Freak Out 2 ...the Freak inside ((open RP))




Wilds attempt to destroy the parts from the Medi_Ports was drawing too much attention from the Freaks , Molly and the powersuited Hero , both , where firing off blast and burst at the incoming waves of metal death dealing cyborg villains ..but it was never enough ,

all three of them where taking minor hits and the powersuit clad hero was tiring fast from the effects on top of his injuries that had brought him to the hospital in the first place ..... and Molly was looking worried about her ammo supply ...Wild was forced to switch to targeting the Freaks or all three where doomed ...

Fighting at the door way ,Kata , Tim and the newcomer Physic , found them selves busy covering the Rock man as he dragged the nursing staff clear of the fight , taking many hits as he shielded them with his body .....

with fewer Freaks to face those at the door had to pick where to put their effort .. help Ed , help Molly and Wild and Powersuit .. ( this would mean fighting across the room to get in range)..or focus on taking down the unengaged Freaks .....

Ed and Shad00w seemed oddly matched .. each firing off powers to counter the others , the Tank seemed tough and hard to lay a good blow upon , while Ed's rapid regn was keeping pace with the wounds he was taking .....and both where trading words as fast as fists ....

Shad00ws eye seemed to burn brighter as he waged war on Ed's body ...”awaken the beast ..foolish Doctor never slept .. it waits patient , always ready to take over ....don't tell me you can not feel its joy as we fight ....... you and the beast are one ...give me your name dark one and your domination of this body will be complete.. ...the power is within me to free you from this humans restraint .....”

As Ed continued to focus his blows on Shad00ws head , one seemed to bounce the smiling metal mask to one side , and for the briefest of moment Ed saw what was inside the Tanks armoured body.........



Wild grunted as another swiper blade impacted with her shoulder. She threw a stunning radiation blast at the freak. In his disorientaion he wandered a little too close to Wild, Molly and the powersuited hero. Wild let out a small laugh. She siphoned off everything the freak had ((transfusion, transference, siphon speed, siphon power. All except Speed should affect Molly and the hero)). Feeling renewed she threw an deadly radiation ball at the weakened freak. Wild targeted the next freak and unleased a powerful radiation volley.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Tim hid behind the rock man, he had found that his powers seem to have little to no effect on Shad00w or so it seemed. He looked to the new comer female, he didn't know who she was or why she had appeared but he wasn't going to not take help now as they could do with all they could.
Tim glanced then started to fiddle with his limiter band controls, trying to boost up or lower their control over his powers enough for him to effect the freaks more.
"Oh come on.. their only on at sixty percent.. that should be more than enough to temporal phase the room.. let alone that dark freak tank." he muttered turning the dials some more, the read out display read that he had now turned it so the bands were blocking off half his power level, ten percent more power than he was using down in the sewers.
"I might get worn out faster.. but at least I should be more of an effect."

In the air duct, the suited hero who had climbed down from the roof stopped at a vent, looking into it , there was the room with the freaks, the heroes, and the nurses and medi port bays. The suited hero nodded and pressed something on his face mask, the visor screen of the suit went from clear to blue and flashed up with what could be data and targeting sights for the people in the room.



Kata decided that she had better help take out the Freaks that were attempting to batter Molly and Wild Red to death.

She ducked under the giant stone man and launched herself at one of the Freaks, covering his eyes with her hands. The newfound strength in her body felt incredible as she wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed. The Freak gagged and flailed his arms around. Kata shifted her weight forward and felt the Freak's resolve weaken as he started to bend his knees under the pressure she was applying with her whole body.

Kata released her hands and feet in time as his body collapsed. She made sure her whole body weight fell on him. Then she stepped off and lifted him up as if he were standing upright, with some effort. Then she charged at two more Freaks who were raising their arms to hammer down on Red: she collided with them, throwing the pair off balance and giving Red more time, hopefully.

"I need a weapon of some sort!" Kata shouted after she had inspected her knuckles and noticed the scratches and cuts from her attack. They looked as though they were healing up but it was better to be safe than sorry.



Molly could feel the rifle getting lighter. And with communications to and from the hospital being jammed, Eric couldn't send her the refill she seriously needed.

"You know what?" Molly yelled as she diminished her ammo even further. "We -REALLY- need to get those nurses out of here, don't you think?"

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Ed looked into the face of Shaw00w..there was seemingly...nothing..a black mist in the vague form of a head, this freakshow had gone beyond the boundries of simply modifying their body...this tank armour WAS Shad00ws body.

He looked into the Fiery eyes, " chance Shad00w I'm not giving you my true name..."

Edward continued to fight Shad00w, the fight was nothing more than a slugfest, no acrobatic moves, just the two of them toe-to-metalshod toe, pounding the hell out of each other.

The Freaks numbers had been greatly lessened, Red and Molly had managed to hold their own against the Freakshow, wounded but hardly down.

