Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))
News report from TV's "Crime File" show {thursday night]
police have linked a second recent death to the criminal gang the Freakshow .. one Margret Owin was found murdered two nights ago in her home in Galaxy city ...again police seek any witnesses
Wild Red stood watching the news streams on her laptop. The freaks were everywhere. She had never seen them behaving in this manner before. They were almost organised, although a shambles, she could clearly see there was someone leading them. She shrugged it off, the freaks were in Paragon City and Wild Red was back in the Rogue Isles.
She took off the barbwire encased gloves, exposing her pock marked skin and emptied out her bag. There were discs and paper files. She smiled at the blue prints and carefully rolled them up. She twirled the paper tube in her fingers. This small amount of paper was worth a cool million to her. She stood up to put them into her personal safe. As she turned she knocked the empty bag off the table. It was not as empty as she thought, as a USB device went skidding across the floor. She picked it up and examined it.
She moved back to the laptop which was still displaying pictures of the freak attacks. She disconnected it from the base network.
"Well if it is a virus I don't want to take the whole base down. I have done that before!" With that Wild Red plugged in the USB device and opened it. "Damn it's encrypted." She double clicked an icon and opened a decryption programme she had stole from a very smart professor. Wild Red left the programme running while she locked away the blue prints. The programme had finished when she returned. She sat down and started reading the now readable files. She started laughing, a deep satisfied laugh. Now who would possibly leave this lying around for any villain for find?
Wild Red picked up her phone and dialled a number she never thought she would dial. Of course the person on the other end would not know her. But she knew them and thats all that mattered. In the line of work Wild Red did, information was the key to success.
((ooc anyone want to receive an unexpected phone call?))
@Wild Red
"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red
Over the past couple of days, Kata Bromovich (AKA Arctic Princess) had been making enquiries in Galaxy City. Her instincts told her that what she had seen was not the only thing to be seen and a chance encounter with a hero called Time-Skip confirmed it.
He was a temporal manipulator whose special watch device could record events as it saw them. A mysterious man in black had been seen firing from a nearby rooftop and causing the collapse of the building. He didn't look like Crey, Council or Nemesis - so who was he?
Time-Skip had mentioned that he couldn't get to the area as if it was time-locked.
Then Kata had met a hero who had managed to make it to the rumble: Molly Longstaff had identified one of the glowing figures as Ellie. She had 'gone dark' and Kata thought she knew what that meant, even if the consequences were unappealing. Ellie had, by all accounts, shown a tremendous force - perhaps she'd over-exerted herself? Did Kheldian energy have that kind of upper limit? Kata's brain needed more than just oxygen to compute the information and so she headed to Steel Canyon University's library to ask her companion, Whirling Dervish, if she might 'borrow' some equipment.
As Kata wandered around the Steel Canyon University's library , awaiting her companion , she found her ears drawn to a heated debate between to rather well dressed looking students .... "look what makes you think you know better than the Prof .. i mean thats why the PPD asked Him not you ..., " ... " all im saying is that it cant have been a polydipolaric iso acid , it must have been a oxy-Kraodiami lsyo enzyme as it attack a wide range of metals but not any thing else where the Freaks got it is another question "..."yes well thats the PPD's job , but i still think the Prof is right .."
A stiff wind blew down the street, the same street where the building had collasped onto, Suddenly on the building where the mysterious man had once been blurred in Timothy Skippton, better known as Time-Skip the temporal mutant. His bright orange and yellow armour had it's normal shine to it, slowly glancing about the place he began to mutter to himself.
"Gee..guess the time lock expired here now, now I can check this place out better."
He paused for a moment as he glanced about the roof top, nothing was there that any normal person could see however Timothy wasn't normal the side effect of his powers meant he could see temporal energies amougst other things. The rooftop was littered with the remains of movement, the footsteps of someone or something thing was everywhere over it.
