Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




After changing into her costume, she found the quickest route to the mediport bay "phew, good job I work here, this place can be a maze to get around sometimes." a few moments later, a slim, athletic woman wearing a red and white jumpsuit with a red heart on the front entered the mediport bay from a door in set in the backwall, Physic shouted "hey guys need some help " firing a blast of green energy ((neutrino blast)) at the dark freak, she tried to moving to a more advantageous position, ready to drop some help on the nearby heroes ((Recovery and Regen Aura))



Shad00w eyes of flame never left Molly's cloaked form , fast as she sped he turned to face her , the metal mask forming a grin of pure malice , and then Molly felt a very cold gun muzzle in the small of her back ....Shad00w ..spoke "drop it girl or Spookie there will show you what a real gun can do ."...even as he spoke Shad00w started to surround himself it a cloud of dark matter , which Molly could feel as pin sharp teeth eating at her flesh ....



Wild's body was in agony from the abrupt stop. For the first time in years, she screamed! Unable to move, defend herself, filled with fear. She could see the 4 freaks bearing down on her. She felt the way she had that fateful day, all those years ago.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly dropped the rifle fast. "Done!" Unarmed, Molly had little choice but to stand there, the dark cloud eating away at her as she bit her lip, trying to conceal the pain... she had to think of something fast.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Shad00w allowed the dark mist to fade as Molly's gun was picked up by one of his Gunner-Freaks ,

Molly's hands where rapidly and harshly bound with what seemed to be electrical cable , and Wlid's overpowered form was similarly dealt with ...

the two women dragged to a empty corner by four Swiper-Freaks who stood guard over them (( yes no one has searched them )) ...

The rest of the Freaks under Shad00ws fiery stare returned to breaking up the Medi-Ports .....

..from their corner the ladies could see the form of power suit clad hero , clearly wounded laying in a pool of blood ...beside on of the Medi-Ports .. and three hospital staff in green scrubs tied up by the lift doors ...

to the left of the lifts a hole was opening as a fuming green liquid eat away the armour plated floor....



Tim swiftly moved on his skates, ignoring calls from those he passed in the corridors about him skating pass them, following the way he had seen in his vision. Tim jumped over a trolley that had over turned when the person using it had fled, landing neatly on the other side of it he paused.
"Left, corner.. right.. four doors.. lift." he muttered as he sped up again, this time holding his right hand down at his skates to give them a much needed speed boost.
Soon he was the lifts, they were shut and appeared to be not working. "Great.. didn't think it was going to be easy this time around." He muttered skating over to the stairwell, "Well guess this way at least they shouldn't see me coming."


Outside of the medical center all hell had broken lose, news crews, PPD SWAT vans, powersuits, Longbow and the flashing lights from them. However one person looked out of place, A grey suited man who had quickly walked upto the doors before notcing they had the shatter was down, he turned about and saw the officers and such behind him, he sighed and walked away pulling out a headset from his pocket and popping it on his ear.

"Hey, yea it's me.. Im going to need the suit.. something just came up."



Ed nodded to Tim and there was a burst of speed, kicking up the papers around the reception area.

Ed looked at the lift doors, "where's someone with super strength when you need them..."

He sped up the stairs, catching pace with Tim, "we're dealing with a Super Freak here Tim...he's going to be tough, really tough I mean and matching my powers...I'll see if I can distract him..."

Ed reached the the Mediport area, he smirked and looked back a Tim, "oh I know how to bring him out..."

Ed grinned, "Hey Shad00w...I hope you fight better than one of your boys, took this from him.." he tossed the eyeball he had in his pocket into the room from around the corner.

