Hero Registration




One of the questions that has to be answered is why heroes aren't just required to either join the PPD or stay at home.

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If we had to do the above then, arguably, there would be no City of Heroes or Villains.

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Quite right. The city very obviously needs its heroes - just think how much crime we stop on a daily basis. Take the heroes away, and Paragon would be reduced to ruins in weeks. The PPD can't be everywhere at once, and heroes have several advantages for the city: they have full autonomy, and they don't need paying. But if they're not licensed and accountable, and can freely travel around the city killing or arresting as the mood takes them, the situation gets worse, not better. The right to actively enforce the law is an enormous trust to place in a person, and I imagine the authorities think very carefully about license applications.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



it is possible to register an heroic identity, which (to use UK law terminology) would constitute a legal 'person'. Said 'person' can then be sued, tried, arrested, judged, employed, paid, whatever just like a normal person can be, but does not require the disclosure of the actual identity.

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I've always assumed that was how it works, considering how much spy-based shennanigans there are, I think even an internal register of real I.D.s would be a bad idea. And that's how every character I've made's done it...



it is possible to register an heroic identity, which (to use UK law terminology) would constitute a legal 'person'. Said 'person' can then be sued, tried, arrested, judged, employed, paid, whatever just like a normal person can be, but does not require the disclosure of the actual identity.

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I've always assumed that was how it works, considering how much spy-based shennanigans there are, I think even an internal register of real I.D.s would be a bad idea. And that's how every character I've made's done it...

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ditto if only for the whole Nemesis automaton working in accounts thing.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



And don't get me started on Crey Paragon Protectors...

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



hmm another question I'd like to raise.

What about Hero registrations from other countries, do they cover you while operating in Paragon?

Lets say Rome was the center of Italian Hero Registration, London for the United Kingdom (or Conversely, London/Edinburgh/Cardiff for Heroes of English/Scottish/Welsh nationalities).

There's nothing to state that the ONLY place a hero can get registered is Paragon City so are you covered by say, your British Heroes Liscence while operating on Paragon Soil?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Good question. I don't think we have any official information on whether there are such things as hero licenses in other countries - or even other states or cities in the US. However they work, I imagine that it would be possible for a licensed foreign hero to get a permit of some sort to operate in Paragon - again, just going on the assumption that being a hero works roughly like being a police officer, you will need special dispensation to work outside your normal jurisdiction.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



the comic give the impression that even after the rikti war, heroes are not as well received outside of paragon. Apex's sister calls them freak or whack-jobs in tights, when she was in Miami. It could be safe to assume the reason so many heroes flock towards paragon is because they enjoy better legal services then other countries/states.

Then again that's not to say that certain heroes would have world wide fame, and special privilages. Look at supes, bats and the flash in the DC(UA) world. Bats is loved for the most part in Gotham but considered (or was.. not really up on DC of late) a crazed vigilante in other cities, while flash is seen as a hero and beacon of light in central city only, Supes enjoys world wide fame and co-operation. I imagine that the FP would be pretty much welcome anywhere, while other less famous heroes would struggle in countries outside of there homeland, or outside paragon. Just showing up in canada, or even new york, you would probably have to apply for some kinda temporary license for that city or be given jurisdiction by highers up?



I'm going to categorise this discussion as one of those things open to interpretation. Unless we ever get a dev to come and clear things up for us, we'll never know the correct scientific answer. It's like the question "Is there a God?" It's not a yes or no answer question.

I've always had a minor problem with the "salaried" bit... How can it possibily be economically viable for an individual to decide to use thier powers and become a hero, if there isn't at least a living wage involved in it.

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It does rather seem like there'd have to be some benefits when you think about the demands in time and money that being a hero makes. Most heroes do seem to have a full-time job as well as their hero commitments, but then I suppose if being a hero was easy, it wouldn't really be heroic.

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This is covered by the Freedom Corps story. Yes, Heroes are expected to have real jobs as well, that's the whole point of Super-Heroes! Clark Kent, Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne don't get paid by the state to be a hero.

The rules are different in a world where heroes are prolific of course, but I don't think that the devs had as much scope as we give them credit for. I think the world isn't really any more complicated than the Marvel or DC universe. Heroes are the same, it's just that a lot of them congregate around Paragon City.

Freedom Corps is where you go if you want to get paid to be a Hero, that's why Freedom Corps exists in the first place, to clear up the question of employed heroes. Heroes are private law enforcement, that need licenses to do it, as much as a Cop needs a license to wield a hand gun.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



I'm going to categorise this discussion as one of those things open to interpretation. Unless we ever get a dev to come and clear things up for us, we'll never know the correct scientific answer. It's like the question "Is there a God?" It's not a yes or no answer question.

I've always had a minor problem with the "salaried" bit... How can it possibily be economically viable for an individual to decide to use thier powers and become a hero, if there isn't at least a living wage involved in it.

