Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




Ed continued to head deeper and deeper into the sewers, begining to get a bit too far ahead of the group, he was impatient as always.

He knew Red was behind him, "I doubt they'll understand Red...besides, I'll have to submit myself to the law anyway, it's not like I can kill her, she's done nothing, she's an innocent, unlike the scum who are dwelling down here, these Freakshow would kill people just for laughs..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Distance way a good guess in the pipefilled , shadow clogged tunnel but Ed could see someway ahead was one of those massive iris doors .. he could also see the ripple of electrical current dancing across the metal segments of the door . Getting a little closer he could also make out a junk plie beside the doorway , the typical mix of ganger base trash , that even the sewers tailed rats where avoiding ....



In a calm and almost understanding voice Wild Red replied. "We are what this world made us Darkness. Nothing can change that. But if people cannot look beneath the surface, what chance does anyone have. As for the freaks... I'm looking forward to saying hello."

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Tim glanced to Glowie, his grin widen as he saw his little pet, "Glowie.. sweet.. right hope your here to aid me this time around."
The glowing mass of sparkles just seemed to bob up and down gentle before hovering off down the tunnel, following Ed and the ones who had went that way.

"Erm, Kata.. don't worry about me in danger.. this isn't like the first time I've been in sewers.. or in this deep." Tim said turning to Kata before heading off, "Now.. you coming or do I have to shift you there."

Tim ahead off down the tunnel using his skated boots to glide along.



The armoured figure moved forward, following the rapidly disappearing doctor, the darkness in the area not seeming to trouble him. "Hmm", he thought to himself "the scent of the magic seems to be getting stronger, hope this doesnt turn out to be another false trail."



Kata watched the odd group, which she was now inexorably linked to, wander off further into the sewers. She let her shoulders sag, breathed a big sigh and set off after them.

Kata had never bothered much with maps for this place, even though she knew they existed, mainly because criminals running into the sewers were in the same boat and liked to keep near the entrance unless they became lost. Also, they stank - the sewers predominantly.

If Edward killed that last lot of Freaks, did he chase them in here, was he told to come here by someone? How come we haven't seen any more of them?

Kata silently cursed her decision to keep patrolling tonight. She was getting a little cold from the exposure to the water, her comfortable bed was waiting at home for her.

Buck up, child. Western Life is making you weaker. Admit it. You've suffered worse summers than this before now.

After a few minutes of skulking at the back, not really wanting to catach up with Edward who was powerwalking his way to who knows where, Kata sheathed her sword. A moment later she stopped, bent down as if to tie her boots, and retrieved a hunting knife and a handful of throwing daggers.

Just in case.



In the darkness Ed smiled...they knew that he was coming, that Sneaky freak would have warned them, so being stealthy was pointless.

He took in a deep breath and He begun to sing as loud as he could, his voice echoing throughout the sewers, the freaks would know his coming and they would pray that he would be merciful

His skin begun to flare again, his body distorted changing back to his true demon form, singing all the way. He would bring them all the fear and wrath only a divine instrument could bring.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



As if to answer Ed challenging tune , the Iris door slowley strateded to open , its movement silent and smooth , the electrical field covering the door now causing eye bitingly bright sparks of blue-white discaharge to leap across the widening gap as the doors segments slide back .

Within is revealed as a chaos of multicoloured lighting falling upon walls clad in the Freaks graffiti , scrawled in the shocking hues of the day-glo range of paints.

The Iris door fails to full open leaving ,as it it has been modified to do , each segment of it leaves a one foot triangle of metal around the rim of the door way ..turning the portal into what seems a jagged toothed rimmed maw.. with blue sparks jumping from tooth to tooth ..

Even over the voice of Ed the Freaks music blasts out , a harsh and distorted beat of techno hate , the space beyond the doorway is clearly huge, but is sectioned by metal clad Freak built walls and pillars , all carrying masses of cables at head hight , clear of the sewers liquid flooring ....

Just below the Freaks music can be heard the drone and thump and whine of heavy machinary being driven beyond its limits , ....

The open door way seems to return Ed's challenge... saying come play on my turf ,,dare you !

(( room layout , what you see so far .. from the door c 20 feet ahead is a freakbuilt wall c20 feet tall , celing is 30 feet .... to the left this wall ends 40 feet away in a pillar 10 feet diameter ..there is a a gap... then a second pillar ...then open space till out of your line of sight.. to the right the wall ahead curves away from the door , but some 40 feet to the right of the door another wall runs directly into the room creating a passage way between itself and the first wall(ahead) ...))



