Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




The cage fell as Wild Red released another radiation ball. It ricocheted inside bars. "Good thing I came prepared." Wild Red reached into a small compartment on her belt and pulled out a small device. Something else she had stolen. She pushed the button and the tesla cage deactivated.

She looked to where Ed was still fighting. There was a pool of blood at his feet. Red could clearly see Ed's regeneration was struggling to keep up with the damage the Freaks were doing. Red extended her hand and hit Ed with a jet of blue light (speed boost). She then ran up as close behind Ed and targeted the closest Freak. Quickly one after the other she started siphoning off power, healing and speed for herself and Ed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He smiled, "thanks Red..."

Feeling newly empowered he decided to take down one of those flying freaks, flaring his wings he took off, meeting one of the flying freaks head on. Bring his fists down in an overhead blow (Air superiority) trying to smack the Freak out the sky.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"As the song goes... You ain't seen nothin' yet!" Red laughed. As Ed went after the one flying freak, Red targeted the other. Ignoring the still unsteady freak clambering to his feet. She steadied her arm and glowed green as she concentrated (aim), Then released an overkill volley of radiation blasts.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly was no soldier, but her performance in a combat situation could easily suggest otherwise, at least it would if anyone could even see her. Pressing her back against one of the other pillars, she peeked round, also spotting the staggering Freak. Knowing that the Freaks were the kind that needed kicking when they were down, she promptly swung her rifle in front of her, sending a silent command to switch to Slug rounds.

I can't waste ammo now, she thought to herself as she took aim for the Freak's shoulder and pulled the trigger. Even on full it won't last! Hurry the hell up, Eric...

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Tim has stumbled a little from the sudden shutting of the door, but in the fractions of a secound that that had happen he had seen something pass him, he stook his head and skated off to help those battling. Raising his left hand and allowing his limiter band to release some of the power of his mutant abilty he slowed down (crush) one of the freaks. Glancing about at the others around him, he quickly shifted his hands to his right and pulling the time off (Siphon Speed/power) the freak he had slowed, as he normally would in any battle.



Ed's target outsmarted him by the simple means of turning off his hover and dropping to the floor , Ed however was forced into a rapid series of turns and twists to avoid the powercables strung across the celling ...the Stunner Freak then flung his Tesla Cage around Nox

Molly's shot clipped the freaks metal arm a sped off into the she was forced to duck back to avoid the stray bolts that missed Wild , Wilds shots where better and the Juicer Freak was downed in a glowing green haze ...

Even suffering the slowing effects of the Heroes array of powers and the hits from Kata 's knives the freshly risen Freak crossed the ground fast and launched his Bladed arm at Kata head ...



The metal arm, blazing with the reflections of power and electricity came at Kata full pelt. She felt her heart jump as instinctively she leapt backwards, dodging the blow. The fall was softened a little by the sludge covering the floor of the sewer. A little of it flew up around her.

"Come 'ere girly!" The Freak bared his teeth and lifted his arm up for the next round.

She managed to roll to her left as another blow struck the ground, causing more muck to splash up and making her vision unclear. But she had a few seconds to pull herself back up and ready the hunting knife and this time she'd finish off this Freak once and for all.

The Freak raised his arm yet again and launched himself at Kata, bringing the heavy blade down at her. She sidestepped him and brought the full weight of her foot down on top of the blade, digging it into the sewer floor enough, she hoped, to stop him from using it again. Just to make sure, Kata sliced the hunting knife across the Freak's arm where it joined the blade and took just a little bit of satisfaction at the pain she caused him. For good measure she kneed him in the face and then dashed over to Wild Red and Edward to see if they needed assistance.



Wild Red watched as the freak Ed had flown up to attack had dropped out of the air and landed a few feet in front of her. Wild Red readied up another powerful blast of radiation.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed dropped out of the air landing infront of the Freak, hoping that he caused enough distraction to allow Red her blow. He launched another flurry of blows at the Freak, "get down and stay down!" (Smite, Shadow Punch, Shadow Maul, Sands of Mu).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



With the only annoyance remaining the insistent rage of the Techno-hate music, all had time to draw breath and look around .....
none of the Freaks showed any sign of rising , the one Kata had cut was bleeding out , the others seemed to have a health green glow of rad induced coma , or the flattened features of Ed's fist treatment ....

with time to peer about the victors could see the wooden crates held ammo , 9mm ,5.56mm , 12.7mm , .5 , and a range of natty shotgun rounds ..
The plastic creates seem to hold electrical and mechanical parts .. all bearing the stamp of Crey Industries......

beyond the partitioning wall to the left the space was given over to bedding and the personal junk of the Freaks , from the amount it looked to house some 30 ish in number , beyond the right hand wall was the rooms original fixtures , the sewer pumps and controls .. relocated to make space while not alerting the sewer company to the bases location .

