Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




Molly raised a brow and attempted to follow Tim's voice to the source, flying past everyone else. Upon her approach she noticed the mess cables and tech.

"Woah." She announced as she cut off her rockets. "Do we really want to even -try- 'trial and error' this thing? I mean, for all we know it could bring this place down on all of us the second one of those things are flipped, you know?"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




As Wild Red moved closer to Ed, Skip and someone she did not even know had been there, she saw the flight of steps. She climbed the stairs and checked the door at the top. It was sealed as tightly shut as the Iris. She sat down on the stairs with a sigh. Ignoring the others as they talked about buttons and levers.

"I really do some dumb things." As she tried to ease the pain in her hand.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



As Wild flexed her fingers she heard a most disturbing sound , some one had just knocked the latches off the hatch door .. ..and that sound came from the other side of the metal door .....



"I don't think you need to worry about the machine." She called across to the others. She stood up and slowly backed down the stairs keeping an eye on the door.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed heard Red and instantly begun moving towards the door.

"Well I think someones gonna wonder where their friends have gone..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Kata finally had time to relax and take stock. I nearly killed someone - But it wouldn't be the first time... Stupid woman.

"Tim, what does that machine do, d'you think?" Kata approached him and peered at the odd contraption.

Then the clanking metal sound of the door hatch rang out. Kata looked at the hunting knife with contempt and tossed it to the ground. She drew her sword and flattened herself against the wall by the stairs, waiting...



Suddenly the Hatch door flung itself fully open , disappearing into the room beyond , instantly the Techno-hate music stopped ....the echoing clang of the door the only sound remaining ... and then the lights went out .....



"What the?!" Molly swung her rifle in front of her as she darted back toward the door, compensating for the loss of light with her optical augmentations. With Kata taking up the wall, Molly rushed past her, enabled her stealth suit and brought herself on one knee, keeping a steady aim at the newly-reopened hatch. "Someone's late to the party, I guess."

I hope you're working your magic, Eric, she thought to herself. "I hope this ammo's gonna last." she then muttered out loud.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Ed blinked as the darkness engulfed the room, obviously out of all the heroes he was the most obvious, his flaming eyes betraying his presence in the darkness.

He waited for whatever it was to make their move.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red saw everyone take defensive positions. She stood her ground waiting along with everyone else, for the fight to start.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



173 seconds ticked away and the lights flickered back on, but dimmer as if less current was passing across their filaments .... in the lesser light the hatch way was a black void .. waiting with a deadly promise .... as eyes adjusted to the new light level the wall of speaker crackles back into life .. this time screaming out a heavy thrash metal beat .....



Wild Red's adrenlaline was pumping. Her head was starting to pound with the music. She fired off a radiation blast into the speakers, hopeing they would blow up.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Kata lost patience as the lights came back on and the music started again.

"Come on!" she yelled, neck muscles straining, "Storm the room! Fan out! Take defensive positions. And for God's sake, put an end to that terrible racket!"



Ed smirked, "on it..."

He begun yanking at all the cables attached to the speak system to put a stop to the music.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Who died and put you in charge Kata?" Wild Red snapped at the woman, who looked just as frustrated with the whole situation as she was. Wild Red climbed the stairs and stepped through the open doorway.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The combined efforts of Wild's blasting and Ed's yanking final kills off the speakers and with abuzz and crackle the wall of sound fall silent ... now the airwaves become dominated by Wilds boots upon the metallic lip of the hatchway as she cross into the dark ...

(( order of march please ))



Finally Nox thought, that infernal noise is no more, he blended with the darkness making himself very hard to see ((Cloak of Darkness, dropping Obisidian shield and activating Murky Cloud)) that should help with the electricity around here.



Ed decided that he would be behind Red this time, since she was already in the doorway and shoving just wasn't polite to do to a lady.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Molly rushed up to keep behind Ed, kneeling just off his side to allow her a clear shot at whatever was ahead, IF she needed to open fire at all.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Tim who had somehow found himself back at the door, followed in behind Molly, glancing behind him to see if the room was clear and to see if the others were coming.



Molly was just far enough into the room to hear Ed's rude-word echo of Wilds rude word . . Tim only caught the venom they where spat out with ..... .

the room was a large 150 by 150 square , at its centre a massive pillar of relays , power units and cables , run from the pillar to both left and right a 20 tall 30 wide walls of computer banks , high tech devices and .. gizmoes ..... arrange around the central pillar four more pillars , like the spots on the 5 face of a dice, electrical induction towers glowing with the leaping sparks of raw electrical power ....

to left and right of the hatch way metal steps lead up to a walk way that circles the whole room ,
both floors and walls are covered in cables , relays and odd Freak-tech devices ....

also in the room , and the cause of the two rude words ... a number of Freaks ...... left of centre ,between the hatchway and the pillars stood 4 Swiper Feak , each now sending a spinning saw blade missile towards the emerging Heroes .. rapidly to be followed by the Freaks themselves ....

while off to the right in a similar position stood 3 Smasher Tanks , each having just fired of their grenade launchers ..spitting metal cylinders of death..... (( and KB , yes 3 AoE KB attacks centred on the doorway , all please check you KB protection )) ...and engaging their enhanced legs to charge them towards the Hatchway ....

and unseen due to their high position a pair of Sniper Freak shoot off a pair bolts of electrical nastiness at those leading the way into the room ........



Kata ignored Red, opting to remain the last to enter the new 'room'. And by last to enter, it meant she heard the grenades, the screeching sawblades and felt the tingle of electricity all centred at the open hatch but was safe enough at the foot of the stairs - for now.

She scanned the area they had been in previous to the next wave of attack for anything that could be used as a weapon. The speakers and the wires looked the most promising - now if only she could coax one of the assailants in here...

"Tim!" Kata yelled, "That watch of yours - can it transport you back here?" Kata closed her eyes for a second, hoping that the answer would be in the positive.



"Oh Sh....!" Wild Red tried to dodge out of the way of the spinning blades. One cut across her shoulder, another hit her leg. The explosion from the grenade lifted her from her feet and threw her into the wall. She landed on the floor in a crumpled heap, unconscious.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



"Woah there!" Molly attempted to scramble away from the forthcoming blast as well as the remaining projectiles by setting off her rockets on maximum burn, only to be sent falling down as the grenades detonated. Fragments cut small wounds into her hip as she landed, and a few managed to scratch her left cheek. However, Molly was far too unaware of this, ignoring the pain in favour of getting a few bursts from her rifle out into the gang of Freaks while the rockets pushed her along the floor.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Tim glanced about, for him suddenly everthing had gone slow-motion. He saw the saw blades coming at him and the granades, he could clearly see everyone moving to dodge them and heard the call from Kata for him to get out of there. But in a spilt secound he raised his hands and twisted both dials up to full unleashment.
"Temporal vortex shift!(dimension Shift.)" he shouted out as a wave of temporal energy shoot out from his hands hitting the sawblades, the granades, the Freakshow, even the freak devices powercables and other things in the room.
The only thing it didn't effect was the heroes, his friends.