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It does rather seem like there'd have to be some benefits when you think about the demands in time and money that being a hero makes. Most heroes do seem to have a full-time job as well as their hero commitments, but then I suppose if being a hero was easy, it wouldn't really be heroic.

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Freedom Corps is where you go if you want to get paid to be a Hero, that's why Freedom Corps exists in the first place, to clear up the question of employed heroes. Heroes are private law enforcement, that need licenses to do it, as much as a Cop needs a license to wield a hand gun.

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Hero Corps are employed Heroes! Freedom Corps is non profit. I guess you could join Longbow in Freedom Corps if you need the cash!



I'm going to categorise this discussion as one of those things open to interpretation. Unless we ever get a dev to come and clear things up for us, we'll never know the correct scientific answer. It's like the question "Is there a God?" It's not a yes or no answer question.

I've always had a minor problem with the "salaried" bit... How can it possibily be economically viable for an individual to decide to use thier powers and become a hero, if there isn't at least a living wage involved in it.

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It does rather seem like there'd have to be some benefits when you think about the demands in time and money that being a hero makes. Most heroes do seem to have a full-time job as well as their hero commitments, but then I suppose if being a hero was easy, it wouldn't really be heroic.

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This is covered by the Freedom Corps story. Yes, Heroes are expected to have real jobs as well, that's the whole point of Super-Heroes! Clark Kent, Peter Parker and Bruce Wayne don't get paid by the state to be a hero.

The rules are different in a world where heroes are prolific of course, but I don't think that the devs had as much scope as we give them credit for. I think the world isn't really any more complicated than the Marvel or DC universe. Heroes are the same, it's just that a lot of them congregate around Paragon City.

Freedom Corps is where you go if you want to get paid to be a Hero, that's why Freedom Corps exists in the first place, to clear up the question of employed heroes. Heroes are private law enforcement, that need licenses to do it, as much as a Cop needs a license to wield a hand gun.

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Longbow like the minute men, SHIELD and CHECKMATE would be paid hobs. However it'd be military service so no up and deciding to git with three years left to go on your contract.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Makes me wonder how Arachnos keeps the Rogue Isles from getting extinct. If all villains there are free to kill whomever they wished. The rogue Isles would be desolated by now.

He must have some sort of law the majority sticks to.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I would imagine it's rather like "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"; when you're penned up with a bunch of criminals, everyone instead opts to be very polite, as [censored] off your neighbours is not a good survival plan.



Points to ponder if your char isn't a registered hero of Paragon City.

How do you get in to the hazard zones? These are sealed against anyone not authorised to be in them.

How do you get your missions? The contact system is based around you being registereed.

How do you take part in the task force missions? These are handed out by senior heroes in the city, and they're not going to hand over such important missions to illegal vigilantes!

How do you explain that the cops and other heroes aren't trying to arrest you? You're an illegal vigilante; you'd be on the arrest list.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Makes me wonder how Arachnos keeps the Rogue Isles from getting extinct. If all villains there are free to kill whomever they wished. The rogue Isles would be desolated by now.

He must have some sort of law the majority sticks to.

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There not, it says in teh CoV guide that while he does only some thing to slip, there are alot of things he does. That's why you have abriters and alot of the time you end up in a mission where you have to explain yourself to one or do one a favor (like the patron arcs) Not even his patrons are above his law of the law of the Abriters.




There not, it says in teh CoV guide that while he does only some thing to slip, there are alot of things he does. That's why you have abriters and alot of the time you end up in a mission where you have to explain yourself to one or do one a favor (like the patron arcs) Not even his patrons are above his law of the law of the Abriters.

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Yeah, basically. Survival of the fittest, but not anarchy. Attacking civilians, for instance, is something that's highly taboo within the Isles - it's one of the main reasons the Vahzilok haven't got a big powerbase there. Arachnos hit them hard.



Fair point, FFM.

Anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this bit, as it's a little laden with assumptions:

Firstly, registration is simply a person choosing, under Paragon City Law, to exercise their rights under the Citizens Against Crime Act to possess police powers.

Secondly, newly registered people get directed to a local FBSA office that is dedicated to their origin (MAGI, GIFT, DATA etc). Your first contact is a government official.

Thirdly, as you progress, you become more famous (earning influence), and the trust that your particular associated-branch of the FBSA has for you is reflected by increases in Security Level. Without that trust you cannot get into hazard zones.

A player would be well within their rights to say that their L50 hero is actually treated as L0 for Security Level purposes, to reflect not being registered, but there are ICC for doing so, which is reflected by the fact that you would not be allowed into hazard zones.

Alternately, you can register, and then have nothing at all to do with the FBSA, making your own contacts (not those in the game) - you would still have the police powers, but your Security Level would not reflect your Combat Level (to use in-game parlance).

