Cyborg leakage

Arctic Man



The Jet Pack is something people on the US boards want. It was originally only for those people that got the MMO Trial things where you get the game/game time for x cash. Like a super trial.

So they moaned and said "Why don't we get that temp you can only get for 30 days? We'd PAY for that!".

So now they can.



The entire character in the background looks transparent. It's prolly more an image effect than how it'll look in the game.

I'll wait and see tho before speculating more.



hmm I think I need more screenies before I actually decide but is it just me or does the green guy in the background remind me of Mass Effect's typical Quarian?



The Jet Pack is something people on the US boards want. It was originally only for those people that got the MMO Trial things where you get the game/game time for x cash. Like a super trial.

So they moaned and said "Why don't we get that temp you can only get for 30 days? We'd PAY for that!".

So now they can.

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More precisely it was included in these:

those are basically 1 month game cards that also include a serial key so you can subscribe and download right away, and that's why they cost a bit more than a normal game time card...
The price difference is the price of the jet pack addon thay are now selling as standalone.



I have to say, although appreciative of any new content available.... this really doesn't 'ring my bell'.
Yes it is a tiny little ad and I won't be buying it until I have seen better visuals of what the new™ parts are whether that be a full package rundown and description or seeing the pieces in-game. Tentatively though...

When I heard Cyborg bits I expected (as I'm sure many of us did) and have posted for repeatedly in suggestions EU.side and Stateside that we were after new costumes, not re-skins, not stripping down Exo-proto, Vanguard, stealth or rikti armour and swapping bits around and adding to it, but new content. This kind of influence and a jetpack that was suggested many a time was a Delta-Wing with animated fold-out wings on take-off! - not a reskinned Goldbrickers!.

...(As for that 30-day limit for something that is paid for by a customer... as far as I'm concerned that type of marketing should of been laughed away and canned before the suggestion was finished spoken).

I consider myself a longtime fan and supporter of the game and as such I'm not going to sugar-coat it for them.
This habit you always fall into of re-using content, tinkering with it, reskinning and calling it New™ has got old real-quick, and its visible to the playerbase. You should know this NorCal.

Dev's, lets make Cyborg pack II - original!. please, you've got serious competition in 7 months time.



Um, is there a reason we can't see any feet apart from a tiny bit on the guy on the left that just looks like a plain, metallica, large and banded boot?

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Sorry, ML, but I really feel that your post needs to be responded to. It's important to both keep things in context, and not pre-judge without all of the information available.

Jet Pack: As others have noted earlier in the thread, the Jet Pack was originally conceived as a bonus item that goes with the new Game+Game Time Card being sold in the US. The idea of making it available as a standalone purchase came from the community, not the marketing team, so the idea you are saying should have been 'canned' is the one of "listening to the community". As far as I'm concerned, that's a good idea .

I don't expect that to change anyone's opinion on whether or not it is good value (that's your decision to make), but I do feel that when the original purchase of the item is taken into account the comments about the actual item itself are a little strong.

Cyborg Pack: There's quite a bit of new material in the pack. Judging it based on what you've seen so far is definitely pre-emptive. There are emotes, a new power, several costume pieces... Judge it once you've seen everything that is being offered. Several people put their time into developing this pack and I think they deserve to at least have the value of their work judged based on full information, not a leaked snippet.



Jetpack sorry should be 30 day usages , but then again its a bonus item intended for something else .
Sorry not going to buy that one .. like most of us wont .
But then again the few who would , is still free NCSOFT money.

Cyborg pack definetly going to buy it sorry , enough people complained about the wedding pack , but still bought it :P
Now wouldn´t care even if it was reskinned models like half the wedding pack was , as long the laser eye is there .
Power well let it be something good this time , i wouldn´t care [censored] but if you want to make more buy it , then let it be something good this time . or else include the PDD hardhat suit as bonus for that price .



When I heard Cyborg bits I expected (as I'm sure many of us did) and have posted for repeatedly in suggestions EU.side and Stateside that we were after new costumes, not re-skins, not stripping down Exo-proto, Vanguard, stealth or rikti armour and swapping bits around and adding to it, but new content. This kind of influence and a jetpack that was suggested many a time was a Delta-Wing with animated fold-out wings on take-off! - not a reskinned Goldbrickers!.

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Given that these have been asked for since day one, the devs can't not know they are wanted (and could probably charge big bucks for them). Thus, the reason why they have not been done can only be that they are far more difficult to do than you imagine.

I really should do something about this signature.



so the idea you are saying should have been 'canned' is the one of "listening to the community". As far as I'm concerned, that's a good idea

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Shame they couldnt have listened to the many good ideas the comunity have instead of that 1 [censored] one.

