kin thread, but damage cap, fire damage + SC raid lastnight and it was a wholesale slaghter (and lag fest)
didn't try any low lvl, but my lvl 26 fire/energy blaster is burning them to hell, without to much problem.
the only thing i do hate is that, even while i have accuracy fully equipped, i barely hit them....
This is properly a problem with the way the damage scale over levels and lack proper enhancements at level 1-5. But I have now experienced two zombie invasions on a low level brute, and killing them extremely difficult. Regular minions zombies are hard, lts are almost impossible even with inspirations. As for the elite bosses I saw, they kill me in a few hits and even my ghost slaying axe could not dent the health bar.
Anyway just providing a bit of feed back, as it might be worthwhile to consider how invasions work for low level charter in future events.