So, while it's possible to play a powerful character whose SL does not reflect his CL, such a character would not have the run of the city. And if you're unregistered, then if you choose to exercise police powers as if you were, you can expect every hero and cop around to drop on you like a tonne of rectangular building-thingies.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



You can forget Vanguard too. They'll only let you in if you have a minimum security level of 35, and you have to be registered to have a security level, so no War Zone or Vanguard membership for you!

Hero Corps won't touch you with a bargepole either; nor will Longbow, or Freedom Corps, or the trainers. And you can TOTALLY forget being allowed in to places like Siren's Call or the PvP zones that use Longbow transportation to reach!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Points to ponder if your char isn't a registered hero of Paragon City.

How do you get in to the hazard zones? These are sealed against anyone not authorised to be in them.

How do you get your missions? The contact system is based around you being registereed.

How do you take part in the task force missions? These are handed out by senior heroes in the city, and they're not going to hand over such important missions to illegal vigilantes!

How do you explain that the cops and other heroes aren't trying to arrest you? You're an illegal vigilante; you'd be on the arrest list.

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They're sealed to protect people from wandering in there. I don't think the can exactly stop people from going in, jsut warn them against it heavily. Also it's not sealed off for all but Heros, there's other things in the zones!

We don't all do the same contact missions. Else we'll all have technicaly done the same missions. That'd be very silly! Plus your characters skim the Police Radio band for missions generally anyway!. I'm sure how you can work out how a non registered hero can abuse that. Also most of the contacts are in no way associated with the police, they're just regular people, scientists, concerned citizens, magicians, etc.

Task Force Missions? Since when have the Freedom Phalanx showed any regard for the law? They frequently believe themselves above it, held to a different universaly accepted law. I'm sure they'd turn a blind eye unless you hammered it into thier face, in which case you're just asking for it.

Technically the Citizen's Crime Fighting Act doesn't require registration, since the original case wasn't registered and it was created to allow that sort of action. However you'll probably have to be prepared to have them make your life fairly awkward, pressuring you into regestering.

Why are people so adamant people have to be registered anyway? There really is no mention of it being neccessay.

You're being very restrictive with characters if my first contact HAD to be FSBA. Especially since I never did thier stupid missions! Kumiko strongly dislikes FC and thier methods being openly critical of them frequently, but under your arguments I literally wouldn't be able to RP that i've been with Hero Corp since arriving from Japan as i'd have had to take charity missions from FC. It wouldn't for the character at all.

Also i'm sure you could join Vanguard unregistered. They invite VIllians, so legality really doesn't come into it! It's jsut when you're tough enough to be of use.

When I do missions IC, what's actually happening is rarely what's written on the mission text, else your effectively locking people into a very stale gameworld!




How do you get in to the hazard zones? These are sealed against anyone not authorised to be in them.

How do you get your missions? The contact system is based around you being registereed.

How do you take part in the task force missions? These are handed out by senior heroes in the city, and they're not going to hand over such important missions to illegal vigilantes!

How do you explain that the cops and other heroes aren't trying to arrest you? You're an illegal vigilante; you'd be on the arrest list.

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The same way the villains do? Assuming In character you actually do the hazard zone stuff, you simply get in the same way the random mobs do, sneak through the sewers or whatever it is they do.

The same way Batman does when he's being shown as a vigilante and not chummy with the police. Monitoring equipment listening in on police band radio, watching hellions, council etc from the roof tops and finding out about what they are doing that way.

Task force missions? While yeah I doubt they'd hand it out to unregistered heroes, if the team leader say Captain Amazing, with all his flashy badges, media coverage and security clearance says that his hand picked team are ready for the task, then I doubt they'd be turned down because the Hero can't find certain people in the database. Not if the task force is actually as urgent as they make out any way.

Simple you don't admit to doing vigilante stuff. You pull a Batman, a Daredevil you become an urban rumor, let other heroes and police get the credit for your actions.

Honestly would a hostage who was just about to sacrificed by the circle of thorns actually turn around and get the person who saved them into trouble, particularly if said unregistered hero asked them not to.

Well thats my two pence and how I play a unregistered hero at least.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



You can forget Vanguard too. They'll only let you in if you have a minimum security level of 35, and you have to be registered to have a security level, so no War Zone or Vanguard membership for you!

Hero Corps won't touch you with a bargepole either; nor will Longbow, or Freedom Corps, or the trainers. And you can TOTALLY forget being allowed in to places like Siren's Call or the PvP zones that use Longbow transportation to reach!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure do wonder how all the mobs get into those zones. Didn't know Longbow had a Tsoo branch.

And again Vanguard hire villains. As long as it can punch out Rikti they'd hire anything.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



They're sealed to protect people from wandering in there. I don't think the can exactly stop people from going in, jsut warn them against it heavily. Also it's not sealed off for all but Heros, there's other things in the zones!

