Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




Once Timothy had heard the word "Skip?" he slowly opened his eyes and glanced about, noticing the broadsword and it's owner standing next to him, Ed's normal red form he sighed as his powers dropped back down again.

"Gee, Ed.. next time try not to scare me half to death will ya?" Tim mumbled as he set his eyes on what was happening around him.

"Who the hell are you? and where did you come from?" Asked Tim as he finaaly saw that the person who had moved to block the blow in the dark armour wasn't someone he had seen moments before he had used his powers to protect himself.

Before the person had time to speak, Tim had turned back to Ed then looked down the sewer tunnel, he too could just make out the footsteps but unlike the other two he could see the trail of glowing sparkles behind them, and indeed around them which was from them in someway being affected by some Temporal force either in the past, present or future. Far down the tunnel Tim could see there wasn't much but as he glance to a wall, something was there.



Wild Red hovered close to the ceiling of the tunnel. Light and dark did not affect Wild Red as she did not use her eyes to see.

As she followed Kata further into the tunnel, Wild Red kept as far behind her as possible, trying not to be noticed but close enough to hear anything that she said.

When Kata tripped over the Freaks body, Wild Red looked at the carnage before her. It had been a massacre and the Freaks had seriously lost the fight. Wild Red nodded in approval, she could not have done any better.

Then Kata carried on moving, Wild Red followed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Up ahead there was a bright glow, followed by an odd sound. Kata instinctively drew her sword, the metal of the blade flashing as it reflected against the water. Whatever was in there was going to have to be taken down first and, if it could talk, asked questions later.

With a blood-curdling scream, Kata launched herself through the doorway, barrelling into a man wearing bronze-coloured clothing and caused a large amount of sewer water to displace itself. She got a grip on the figure and raised her sword as if to strike...



Edward blinked, "No...stop...we're not Freakshow..." He had to hold himself back from launching an attack but this woman clearly wasn't one of them far say the least.

"Besides he's not the one responsible for that carnage...I am so please, Skip here has just managed to calm me down, I ask that you do not seek battle or I may change back again..."

He smiled, "So put Skip down before he gives us all time-induced headaches, temporal distortions are never good for ones head..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



As Kata flew through the door, Tim had just enough time to blink as he was lifted off his feet. But unlucky for those there his powers were much faster than that, in that moment he was grabbed his powers had activated and frozen the attacker in place, as well as the sewer water wave which was inches away from Ed's head. Tim screamed like a little girl as he had been grabbed, filling the tunnels of the sewers with his yelp for help.

Slowly something shifted out from it's hiding spot on the wall and hovered behind Ed, it's pure glowing form of sparkles acting as a light source, lighting the area up with it's yellow glow. It was Tim's pet, Glowie, the small paradox portal that seemed to aid Tim whenever there was trouble.



Edward let out a chuckle, "that was the girliest scream I've ever heard come from a man...," he gave Skip a wink, " sure you've got a pair down there, didn't think men could reach the high notes like that.."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red floated down through the doorway and landed softly.

"Well isn't this sweet. A nice little reunion. Although you may want to unfreeze her. She is more useful if she can move." Wild Red's patiance had begun to wear thin. She stood with her hand on her hip waiting for who ever was going to make the next move.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Blinked a moment, "what is this...a sewer I wearing an incredibly attractive cologne today that draws people in for miles around even over the stench of the sewer?!"

He rolled his eyes, "I come down here to find out about a certain Freakshow tank enhanced with magically imbuded cybernetics and his Meat Doctor maker, it turns out what seems like half the population of Paragon is tracking my progress..."

"alright, two questions, who are you and why are you here?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Hey she jumped out on me.. and.. and I.. oo.." Tim's voice was still in a high pitch than normal, his nervous quiver hinted in it as well.
He tired his hardest to strungle free of Kata grip, but her frozen hands were still holding onto his armour tight and had no sign of letting go.

"Erm.. I didn't mean to do that, honest.. sorta a reflex reaction thing of mine, I'll erm fix it once i can reach my right limiters dail control." He said as he strungled to free himself.



It was a very strange feeling being frozen, because to Kata's mind she was still on the verge of attacking Tim and her brain was telling her that she'd done it but it couldn't fill in the rest because... well, it hadn't happened.

For some reason she could hear things though, but they were trickling through like echoes in a cheesy dream sequence. She half expected a small, green Martian to pop up beside her and tell her to wake up. Thankfully this didn't happen.

Kata, in her mind, made to shout out that she would very much like to be unfrozen, or whatever it was that had happened to her. Of course nothing came out of her mouth... yet.



"Just know I'm after the freaks too. You can call me Wild Red." She looked over to the guy still in Kata's grip. "Why don't you loosen your amour, rather than her grip?"

Wild Red turned her back on the demon who looked ready to attack her if she breathed in the wrong direction. She smiled behind her mask. She ment it as a slight and that she was not threatened by him, she hoped he understood the gesture.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He growled low, "got the taint of the Isles on you takes one to know one...I trust you about as far as I could get on a date with you...which is not very far...keeping my eye on you girly girl."

He looked back at Skip, "she does have a point though."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



She laughed and turn back to the demon. "The Isles made me the woman I am today." She hissed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He grinned, "and the Isles made me the man I am today...I got out and started doing something good with my eternity but those freaks back there can testify to my wrath so play nice..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Molly didn't mind navigating the sewers. Then again, she didn't need to trawl through its waters, a fact she was always happy to remind herself off as she looked down upon said waters as she hovered above them, stealth suit active to keep herself out of sight.

Since the teleporters to the Longstaff WarTech building outside the city broke down again, Molly was forced to switch to her nanotech suit, teleported straight from her apartment in Galaxy City and fly there. As she passed through Brickstown, something caught her eye: a familiar figure entering one of the city's many entrances to its sewers.

