Just say No to nurfs (oh and buffs)
Or a cold shower
Or a nice haemorrhage.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
over performing AT's [...] stone tanks
[/ QUOTE ]lol wut? Granite armour is one of the most gimped powers there is (and non-granite stone is about just as bad).
A famous old phrase goes 'If it ain't broke ......'
[/ QUOTE ] As long as it's unbalanced, it is.
How about a lie down in a cold shower while you have a haemorrhage??
Ittttt's Friiiiidaaaay!!!!
Nerf Stone Tanks.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Ittttt's Friiiiidaaaay!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nerf fridays...
Ittttt's Friiiiidaaaay!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nerf fridays...
[/ QUOTE ]
No fridays are good, day before weekend! nerf mondays imo... ><
[/ QUOTE ]
Nerf forum fridays then?
(is it normal that you can actually tell what day it is when looking at posts?)
And I like mondays.
Nerf Forum Fridays then?
[/ QUOTE ]
Only on a Bank Holiday Friday when the moon is at half-point in a leap year, when a strategically placed bucket of blancmange is suspended precariously under GhostRaptor's desk, and I've taken two gold tokens and moved to Barking. (All other lines are in spoo.)
That way it won't affect forum balance too much and people can level as normal.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

At first I thought I didnt understand where this post (and many others) were coming from, but Im wondering if I dont understand the modern usage of the word nerf. I always thought that when something was nerfed it meant it had been deliberately changed to significantly reduce its effectiveness. As in, Khorak has just nerfed my ability to walk by cutting my hamstrings with his large and manly weapon.
I read all the changes that happen to the powers and Ive got to say that a 0.3 second alteration to a powers animation time just seems rather irrelevant. More importantly when I read about the changes to claws and stuff, and then go in to the game and carry on playing my claws character, I dont notice any difference at all. In all the years Ive played this game I cant say Ive ever noticed the change in the way one of my characters plays. They are all still fun to play and they all kill (oh, I mean knock out) the bad guys.
So, is everyone else so highly tuned to the game that all these changes are making a big difference to them (and feel free to replace the words tuned to this game with whatever phrase you want ), or are those who notice (or think they notice) these things in open play just in a minority and ordinary players like me just carry on playing the game and having fun?
Oh, and sorry for posting in a weekend thread and, yes, I have avoided mentioning the nerf that shall not be mentioned.
Well this sort of thread just shows up everything that's wrong in this game. Sure they're smaller than you, and blue, and french, but that doesn't mean you should just say no to them, they have rights too you know. Really... where do you get off encouraging this sort of size-ist, anti-blue message filled with hate just becuase they are different. It's not on and I for one will not stand for ...
... oh, 'nurfs'... sorry... misread the title.
2/And why spend all your time with your DPS counters and Animation timers out critising other peoples work when you could actually be creating something else for us all to enjoy, NEW powersets, NEW animations, NEW Enemies.
[/ QUOTE ]
Skipping the rest, will read in a minute.
Why? How about... they have other people doing those things!
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
At the end of the day as we pay them to do the job shouldn't they be doing the jobs we all really want them to do not obsessing over there perceived need to be constantly tampering with the game in the name of 'Balance'
A famous old phrase goes 'If it ain't broke ......'
A.N.Other Nerfranter
[/ QUOTE ]
They are. They're listening to the player base as a whole. Just because your opinion differs from the majority, that doesn't mean you're right. Every MMO has balancing issues and this results in near-constant buffs & nerfs.
"If it's broke, fix it"
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Ittttt's Friiiiidaaaay!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nerf fridays...
[/ QUOTE ]
No fridays are good, day before weekend! nerf mondays imo... ><
[/ QUOTE ]
But, but, you can't nerf this monday, it's a bank holiday....no work...yay!
Story Arcs:
The business of destruction ID: 80848
Ittttt's Friiiiidaaaay!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Nerf fridays...
