Mysterious plague spreading





I know this plot lacks the whole "I only participate if I want to so my character is never subjected to anything I don't them to be subjected to" that the CoX RP community seems to thrive on (That and a disgusting amount of drama). But that is the whole point!

[/ QUOTE ]

That'd be the mutual consent of not having your character used as an NPC. From my experiences it's a pretty standard ingredient of roleplay, you choose what your character does and does not do.

You have a real villain doing a real villanous scheme. Be heroes and put a stop to it instead of whining like little emo children.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really endeavouring to endear yourself to the audience here are you? All that last comment will do is further antagonise people, well done.

Oh, and it looks like the virus has been neutralised anyway... Clicky



Evil as sooty? :O
I'm flattered



So if someone returns the favour and godmods YOU by turning Terror into a greasy stain on the club window, you won't ignore that?

Sure you will.

[/ QUOTE ]
Darned tooting he did, thus becoming the first RPer I have EVER had to put on ignore. Not only did he refuse to accept the IC consequences to hs actions (and I'd even offered it as an arena match to give him a real chance that common sense woudn't allow for a three-foot midget brandishing a gun just inches from the talons of a dragon (as in a real Oriental Dragon) trained in martial arts virtally from birth), no he topped that off with the same abusive language in tells that I note Echo has experienced too.

God-moder, plus coward. /ignore was the only cure.



It's /gignore from me. Character X ignoring Character Y. Fine. Player of Character X ignoring most/every other roleplayer on the server? ...words cannot express.



Terrors just out to cause pain and misery amongst the general populace. If the RP community doesn't want a real villain running around doing so then why don't you just say?

[/ QUOTE ]

I can appreciate that this seems to be sorted, but I'll put this up to hopefully head off any future occurances.

Your character may be the evilest baby eating villian in existance, my character may be the fluffiest hero in existance, but behind both of them are two REAL human beings.

Consent is not IC, no-one expects the evil villian to go up to the hero and say "excuse me, this drink contains my latest superplague, would you mind drinking it?"

Consent is out of character, it's about ensuring that the players are ok with the plot that you're doing, that you understand the limits that you can go to, and that in the end, everybody comes out friends having had a good time.

Consent applies no matter who your character is, hero, villian or NPC, because it's between you and the other players.

To show how this applies in the above example, going to the most popular part of the bar and serving the drinks to players who didn't know beforehand that that was part of a plot shows you have no respect for the players.

Publishing that you were going to be in a little used area, and people who wanted to be involved in the plot should go there is fine. Those PLAYERS who want to be involved can be, they've given consent and can sort out their own IC actions from there on in.

In other words, play nice children, and remember that we're roleplayers. No-one who meets FFM in real life expects to meet a white-haired catgirl alien (sorry FFM, you're just the most absurd pairing that came to mind ), so don't judge people's personalities OC by their IC actions, keep the two completely seperate.



No-one who meets FFM in real life expects to meet a white-haired catgirl alien (sorry FFM, you're just the most absurd pairing that came to mind )

[/ QUOTE ]

I think I just got made fun of there...

I shall demand extra hugs next time I come up to visit!!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I think I just got made fun of there...

I shall demand extra hugs next time I come up to visit!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hugs can be arranged, are you going to Memorabelia?



I think I just got made fun of there...

I shall demand extra hugs next time I come up to visit!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hugs can be arranged, are you going to Memorabelia?

[/ QUOTE ]

Alas, no. Too many expensive things have happened in the last month or so, and I just can't afford it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Cor! Missed the beginning *and* the end of this! Go me! 8D

Either way, I wouldn't have taken part for IC reasons. The only real character of mine that hangs around in D is Dr Mechanibus who, as some of you may know, is a robot. Said plague would have absolutly no effect



Just to start, I love the fact that you are trying to bring more Villainous stuff to the fore, but there's a way to do these things... There really is.

It's one thing to dislike anothers playstyle. It's a whole other step to do something like this to get up in their faces and force them to react.

They reacted badly OOC, what more did you expect?

If you want to try something else with evil IC intentions though, I'd be happy to help with that.

All this has done for me so far is show me why villain groups tend to be self centered mercs and petty thieves...

Theres just no appreciation for real villainy.

[/ QUOTE ]
Take that back Cretin! Don't make me open up a can of Robot Sharks with Frikkin Lasers, Swimming in Acid on yo' [censored]!

Now a Message from our sponsor. The Community Hive-Mind of DJ Zero:

"Don't God Mod in Pocket D kids. It's not big and it's not clever. If you ever feel the urge, remember our slogan: Take it Outside!"