"Hmm? Now thats an interesting foot print that I've ever seen.." Timothy mumbled as he leant down to feel the floor where it lay, the energy he could see that was left there was one of a three padded foot, set out like a birds foot yet this one had another outline to it.
"Who.. or what are you dude?" he muttered as he picked out his watch from his belt front, using it quickly to get a copy of the print.
Slowly he got back up, glancing about the rooftop once more his mind asking questions that only he could think of, Who was that man? Why was he here? Why did he shoot out the support beam of the building? Who was the voice in the wind that had spoke to him? Why couldn't he get to here before now? What was these Footprints from? Were the Freakshow evolving? How Come he's never hungery?..
Suddenly he stook his head, as normal his thoughts were getting mixed up and confused, some much happening all at once and only a few answers. Timothy pressed something on his limiter bands as he blurred back out of view again.
As Time-Skip blurred away into nothingness , the trenchcoated Freak clambered out of the dumpster , and clicked on his comm unit , clearing congested lungs with a violent cough.. he reported ..." Ya nover cape some youngster in orange and yellow .. he ported i fink .. , na not eyed him afore ...ya the cops have cleared out , how much longer .. im hurting ...ok ok ya ill shout if any fink else happens im no noob ..out .."
checking around the Freak slitlered back out of sight .....
When the Freak was out of view Max relaxed, he had been watching events unfold from a near by alley across the road from the fallen building. If only he could of jumped out when Time-Skip faded from view he could of tracked the drag marks of Timothys ripped vortex. Theyre was no time for regrets, he knew he had to make his way to Steel Canyon and seek guidance from his contact at the university Prof Gilbert Chapman.
When the professor had approached Max one day he was reluctant to get involved, his story was so staggered and rough. Gilbert had told him that he was helping the PPD with some enquiries into a strange substance and that he couldnt explain its composition, but he had received an anonymous call from a WR who told him that she had come across some plans for a genetically modified armour made of kevlon wraps and that according to the specs could fit a fully fledged Freak Lieutenant and that the oil from the joints of the armour had a similar composition to the liquid he had been studying earlier, this contact had also told him to ring the Backalley Brawler so that he could give details to Max and send him out to look into these strange plans.
The sun was now setting over the rubble that was once the centre for hero orphans, the sign now fully lit by the low sun Cape Toddlers inc, Max looked back over his shoulder at the sign in despair remembering his youth stuck in another orphanage. As rain clouds came in from the east Max sped into the distance not knowing what will happen tomorrow, nervous about what was unfolding and how these new enemies will be tougher than he ever imagined
Kata had learnt how to listen in on conversations without actually appearing to do so from her time spent in the CIA. It was a matter of relaxing and trying to fit in with the crowd and, this being a university, her first thought was to make herself less presentable and therefore less conspicuous.
She made a beeline for a stand of bookshelves and, making quite sure no one could see her, untucked her shirt, smeared her make-up a little and ruffled her hair. Kata then turned the corner of her jacket collar up and checked her appearance in a compact. She winced a little, not entirely approving of looking such a state in public but the conversation seemed a little more involved than simply two students discussing biochemistry lab. Kata checked the dictaphone in her pocket, pressed the record button and headed back into the main hall, looking purposefully vague. For good measure she hunched her shoulders a little and stared at a couple of posters for local rock bands, waiting for her companion and hoping that the two students might elaborate on the scientific jargon.
Timothy Skippton knew he had to share his discovery with Kata as soon as possible, when he had first met her she gave an ore of knowing about her and he knew that she would be able to tell him what to do next. Problem was he wasnt sure where she had gone, last time they met she was making some enquiries in Galaxy City, he made his way to there previous meeting point and stood hand on hip rubbing his temple where would I go if I were making enquiries into the Freaks? he thuoght.
