Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




Ed took the brunt of the sawblades, the grenades hurt but didn't lift him off his feet but not far enough to cause him any trouble (Intergration provides 10 KB protection, M30 grenades (used by the Tanks) only do 3.32, so x3 = 9.96, so just under, literally just).

Ed moved first to counter the Tanks baring down on the rest of the group, fire spread down his upper arms and to his hands (Hasten) meanwhile his skin rippled and pulsed as his regeneration kicked into overdrive in preperation for the oncoming onslaught of damage he was going to suffer (Instant Healing).

His whole body begun to glow brightly, illuminating the darkness with it's glow as a blessing of battle was bestowed upon him by the spirits of Croatoa, battle pleased them and Ed was fighting for the lives of his friends (Geas of the kind ones...yeah I popped an accolade >.&gt.

With this he kicked into overdrive (having 170% boost to recharge (not including set bonuses) in total will do that to you ) he became a blur of fists and whirling death, concentrating on one tank at a time launching his blows at an incredibly rate, the other two tank he kept in a state of constant fear (stacked touch of fear, takes two stackings) until he was ready to deal with them. The focused heat from his eyes slicing through armour plating.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ed and the three Tank freaks became a maelstrom of deadly blows , each side throwing in all of their raw power , and with both making rapid use of their regenerative powers is was clear that this would not be a quick melee ......

Molly soon found the uneven floor , strewn with massive power cables and relay boxes ,did not make a good place to try to aim a gun , as most of her bursts sped wide of the on coming Swiper Freaks , and the few rounds that hit did not seem to slow the charge ..

Even Tims Temporal vortex did not induce the Freaks to slow , the three Swipers hit phased out , but continued , ending up face to face with Tim , playfully swinging razor-sharp cyber-blades through Tims torso... Swiper number four carried on heading for Ed's open back .

And from above the two Snipers switched aim onto the pink clad rocket sending two electric bolts at Molly ..

Having been drive back by the grenade blasts Kata and Nox could only look through the Tim-blocked Hatch and gasp as the cyber-blades seemed cut right through Tim .....

Her boots having skidded Molly way off to the right she could see deeper into the room , spotting four more Freaks and the multi-appendaged form of a Meat Doc ... working on the far side of the control banks around the central pillar ...



Tim glanced down at the cyber-blade as it phased through him, then up a the freak Swiper. "Gee.. like thats going to work." Tim laughed as he side-stepped the Swiper as it merge back into realtime.
"Glowie, give him a blast from the past!" Tim shouted pointing at the Swiper, as he did his pet glowing portal seemed to swirl and suddenly threw out a ramdon streetlamp at the Swiper, sending it crashing into him.

"Heh, guess thats something he never saw coming.. " Tim murmured looking around at the others.



"Tim, out of the way!"

Kata hurried up the steps and dived under her ally, rolling across the uneven floor. It was an uncomfortable journey but there was no way she was going to let the Freaks get away with this.

Kata dodged flying blades and managed to leap out of the way of another grenade, shot by a desperate Tank that had been caught in Ed's fearful assault.

She glanced back to see glowing bolts of electricity heading for Molly but there was little she could do to save her from the effects.

Instead, the spidery figure of the Meat Doctor looked like an interesting target. Kata rushed at her striking out with her katana and hoping that she'd be able to avoid the painful-looking attachments on the Doctor's metal arms...



Wild Red started to wake up, she could hear the sounds of the continuing fight.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed let out a howl of battle, "that all you got...that everything you can throw at me...I am why you fear the dark, I am the wrath of God, I am your holy destruction!"

He Continued to pound on the Freakshow infront of him with everything he had, dark tentacles ripping through the ground, sapping at the Tanks energy, "don't get back up..." he uttered as he continued his assault.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red could see that it was a dire situation. She was exhausted and almost good for nothing... almost!

She raised her hand and started blasting the hero's with the familiar blue glow (speed boost).

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Tim looked towards Wild Red, he might not fully know the person but he knew that he had to help as any hero would.

"Hey someone send a Freak over towards there for me! I want to try something." Tim shouted pointing a little away, (about 4 foot) away from Wild Red position on the floor. Before pulling his watch from the front of his belt and pointing it towards that place ready.



Kata dodged the first couple of blows as she used the flat of the blade in an attempt to stun her opponent into submission. Unfortunately the Meat Doctor was having none of it:

"Get off me, hag!" The 'Doctor' hissed, "Slashade will not be bested by a skinny-"

"Oh get over yourself! What is it with these villains? Always have to tell you their name." Kata snapped back at her assailant.