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Heh, on the plus side this did all help one of my characters get mightily drunk trying to find a sample of this plague

And it provided a new chat up line for him :P



Ok Hates your the only other group that isn't comprised of self centered mercs and petty thieves. But your still not a classic evil organisation. Your anarchists XD

Your classical evil organisation wants to rule the world for some simple ideological reason such as: "We don't like democracy". Which is GLEE's general attitude



Heh, on the plus side this did all help one of my characters get mightily drunk trying to find a sample of this plague

And it provided a new chat up line for him :P

[/ QUOTE ]

"I'm infected, cure me." ?



Ok Hates your the only other group that isn't comprised of self centered mercs and petty thieves. But your still not a classic evil organisation. Your anarchists XD

Your classical evil organisation wants to rule the world for some simple ideological reason such as: "We don't like democracy". Which is GLEE's general attitude

[/ QUOTE ]

Bah my main villain char is out to wipe out a good portion of humankind so humanity can meet his standards. The rest of the VG are not that nicer either :P



now, as we can see, by properly advertising, people get interested :P

(seriously, is there any villain that is not now after a piece of that viral tech?)



Ok Hates your the only other group that isn't comprised of self centered mercs and petty thieves. But your still not a classic evil organisation. Your anarchists XD

Your classic evil organisation wants to rule the world for some simple ideological reason such as: "We don't like democracy". Which is GLEE's general attitude

[/ QUOTE ]

What about Humanity First? Or Order of the cross, out to kill all mutants? There are A LOT of VGs that aren't just petty thieves and "self-centered" mercs. It just quickly becomes old to play the "I VANT TO RULE ZE VORLD AND KILL YOU ALLZ!!11!" kinda villain. It's not that easy to RP that kind of sociopath credibly. Way too 2D for my liking. IMHO Being evil is not about wanting to hurt people, it's about not caring for anyone but yourself. And in that perspective the "self-centered mercs" are a pretty decent bunch of villains.



Ok Hates your the only other group that isn't comprised of self centered mercs and petty thieves. But your still not a classic evil organisation. Your anarchists XD

Your classical evil organisation wants to rule the world for some simple ideological reason such as: "We don't like democracy". Which is GLEE's general attitude

[/ QUOTE ]

Translation: Everyone except me and my cronies makes rubbish villains.

*sigh* The arrogance gets better, doesn't it?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'm not being arrogant. I'm just pointing out that super powered mercenaries can't really be classed as traditional super villains. They would be more modern super villains as back in the golden age of comics super villains usually wanted to either: A: Destroy the world B: Rule the world or C: Kill a specific hero



Yes, but we live in a post world war two society, where not all villains have to be communists or nazi's. People, as readers of comic books, want more from their villains now. They want depth, they want backstory. They want to sympathise with them... but still feel good when they get their butt whooped.

It's a hard line to manage as a writer, and even harder as a roleplayer where you aren't in control of the situations your character often finds themself in. It's hard to make a classic villain like "Red Skull" or "Darkseid" sympathetic. That's why those villains, although great, are not as widely used as they once were.

Tastes have mutured, and so have we.



Traditional golden age comic super villains suck. They're nothing but two dimensional and limited parodies of real criminal elements and are about as evil as my right toe.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



about as evil as my right toe.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's EVIL™

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Well I just so happen to think that your traditional super villain is cool. Nothing beats a volcano lair and a giant laser beam pointed at the city of your choice



Well I just so happen to think that your traditional super villain is cool. Nothing beats a volcano lair and a giant laser beam pointed at the city of your choice

[/ QUOTE ]

Except a well-played, realistic, modern villain with an actual personality.

Or FFM's right toe.



Think carefully for several months: Comics of bygone eras were penned for the most part during either World War II or the "Cold war". The heroes and the villains they fought were stylised versions of the ethos of the countries they were represented. Red Skull vs. Cap. America is a critique or propaganda (depending on viewpoint) of the conflict of the contemporary period. They're avatars almost, and very single minded in their outlooks and ethics. Good Vs. Bad. Good wins out over Bad, rattles out some morale-building slogans, and vanishes into the sunset in a flash of red white and blue spandex (with stars and stripes too, who'd have thought?).

In short, Boring. Yes, that last part was my opinion, but hey, it's all I have in the end, right?

Don't get me wrong, there's a place in history for the classics of yesterconflict, but the reading audiences have moved on and matured into the fine variety of people and comics we have today and the past should be but a lesson to learn from.

We read comics to entertain ourselves with a bit of suspended disbelief, and much of that suspension is part of roleplay, where we get to make up our own personas and play out the events affecting their lives, events which we have a greater control over than those in our real ones.

This all comes crashing down when that small portion of control is stolen from us by one voice in the dark saying "Things are thus". We lose that immersion and suspended disbelief in less time than it takes to realise it, generating a lack of entertainment for which we pay our subs to achieve. Anyway, I tire of this tirade. *wanders off*