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Incorrect. Hazard zones have a level requirement to enter, and it's always mention in game as being a security level requirement, not a combat level. Unless you're a registered hero, you're not going to HAVE a security level are you? If you have no security level, and no hero registration, there's no ID for the guards at the gates to verify, so you won't be permitted to enter.

As for the other things in the zones, those things were already in there when they were sealed.


We don't all do the same contact missions. Else we'll all have technicaly done the same missions. That'd be very silly! Plus your characters skim the Police Radio band for missions generally anyway!. I'm sure how you can work out how a non registered hero can abuse that. Also most of the contacts are in no way associated with the police, they're just regular people, scientists, concerned citizens, magicians, etc.

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Your first contact in the game works for the FBSA. They set you on your journey and introduce you to the city's network of contacts. Whilst yes, you can probably get to know these people ICly without that introduction, you're not going to get any kind of security rating without being registered, and there's a LOT of content in the later game that you just can't do without that security clearance. Therefore there's no scope for your character to know certain information, such as the Omega Clearance stuff, without being registered.


Task Force Missions? Since when have the Freedom Phalanx showed any regard for the law? They frequently believe themselves above it, held to a different universaly accepted law. I'm sure they'd turn a blind eye unless you hammered it into thier face, in which case you're just asking for it.

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I'm pretty positive of the opposite, actually.


Why are people so adamant people have to be registered anyway? There really is no mention of it being neccessay.

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Why are people so adamant about ignoring the game world we ALL have to work within? It makes zero sense to me to play within the game reality, and then throw everything about it away and do your own thing. All you do with that is make interaction with other characters fraught with potential problems.


You're being very restrictive with characters if my first contact HAD to be FSBA. Especially since I never did thier stupid missions! Strongly dislikes FC and thier methods, but under your arguments I literally wouldn't be able to RP that i've been with Hero Corp since arriving from Japan as i'd have had to take charity missions from FC.

When I do missions IC, what's actually happening is rarely what's written on the mission text, else your effectively locking people into a very stale gameworld!

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Everything within the game world is constructed to work within its rules. There's nothing that says you HAVE to follow these rules, but you can't expect the game world to then work for you if you're going to break them. There is enormous scope for us to work within the rules of the world set down by the developers. I don't see why people feel the need to just disregard it and make up their own stuff; you might as well not bother playing at all.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Makes me wonder how Arachnos keeps the Rogue Isles from getting extinct. If all villains there are free to kill whomever they wished. The rogue Isles would be desolated by now.

He must have some sort of law the majority sticks to.

[/ QUOTE ]

There not, it says in teh CoV guide that while he does only some thing to slip especially for the destine ones, there are alot of things he doesn't. That's why you have abriters and alot of the time you end up in a mission where you have to explain yourself to one or do one a favor (like the patron arcs) or correcting the other villain groups on behalf of Arachnos. Not even his patrons are above his law of the law of the Abriters.



You can forget Vanguard too. They'll only let you in if you have a minimum security level of 35, and you have to be registered to have a security level, so no War Zone or Vanguard membership for you!

Hero Corps won't touch you with a bargepole either; nor will Longbow, or Freedom Corps, or the trainers. And you can TOTALLY forget being allowed in to places like Siren's Call or the PvP zones that use Longbow transportation to reach!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure do wonder how all the mobs get into those zones. Didn't know Longbow had a Tsoo branch.

And again Vanguard hire villains. As long as it can punch out Rikti they'd hire anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet they won't allow a hero with a security rating lower than 35 even in to their base. Curious, no?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You can forget Vanguard too. They'll only let you in if you have a minimum security level of 35, and you have to be registered to have a security level, so no War Zone or Vanguard membership for you!

Hero Corps won't touch you with a bargepole either; nor will Longbow, or Freedom Corps, or the trainers. And you can TOTALLY forget being allowed in to places like Siren's Call or the PvP zones that use Longbow transportation to reach!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure do wonder how all the mobs get into those zones. Didn't know Longbow had a Tsoo branch.

And again Vanguard hire villains. As long as it can punch out Rikti they'd hire anything.

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Yet they won't allow a hero with a security rating lower than 35 even in to their base. Curious, no?

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Simple they don't think you can punch Rikti hard enough.

Thats why the guy is standing outside the base.

He's sizing people up and thinking to himself 'Can that guy punch Rikti really hard or not?'

And if thinks you can he calls you over.

If he doesn't you can't come in.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Simple they don't think you can punch Rikti hard enough.

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Utterly beside the point. Combat Level =/= Security Level, but Vanguard work off your Security Level. I'd say that since Vanguard work, to a certain extent, outside the law, employing people from the Etoile Islands as well as Paragon City, they simply use SL as a way to judge if you are experienced enough, in the eyes of others, to handle the things you find out.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*