Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




((removed for continuity. no worries slight crossover ))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Leaking body fluids , some of a none biological nature , seem to have re focused the Freaks brain cells ..... as Ed ripped a few more cables from the arm socket .. " K k ill spill.... just stop it okies ..." seeing no pity in Ed's eyes of flame the Freak blurted out "" east side , darkwaters , that sewer inspection door , thats where we deliver to.. down and go left then left then left then right .. a big room of pumps thats the meeting spot .. thats all i know .. arr come on man .. i spilled it all ... "

More ! demanded Ed ... " is no more ....only his Freaks go further ..any one else gets fragged , Shad00w has a ton of guards .. big boys wiv lots of toys .. they could eat you up and not burp ... oh the garage .. cross from the door ....they keep trucks in there .. thats it .. 'strue .. is no more ... "

As Ed considered the Freaks tale two street Freaks walked into view , one instanly opened up with a wild spray from his submachine gun , the second , making no use of his brain charged towards Ed powering up his twin cyberblades .......



((mildly confused as to which persons account I shall go with but I'll go with Rocks, sorry Red)).

He smirked, "alright...fine...go get yourself repaired...think of it this way, you got yourself new arms..."

He arched his back as bullets ripped through his body for a moment, the exit wounds pouring out crimson flames before it begun to reseal itself...

"Oh...that was NOT clever..." Edward let out a howl and looked at the Freak charging towards him with a predatory look in his eyes a large, very disturbed, sick looking grin on his face "I'm going to take your face pal...and wear it like I'm at a masquerade ball..." he hunched down on all fours and lunged at the charging Freak, ignoring his gun-toting buddy...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



As the cyberblades of the Freak totlly failed to cut into Ed's demonic body , Smeg-Face having reloaded emptied the mag at Ed's head , a wild uncontroled burst of bullets ..
Smeg-Faces eye then spotted the ripped out arm of the Tank Freak , and he looked down at the hook that now served as his left hand ... visions of the Tiger returned as the contents of his bowels fleed ...

with the SMG still spitting out the last of the clips 9mmers Smeg-Face turned and speed into the scattering crowd on onlookers ....

... the sound of PPD sirens further encoraging people to run , the cyberblade bearing Freak final found his brain and peered worriedly at Ed's unshreded form



Ed head seemed to splinter and burst, all the time maintaining a sick grin, eyeball hanging out of it's socket as flames spewed from where his brain would be and black Ichor slowly dripped down onto the face of the Freak. His skull split open, half his face seemed to be missing. He still talked, even if with only half a jaw the words didn't come out completely right...

"Count yourself lucky...the boys in blue are showing up and I'd rather not have any questions slowing me got pretty eyes boy...gonna help myself to one of them..." he plunged his taloned fingers into the Freaks eye socket, yanking out his right eye, "you'll thank me when you get you're upgrade installed..."

His head slowly reformed, muscle and bone reknitting itself, "you tell them I took this eye...and I'll be back for the other one...oh...and tell your friend he's a pretty good shot..even if he did empty two mags..."

With that Ed opened his wings and flew into the sky...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The PPD did the basic job .. threw the two Freaks into the back of the Meat wagon , which headed off towards the Zig .. asked a few slow bystanders for a statment or two , .. then speed off back to safer parts of the city .....

a little blood and oil on the pavement the only tell tales of yet another of the cities early morning combats ......

a few minutes later a pair of Council recruites set up on the spot , their box of flyers masking the fluid stains ....



Edward made his way to the entrance...looking around, checking for guards, he should radio in for backup but he wasn't in the mood to have anyone slow him down...this wasn't just about smacking around some Freaks and bringing them to justice, his demon heart was now fully pounding in his chest, he wanted blood spilt and lots of it.

This was justifiable in the eyes of the Lord, the Zig didn't keep people like this penned up for long, they were always back out on the streets in days it seemed, the only way to stop more people getting hurt by these selfish, heartless beasts of men was for someone to put a stop to them so they could be judged.

He took in a deep breath as he exhaled and begun walking towards the door.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The door's lock never even tried to resist Ed's pull , inside the sewer was the standard cities layout , with its trademark smells and molds ....

Half way along the Freaks direction Ed felt the presence of other just around the turn .. the smell of drug laiden sweat , the slight metalic scratching of homemade cyberparts , ...more than 2 .. not moving .. waiting ..



(( repost BUMP ))

(( NOTE this is set slightly ahead of time to allow all who want to to respond ))

01.17 hrs Galaxy City Monday ...