The commotion wasn't just restricted to being dealt with by the PPD and the heroes already present, other heroes were inbound having picked up the call on their police radio scanners. Longbow had begun to arrive in force.

The Freaks were about to have a very bad day, those present had delayed the Freakshow long enough for backup to arrive...

((just so you know, this isn't me godmodding, Rock has given over control of the last part of the fight to me (not sure why but not looking a gift horse in the mouth) so I'll be doing the NPC control I imagine. Basically last round of posts then finishes it off as major backup arrives according to Rocks instructions)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"The walking mountain already has them." Wild said to Molly. "We just need to keep all these other freaks occupied. While Darkness deals with Shad00w!" Wild swore as a slicer blade caught her torso. She responded by throwing a massive radiation ball at the Freak.

Wild noticed Molly being more careful with her shots. "The good thing about being meta, if you have the right powers, you never run out of ammo!" Wild laughed. "How many zigtag's you got?" She said over her shoulder to Molly.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



(( okies first up as Ed has said I have let him map the last moves of the fight .. two reasons as Ed was about to be tried in court I felt he should choose how he ended the fight with such a nasty villain ... , then he slept late and missed the PM .. and I had forgot when the trial was ...sooo..... secondly .. I did it so I would not seem that I set up the fight end , to suit what happens next ......BTW can I refer you all to Page 2 of the thread post midway down the page ...))

in a Galaxy City penthouse , with a stunning view of a famous statue , a small blue flag flashes upon a screen , telling the owner that they have a second piece mail ..................... it simple read s............“do it now “

a finger presses a single button that shuts down and then wiped the computers memory beyond all recovery.....

a glove then covers the finger and its hand , a snap and the seal on the glove is locked .....

with a little regret the figure turns ...this had been a nice safe place to recover ..but still a debt was a debt and now it could be paid in full.......



"Good idea!" Kata yelled back at Molly.

Sirens sounded outside and the remaining Freaks who were still conscious looked uncomfortable.

Kata wheeled round a couple of Freak Swipers, snapping the arm of one back and pushing him into his companion.

She reached instinctively for her zigatgs - must have been Wild Red's suggestion over the noise of battle that made her do it.

"Damn it! Only one left."

Kata cursed in Russian and dodged the last-ditch attempt of a Smasher Freak. His top-heavy limb fell to the ground and he was left prone but these guys were ever resourceful: No sense in him getting back up for another try. Kata took a firm hold of his shoulder and ribs and kneed him in the armpit. There was a sickening crack. She pushed his barely-conscious body to the ground and dusted her hands down.

"Looks like it's getting clearer. Want to start getting these nurses out? Let me deal with the stragglers."



Tim seemed to of disappeared, only a few of the freaks had noticed the crackle noise behind the rockman as he vanished from sight. What had happend was a little known abilitly of his bands and powers, he had been pushed out of temporal aliment suddenly focing him out of the timeline and left him floating outside of time itself, in the void.

The suited hero in the air vent space raised his arm level with the vent gaps, and pressing a small button on gloves palm which shot off a few Zigtags at the downed Freakshow members from the gantlets of the suit, hopeing no one would notice them appearing from seemingly nowhere.



Wild Red clasped a hand over the bleeding wound on her side. She gasped as spots appeared in front of her eyes. She tried to shake it off, she realised the adrenaline was wearing off. She did not how much longer she would be concious for so she started blasting the heros with the blue light ((speed boost)).

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Molly and Wild noticed a sudden change .. the Freaks where no longer coming on and seeking to smash them to pulp , only the closest two freak continued the fight ... and with the last ounce of help from the Powersuited hero they manage to induce those two to join the heap of downed Freaks laying before them ... gasping the ladies could now see the room ...

nearly every thing was smashed .... across the room the doorway was blocked by the Rock man and Physic , the Rock man providing cover while Physic flung aid to Kata and Ed ......a last few Freaks where jumping down the hole they had made in the far corner ....

Kata toppled the last of the Freaks between her and Ed .. and with a grunt the Freak submitted to her dislocating arm lock and slumped to the floor ....

All now saw Ed ,refreshed and empowered by the others , land a rapid set of blows on Shad00w .. the massive Freak Tank took a pace back and started to laugh ....” so this form is to fragile for this world .. no matter there are other to try .... I know you now Edward ..I have tasted you will be mine .... we shall met another time ....”

as Ed stepped up to strike again the Tank shuddered and froze in place .. the flames left the eyes .. the Runes dulled .....and suddenly the metal of the Tank started to rust .. Ed halted .. and the decay swept across the form in a handful of seconds ...the metal corroded and crumbled , the figure came apart in a tumble of metal tubes and linkages that broke even further as they hit the floor ...