Ed's voice filled to tunnel and aided Wild Red's meditation. When the door opened Ed's voice stayed powerful but his pace slowed a little. As the Freaks music washed over her, Wild Red finished her meditation.

Wild Red took in her surroundings. The music, the lights, the partially open Iris and Ed. She flew straight into the back of him. A she dropped to her feet from the shock, but the barbed wire she had wrapped herself in caught, on his skin. She stepped back trying not to hurt him anymore than she already had.

" Sorry " She whispered under her breath.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Kata watched Ed's transformation and was secretly impressed, although she realised now how those Freaks had been killed. He had changed so rapidly, so calmly almost, but to kill like that. And then...

He's singing?!

Kata shook her head and then her eyes caught the gaping maw, seemingly spitting sparks at the 'team'. The rubber body-suit may have been a better choice than leather one.

The woman calling herself Wild Red collided with Edward...



Tim glanced about the area ahead of him, bobbing around those ahead of him to get a better veiw. The sparks seems to almost stop as he brushed one of the spikes from the Iris door with his left hand side.

He thought to himself "woah.. sweet joint they got.. kinda.. if you like heavy metal and punk mixed with a hint of dangerous overloading power cables."

his jaw just seem to open in awl of the place, for Tim this was the first time he had seen such a well built Freakshow base, even if it was taking him deep into the sewers and wasn't the best place for him to suddenly remember "Crud, I think I turned my powers off." as he quickly fiddled with the limiter bands control dials.



Nox mentally prepared himself for going into the freak's base and readied his Legacy Broadsword.

Smoke seemed to pour out of the armoured figure ((activated Death Shroud and Dark Embrace)) and he started to walk forward, seeming to have no fear the sparks leaping around the doorway.

"I hope that the demon leaves some for me." He thought to himself.



Molly, still cloaked, continued to hang back behind the group. As they approached the Iris, she raised her rifle a little higher while it fed everything she needed to know to her optical augmentations.

AMMO 1 : 100%
AMMO 2 : 100%
AMMO 3 : 100%
AMMO 4 : 100%


Good, she thought to herself as futher data scrolled down her eyes. Something's gonna hit the fan by the looks of things, and I don't need to be caught in its spray.

As she stared at the open Iris, several lines scrolled across her sight, taking in approximate measurements of the gap and once more displaying it to her retinas.

I seriously hope I can fit through -that-... she thought to herself.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Edward stumbled a moment and grunted as the barbed wire dug into his skin, as she pulled back, small jets of flame lept from the wound, "Watch it girly..." he growled.

He turned back towards the door, took in a deep breath and stepped through the maw of death, as it seemed, into the techno hate fuelled fires of hell. He tried to locate the sound of the music, flaring his wings and jumping up onto the wall, crouching for balance to peer over the other side.

His eyes flashed yellow, seeing if they could pick anything out of the flashing lights and the darkness ((Focused Accuracy)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red watched as Ed's wounds closed up almost immediatly. " Regeneration, impressive " She thought.

After Ed had stepped through the door. Wild Red followed and floated up close to the ceiling. She kept her distance from the unsafe looking wiring. Keeping Ed in sight she started looking for anything unusual. Apart from the ear pounding music, it was too quiet and it was setting Wild Red on edge.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed soon found the source of the music , the wall he was now atop was in fact a metal clad speaker stack , the vibration from the massive output causing Ed's eye to loose focus , only his heighten vision , a gift of his demonic body , allowing him to adjust and see beyond ...

As Wild Red followed a massive discharged arched across the maw-like doorway , forcing Kata , Tim and Nox to take a half blinded step back ..... Molly's Optical sensors where forced to shut off for a fraction of a second to avoid overload from the great flash , sparing her eyes , .. so only she saw the speed at which the doors segments slammed shut , ....

Ed and Wild ears heard the doors metallic slam over the musics roar ....while their eyes took in the layout across the speaker wall ...

Beyond the music wall lay a large open space , say 70 wide 50 deep bounded on the far side by a row of Freak metal clad pillars , say 10 to 15 between each pillar ,...
to the left another freak built wall this time ceiling height runs to the line of pillars ......
to the right the speaker wall ends in a pillar , a short gap then a second pillar , from this second pillar another ceiling high wall runs towards the far line of pillars ..
thus making a central rectangle of space ....
there is clearly more open areas to the left pass the wall , and beyond the far row of pillars.