PPD Radio ...and anyone scaning

ALL UNITS ALL UNITS CODE RED-1 , officers in danger officers in danger , all units respond to Orion Beltway , 84th street , address 121 , Major gang attack involing the Freakshow , gunfire reported , SWAT on route ..extreme care advised .....

(( this will run on Monday to give people time to post , or not ))



Ed gave a sigh, "I knew this wasn't going to be easy..." his comm unit wouldn't give a workable voice signal down in the sewers but he was still trackable.

He turned the corner, not even thinking, instinctively reaching for the first head he could find to smash into a wall as hard as he could.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red had made it to Paragon City relatively easily. She flew in under the longbows radar. Now came the difficult part. All the information about her contacts had been destroyed in the explostion.

As she flew over the hundreds of streets that all looked the same to Wild Red, she paused mid flight as she watched a demon heading toward a door. He looked seriously annoyed and as much Wild Red would have loved to have witnessed the following massacre, she had business to attend to. She carried on flying, wondering what a demon was doing in Paragon City with out screeching sirens following him.

First stop the university. To a friend who owed her a favour...

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed's raw power rapidly overthrew the best efforts of cyberhammers and lighting bolts , three broke freaks lay in the racid sewer stream and Ed move forward ...

... the next group were stronger , four in number , the Smasher sending Edward flying backward into a sewer wall with his Hammer Klap , a rapid mass of razor sharp blades forcing Edward regenative power to activate to close up a number of gashes , still Edward overcame all four , adding to the filth flaoting along the sewers channel.....

Onward Edward and is hit by a long range electrical Zapp , again his power acted to close the wound , still Ed felt a slight weaking as the bolt scored it hit from out of the deep darkness ahead , moving fast between what scant cover the sewer offerd Edward saw the next two bolts miss , but ripping chunks from the sewer wall , suddenly he was at a cross way , the sniper Freak sat oppersite but from the right came two more Freaks , a floating Jucier dropping a Ball of electrical baddness over Ed , as a spinning sawblade missed by a wide margin , Ed blocked and smash down the Swiper Freak with a fast blow to the face .. again the Snipers Zapp hit home , spining Ed on the scum slick flooring , the floating Jucier now switched to a tight lighting bolt , catching Ed on his metal arm ...

But now Ed was at the Sniper Freak , and ripped him apart in a flurry of blows , metal and flesh truely blending as the fingers of Edward tore into the Freak , the Jucier using its hover to try to keep some distance manages one more bolt , a miss, before Ed reach out and shuts down the Freaks power backpack , two more blows and the freak is turn off.....

Edward sucks in air as his regen rebuild his damaged mussles and skin , and nealry crys out , as the Swiper drives both blades into Ed's back , having risen unseen the Freak has taken his chance ..... the two blades rip and tear as the Freak makes the most of twisting them as he drags them and chunks of Edward from the Ed's back ...

Slightly staggered Edward turns and unloads a wave of blows rendering down the Freak to a smear on the sewer wall ..... Ed throws him self backward as the splatter from the Feak uncovers one more Freak , ..cloaked ! .... too late he see the figure is fleeing .. and the cloaking field cuts back in before Ed can get back to his feet

Looking down at the hole in his body Edward find a moment to consider and realises these Freaks a way beyond the normal Bricktown trash ... these boys are top draw .. someone has moved in the Best the Freaks have to offer .. ... Ahead must be the gang base .. the way in which the cloaked Freak fleed ......



The sunny day outside was suddenly disturbed by a sudden blast of wind, shooting down the street inbetween the cars and flying past people as they crossed the street. Till it came to a stop at the way in Ed had used, standing there looking into the sewer was Timothy, in his temporal red and orange armour, next to him was the Timeslip he had flew around on, it's glowing form faded from veiw as Tim desided to enter the sewer.

Using the stakes on the bottom of his boots to move around and his abilitly to speed them up with his right hand, he navigated his way along the tunnels, passing the battles that Ed had fought, each one was more horrific than the last but Tim kept going, knowing that somewhere in here was Ed, the Freakshow and maybe the answers to the questions he had on the Mysterious man.



Edward panted hard for a moment, giving himself breathing space, a trail of carnage and blood behind him. He smirked to himself, "well these boys aren't your run of the mill..."

The nether-energy swirled around him for a moment as he regained his composure. Hearing footsteps coming up behind him faster he grinned, "boy you made the wrong move pal.." without thinking he spun around and lunged at whoever was approaching...((Timothy)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Kata looked a little pale after the abrupt conversation on her mobile: A woman's voice followed by a crashing sound and then the call had disconnected. And was it a threat? Could it have been the mysterious man on the rooftop? It was easy enough to rig up a voice masker. More questions and no answers. Typical.