[/ QUOTE ]
No fridays are good, day before weekend! nerf mondays imo... ><
[/ QUOTE ]
But, but, you can't nerf this monday, it's a bank holiday....no work...yay!
[/ QUOTE ]
My Monday is already nerfed, I have to work. Nerf people who get Bank Holidays off!
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I love this suggestion...
In a completely sarcastic way.
Let me think: If we assume that they get all the animations and activation times the way they want them to be, and they perfectly balance all the powersets and ATs and swear never again to nerf or buff any of them...
They will never be able to introduce new Powersets and ATs into the game. Because doing so throws the balance off. (Unless they manage to perform a miracle and perfectly balance a new AT or Powerset against everything else in the game, before it's released.) And if the balance is off, things need to be rebalanced... except they're 'not allowed' to do that any more.
Thanks, but I'd much rather they continued the organic tweaking that's currently going on, because it let's them improve the game in the future.
Oh, and TFI Friday, or I might have taken this even more seriously.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

A famous old phrase goes 'If it ain't broke ......'
[/ QUOTE ]
......fix it till it is!
It's not even good flamebait.
Good luck with your anti-nerf campaign.
I look forward to your success and the roll-back of all nerfs.
My 2004 DM/Regen scrapper is waiting in anticipation.
"You nerfed me on a Monday,
I respeced on a Tuesday,
You patched a bug on a Wednsday,
I respeced on a Thursday,
You rolled back on a Friday
I swore a lot that weekend.
Oh, I got the E.D. blues.
Yeah, I got those
nerfaristic, forumistic,
deep down wistful, Statesmanistic,
oh those dark and gloomy
E.D. Bluuues."
"You nerfed me on a Monday,
I respeced on a Tuesday,
You patched a bug on a Wednsday,
I respeced on a Thursday,
You rolled back on a Friday
I swore a lot that weekend.
Oh, I got the E.D. blues.
Yeah, I got those
nerfaristic, forumistic,
deep down wistful, Statesmanistic,
oh those dark and gloomy
E.D. Bluuues."
[/ QUOTE ]
Nooooo. You said it. The phrase that should not be uttered. Now it will come. Summoned by the dark phrase it will arise and start posting. The Lions that should not be. And there will be flames, woe and thread death.
"You nerfed me on a Monday,
I respeced on a Tuesday,
You patched a bug on a Wednsday,
I respeced on a Thursday,
You rolled back on a Friday
I swore a lot that weekend.
Oh, I got the E.D. blues.
Yeah, I got those
nerfaristic, forumistic,
deep down wistful, Statesmanistic,
oh those dark and gloomy
E.D. Bluuues."
[/ QUOTE ]
Nooooo. You said it. The phrase that should not be uttered. Now it will come. Summoned by the dark phrase it will arise and start posting. The Lions that should not be. And there will be flames, woe and thread death.
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought the nerf to end all nerfs was in the filter, have they forgotten to include it when a period is used in between the letters?
So, now thats been brought up Im getting out of here quicker than Gary Glitter would do if anyone else would have him. Anyone joining me?
*Irony mode*
I know given the stream of posts on the forums the devs really need to address the obvious problems of game balance I too am sick and tired of all the this game is so unbalanced I can hardley stand to play it anymore threads and can only feel sorry for and sympathise with the DEVS
*/Irony Mode*
Frankly the constant tampering the Devs seem to deem necesarry is getting right on my nerves.
1/Why nerf slightly over performing AT's while leaving those that really do outshine everything in there class alone (Yes I'm looking at you Fire/kins and stone tanks)
2/And why spend all your time with your DPS counters and Animation timers out critising other peoples work when you could actually be creating something else for us all to enjoy, NEW powersets, NEW animations, NEW Enemies.
At the end of the day as we pay them to do the job shouldn't they be doing the jobs we all really want them to do not obsessing over there perceived need to be constantly tampering with the game in the name of 'Balance'
A famous old phrase goes 'If it ain't broke ......'
A.N.Other Nerfranter