The whole area is criss-crossed by low hanging cables , and lit by the full spectrum of coloured lights , many pulsing in time to the Techno-Scream music

With in the central rectangle Ed and Wild could see a pile of junk and rubbish heaped against the left wall , just off centre run 3 low rows of packing crates , plastic , and just shy of the right hand wall a tumbled mess of wooden crates .

Ed's now pained eyeballs spot 3 Freaks trying to grab stuff from the wooden crates , 2 more Freaks standing in the central gap of the far row of pillars is raising it gauntlets to make the familiar Juicer pose of bolt hurling ......



Ed took in a deep breath, flaring his wings and landing infront of the speaker stack, making for a power cable which gave the infernal speakers their juice, yanking it out as hard as he could to silence the music.

"You guys have no really don't..."

He smiled and waved his hand at the five freaks in a 'come on' gesture. He wouldn't lose control this time, he couldn't afford to but he'd give the Freaks a good fight.

" to tell me where Shad00w is...or am I going to have to get info the old fashion way?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



At the sound of the door slamming shut, Wild Red turned on the spot.

"Ah [censored]." she said at the now tightly closed Iris. At Ed's words she turned again. Trying to spot the Freaks Ed had seen.

((edited for continuity))

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red


Posted Ed's utter disgust the falling volume of the music steadied and then start to rise back to its former teeth shaking levels .... but he lacked time to seek further cables to cut ...the Juicer let fly his bolt of electrical death at Ed . The 3 Freaks to the right raised of collection of bladed cyber weapons and started to charge .. the Juicer's buddy floated towards the ceiling .. blue flares of power building around him........ it seems the fashion was going to be old ....



Ed grinned, uttering a quick prayer his body flashed a white light, the electical bolt seemingly absorbed by his body. His armour of faith (Moment of Glory) did not last long so he would have to make quick work of these Freaks.

He dived into the group of three that were charging him, drawing his hands back to his side then bringing them up to his chest as a circle of dark energy swirled around him, ripping some life force from the Freaks, his body glowing intensely (Soul Drain).

With that he set to work, launching flurries of blows on one Freak (shadow punch, smite, Shadow maul), reaching out with his hand to bring the fear of the divine into the second (Touch of fear). The third he summoned up his power and a black morass opened up underneath the Freak, dark tentacles reaching out, sapping his life energy (Midnight Grasp).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I should have just headed for the lab, Molly thought to herself as she quickly tried to get her bearings again. Upon seeing the flashes of lightning and darkness, Molly cut off her rockets and proceeded on foot, ready to open fire at the first Freak she saw.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Molly's enhanced vision could see the iris door was firmly closed , the electrical flash seemed to have stopped , leaving the door silent and shut , ....

with the door closed the Techno-Rage music too was gone ... leaving the Kata , Nox and Tim staring at the crud encrusted door segments ....



"Well let's see if the meditation worked." Wild Red composed herself, gathering energy. Suddenly she dropped a massive ball of Radiation on the group ((Neutron bomb)). She smiled as it passed over Ed with no effect and hurt the Freaks. She landed a few feet behind Ed and started throwing balls of radiation out. Adding damage to Ed's already powerful attacks.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Ed gave a rapid thanks for his Armour of faith , as it blocked most of the bolt , but he still tasted tin as the current flowed through his body , arcing back out via his wing tips ....

It was a exchange of blasts , for just as Wild's ball of radiation exploded staggering the three Freaks , so the now flying Stunner Freaks Tesla Cage surrounded Wild landing form .....

Ed and the charging trio meet is a swirl of dark blows and swirling blades...the weakened the Freaks were soon smashed down , but not with our cost , , Ed's trade mark flame shot pants had been badly torn and the flesh below was having to reknit to stop the blood flowing on to the floor.....these freaks where hard hitters...

Now both Stunner and Juicer fired off bolts at Ed .... and one of the blatted freaks started to clamber upright



So the door had shut and now they were up against a handful of Freaks. Interesting.

Ed and Wild Red seemed to be handling the situation quite admirably, so there seemed to be no point in engaing the Freaks directly. Dammit! No Stealth Suit either

Kata weighed a throwing knife in her hand and dashed behind one of the makeshift pillars. There seemed to be a clear line of sight between her and the Freak that was stuttering back onto its feet. She took aim and hurled a (Throwing Knife) at him, follwed by two more, hoping that if she didn't quite hit his legs on the first go, the others would.