BANG!........ Time-Skip shuddered from the shock of a near by explosion slightly ducking out of instinct, however Timothy was experienced in warfare and soon began studying his surroundings to try and find answers. Citizens were going by their day to day business but now all but those who were shivering in fear were looking into the sky, soon Timothy realised why, above a near by building plooms of smoke were rising into the sky like the darkness of hell reaching up to grab light itself. Slowly but surely Tim made his way towards the smoke keeping low to the ground so as not to be discovered, it was coming from Galaxy Bank there was a gaping hole where once a great clock hung presented to Galaxy City by Atlas himself after The Great War. As he focused on the entrance of the bank a number of Freaks were looking this way and that down the street with bags of fresh cash in each hand. Where to now boss?
. From behind the closest freak a great shadow revealed itself holding on to the edge of the doors so as not to hit its head as it made its way through the double doors now hanging on there hinges, as the light hit this creature it became obvious it was a Freak Boss, no wait! thought Tim it looks different. Where the chain mail normally would sit there was another material that Tim had not seen before, it seemed firm and as dark as the waters of Independence Port, on top of that this new Freak was bigger and his senses seemed more in tune to his immediate surroundings, he looked firm and athletic not bulky and clumsy like the Freaks Tim had faced before.
Psssst, hey Time-Skip came a whisper from behind, Tim swivelled and turned 180 ready to pounce on this mysterious figure looming behind him. Im friend, my names Max Heat, Ive been following you
... Max had explained that he had been making his way to Steel University when he had seen the explosion and that he had seen Time-Skip near the fallen building not that earlier today. Tim pointed over the dumpster to the Bank, Max slowly peered over the bin to look at this new nemesis of justice Were going to need help, I think theres another 15 or so Freaks in the Bank with more on the way. Time-Skip stared into mid-air his back against a building not knowing what to do, Should he try and take out the boss and hope for the best? Can this new hero Max whatever help him out? Why arent there any other heroes around? If only he could get a message to Kata or anyone!?.....
(( By the way, Ellie currently has the laptop taken from the Freakshow that shot at her a few days ago. Who do I contact to find out exactly what data is on there? ))
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The two where clearly focused on their own matters , ignoring the female rock band fan ...they chattered away , mixing a number of topics from beer to books to the Freak gas...
the facts to be gleaned where ..
1. the police where totally confused why the Freaks hit the offices of Autoscribe Technologies , trash the place steal one filing cabinet of old city hall documents .. then deploy a very powerful gas ..
2. the police have determind the gas was targeted at the offices NOT the heroes , a hero or third party moved the gas canister .
3. there where a number of heroes and or villians there that have not come forward to help the police.
4.There was a sniper rifle in action during the attack.
5. the Big dark powers using Tank Freak has been IDed as Shad00w , he is on the police files as a new Freak bossman .
6.As well as the office attack Freaks have murdered at least 3 other citizens in oddly unfreak like attacks
7. The PPD has offered the Prof police protection .. as they are worried by the strange Freak activity
Kata continued to listen, filtering out the references to beer and 'chicks' - really, had society not moved on? Perhaps she was getting a little older, further removed from the teenage years? And I'm thankful never to have to go through those years again she thought.
A few things she overheard were confirmed: The sniper was the main point. The gas was worrying but, as had happened before, firefights between heroes and villains could often endanger civilians. At least the police seemed to be a little more proactive in their investigations these days.
The conversation ended as a bell rang signalling the start of a new class and the students made their way out of the hall.
"Kata, you really should look in a mirror before venturing outside."
Kata turned and found the wrinkled face of her friend, Manny (AKA Whirling Dervish), beaming up at her.
"Oh this?" she touched her hair briefly and turned the collar of her jacket down. "I was doing a little... reconnaissance."
"In the University? Has the war on drugs found its way to University dorms now? I hear the frat parties can get pretty wild." Manny chuckled.
"Don't tease. Just a couple of undergraduates: they were talking about the attack," Kata suddenly remembered something, "You spoke to this Time-Skip guy?"
"Oh yes, an interesting fellow as you said. I gave him your message. I still don't understand why you're insisting on all of this cloak and dagger approach though."
