New Powersets and PVP




The new hero powersets will make PvP a joke.

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Awesome! How were the new powersets when you extensively tested them in PvP?



Are you having a giraffe?

Just because heroes will get thermals, colds and psi blasters that does'nt mean they'll always be teamed up together. Honestly the PvP on EU side is so dead that I doubt anyone will make the effort for PvP because it just isn't challenging for the seasoned PvP'ers in the first place; due to the lack of people.



Pvp = a warzone

Warzone = ever changing battlefield/tactics

New powersets = new tactics!!!!

In a 1 v 1 situation are you saying that a /storm mm cant beat a psy/ blaster?
That a earth/ dom + an /storm corrupt cant beat most hero duos? Please . . . . those combos when played right would cripple most teams.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Another shining example of the PvP community and their brilliant way of putting non PVPers right off ever trying. Why do you PvP? For glory? For the challenge it provides? For the ability to laugh and gloat when you beat someone? I'm guessing if it were for the challenge as opposed to the gloat factor, you'd be welcoming the new powersets and be in awed wonderment about what additional tactics you would need to employ to triumph! However, if the latter were true, you'd be worried that the new powersets might mean the gloat factor was lower because your chance of victory was lower as well. Given the tone of this post, I know which I side of the fence I'm putting my inf on.

Fact of the matter remains. Wait until the powers are on test before crying wolf. Otherwise, the chance of anyone having any time, or any respect for such outbursts will be extremely low.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Another shining example of the PvP community and their brilliant way of putting non PVPers right off ever trying. Why do you PvP? For glory? For the challenge it provides? For the ability to laugh and gloat when you beat someone? I'm guessing if it were for the challenge as opposed to the gloat factor, you'd be welcoming the new powersets and be in awed wonderment about what additional tactics you would need to employ to triumph! However, if the latter were true, you'd be worried that the new powersets might mean the gloat factor was lower because your chance of victory was lower as well. Given the tone of this post, I know which I side of the fence I'm putting my inf on.

Fact of the matter remains. Wait until the powers are on test before crying wolf. Otherwise, the chance of anyone having any time, or any respect for such outbursts will be extremely low.

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Totally agree with this. I LOVE the challenges that pvp brings.
Me and a few supergroup/villaingroup members have already agreed to have a mass free4all in the teen levels Should be both manic and funny as hell ^_^

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I PvP for badges. I have built-in Psi resists. Blasters do not have built-in Get-Crushed-By-Metal-Fists resists. Psi Blasters becoming the new fotm = more PvP badges for me. Yay!



By your own admission, villains get an AT balanced around PvP.

That would suggest that the devs do not, in fact, love heroes for pvp.

Villains have not been ignored most of the time. What has been ignored most of the time is things happening in game, by you.

Have you heard of the villain epic archetypes? Or the powersets that villains are getting? Or people complaining about just how much damage brutes with fury up can do? Or perma-domination? Or masterminds in bodyguard mode? Or stalkers?

It's not constant, but it does in fact happen.

Maybe when you have actually played these "direct exports" that aren't in the game yet, you'll be qualified to say whether or not they're better hero or villain-side.



Another shining example of the PvP community and their brilliant way of putting non PVPers right off ever trying. Why do you PvP? For glory? For the challenge it provides? For the ability to laugh and gloat when you beat someone? I'm guessing if it were for the challenge as opposed to the gloat factor, you'd be welcoming the new powersets and be in awed wonderment about what additional tactics you would need to employ to triumph! However, if the latter were true, you'd be worried that the new powersets might mean the gloat factor was lower because your chance of victory was lower as well. Given the tone of this post, I know which I side of the fence I'm putting my inf on.

Fact of the matter remains. Wait until the powers are on test before crying wolf. Otherwise, the chance of anyone having any time, or any respect for such outbursts will be extremely low.

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Totally agree with this. I LOVE the challenges that pvp brings.
Me and a few supergroup/villaingroup members have already agreed to have a mass free4all in the teen levels Should be both manic and funny as hell ^_^

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Oops sorry Hero, I'm glad you realised my post was aimed at the OP rather than you (even tho' the title suggests otherwise)

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Well lets see
Empathy + powerboosted Thermal buffs+ poerboosted Cold buffs and debuffs which have higher baserate than the corr version and are unresisted in PvP ??????????????
Enough said

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, stacked buffs make a target tough. Newsflash: Both sides have access to quite a few stackable buffs.