"You think you're big and tough with the dark mojo? Well I'm tougher, stronger, fast and better skilled with Nether Energy than you every could be, besides, everyone knows that Tanks fight like girlies...why don't you contact your three big boys back at base and ask them how they faired against me..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Tim and Ed reached the lifts Blast door , keeping them from the Medi-Port room , three PPD offices in flak armour lay on the floor , victims of Freak weapons , the door control panel was a smoking mess of junked electronics ...

the heavy doors already had suffered a Freakshow paint job and now sported a chaos of coloured swear words and logos ....

above the locked doors a CCTV camera in a armoured box turned to peer at the two heroes , from a speaker in its metal housing a dark voice replied to Ed's challenge .....

.....Indeed you have much more practice of evil ways that myself Doctor .. which is why I am staying this side of the doors with all my troops , if you want to visit we can trade ..err souvenirs .. I have your pink clad and barbedwire sporting ladies here with a number of weapons trained upon their lovely heads .. now what was that phrase a eye for an eye .. and I have four to choose from .... and if i run out the three nurses can provide more ...*evil hehehe



With the dark leeches gone Wild's mind returned from the brink of terror. She calmed herself and looked around. She saw the injured hero and the nurses. She heard Shad00w and Ed challenging each other and all the guns trained at her and Molly.

Wild's inner hero kicked in - first save the innocents - then stop the freaks. Although she would always deny what happened next.

Wild's barbed wire wrappings normally came in useful. This time it kept her from being bound too tightly. Wild slipped off her gloves and the wire binding her arms together went with them. She coughed and made a movement that looked like she was struggling. Really she moved her hands behind Molly and untied the knots. Then she sobbed and put her head on Molly's shoulder. In between the sobs she whispered into Molly's ear.

"I will make a distraction. You need to move quickly. get the nurses into cover and the hero, if you can. *Sob* I will shout for Darkness to pry the doors. It will be his only chance without a risk to anyone else. *Sob* Ready!" Wild's sobs turned into a manic laugh.

"Hate to burst your bubble Shad. I don't have any eyes. I lost them when some maniac threw me into a vat of toxic waste!" She threw her hands up weakening all the freaks surrounding her at the same time as strenghening Molly and herself ((fulcrum shift)). She siphion the speed from the closest Freak and ran straight at Shad00w "Ed pry the doors now!" Wild shouted hoping the speaker box would pick up her voice. She threw everying she could at Shad00w.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Kata spoke hurriedly over the phone. She used some odd words and phrases in Russian which the doctor could only chuckle at. The linguistics team would decode them in a few minutes and-

"Fine. I'll do it." Kata threw the mobile on to the bed. "When can you do it?"

The doctor started from the bed. "Ms Bromovich, I must say I am a little surprised. Pleased but very surprised. Your friend is obviously a very wise man indeed."

"Cut the [censored], doctor. There are who-knows how many Freaks down there. I have my suspicions as to why they're here and I'd very much like to see what I can do to stop them."

Kata was hunched over, propped up against the cabinet and in a considerable amount of pain. The doctor removed his glasses and cleaned them. Then he lifted a suitcase tucked away behind a unit and placed it carefully on the bed, opening it to reveal an array of test tubes, phials and philtres.

"You will understand, Ms Bromovich, that the injections I am about to administer are preliminary to the procedure. But, I am confident you will begin to feel the benefits in a short amount of time." The doctor flashed a sickly smile at Kata and began to assemble a syringe.

Kata hobbled over to the bed very slowly. This is possibly the stupidest thing you have done with your life so far. Kata pushed the thoughts away and concentrated on what was important: Her livelihood as a crimefighter. She'd never had powers and had always relied heavily on luck and training to see her through. But her body was getting older too quickly and the enemies she faced were more devious by the minute. So, she was sacrificing her personal freedom to eke out that existence just a little longer. Kata knew, deep down, that she couldn't bear the thought of being confined to a wheelchair: Shallow as it was, it was still the one thought burning away in her mind.

As she closed her eyes and waited for the start of the initial treatment, Kata repeated the conversation with her mentor in her mind: You are a fine woman, Kata. I would understand if you vent through with zis... No Red, it's fine. Nothing I- we can't handle. Love to Hana... Besides, you can alvays stall zem...