"Manny, it's..." Kata lowered her voice considerably, "It's because of Ellie's involvement. I've been digging around and I think I've finally found out some things, for myself, about her past."
Manny's nose wrinkled, "So you're protecting her?"
"For want of a better word, yes. Look, I trust you Manny. And I know that you've had your demons in the past to contend with. Well, from what I've found, from the records at Portal Corp and the PPD... if Ellie were to go dark again.."
Manny nodded, reflecting for a moment on her own troubled life. That was all behind her and if Kata wanted to protect someone, especially someone as powerful as Ellie, from experiencing the worst of it then she felt she must go along with it.
"So, what's next Kata?"
"Well, I wanted to see if I could borrow some equipment from the lab? And I'll need some time alone in the library." Manny looked unsure, "For a fragment of metal I found on the scene. Part of it looks dissolved and the other half must have escaped the effects. It's a perfect specimen for analysis."
"I didn't know you were a scientist now, Kata." Manny smirked.
"I'm not and that's precisely why I need to have some alone time in the library." Kata produced a folded piece of paper from her jacket and showed it to Manny. "This professor - he's currently under police protection. I'm going to see if I can pull a few strings and get some time with him. The University library is as good a place as any to meet with him."
Manny nodded and handed the paper back to her friend. "I'll get to work on it right away. Any more errands you wish me to run?"
"If you do manage to make it to the statue again, speak to Time-Skip. And this time, do it directly. That magic trick of yours-"
Kata's mobile rang - the number was unfamiliar. Tentatively, Kata pressed the accept call button and raised the phone to her ear...
Wild Red stood deep in thought, tapping the USB device against her hand. If the Prof was willing to pay for the information, I wonder who else I can sell it to? She picked up her phone and dialled another number.
Hello Kata. I have heard you are investigating the troublesome Freak attacks around your precious city. I have an offer that you cannot refuse. Wild Red smiled. Katas reply was cut short when the door exploded inwards. Wild Red swore as she jumped out of the way of flying shrapnel.
A huge freak stepped through the gap where the door used to be.
Where is the device Wild Red? The freak pounded the massive hammers together that had replaced his hands.
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! Red slipped the USB device into a secret pocket under her belt.
Im going to flatten you first, then I will find it. The freak took a swing at Red, who dodged it easily.
You will have to catch me first. Red reached out her hand and snatched the freaks speed. She flew past the freak and out the door. As she hovered just outside entrance, she pulled out a detonation device. Red moved out of range as she pushed the button. 2 seconds later the base exploded.
Damn Freaks! I guess I have to get involved now. Wild Red started flying in the direction of Paragon City.
@Wild Red
"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red
In a skillfully hidden room a pair of miss matched eyes stared at the Jucier Freak .. " too many have seen , we need more smoke to blind them , tell Shad00w he will have to make a few visits , and contact Mu-zak's cell it time to start the new music ...." a smile , made crooked by three scars informed the freak to be on his way ...
seven blade tipped fingers sent a further message out via a very ood looking keyboard ... packets fled the room , scampering along the optical fibre carrying death and destruction with them as they danced across the web to fall into a mailbox ...
in a Galaxy City penthouse , with a stunning view of a famous statue , a small blue flag flashes upon a screen , telling the owner that they have new mail .......
In the doorway of the darken room stood the Mysterious man, his gery suit and hat with it's blue edging glowed for a breif monet as he walked into the room.
"Ah, so you have returned to me." A voice called out from the darkness, "Did you complete your missions?"
The mysterious man nodded before speaking "Master, missions have been completed, task four however."
"Task four? the one telling you not to show your true colours." The voice called out again, this time an anger filled the voice.
"Yes, there was a-" The Mysterious man went to finish but suddenly the room had filled with the glow of red eyes, the same as his.
"You failed, a shame XYY-101, really." The voice called out has a single light lit up above a person sitting on a big leather black chair.