So here she was now, hovering cautiously past the bodies of several fallen Freaks, scanning each one with her optical augmentations. She may be invisible to the naked eye, but she could still be spotted with less naked ones, and Molly wasn't too keen on taking that risk.

Hmmm, Molly thought to herself as she took one last quick look around, rifle at the ready in case of trouble, before pressing on, Whoever's come in here might be getting themselves in way over there head... I'd best try to find them quick.

It wasn't long before she heard something... something about someone's... grip. Slightly puzzled, Molly carefully followed the voice to the best of her abilities.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Tim finally gave up and pondered for a moment, "loosen my armour.. gee if I could do that.. I would of.. derr.."
Again he reached for his right arms limiter control dial, this time around he manage to turn it just enough to activate its control matrix, making his right hand vibrate at quite a fast pace.

"Ah got it.. at last.. right.. here we go. Speedtime." tim said grabbing at Kata arm, suddenly she let Tim and he dropped to the floor, the move she was going to do on him continued on it's way, as if it had never stopped.



Kata could feel her arm coming down at Tim and, for a split second, she felt she couldn't stop it. She screwed her eyes shut and forced her hand to open...

The clatter and splash of the sword hitting the sewer floor was a surprisingly welcome sound. Kata fell forward, managing to splash a little sewer water on her face Yuck!.

The assembled group stared at her as she composed herself, straightening up and carefully brushing off bits of detritus from her bodysuit. She turned to the demonic figure of Edward,

"You're in trouble unless you can give me a good reason as to why those Freaks I found back there have been relieved of their lives."

Before he even had a chance to speak, Kata turned to the figures of Time-Skip and his dark, sword-wielding companion, "Apologies for my rather rash behaviour. I hope you're not hurt in any way."

Again, not stopping for a reply, although by this time noticiably blushing, she turned to the woman with the striking red hair and studied her for a moment before saying, "Who in Hell's name are you?!"



"Wild Red and thank you for leading me here Kata." the masked smirk could be heard in her voice.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



He gave a sigh, "I...well..." he looked at Kata, "it was pure bloodlust...but please before you take me in can I atleast accomplish one last truly good deed...even if those abominations would have only broken out of the Zig and killed more people...killing them was the only way to stop them but the laws of man still apply even if the laws of God do not..."

He looked at the assembled group, "alright kids, behind me...I'll lead the way, since I'm infront it means our friendly neighbourhood sword wielder there wont worry about me stabbing her in the back, infact it gives her ample opportunity to should the need arise..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Me? I've never see-" Kata clapped her free hand to her face, "The telephone call. How stupid of me. And what would the likes of you," she pointed first to Wild Red and then to Edward, "and you be doing here? Surely not desperate to bring the Freaks who caused that attack to justice?"

Kata was becoming irritated and a little claustrohpbic. She had also failed to notice a bit of sewer sludge that was hanging precariously from her hair.

Kata sighed, straightened herself up again and gripped her katana firmly with both hands, assuming a defensive position. She backed away further into the heart of the sewer to give her enough room to maneouvre.

"Well, at least I've had some luck tonight. I thought it was going to be arrest free."



He smiled and tossed her his hero ID.

"Darkness Redeemed is my Hero handle, perhaps you know me better by my old name of Doctor Mechano...Doctor Edward Johnson...and I was IN the attack that happened on the office building, I saw Ellie buried in the rubble and then go all wierd, I nearly lost my arm to that gas..."

He decided enough was enough, the time for talk had ended he begun trudging through the sewage, deeper into the tunnels, "Shad00w is around here someone and he know's we're coming, one of his Sneaky Freaks took off..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red took a step towards Kata, testing her reflexes. She noted how Kata moved to face her and yet kept herself aware of her surroundings.

"You know Kata, not everything is black an white. Sometimes you need to look deeper." She lifted slightly from the floor. "I am after justice from the Freaks. Regardless of what you think." Wild Red drifted off after Darkness Redeemed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly had been nearby as the rest of them had introduced themselves, still invisible to the naked eye.

Eric, Molly attempted to call her butler once more, in the same manner as before. No response. Eric, come i... oh, great. The sewers were pretty much blocked any signals entering or leaving. No matter. She could look up "Dr. Mechano" later. What mattered to Molly now was figuring out why everyone was here in the first place and what killed those Freaks.

Molly opted to follow the group, rifle raised, fully cloaked and hanging back so that the noise from her rockets didn't alert anyone, in spite of the fact that the rockets barely emitted anything audible anyway.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Edward moved past Kata and she decided to let him. Well, technically that wasn't true - his build and the fact he was capable of killing souped-up humans had a part to play in her decision. There was something in his tone of voice, not exactly apologetic but calm and soothing that made her think.

The woman was an entirely different story. She reminded Kata of... well her other self; the one she had met two years ago. Cocky, a little arrogant and definitely up to no good. She would definitely need watching, although three heroes against one usually worked out. How did she get my number? The thought niggled at Kata. She bent down and retrieved the Hero ID and then looked up at Tim who hadn't gone with the pair. He looked a little out of his depth and the glowing light beside him reminded Kata of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.

"You don't have to come along, Tim. I don't want to put you in any further danger."



As Wild Red floated after Darkness Redeemed, she could feel Kata's stare burning into the back of her. She also knew one wrong move would mean she'd be Zig tagged or dead, depending on who got to her first.

Instead of monitoring her surrounding's Wild Red began to meditate, it was an old technique her mentor taught her. Tuning her abilities to aid the mismatched group or target Freaks. She was aware this would leave her vulnerable, but she was willing to take her chances.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red