One of the bladed arms from the doctor grazed off Kata's shoulder, cutting off a strip of leather and a little part way in to her shoulder. Kata bit her lip, not daring to show a sign of weakness. Instead she swung the katana up through the air in an attempt to lift the doctor clean off the floor (Soaring Dragon).

As she did so, a burst of blue energy zapped her and her action connected quicker and with more force than either women had expected. The doctor flew up and away to a spot not far from where Tim had indicated as the blow struck...



Tim watched the 'Doctor' land right on clue, his eyes under his visor screen lit up.
"Nice shot Kata.. right, here we go." Tim shouted as he pressed the twister knob on the top of the watch.
"Transfer time." Tim said as he pressed it down, suddenly a beam of glowing energy shot out from the watch and hit the Meatdoc, then seem to spread out from it in ripples for a short way (Transfusion). As the energy rippled out Wild Red and anyone else nearby seemed to be effected by it.



Molly final met a wall , which stopped her skid , but was now fully tangled in cables from the journey ... Again one of the Sniper Freak aimed and fired upon her..

The other Sniper now picked out Tim and send bolts of electric death at him ..... also Tim realized the three Swiper Freaks where due to step out of his vortex ...but they seemed to have moved out of his sight.....

From the floor Wild could see her help had just given Ed the advantage to be able to down the final Tank-Freaks .. and so far none had got up ..however Ed now looked very much the worst any living person had a right to look , while still be upright ...and the fourth Swiper-Freak had a clear shot at Ed's back .. the cyber-blade struck downwards three feet of cutting steel and nothing to stop it .... Kata rebalanced her fighting stance from the Wild empowered swing she heard four clips .. as the four Freaks, that had been with the Meat Doc Slashshade at the control panels , now all finished selecting full auto on their assault rifles , and together four fingers squeezed triggers sending four full bursts of jacketed 5.56mm at Kata ...

meanwhile Slashshade had flicked a switch on a belt mounted device , and taken control of her flight , activating a pair of inbuilt rocket boots .. and from a dainty full spin roll she hover 15 feet above the floor and from a wrist mount launched a syringe at Tim((Poison dart Dot toxic -reg ))

Wild eyes blinked as the three Tank-Freaks vanished .. in a short burst of brilliant white light .. some sort of teleport .......



Tim cursed , a rude word passing his lips .. Wilds speed power had affected his time powers and his perseption has sped a few seconds ahead .. only now to return to the current point in time with a Sniper-Freaks bolt and Slashshades syringe bearing down on him ....



Wild Red took a deep breath, she felt a lot better. She looked around at the state of the hero's, they were losing badly. As much as she hated to admit they needed to work together to get out of this. She had to move quickly, She pulled the mask down from over her face. Blood red lips contrasted starkly with her pale skin. A purple bruise was starting to bloom on the right hand side of her face.

She moved into the middle of as many freaks as she could. Her lips turned upwards in a twisted smile. She threw her arms out and anyone within range was surrounded by a blue and white light (fulcrum shift). Freaks were weakened and the Heroes were strengthened. Then she crossed her arms and shook with concentration. A few moments later she was surrounded by a green mushroom cloud of radiation (Nuke). Left severely drained again, Wild Red looked for cover and hoped she had done enough to allow everyone to regroup.

((I will leave it up to Rock as to how this has effected the freaks))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



The blade cut a long slice down Eds back, the blessing of battle from the Spirits of Croatoa left his defenses weakened. He let out a howl of pain and collapsed on the floor, blood seeping out of his various wounds.

Ed was surrounded by a circle of light, words whispered on the wind could be heard even above the din of the battle.

"Arise my Champion..."

Ed raised off the floor his body spinning as he slowly landed on his feet. His Angelic form filling the surrounding area with a white glow (Revive).

"Down for the count but not out of the game..."

Ed grinned and decided to join back into the fray, leaping into the air as he spread his wings, going directly after Slashshade...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Molly struggled to break free from the mess of cables for some time,immensely releived when the Snipers' shots failed to meet their target. After a while, she opted for a different method of escape by firing her boots one more time to burn away at least enough of the wires to hopefully break away. Eventually getting back to her feet, Molly then aimed for the Snipers. "Ick! Not a good start to a battle, that's for sure... okay, time to juggle the happy fun ball!"

A faint whine sounded from the lower barrel before a grenade was finally sent hurtling toward them while Molly followed up with a few better-aimed bursts.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




For the few second Ed felt the light upon him his eyes beheld dark wispy plumes rising from Slashshades metal clad hands .. the vision fading with the light .....