Suddenly the grey suit flickered away, leaving the body of a robotic man, mostly grey but there was panels of clear blue on it as well, showing the inter workings. Slowly it lowered it head down.
"A Pitty, really.. you were such a good one normally.. oh well time moves on." The person swung around in the chair to face the robot, "XYY-141.. what do we do with failures?"
Another robot man stepped out from the darkness of the rest of the room, the same as the one who had enetered, it nodded "Failure is death."
The person nodded, has he put his hands together in the pray position infront of him.
"Good you understand what must be done XYY-141, killed XYY-101." The person said as he swung back around again in the chair.
As he said the words, the robot XYY-141 lent forwards a little as a blade shot out from it's wrist, XYY-101 looked up at the other robot, it's eyes glowed a gery colour as the other robots was red. Suddenly with a shift motion the robot XYY-141 dealt it's final blow to the other bot, an upwards strike which cut and smashed the robot to bits.
"Good, now XYY-141, take over the failures tasks, and should you fail.. don't bother to come back and tell me about it, just end yourself." The person spoke as cold as the machines, ending with a evil laugh as the robot XXY-141 turned about with a stiff nod and walked out of the room.
"Those fools thing they can stop my army of Mysterious Men? really, don't they know.. they are everywhere.. waiting.. planning.. ready." The person spoke again pausing for a moment as the other red glowing eyes left the room, "Soon Sean.. you will know what it is like to live in fear, as I can bring it."
Again the person laughed as on the screens infront of him showed the images of the ASX-49 sitting destoryed on a beach, another was a map of Paragon City, the last shown what appeared to be the gas bomb used by the Freakshow.
Edward was paying a visit to the Rogue Isles, visiting an old 'friend'.
"Hey Doc, I gots a question for you"
"Ah if it isn't Doctor Mechano, back in the isles, heard you turned traitor, so tell me, why should I answer any of the questions you're going to ask?"
Ed sighed, "because if it weren't for me that botched experiment of yours would have killed you...and I could tell you're failure to some of your Freakshow friends..."
Doc Buzzsaw hissed, "alright, what is it you need to know, if it's something too importaint I still ain't telling you..."
Ed smiled, "good girl Doc, listen I know you've made Nictus shard imbude freaks, there was one used in an attack on Paragon, now I ain't saying it's yours but you know any of the Paragon Meat docs that would do that?"
Doc Buzzsaw thought for a moment, "Sorry Doc but I ain't got a clue, I simply showed mine to the assembled Meat Docs for my presentation, the ones you rescued I might add, so any of them could have passed on the info..."
Ed sighed, "Thanks Doc...oh and here...payment for info..." Ed tossed her a finely crafted cybernetic arm, "just don't tinker with it too much..."
He begun heading back to Agincourt, "next stop...The Council...Striga Island"
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Kata's hunt for the Prof in the libaray turned out to be a no go , she picked up on the gossip that the Prof never entered the place , but a good place to find him outside of his office or lab was across from the university in the Cafe Coffee Cup .
It was clear the CCC was a university hang out , mainly for staff and senior students , the coffee cups having the least of the table tops to sit upon , as books , papers PDA's and laptops rule the flat surface areas of the Cafe ..
Fate was clearly in a good mood today for as Kata slipped towards her target she could hear the Prof and three others debating the green metal eating gas.....
The chatter confirmed that the gas caused the very rapid oxidization of any comman metal it encountered , the reaction causing a lot of heat , the actual nature of the catalyse part of the gas was still undesided as was who made it .. the talk revealed that the PPD where certain it was not the Freaks , for one reason that it made such a good anti-Freal weapon ... and this had lead to the idea the Freaks had got it from a rival in a raid or battle , the name Crey was mentioned a few times .. The danger of the gas to the Freaks was further clear from the PPD having found that the Freak Tank , going by the name Shad00w , had deployed the gas inside the building , targeting the office the Freaks had attacked ... and that a Hero or other third party had moved the gas outside .. where it caused such devestation ...