The lighting was bad , with much of it broken ..but all would swear that for a second the shadow of the tank , cast upon the wall , remained even when its body was a crumpled pile on the floor ...

And then the room was full of Longbow troopers .. grabbing downed Freaks , asking questions and directing medics to those wounded ........

(( ok the raid has been busted .. a number of minor Freaks have escaped with some parts from the Medi-Ports ... Longbow are taking charge in the room .. you will learn from them of Slashshades escape .. they will want statements and info from all ..up to you to RP what you do there ... and what you do next... I will then do a wrap up of this section.....IF any of you want a direct follow on , OR a spin off plot line .. OR to hook this into another plot please post in the OOC thread ... other wise I plan to leave this thread there .. and let some time pass .. and then offer a idea for Freak Out 3 ...which is linked but would be a fresh start to allow anyone join in ...))



((just to round off Wild Red's involvement))

Wild Red realised the fight was over and she dropped to one knee. She watched Shad00w disintigrate before her eyes and wondered who he really was. As she looked around the room, she realised she was surrounded. Hero's and longbow everywhere, suspicious glances started to head her way. As she knelt she concentrated and within seconds, ripped down the restrictions her earlier meditation had put up. She stood up and casually started to make her way around the edge of the room. She would have preffered to use the door but there was a massive Hero in the way. When she was only a few feet away from the hole the freaks had created, she called out...
"Darkness if you are ever in the Isles look me up." She then siphoned the speed from the nearest longbow and with a cheeky salute to Kata, she dropped down the hole and out of sight.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



((my turn))

Kata finished off the last Freak in her path. Her breathing was more laboured. Whatever the effects of the medication were, part of it was wearing off and she felt a few lines of pain emanating from the base of her spine.

The room was trashed. It was difficult to tell if any of the Freaks had escaped and if they had taken anything with them.

The figure of Wild Red, taunting Kata as she made her escape, was almost enough to make Kata go berserk and attempt to follow her. But the metavillain had helped the group and was no doubt too quick for Kata to capture. That plan might need more careful thinking.

Kata walked over to where Ed was staring at the crumbling armour of the Freak Tank Shad00w. She allowed him a few moments to regain his breath, besides her own adrenaline levels needed a little time to calm down before she attempted an arrest.

Kata placed a hand on Ed's shoulder, "Edward Johnson? I am asking for your full cooperation in this matter. For the incident at the Brickstown sewers, I have no choice but to arrest you on behalf of the citizens of Paragon City, Rhode Island."

The act of making the arrest welled up sadness in Kata. Edward had been a consumate professional when it came to fighting villains. Whatever had caused him to murder those Freaks however was something she could not turn a blind eye to.

Why was life never as simple as Kata would have it?
Questions bubbled up in her mind, replacing the animal instinct to hit things or run away. They needed answering, but tonight was not the time to start answering them.



((my turn))

Ed bowed his head and put his hands behind his back, ready to be cuffed, "you do what you must, I understand...let's just hope it all goes well at the trial..." he smiled and shrugged, "if not...well you could always visit me inside..." he gave a cheeky grin.

Edward knew that the trial probably wouldn't go in his favor, he couldn't understand how he'd lost control or why, however he knew mans justice must be appeased, he would find out why later.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(( ok this is the final post from me here , Thread finished , many many thanks to all for making it such fun , i hope you also had fun, ..))

The Longbow Sergeant finished reading the report , a frown settled on her face , “this smells like a Vaz zombie ..”..she mused again on the reports details ..why would the Freaks want Medi-Ports when they had built in revive systems , it did not fit their nature to have such a health plan ..and such a major investment of personal .. Shad00w should have been a top ranking Lt at least , not some jobbing raid leader ..and if this Slashshade meat Doc had a working prototype why take the risk of hitting a major hospital , with all its guards and hero connections. Some one was not telling all they knew ..may be that villain that got involved has a bigger hand in it ...
Speaking into the desks comms unit “ alert all agents to increase the search level on Wild Red ,make her a priority,,,,”...” and try to get another interview with Dr Edward Johnson he must know more , and he might need a friend now ..”

In a very well guarded and similarly screened bunker a pair of mismatched eye slowly opened...
“ provide the good Meat Doctor funds and materials to rebuild her arms and find her a safe work space for now , keep close track on her at all times ...” fingers pressed a selection of buttons ..”Mechano is out of it for now , the fool, the others IDed Molly.exe , Arctic Princess, Time skip ,and Wild Red a bounty on their heads , not too much , enough to attract the reckless , that should keep them busy .....” ..screens flash up data , “ I will deal with the next step ...go and get it done ....”

In the back streets of Galaxy City another victim is claimed by crime , a faceless office worker fails to cross the car park to their car , the CCTV spots nothing , as the heavily glove hand crushes the windpipe , and lifts the body into the back of a green City Water and Power Dept. van ......