Kata was heading for the door when she spotted activity in the cafeteria. The guy sitting at the table was the professor! Excellent, perhaps now there might be some real progress.


The metal fragment - could it be from a hard disk? Possibly. Was the information on it worth a thousand dollars? Probably not.

Kata gave the student beside her an odd look then decided on a course of action that, ultimately, pleased her own sense of drama. She took a small plastic wallet from her inside jacket pocket and, discreetly, flipped it open at the girl, revealing her Hero ID and her Omega Security badge in one. Luckily the crowd of students was such that it couldn;t readily be seen, although the girl's jaw dropped so far that Kata thought she might have to take her to the infirmary in case it needed popping back into place.

"I have my contacts thank you."

The girl stuttered and before she was able to tell the others gathered that she'd just met a registered hero, Kata had quietly slipped away and was making her way to the library to inform Manny that no further enquiries would be necessary.

So, the gas was used by some Freak called Shad00w and, in the confusion, the canister made its way on to the street. Very little was taken...

Kata was lost in thought all the way home to her apartment by Silver Lake in Steel Canyon. Of course, the obvious thing to do would be to ask around the Freak 'community', if you could call it that. But it was early evening by now, a stomach needed filling and then a power nap before patrolling was in order. Chances were in this city that Kata'd find the next set of answers when she was least expecting them...



((And to follow on, I feel I need to tie things up from my end))

Kata reported in to the Boomtown Security Office at the War Wall gate in Steel.

"Anything unusual Ms Bromovich?" One of the officers enquired.

"No Charles, nothing more out of the ordinary than is usual for Baumton. Clockwork activity seems down. The Council are keeping a low profile. No arrests from me tonight."

"Heh, I dunno how you does it. Some of them gangers are real superpowered types."

Kata gave him a wan smile and headed for the Green Line station. Her arms ached like crazy from climbing the derelict walls that littered the old suburb of Baumton and she cursed the fact that she had opted to leave her anti-grav gadgets at home.

But it had been a fairly quick patrol because the matter of the Freak attack was still firmly at the front of her mind, burning all other things away. She knew of a compound in Crey's Folly where some of the 'smarter' Freaks liked to hang out - often they were the ones who had survived longer than their comrades in battle and had gleaned the best bits of cybernetics for themselves.

Coming out of Brickstown station, Kata made her way to the Folly's security office, looking for signs of Freak activity in the alleyways as she kept her eye on the landmark of the hospital which sat adjacent to her destination.

She stopped at the corner of a piece of parkland for a moment, eyeing a cluster of buildings nearby with some suspicion. Breathing in there was a strong scent of oil and something else... Blood? A coppery tang in the air mixed with motor oil. Her eyes darted about the scene, searching for a clue - bingo! Very feint traces by the roadside of oil which when followed... a sewer access hatch. Kata's heart rate rose as she decided there and then that the sewers were going to be the place where she'd find answers.

Kata opened the barred gate to the sewer, drew the blade from its sheath hanging by her side and ventured into the gloom below.



Suddenly the screen blanked, and a flashing message appeared, glowing an angry red. "ACCESS RESTRICTED - THETA LEVEL SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED"

[/ QUOTE ]

Molly jumped slightly at the sudden and abrupt appearance of the message on the display, facepalming hard shortly after.

"Crud!" she blurted quietly to herself as she sat back in the chair, already aware that she certainly didn't have that clearance yet. After spending a short moment drumming her fingers on the desk Molly then pushed herself to her feet, leaving the computer as it was before striding to the university's exit.

Eric, let me know the instant the DataSpace is free, could you? I need to dig a little deeper than I thought.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




The Professor returned to his office to take a break from all the attention. He had been questioned by a hero and that had put him edge, this was getting to deep for him to handle. He closed the door behind him and reached for a bottle of water out of his mini fridge.

"Hello Professor." Came the female voice behind him. He turn on the spot and dropped his water at the sight that greeted him. She stood in a tattered black catsuit, masked and blindfolded. Wrapped in barbed wire, with bright red hair. The professor gasped.

"Surely I don't look that bad?" She asked.
"Why are you here?" He trying to step back but Wild Red closed the gap again.
"You owe me Prof. Tell me where I can find Kata?" She snarled.
"The hero that was here a few hours ago?" He looked puzzled. "Why?"
"Because!" She grabbed his throat and forced him against the wall. The barbed wire digging at the skin on his neck.
"I don't know." His eyes widened in fear.
"That's not what I wanted to hear." She tightened her grip slightly.
"Brickstown... Try Brickstown..." He gasped for air as Wild Red let him go and he dropped to his knees. "There is increased... *gasp* freak activity. She... *cough* will probably be patrolling."
"There that was not to hard." Red patted his head. The Prof winched as the barbed wire jabbed him again. She moved towards to window and sat on the ledge. "Oh just so we are clear. You have given me nothing more than a suggestion. You still owe me. Don't fail me again. I helped you get where you are. I can take you down just as easily." With that she flew out of the window.