Fate , had it seem just brought herself a new pair of shoe , for her mood was so good , for Kata was able to see people where joining in to the debate with the Prof form a number of tables , she could slip her questions in with out revealing herself ....and as the Prof was clearly enjoying the sudden limelight he appeared to be making the most of it and playing to the crowd ....he indicated that the PPD where stuck .. the Shad00w Freak being a very powerful type they would need Hero help to try to arrest him , if they could find him... Kata metal sample was looked at and discarded as one of many , until one of the students pointed out that the undamaged side looked like the sample came from a computers hard disk .....leading the Prof to drop in the info that the PPD report said that the Freak spent some time trashing the offices computers and servers , before the fighting broke out .. another voice the butted in saying how good the gas would be at destroying any computer system and its data drives ....the Prof coming back with how the PPD were confused as to the whole reason for the Freaks being in the office .. trashing it but in the end only stealing a bunch of old out of date city plans and drawings ....mind you there was nothing of any value in the offices apart from the computers .....which lead back to one voice , was it Kata's , asking if any data could be on the metal fragment ...... a well maybe .. but you would need a real expert to get it back ..
here Fate had just opened her mobile phone bill , as Kata was soon lost it the change of debate , now focusing on the Universities lack of funding for its IT department , wasting it on music and dance , this rapidly countered by the cultrual defence league's students and staff...
Just as Kata was about to give up , Fate found a unopened tub of ice cream in the fridge .. Double choc ! ... one of the students turned to Kata say i know a guy who could read that data cost about $1000 , do you have funding ?........
(( NOTE this is set slightly ahead of time to allow all who want to to respond ))
01.17 hrs Galaxy City Monday ...
PPD Radio ...and anyone scaning
ALL UNITS ALL UNITS CODE RED-1 , officers in danger officers in danger , all units respond to Orion Beltway , 84th street , address 121 , Major gang attack involing the Freakshow , gunfire reported , SWAT on route ..extreme care advised .....
(( this will run on Monday to give people time to post , or not ))
Molly Longstaff seemed to be in her own little world as she strolled through the university entrance in Steel Canyon, sticking out like a sore thumb with her bright pink dress and hair. Her month had proven a little chaotic lately, what with the whole mess in Galaxy earlier, coupled with her recent work with Richie Stacker, the Crazy Dragon.
For now, though, Molly wanted answers herself on the both the Freaks and Ellie, and while she may have found everything she needed to know at the Longstaff WarTech Rhode Island building, it was one of those days she needed a break from there, considering the uni the perfect alternative.
As she approached the nearest available computer, a familiar voice made itself known in her head. That of her butler, Eric.
Miss Molly, the voice of the robot voiced itself in Molly's head, via her brain augmentation, where nobody else could hear. I still cannot understand why you couldn't just have used the Da...
I have my reasons, Eric. Molly interrupted the butler, communicating to him in the same manner as he pulled the keyboard closer and brushed part of her hair to behind her ear. For once, I'd just like to get out of there for a while, you know? Eric merely responded by humming a random unidentifiable tune over the link between the two, often a sign that he was busy, perhaps looking something up.
I see, Miss. Eric then piped up. You wished for a "change of scenery"?
Yeah, Eric. Pretty much. Molly thought for a moment then, since she didn't have much to go on besides footage of the Galaxy incident and the name "Ellie", entered the word "Peacebringer" into the searchbox.
You could have changed the backrground settings within the DataSpace, Miss. Eric continued. Molly burst out giggling at Eric's failure to understand humanity once more before she quickly tried to stop herself, looking around to see if anyone was giving her funny looks for that 'spontaneous' act.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

Edward's journey was interupted by the insistant beep beep -ing of his comm unit . Finding a quite spot , Ed activeted the unit , to find a text message .. from Doc Buzzsaw ..
what was your doctorate in Mechano ...your still a twit ..details you didnt tell me ... that Freak atttack the PPD id your Tank Freak as Shad00w .. he is no nictus carrier ... he has some of my ideas though ... magically-imbued prosthetics ... he draws his power from the Neatherworld ....oh and he had the work done in Paragon .. seek a Meat Doc called Slashshade ... End.