The line of pillars seemed to be a series of power relays , each with five or more power cables running from them , just passed these lay the rooms far wall .. , just left of center a short flight of metal steps leads to a door , a closed water tight hatch , one person wide .......



Ed paused to go through the various mechanical parts, "hmm wonder if there's anything useful in here...upgrades for my equipment for the family.."

He looked at the ammunition then to the sealed hatch and back again, "hmm I think I have a solution to our sealed door problem.."

He heaved the various crates of ammunition and piled them up at the door, "everyone may want to retreat to a safe distance..." He focused the flames pouring from his eyes into a beam, heating up the rounds to get them to cook off and explode.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



While Ed hauled the boxes to the door, Wild Red examined the pillars.

"This is not right!" She commented, deep in thought.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Wild thinks ..very large power relays + 10,000s of randomly aimmed bullets = ......



Wild red looks up and see's Ed heating up the boxes. She realises what will happen.

"WAIT!" She screams at Ed. She takes off at high speed to attempt to stop him.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly had disabled her stealth suit, yet kept herself hidden from the others as she quickly checked her rifle. When she heard Wild's scream, it only took one quick peek around at Ed to realise that something really -WAS- about to hit the fan. At this point it didn't matter if anyone knew she was there.


Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Ed stopped...and just in time too, a few seconds longer and it would have been one very large bang.


Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Tim looked at the ammo crate, then to the sealed door and the power cables.
"Ed.. wait.. think about it.. a few thousand randomly aimmed bullets.. power cables and who knows how much water.." Tim paused as he glanced to the others ".. even I know the result of that.. im quick.. but even I can be electrocuted."

Tim skated up to the crate and sealed door, tapping it for a moment. "Wonder where the switch is?"



Ed blinked, "oooh...I see...sorry sometimes I get a one-track mind when it comes to these things...old habit from working in the Isles, if somethings blocking the way, you blow it up or smash it vault doors..."

He looked down at the Freak bleeding out from Katas knife wound, " know you had a go at me for what I did well..."

He knelt down and cradled the Freaks head, "...this man is dying and dying normally I would say 'let him' but considering what I've done today...well I don't want you to end up in the same mess I am..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red huffed and moved closer to examine the wound.

"Who knew a trip to the city would also send me down memory lane." she mumbled. She tore a section of material from her cloak. Put a large knot in the middle and knelt down next to the Freak. She fitted the knot into the Freak's armpit and tightened the fabric around his arm. She knotted it as tight as it would go, at which the Freak screamed in agony. She took the freaks hand and raised the arm.

"Darkness can you quarterise the wound with your heat visiony thing?" She asked.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He nodded his head, "this is gonna sting somewhat..." he used his 'heat vision' to quaterise it, steam and the smell of sizzling bacon filling the air as the wound was burned closed.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Tim glanced about the area, then now at his limiter bands nodding for a secound then looking to Ed and wild at the freak.
"I'll be right back.." he said twisting a dial on the side of his bands, Suddenly he blurred (superspeed) out of sight then a burst of wind seem to zip and zap around the room.

Suddenly a shout came from one of the far bits of the room, if somewhat muffed "Hey people! found something!"



Wild Red checked the wound.

"Nice job Darkness." She slowly removed the makeshift tourniquet. Checked the wound was still sealed, she then gave the Freak the once over. "He will live, he just needs rest and water. He should be moved somewhere less damp through." She pointed to the muck covered floor.

Wild Red stood up and followed the speedy kid's voice. As she passed one of the pillars, she punched it. Ignoring the sicking cruch and the shooting pain up her arm. She hated being reminded of who she once was.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed picked the Freakshow up and propped him against a pile of crates so he wasn't on the sludge covered floor.

"What ya found Skip?" Ed shouted back as he hurried on over.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"this thing.. dunno what it is.." Tim shouted back, infront of him was a large piece of what could be sewer equipment, however there was more bits added to it, power cables and what looked like a sound system. five levers were on one side while just above them was four buttons, each a different colour.



Edward shrugged, "hmm the Freaks do like to botch together bits of tech to make other bits, heard of one wanting to weld himself to a car, call himself a Sportaur...I imagine each one does something different though I'd rather not see which one does what unfortunately our only option is the 'trial and error' method of science."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!