"Get outta my WAY!" When Molly meant business, she made sure you knew about it, as she was doing right now as she promptly dove to slide under Shad00w, setting off a brief burst from her boots to propel her past him quickly. As soon as she was clear, her next order of business was to get her rifle back.

Molly then backflipped onto her feet and swung her arm at the Gunner-Freak holding her gun. Mid swing, a Tazer Dart flew out from underneath the pad on her glove, scoring a lucky strike on the Freak's neck. As the shock from the dart forced him to twitch and convulse, she caught the rifle mid-fall, swiftly aiming it at the shocked Freak and she then made her way over to the injured hero.

Keeping her rifle fixed on the Freaks she burst past. Molly attempted to connect to the centre's network wirelessly using her augmented brain. The plan was to see if there were any other mediporters in the building and try to get the unfortunate hero to safety, even if that meant giving him her own device to get him there..

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Ed heard Reds command and nodded his head, he wasn't a users of super Strength but he would try his damn best to get the doors open.

Digging his metal fingers inbetween the gap, giving him enough room to fit his other hand he begun to try to pull the doors apart, yanking with all his strength. He knew once the doors flew open he would be dangerously exposed to Freakshow firepower but had to get those people out of there.

"Come on Ed, people are counting on've got to do this..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The sensation of your body repairing itself so quickly that you can feel it is never a pleasant one. Especially when bullet holes close up as if an invisible spider were spinning skin over the holes from the inside.

Kata cupped her hand over her mouth, thinking that she would start to vomit any moment now... but it passed.

The doctor just stood there smiling.

"Quite remarkable, isn't it?" is all he had to say.

The trouble was that, well, it was remarkable and a faint spark at the back of Kata's brain told her this is what she had wanted ever since she arrived in Paragon: Her muscles felt more capable and she could feel her heart rate levelling out as the weird chemicals coursed through her.

"So, how long will this last?" Kata checked her appearance in the mirror: A cut on her cheek seemed to fizzle away.

"Oh I daresay you should feel the benefit for the next forty-eight hours. And in these situations I would usually provide an obstacle course for you to complete to make you aware of the physical changes," The doctor paused, pushed his spectacles back up his face and smirked, "but our Freakshow friends downstairs will do for now."

The doctor fished a small device from his pocket and fiddled with a dial. The security shutter barring exit to the main hospital whirred and clicked, opening up.

Kata shot the doctor a filthy look. He would have to be dealt with after the Freaks.

Kata rushed to the lift, noticed it was locked down and decided upon the stairs.



Freaks by their very nature make poor guards , and the four covering Molly and Wild where no exception , all were doing their own thing as Wild made her move.....

Wild got off her two powers before the Freaks reacted , meaning only one of them got to slice a chunk of flesh from her body as she sped past towards Shad00w ....

Freaks being freaks all four had turn to try to hit the speeding woman leaving Molly space to operate from ... with her gun reclaimed Molly reached the fallen hero , spun around to cover the Freaks and ..

Damm bad luck time , M'lady Fate's mood had dropped off there was blanket jamming across all the link frequencies .. very crude the work of the Freaks ....

Molly just caught a glimpse of Spookie the Sneak-Freak as he vanished behind his cloaking ... so far with Wild holding the four guard Freaks and Sdah00ws focus ...... and the rest of the freaks where still moving Medi-Port parts to the floors new opening , Spookie was the only loose gun ...

Kata ran faster than she normal managed .. good medicine this ... , and via heightened vision spotted a Fellow costume clad female hero following her down the stairs ......Pelting into the lobby outside the Medi-Port rooms .... she beheld Ed and Tim fighting the Armoured Doors holding them from the the battle now starting on the other side ......

Ed's whole body groaned with the strain , but the doors were made to stop just this event .....
Then Ed felt a oversized metal gloved finger tap him on the shoulder ...

turning he came face to face with a seven foot tall figure of rock......a deep gravelly voice said “ may I help ? “.. and gently but firmly pushed Ed to one side ........