"Crazy *****!" The Professor gasped

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Wild Red had been searching Brickstown for a few hours. She cursed the professor for sending her on a wild goose chase. Then she caught it. A familiar scent on the breeze, so she decided to find the source of the smell. The smell of blood started to mingle with the smell of motor oil. Wild Red glanced around. Then she saw her, Kata, descending into a sewer entrance. Her instincts told her she had found her mark, so Wild Red followed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



A figure in black armour with netherworld energy swirling around the person, just about manages to parry Edwards blow with his sword. A cold voice says "Stop! I believe you and I may be searching for the same thing."

((i am fairly new to forum rp, so please treat me gently))



Timothy could see a dark figure up ahead of him in the sewer, bare lit by the lights down there, wondering who it was he quickly moved over towards the figure.
As he did he noticed the wings and the horns flash in light as the figure turn on the spot, lunging at him with a fist he quickly shut his eyes and shouted out "ED IT'S ME TIMOTHY!" is powers flared up to protect him, slowing the area around him enough to give him time, should he need it to duck.



(( OK can we agree to sort out the char's in the sewer before we move on . the police radio alert message is on hold till we sort the sewer out ,.....agree between each other then one person post what is done next ))



He hadn't seen the other figure ((kalantari)) which had moved to block his slowed down blow. He paused when he heard the name, flaring his wings and pulling back, landing in a crouch.


He stood up slowly, the black skin of his true demon form slowly flaking off as if it was clumps of ash, his normal half human/half demon form red skin appearing underneath until he had fully changed. The animal instinct slowly wearing off.

"So who's your buddy?" wonder who the broadsword wielding person was.

He hadn't expected company down here, in the distance he heard more footsteps. These were lighter than a Freaks ever could be.

"We've got more company but I doubt it's a Freakshow, lets wait for the company to catch up before we all start discussing things shall we?"

((your que there Artic , right so I've sorted it both Tim and Kal are in the sewers))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Sewers were never mentioned in the Freedom Corps 'induction pamphlet' - they were carefully removed from all reference materials pertaining to the life of a 'Hero'. There was a pretty good reason too, Kata thought, as she waited for her eyes to adjust to the gloom. The stench of motor oil was thick here at the mouth of this section of the sewer network. Odd shadows scuttled along the walls, accompanied by the timpani of trickling water and punctuated with ominous gloop! noises.

Kata tried to keep to the sidewalk to avoid having to stand in the filthy water, but it was overlapping on the concrete platform which suggested that something or someone was causing the water level to rise a little. The Belarusian woman had learned, fairly early on in her career, that carrying a flashlight was not conducive to successful investigating, especially in the sweres. Not only did the light distort the environment you were in but it often alerted your target to your presence allowing them enough time to run or, in one memorable, sewage-filled incident, plan a counter-attack.

Kata almost tripped and rolled down a steep embankment, saving herself from falling into the water at the last second. She composed herself and inspected the obstacle: The lifeless body of a Freak, Excelsior dripping from a chest plate like blood. Kata stopped herself from wretching and inspected the body. Nothing particularly unusual about this one she thought. Then she noticed a sliver of light reflected on the Freak's armour and looked up and behind her to a water pipe just visible in the shadows. The slumped body of another Freak lay there, its 'human' arm hanging down wearing a silver rolex. Someone's been killing Freaks. Could be retaliation, could be totally unconnected to this, which I doubt, but it's killing nonetheless.

A little further down, Kata found a couple more Freak bodies obstructing a doorway. She carefully pulled one of them from the top of the heap and was about to step over the rest when she heard voices echoing through an adjacent sewer shaft.


Kata headed for the voices.



Despite his shift of forms, he was still splattered in blood, Excelsior and sewage, it was quite obvious he had been the one who had butchered his way through the Freaks. He crouched down as he heard the footfalls growing louder.

"I seriously doubt that's Freak, the one's I left back there shouldn't be up and running around...though you never can tell with Freakshow...even the worst wounds doesn't always stop them...besides, there's no clanking..."

His flaming eyes illuminated the darkness around him, yes it made him stick out like a sore thumb in the darkness but it was also as intimidating as it could get. He moved forward towards the footsteps.

"Show yourself!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!