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With heroes getting better (defender)buffs and more, ontop of unresistable debuffs in PvP plus crazy selfbuffs in the epic powersets.

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IMO it's always seemed fairly well accepted that Villains got the short end of the stick with patron pools compared to epics. But this and the point about defender buffs already exists, it is not a change for power proliferation and I12. You might as well argue that it was unfair that ED applies to villains as well as heroes, but heroes somehow fair better with it.

As regards the power proliferation:

1. You ain't seen it yet.

2. This is just the first round - it seems likely that most sets that can be applied to an AT with a little modification will eventually become available if they don't bring any great balance issues. And not sure if that's PvP as well as PvE balance...

These sets are being brought in first because they need practically zero real work on them to fit the new AT. i.e. as I understand it, they possibly need a little jiggling of actual figures, but powers remain as is. So the damage or recharge or end use may alter, but the animation and general effects won't.

So any imbalances caused by one side having better powers ought to be addressed in the long term unless making a power avaialable causes great imbalance (don't think we'd ever see /kin MMs for instance, though with certain restrictions it'd be possible).

I imagine it's been hard for you up until now since your example of empath buffs + cold buffs + thermal buffs + let's throw in some forcefield, sonic and kin and the wedding band temp for good measure obviously shows that every man and their dog works together to buff your foes whenever you step into PvP. If, on the other hand, they don't do that just now then what makes you think there will be that level of co-ordination in the future?

And if they do do that now... why not get yourself a team to counter that?

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



By your own admission, villains get an AT balanced around PvP.

That would suggest that the devs do not, in fact, love heroes for pvp.

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I've noticed that the devs hate whichever faction I'm playing on the odd occasion I go into PvP areas... that can be the only reason that I'm not as uber as I feel I should be.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



By your own admission, villains get an AT balanced around PvP.

That would suggest that the devs do not, in fact, love heroes for pvp.

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I've noticed that the devs hate whichever faction I'm playing on the odd occasion I go into PvP areas... that can be the only reason that I'm not as uber as I feel I should be.

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After i'd finished laughing my [censored] off that is.



Or people complaining about just how much damage brutes with fury up can do?

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The only time I played PvP was on the test server, and a Blaster I was using caught a full fury, raged up Brute Knockout Blow to the face. I wasn't complaining so much as gaping in awe at the screen. If the game were more realistic my toon would have been nothing but a bloody spray of flesh and bone chunks.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



I always thought this game was here for us all to have fun...

As far as heroes being better in PVP, can you please tell the ninjitsu stalker that just pwned me please. I'm assuming he never got the memo..



I have just realised that maybe these new sets will bring some challenge to us Vindicate lot, but previous moans have been about players of equal experience/ability being beaten by others, which is off-putting to the casual PvPer.

anyhooo bring it on liek innit yo dawgz


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



[(don't think we'd ever see /kin MMs for instance, though with certain restrictions it'd be possible).

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Lowish damage cap for MM pets (possibly speed cap for those who fear the speedy ninjas) = job done innit. What they should have done with Fire/Kin tbh, instead of lowering the damage of the epic attacks and screwing over every troller except the /kins lol. <--Fail fix


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



I was being sarcastic. Just my way of pointing out how heroes seem to be winning out of this big time pvp wise, and generaly agreeing with you. NM, should be pretty balanced when we get archery villain side and heroes get poison.

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This .

Course it comes as no suprise that otherwise an inflammatory opening post ends up getting inflammatory replies, but it's nice to see at least a couple of good posts somewhere.

*Everyone* will have to wait and see how balanced anything is from these 1st proliferations.



I have just realised that maybe these new sets will bring some challenge to us Vindicate lot

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Riiight,because we wont have one of every new "good" pvp combo to 50 and fully IOed within 10days from i12




IMO it's always seemed fairly well accepted that Villains got the short end of the stick with patron pools compared to epics.