Yeah, Eric. Pretty much. Molly thought for a moment then, since she didn't have much to go on besides footage of the Galaxy incident and the name "Ellie", entered the word "Peacebringer" into the searchbox.
[/ QUOTE ]
A message blinked up on the screen for a few seconds. "SEARCHING", before clearing and data began to appear on the screen. It began with a newspaper report of the remains of 10 children being found in the city sewer system some 3 years previously. More articles start to appear, dated a few days later, firstly details reports of a disturbance at the Galaxy Girl statue, and then later, showing the news of a Peacebringer named Eloise Smith being arrested by the Freedom Phalanx and being charged with 10 counts of murder. More reports flicker by, detailing an upcoming murder trial and Ellie being released on police bail after being fitted with a control collar to inhibit her abilities.
Suddenly the screen blanked, and a flashing message appeared, glowing an angry red. "ACCESS RESTRICTED - THETA LEVEL SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED"
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Edward looked down at the text message, speaking outloud to himself, as he often did, a habit from his mad science days, "right so we got a name...of both the Freak in question AND the meat doc that built him...hmmm so it was magical prosthetics...oh dear...this means we have another Super-Freak on our hands...someone was stupid enough to actually try to recreate that uncontrollable jugganaught..."
He boarded the Sub back to Paragon, "listen I don't like dealing with you guys but you get me in and out of the isles I got a favor to ask..."
The Longbow officer just grunted and turned away, Edward had injured over a thousand longbow officers in his time in the isles ((has the badge to prove it )) so they were understandable non-too-willing to help him.
"Fine I'll look myself...hmm...Micheal, our resident security officer has contacts in the PPD...I'll ask him if he knows of any meat doc named Slashshade."
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
To Edward
FYO from PPD current files ...
Slashshade Freakshow Meat Doc ....started in the Isles .. normal back ground for the type ...disappeared c 3 years ago .. reappeared 17 weeks ago in the Paragon underworld .. seems linked to a small group of Freaks operating out of Bricktown... very protected ... lots of heavy hitters ...linked to new Freak gang boss Shad00w ..
may have built Shad00w ..... Note this Bricktown Freak group seems well equiped and well trained info on who is leading them .. Shad00w seem to lead main raids ...
i hope this helps Michael
day later
Edward was prowling the streets of Brickstown, growling to himself, he still wasn't happy with the whole Chrissie situation, he still thought of her as a spoiled brat but she had to be kept here unless she was used as a human bomb by the Freakshow.
Good thing he had people to take out the frustrations a legal manner.
He grunted as he hoisted the Freakshow tank up off his feet, eyes glowing intensely...his true demonic form, his skin burnt black, cracks spreading here and there with an inferno raging within.
"Listen...I want to know where Shad00w don't tell me and I swear by all that's holy I shall rip you apart to see how you work then remodel you into a toaster!"
He yanked hard on the Tanks arms, ripping the cybernetics from their sockets, tossing them to the ground, "that's just the start, so get talking or lose your legs pal...I'm not in the best of moods."
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
(( firstly i hope Spectral_Ent doesnt mind having his idea poached
but such good ideas are too rare to leave alone .. for those interested this will follow on from the Freak-out thread ... anyone who wants too follow up please post what you do next , if you missed the first thread feel free to jump in ... ))
(( there will be some in game plot monkeys ... around GG after 9.00pm .. but dont worry if you miss them ...otherwise unless someone runs it all RP will be here ..please use forum messages for any thing you want to ask ))
News report from TV's "Crime File" show......Galaxy City ....yet more gang activity ... a couple of the cities Heroes arrested a member of the Freakshow gang on the Freedom Corps building last night , while across in Gemini Park a man was mugged and killed by another Freakshow gang member..police seek witnesses .....