Two golden metallic gloves replaced Ed's hands on the door , the Rock man's ..slowly but with growing force , the gloved hands parted the doors , at a foot apart the Rock man gave a mighty shove and with a scream of rupturing hydrolic rams the doors sprung open .....

The open door way was filled with flying Freak launched weapons and ammunition , pelting the Rock man , however he seemed build to take it as it was the sawblades and like that bent and broke upon his rocky form ...

Inside the room was a chaos of figures.....

from the door way , to the right a round hole in the floor that a number of Freaks where loading with Medi-Port parts ....
down the long right hand wall the trolleys , and medical equipment was scattered across the floor .....
to the left just by the doors the captive nursing staff lay on the floor , bound hands and feet .....

Along the left wall where the Medi-Ports had stood where now piles of dismantled bits , half was down Molly stood guard over a Powersuit clad hero , and was firing a short burst at a Swiper-Freak who was taking too much interest in her and the fallen hero ....

scattered across the room More Freaks , some bring weapons to bear at the Heroes , others moving Medi-Port parts , and a small wall of Freaks lined up in front of the doors who had just unloaded their ranged fire power at the Rock Man ....

near centre of the room no eye could miss the massive form of Shad00w , the metal face's vile grin , the flaming eyes , the dark mist around his feet , the void power coming from his armour's runes as it deflected the best of Wilds efforts to slow him down , for it was apparent that her best efforts had but held Shad00w attention....not harmed him ..... and it had drawn a dire reply ....

Wild wounded from Freak slicing , and hammer blows was once more trapped by Shad00w's tentacle magics .. .. Shad00w brought down his neatherworld powered fists upon Wild .. a pitiful scream passed her lips , as her body tried to be thrown across the room , but the holding tentacles added a spine twisting agony to her pains .... for the moment unconsciousness claimed Wild .. .. as her blood was sprayed across the rooms floor ........ but had she kept Shad00w busy enough time for the others .........

Molly spotted a row of buttons on the belt unit of the fallen Powersuit clad hero , one was a small green cross ............



Physic had just a few moments to absorb Wild's pain ((absorb pain)) and shout "oh no you don't, at the wall of freaks sending out a pulse of green energy ((irradiate)).



(( ok no one stated that they called in the police , but im sure someone meant to ))

Back in the Brickstown Freakshow sewer base Slashshade's fingers finally reached a small item concealed one her belt ,

pressing it stirred her ripped off metal arms into life , most squirmed helplessly , but one responded and dragged itself back to its mistress , a jagged blade cut her bonds , and Slashshade clambered to her feet , and gathered her metal limb to her chest ...

as she slowly walked towards the control desks the sound of Longbow feet could be heard in the outer room ......

cursing all capes .. she hammered a few buttons and raced to the hatchway in the far wall , passing through she crossed the small chamber holding a very crude Freak made Medi-Port , and exited via a escape hatchway in the chambers floor ........

a twenty strong Longbow strike team entered the main room and began to gather the downed Freaks .....while the Longbow Tech team leaped upon the control desk ....



Molly had to act fast. She didn't have time to check the suit over and if that green cross-shaped button meant anything other than saving him, whoever designed it needed their head checked, at least in her opinion. Firing off a few more bursts, Molly then hit the button as quickly as she could.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Wild stood imobilised. She felt nothing but pain. A wimper escaped her lips, which was the only sign she was still alive. Wild was oblivious to everything around her. Shad00w lifted his fists for another strike.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



A thin film of green-white light rolled over the powersuit and the Hero got up , a arm pointed and a series of dimensions collapsed as Wild was teleport to the side of Molly and the powersuit clad hero....

.... from behind the opaque yellow visor a voice spoke .. “for the the One” and a near by Freak screamed as its brain was twisted by the powesuit clad heroes psychic blast ... the fight was on ...



