Cyborg leakage

Arctic Man



if I could add the jetpack for perhaps at most an extra £1 per month onto my subscription I would, I might pick it up at christmas for a month for a giggle, see how we go!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



This is just pathetic and doesn't seem to make much financial sense to me.

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It makes perfect finacial sense, since the thing already existed, it cost them nothing, so all it take is for one person to buy it and it will make a profit.

I really should do something about this signature.



For me here personally its a 3/10 for the cossie parts, they are just not cyborg-esque enough. That said the rest of the package is not bad, the emotes look fun - Its certainly better value than the wedding pack.

Balancing my intial fanboy reaction to new CoX stuff™ of "OMG simply must have it!" with whether I am actually going to use any of it... I will say I am going to buy this pack to support the development of further ones.
A cynic would call it a pity-vote but the truth of the matter is I am actually hoping they will get better with each new release pack.




This is just pathetic and doesn't seem to make much financial sense to me.

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It makes perfect finacial sense, since the thing already existed, it cost them nothing, so all it take is for one person to buy it and it will make a profit.

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So its going to magically appear ingame as a new purchase option without anyone adding it to a store?

The details for it will appear on the website and forums without a paid employee of NCSoft adding them and without the posts needing to be written, vetted, approved and posted?

All this costs money too, NCSoft money rather than NCNC developer costs but the point still stands.

But either way is good. Either (1) It'll make some continious money for NCSoft or (2) It'll bomb and they won't be bothered doing such silly things in the future again.



The cost of putting it in the store is tiny compared to what the cost of creating something like the Cyborg pack is.

I really should do something about this signature.



The cost of putting it in the store is tiny compared to what the cost of creating something like the Cyborg pack is.

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I don't remember disputing that.



The cost of putting it in the store is tiny compared to what the cost of creating something like the Cyborg pack is.

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I don't remember disputing that.

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So, you are splitting hairs. the cost to put it in the store isn't exactly equal to zero, but its so close to zero as to be insignificant.

I really should do something about this signature.



The cost of putting it in the store is tiny compared to what the cost of creating something like the Cyborg pack is.

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I don't remember disputing that.

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So, you are splitting hairs. the cost to put it in the store isn't exactly equal to zero, but its so close to zero as to be insignificant.

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I do dispute that though, I doubt it's anywhere close to zero with testing costs and things like getting articles and blurb decided on and signed off.

I am splitting hairs though, I'll admit that. But the stupid thing just irks me (plus I want a ciggie. I need one of those punchy-squeezey stress ball thingies).



The testing cost was already paid. The cost of putting it up on the store is minimised by posting it at the same time as the cyborg pack.

Oh, and I find a ball of blu tak very helpful...

I really should do something about this signature.



Now just imagine 7 Fulcrum Shifted members what could do!



Now just imagine 7 Fulcrum Shifted members what could do!

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I'm guessing if they've closed the Vengie & Fallout exploit they've made this like the vet powers and it won't be enhanced by damage buffs?



To be honest I'm surprised it does any damage whatsoever to PvE/PvP mobs? - I thought the idea was that the packs were not going to contain any powers that give a competitive edge?

...not that I'm complaining, well... not unless I'm on the receiving end of one of those BigBadaBoOoOms!.



To be honest I'm surprised it does any damage whatsoever to PvE/PvP mobs? - I thought the idea was that the packs were not going to contain any powers that give a competitive edge?

...not that I'm complaining, well... not unless I'm on the receiving end of one of those BigBadaBoOoOms!.

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Even if you kill something with it, which would be a suprise given the long flashy animation time.... you also die so at most it's a draw

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



To be fair the jetpack was pester-requested in the US as it was included with a retail item and others wanted access to it.
I don't think it appeared over here (I've never seen any flying around). If those who clamoured for it want to spend $8.99 on a power that only lasts 30 days, *shrugs* that's their problem.

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I doubt they pester requested to pay for it every month, that will have been some bright sparks idea in marketing.



I doubt they pester requested to pay for it every month, that will have been some bright sparks idea in marketing.

[/ QUOTE ]True, it was probably a case of, "Hey they're getting something we can't/won't!"
I doubt there was any marketing shenanigans, my understanding from all the chatter on the US boards is that the power is unchanged. The jetpack temp-power as issued with the retail item only had a 30 day lifetime. They asked for access to it. *shrugs*

It's interesting how these "booster packs" are almost being spun as a charity donation system for CoX. "Show you care for CoX! Buy a booster pack!"



I have but one question about the self-destruct. Is it interruptable?

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according to the us forums: Nope!

And apparently the only way to rez from this is to go hospy/jail, as self-rez, inspirations, rez-powers, etc won't work. saying that i've got to read up on whats new on the us forums about it :P



The power included with the Cyborg Pack is called 'Self Destruction'. The power has a 1 hour recharge, 10 second activation time, 40 foot radius, 16 target cap, deals 535.44 damage at level 50, 50 damage at level 1, will not give you any debt, and inspirations/self rez powers will still work (not sure about other players using ally rez abilities)

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deals 535.44 damage at level 50, 50 damage at level 1, will not give you any debt,

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So basically if you are spam-held/mezzed in pvp and a couple of these look like they are about to go off nearby - Panic.



PlayNC site store is back up after maintainance, no sign of the Cyborg Pack yet

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



The suspense is killing me. I need a serious infusion of eye lasers pronto.



/me snarl
/me hissssss

Cyborg Pack, dagnabbit!



Screens first, then I MIGHT buy it :/



PlayNC site store is back up after maintainance, no sign of the Cyborg Pack yet

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Patience ... it's imminent . I have various pages waiting for me to push buttons to put the news live on the sites .



Screens first, then I MIGHT buy it :/

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"Who are you kidding Merrow - you KNOW you are going to have to buy it! ... give in, give in!"