The Open Source Names thread
so without further ado
Snarflepants; just cuz
Urbane Gorilla; probably tankish type beasty look
Electric Ladyland; a male shape stone tank. Seriously
Sam Sharpe; Paragon City's very own private eye
The Invincible Husk; an undead tank created by the Banished Pantheon

Thelonious Monk
Two from me, one I've wanted to use for ages and one silly one.
Ichneumon : Insect themed character, probably a Ninja/TA (as it sounds oriental), Spines scrapper or */Thorns Dom. Named after a family of wasps which lays its eggs on or in caterpillars (and fascinated me when I was little).
Ironing Man : For the month thats in it. A former Dry Cleaner turned crime fighter.
Mary Scherza: A German female assassin, she is sleek and deadly, and she will kill anyone for the right amount of money...Ninja/Ninjutsu or MA/Regen Stalker
Not great at thinking up names so I only have two pretty bland ones at the moment:
Anna Bergite - Any earth based AT. (Named after a mineral, technically plagiarism but I still liked it.)
Egress - Anyone with the teleport move power. (Roughly means - To exit.)
EDIT: 3 names now:
Terran Surge - Earth or Earth/Elec based AT.
(Also, nice idea for a thread.)
Friends are just enemies that haven't betrayed you yet.
Three names for those who might like something a bit corny so to speak. Always possible some of these are used already though. Might post some serious sounding ones in the future.
Ivor Biggun - Assault Rifle blaster who likes to brag about his weapon
Daisy Bell - Something sonic. Likes to talk your ears off.
Cragnum - Stone tanker private investigator from Hawaii
Clagnut - Earth/? Troller - just cos the name is fun
Is about all I can think of while working hard
Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
Hazlenut Rage - just because Jay is never going to add squirrel tails so I may as well throw it out there.
Female kin def "Torque Wench"
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
Earth control / sonic 'troller "Jabberrocky"
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
Female kin def "Torque Wench"
[/ QUOTE ]
That's excellent!

Thelonious Monk
Split Second , Katana/Superreflex Scrapper.
Major Headache , Invul/SuperStrength Tanker.
Cutting Edge dual blades/willpower scrapper
Electrical Fault: Elec/Earth Brute or some such.
Psychosice (or, Psychos-Ice)
Currently my Ice Blast/Mental Manip Blaster on Test that I'm never going to make on Live. It could work for any combo of Psi and Ice powers and it's a bad pun to boot.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Psychosice (or, Psychos-Ice)
Currently my Ice Blast/Mental Manip Blaster on Test that I'm never going to make on Live. It could work for any combo of Psi and Ice powers and it's a bad pun to boot.
[/ QUOTE ]
You could go for Icepsicle too (or various hypenated variants)

Thelonious Monk
Oohh, even cheesier. Me likey
Dark Matter - Dark and possibly earth-based attacks. My Dark/Stone Brute on test which I'll also never make on Live.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Trigger Hippy - AR blaster with a peaceful side
Chillerwatt - some sort of ice/elec combo
Lethal Voltage - Elec Stalker
Shocking Fire elec/fire blaster
Prickly Ivy plant dom
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Some of my unused fun ones:
Beefy McCurri/Curri Sauce - Breath of fire Fire/Fiery Melee based or a Neurotoxic breath/Noxious gas Poison MM character. (Beefy could also be a SoA.)
Karma Kazi - Martial arts scrapper/stalker.
Mandy/Mandi Lifeboat(s) - Female Pirate.
Purple Pirate - Pirate.
Australian Kiwi - ?
Lilly Padd/Gripe Fruit - Plant based characters.
Just realized that if Beefy McCurri was a Thugs/Poison MM...
His Thugs could be named after various larger brands.
Then they would be larger louts.
A few more that I've thought of (but not checked)
cow-themed hero/ villain...willing to charge straight into a mob and do something explosive- Taurpedo
Earth control/ Storm summoning controller- Stormhenge
and for issue 12..Cold domination/ sonic def - Ice Scream
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
Loved the original thread so thought I'd contribute to this one. Whilst coming up with the name Daydream believer for my new Psi/mental blaster I thought of the following song names that would make good hero names.
Sister Morphine - probably a mind control AT
Black Dog - animal like scrapper perhaps
Jumpin' Jack Flash - leccy blaster with jump at a guess
and my favourite - Eldorado - tank built like a city with golden outfit. (with possible cloaking powers to avoid being found)
I've just made a Sonic/Mental blaster called...
The Psylencer

Thelonious Monk
Steel Kenyan - erm... TA/A?
Oral Boris - sonic/sonic russian!
Sammy Roarer - sonic/sonic roman?
Perry Grin - likes interdimensional travel
cookie to whoever spots the obvious theme :P
oh maybe... Terra Volta for earth/elec doms hehe
Atomic Racer - Rad/Rad Def Superspeedster
Electron Racer - Elec/Elect Blast Superspeedster
Royal Lion - Originally a british themed broadsword scrapper
Spitfire Ace - Another British theme! Fire blaster with flight
(Hmmm... come to think of it these might be a nice start for a British themed SG...)
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
It seems there's a few out there that have enjoyed my thread on nomenclature and giving your toon a name worthy of their heroism and/or villainy, but as somebody pointed out, people who struggle with naming toons might not have contributed for fear of somehow not being "up to scratch" or something.

It can be a very tough thing naming a toon and as we've already discussed, the consensus is that names really are something that define your characters.
So it seemed to me that some of us may find a "pick a name thread" of use, and many of us have names buzzing around our heads that we'll never use, but somebody might well benefit from it.
Some simple guidelines tho if you're posting a name: It has to be one you thought of yourself. It should have a brief description to it. So put simply: Snarflepants; just cuz
Also remember that all names are posted freely but if somebody got there first, that's a shame but nothing we can do about it. It's strictly first come first served. If somebody else got there first, then sorry chum. Have another go
So without further ado, let's rock and please do add your input.
Thelonious Monk