Ed stood to one side as the rock man pried open the doors, quite thankfully the guy made of rock had gone in first.

Ed smirked and headed straight for Shad00w, this was going to be an interestin fight, the heat lanced from his eyes and struck Shad00w in the back. He kicked off a hospital bed and raised his fist to bring it down on the Super Freaks back.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Shad00w turned , Wild has been TPed and he could now focus on Ed , Ed fist struck down on Shad00w's torso , and the runes cut into the Tank armour glowed , adding to Ed's concern , as his fist seemed to slide off the armour without leaving so much as a a mark upon Shad00w ...

around Shad00w's feet the unholy dark mist arose ..and Ed's worries deepened as he recognised the biting of a Death Shroud

Shad00w seem to fire off some powers as runes flashed purple , red and yellow ..all the while his metal smile seemed to widen ..then his left eye of flame winked at Ed... “ well Doctor Demonkin ...time for you to show me your good moves ....let us see if we can awaken your true nature ....demon .. what was that name you went by .....?”



Tim step away from the Rock man, and glanced into the room suddenly a bullet zipped passed his left side of his face, to him however it seeemed to hover there slowly passing him giving him more than enough time to notice any hallmarks and such on the bullet.
"Right.. like that worked last time aroun.." Tim muttered as he lay eyes on Shad00w, and just seem to freeze in place.
Tims eyes behind his visor had widen and his lip quivered as if he had seen a ghost. He gulped then stook his head.
"I ain't afraid of him.. not like.. never." He shouted holding up his left hand, pointing towards Shad00w and attemptingto freeze him in place and time, while he used his right hand to give Ed a boost of energy by borrowing time from any freak he could.

Meanwhile outside.

Suddenly a suit wearing hero dropped down on the roof of the hospital building, hitting a button on the straps of his raptor pack as the hero passed over the roof. Quickly as the pack folded up on the back of the hero as the person ran over to a air duct and pulled the cover off it. Slipping inside it and seemingly gripping onto the bare metal with the suits gloves and boots before carefully climbing down towards where it would lead.



Without the tenticles to hold her upright, Wild collapsed in a heap. Even though she had been healed at some point she was still seriously injured. As she fell she brought a load of medical supplies down ontop of her. A small bottle rolled infront of her - Adrenalin. Wild slowly picked up the bottle and unwrapped a sterile syringe. "Nothing like a little pick me up." She murmered as she gave herself a large dose. It took a few seconds for it to kick in, then the pain receded to the back of her mind.

Wild saw the nurses scrambling through the opened door. Ed stood facing Shad00w. The previously injured hero was now on his feet and looked ready to fight. So with the innocents taken care of, time for the Freaks. She saw the hole in the floor which was how they were escaping. She carefully aimed a Neutron bomb down the hole. She then went back to her original plan of destroying the medibays. As she enjoyed a little choas and loved throwing spanners in other peoples plans.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Edward growled..."awaken the beast my friend and you suffer the consequences..."

Eds form shifted to his demon form, "you know you're not the first Super Freak I've taken down...and I was a lot less powered fighting him than I am now..."

The journey time and the interrogation after the fight had given Ed enough time for his body to take the stress of mass healing...Ed grinned, he knew this Freak feared something but it would take a while of searching for him to find out, Ed summoned his own tentacles to bite at the flesh of Shad00w, dark energy versus dark energy was never a good match but he knew what was...

"Hey Rock man...a little help..."

Stone never aged, stone never feared and withstood the test of time.

Ed continued to fight Shad00w, aiming his blows for the exposed head instead of the body, if he could distract him long enough for the rest of the Freaks to be dealt with...this group of heroes would be more than a match.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



((made a mistake in my prevoius post but it's too late to edit it. The nurses are bound hand and foot so they are not escaping at all))

Wild's progress was slower than before. Still she was creating a lot of damage. Only three medibays left...

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red