Dont suppose the fact that ones makes money impacted on the decision to pluck it from the rest either



So when can we get our hands on this Cyborg pack I WANT IT hehe



Well then I will err on the 'tentative' part of the post and say that I hope the Cyborg pack MK:I does surprise and has many original new pieces in it!, If it does I will be amongst the first to happily part with my money for it.

The reply 30-day marketing comment surprised me, I had no idea the U.S forums had specifically asked for it ontop of it being included as a gamecard extra, for that Insinuation that it came from the Dev.table I apologise.
I will however standby my two comments of:

1) I think that if a customer is paying real-world money for the Jetpack piece It should be permanent.

2) There is still too much content that is derived or adapted from existing in-game content. I really do feel we need a renaissance in the concept-design part of the new cossies we get.
I'm not saying and didn't mean to suggest the guys on Jay's team are not working hard, It's just that those Cyborg bits (from the naughty leaked snippet) look too much like robotic spandex and not a proper cyborg, I can definately see influences from other existing cossies in there and thats from a really small picture too.
If they are stuck for some designs I'll happily send in some pro bono cyborg designs covered by an N.D.A.
Anything to avoid another Veteran reward 'Anime' armour letdown.

Anyway, really do hope the Cyborg pack surprises and proves successful.



The reply 30-day marketing comment surprised me, I had no idea the U.S forums had specifically asked for it ontop of it being included as a gamecard extra, for that Insinuation that it came from the Dev.table I apologise.
I will however standby my two comments of:

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I cant be arsed trawling through the US forum, but i doubt they did ask to pay monthly for it, they probably just said they wanted it, or wanted to pay for it, as in a one off payment.




Given that these have been asked for since day one, the devs can't not know they are wanted (and could probably charge big bucks for them). Thus, the reason why they have not been done can only be that they are far more difficult to do than you imagine.

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Looking at (for example) the PPD hardsuit model:
It has been sculpted in 3D-Max (or whatever program Jay's team uses) differently and far more uniquely to the other costumes.
If this costume or varients of it were broken down into the usual helmet/torso/arms/lowerbody/boots sub-sections and be given dual colours or patterns... how hard would that be?
Thats not being a rhetorical question, I really am interested, how hard would it be?.

A great departure from the norm has already been achieved once in the PPD costume, thats why I'm asking why it has not yet to date been attempted again. Too time consuming?.



Judge it once you've seen everything that is being offered. Several people put their time into developing this pack and I think they deserve to at least have the value of their work judged based on full information, not a leaked snippet.

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excatly why im waiting



I'm pretty sure the issues with the PPD Hardsuit are less about actually being selectable as seperate pieces and more about it working with every animation/body scale.

Plus, y'know, Huge and Female.



Oh I get about the animation issues and clipping (although Cyborgs have the benefit of being able to run around in the buff without prosecution). I think if it came down to size and gender being the barring problem to more authentic cyborg bits then just lock in the bits as only being available to the default standard bodytype, I guess you could RP the character as male or female by choosing the Austin Powers-esque Fembot nipple-cannons™ chest section or steel dreadlocks hair detail.

If more cyborg bits were forthcoming the quality of the PPD hardsuit I wouldn't mind being locked into one size/shape as long as the multitude of bits were interchangable and could hint at gender.



If an entire costume set was only available for one or two body types the outcry would be huge.



If an entire costume set was only available for the male or female body types the outcry would be huge.

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Fixed the pun there for you.

Re. topic: I understand, and sympathise... but if it was either this option or not at all because of engine restrictions. I'd pick the latter.



1) I think that if a customer is paying real-world money for the Jetpack piece It should be permanent.

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If the Jet Pack had been made for the perpose of selling on the NCSoft store, then yes. However, that is not why it was made. It was made as a "free gift" to acompany a retail version of the game. People said "we want to be able to buy that to, even though it only lasts 30 days". So NCSoft said "OK we will put it in the store".

I really should do something about this signature.



The biggest problem with something like the PPD Hrdsuit costume is the pieces are not designed to work with anything else in the costume editor. The only way to do it like the VEAT cosumes, which is has a completly seperate costume editor and options in a costume slot. Which would mean a PPD Hardsuit costume slot could only be used for PPD hardsuit costumes, and nothing else.

I really should do something about this signature.





I really should do something about this signature.



Oh yeah, and:

Hey gang. Here's the deal. The packs were up on the PlayNC store for a short time yesterday, but that wasn't in sync with the game version. Now that the new game version is up today, we should have the cyborg pack and temp jetpack available for purchase tomorrow.

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I really should do something about this signature.





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So thats what the new forum software was for!



So we can get the cyborg pack tomorrow?