Wild Red had found temporary cover behind one of the pillars. She felt far more calm and renewed. She surveyed the chaos around her. Ed was after the meat Doc, the girl with the rocket boots had gone after the snipers. Tim was stood relatively near the doorway, she reminded herself to thank him later. Kata had 4 Freaks opening fire on her, Wild Red ran over to help her. Firing small bolts of radiation as she made her way to Kata's side.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Nox moved to help Kata, four on one was hardly fair odds. Upon reaching the nearest Freak he allowed his rage to channel into his blade ((Build Up)) and delivered a powerful overhead blow ((Hack)) out of the shadows ((cloak of darkness)).



Tim looked up quickly as the dart flew in, hitting him in the left side of his neck. "OW!" Tim shouted as he stumbled backwards, attemping to pull the dart from his neck.
But as he did he noticed the bolts flying towards him, "This really isn't my day this time.." he muttered as the bolts stuck his chest armour, wincing as they did.



Kata was caught in the headlights, so to speak. The bullets came upon her thick and fast - too fast in fact for her to dodge them. Three grazed her left shoulder and several zipped past her legs, causing her to collapse to the floor. Luck was on her side though, as two stray bullets zipped overhead as she fell: A second earlier and she would have been struck right between the eyes.

Then white hot pain ripped through her body as two bullets caught her in her left arm and on her chest. The smoky haze from Red's attack caused her to cough and splutter as she folded over, slumping to the floor. Despite the power surge, Kata could barely lift a finger and her katana slipped from her right hand. She tried with all her might to reach the mediport device concealed in her belt...



"Not while I'm here." Wild growled. She siphoned off some health from the closest freak that washed over her and Kata. Kata lay at Wild's feet as she drained the freaks at the same time as attacking them. A dark swirl of shadow caught the corner of Wild's vision. She ignored it and concentrated on the fight at hand.

Jaw clenched, Wild sapped at the Freaks energy, health and power. She knew she could not keep it up for long. Four freaks would eventually get the better of her.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly's grenade rattled the Sniper Freak as his next shot was a good foot from Molly's head , the reply was much better taking out the Sniper-Freak .. Molly span around seeking a sight of the second Sniper........who now was trying to aim at Ed

Time and Tim matched and his healing field cut in .. Ed felt his wounds close and strength return ... and for Kata a teleport trip was no longer needed .. ...though she still seemed to have a few extra holes that were leaking ....

Nox's unseen blow downed a Gunner -Freak , but attracted the other three , who seemed to have considered Kata downed ...
Wilds slow charge and fast bolts dropped another of the Gunner-Freaks .. two left

Tim , staggered by the needle and bolts was forced a pace backward .. allowing him to seen two of the Swiper-Freaks , now phased back , running to aid Slashshade

Slashshade and Ed danced in midair , fists and blades cancelling each other out , Ed's greater melee skill was starting to win when the Meat Doc unleashed the dark power of her metal gloves ...(( siphon life)) , and Slashshade looked renewed , while Ed's eyesight seem blurred , as a dark mist covered his face . .. the fight switched to Slashshades advantage......



Kata felt the warm surge of energy wash over her. It didn't stop the pain or the fact that she was bleeding, but it gave her enough strength to reach out with her right arm and take a firm grip on the katana.

Come on, all you need to do is flick the switch...

Kata raised the blade in the direction of the gun-toting Freaks and managed to press a recessed switch in the pommel of the sword -

An arc of bright white energy shot out, as if the blade itself had caught the moonlight, and slammed into the Freaks with some considerable force (Energy Torrent). The sword fell from her hand - it would be a while yet before she could ready another shot and that also depended on whether she was fully conscious by the time the energy source had recharged.

Kata felt sick so she curled into a ball and rolled to the relative safety of the control panels, trying to keep as little of her vulnerable body from view as possible.



Wild watched as Kata moved out of the line of fire, Wild then looked at the misty particles. She knew something was there. "This one's all yours." She said to the cloud. Wild turned and set her sights on Slashshade. She ached all over but there was no way Wild was going to let a meat doctor beat her.

She flew up so she was on the same level as Ed and the Doc. She aimed a powerful proton volley at Slashshades unprotected back.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Tim saw the two freak-swipers running to aid their meat doc, quickly he raised his hands up, and spread them out infront of him pointing at the two of them, his neck still bleeding slowly from the wound.
"Hey you two! Freeze!" he shouted at them as his powers actived, Suddenly the two of them froze to the spot((Gravity Distortion field)) held in place and time by his powers.
"Hey Glowie, fling something at them for me." Tim said glancing over to his pet, suddenly it swirled before throwing a random dumpter at one of them then swirled again and threw out a lamp at the other. (( Propel))