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I think this is the real source of the problem TBH. Epics/Patrons. And in this case the problem with the strength of some Epic powers over just about anything the villains can access means a few powersets that were favourable to villains, and some which at least to some part went a bit towards balancing things, mostly in team battles, are now coughed up to heroes and will undoubtedly have fare even better fpr the heroes by way of the better stats for buff/debuff values and such. They certainly will sync extremely well with some specific Hero Epic powers. I do think the general concerns raised have been done in a much better way in the other thread about the new sets though.

Bleh, just realised my deadly bout of vicious man flu is wrecking any coherence I might have had even in small doses, so I'm off now...



I have just realised that maybe these new sets will bring some challenge to us Vindicate lot

[/ QUOTE ]

Riiight,because we wont have one of every new "good" pvp combo to 50 and fully IOed within 10days from i12

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I call Elec Melee/Dark Armour Stalker.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."




Riiight,because we wont have one of every new "good" pvp combo to 50 and fully IOed within 10days from i12

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I can just imagine the John Deere stock value soaring through the roof!

As much as I hate PvP, and would like to see it excised from the game, I do understand that it does indeed serve a purpose (even if it is only to create these sort of posts on the forums...) At this point, however, I'd just be glad that any changes on the PvP side don't affect the PvE side.
More so than salivating over new powersets, I'm waiting for the Slot Proliferation... as for people crying d00m™ before the issue is even into closed beta stage: well done, you get the premature overreaction award!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Elec is definitely a PvE powerset not a PvP one for a brute in my opinion. If they were to balance it out with other sets the Devs would have to hurt Lightning Rod, which they'd best not. Elec is stupidly good in PvE post 34 (fully slotted LR) and I would think that moving it over to scrappers and tanks would be a good thing but could lead to a nerf on the powerset rather than a buff.

EA is a different story, feels more like a utility set than a defence set. I wouldn't want it to lose its utility to get further defence buffs

Patron sets do suck, you are quite right and their unrespecability is a big downer on them too.

None of these things make me concerned about the powersets that have been moved over.

The only buffs that heroes can stacked that villains cant now is Empathy, that was the same before as now.

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



1. The OP is a nut

2. A big one, if I do say so myself

3. CoX is a PvE game, and has had PvP included for a relatively short time compared to PvE

4. There is no such thing as "balanced PvP" in any game - someone always has an advantage

5. Villains have many bonuses over Heroes, such as Permadominators, Stalkers in general, and Brutes (Scrappers that can achieve a stupid damage buff)

6. Yes, Patron Pools not being respeccable does have a considerable impact on PvP - however, as stated before it is a PvE game, and the fact it is not respeccable ties neatly into the story of CoV

7. Make a PvP Villain, learn to play them, get IOs - THEN say if you think they suck

8. This thread fails...



Well lets see
Empathy + powerboosted Thermal buffs+ poerboosted Cold buffs and debuffs which have higher baserate than the corr version and are unresisted in PvP ??????????????
Enough said

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, stacked buffs make a target tough. Newsflash: Both sides have access to quite a few stackable buffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

But both sides doesnt have do they ?
Villains can get powerboost only for Dominators...and what can Dominators give to the team ? about zip (NO !!! I'm not getting into another "CC vs BF's" discussion).

Defenders can get their hands on power build up and controllers gets a plain power boost.
Defenders already have insane numbers on their support boost that with PBU...espically Cold Domination.
..and a controllers PB+Thermal.
RV is screwed enough as it is in my opinion...this just reinforces my disgust.
BUT....all to their opinions.

Jeg leser i h�nden, om tiden som kommer.
Jeg lytter til havet, og ser tiden som var.
Jeg snakker med fjell, og tiden st�r stille.
Jeg snakker med meg selv, og tiden g�r.
Jeg lukker et �ye, og ser halvt.
Jeg lukker begge, og ser alt.

La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...igjen.



Ok lets face it PvP should be taken out of the game alltogether, its simply stupid how the devs love heroes and hate villains.

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And? Heroes can still pvp with heroes, because villains are gimps for pvp except a few combos, means we dont need pvp? Have you EVER pvped before?