Mysterious plague spreading




And if people want to stop me. Do it IC

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The basic problem for me personally, setting aside if this is plausible to begin with and how to get people involved, is that I highly doubt that the common NPC Dj Zero would allow this to happen or go on. To the point where I think the reasonable response from Zero would be giving a lifetime ban to Professor Terror to Pocket D premises.

As no one is directly in control of Pocket D's owner we all have to try and find a consensus, however flimsy, what the Main Man would do in cases where his policies are violated. Tell us, what do you think Dj Zero would do when he finds out. Not if, but when.

My personal approach has been to keep PD as much a neutral zone by my characters's actions as possible. If I don't introduce a scenario where someone's immersion and suspension is disbelief gets it in the shorts I probably will be let to enjoy my own thing hassle-free.

Any time that Pocket D's technical systems are used to spy other characters by some other characters, the arena system is rigged to kill someone or psychos take over the barstand and serve disease I am left to wonder why Dj Zero would not first intervene and then ban the offenders. Seeing as in each case that I have witnessed a breach against what I personally think is feasible happening the offenders just keep coming in I am left to conclude that those others do not share my view and the best solution is to pay as little attention to the breaches as I can, to the point where I completely ignore hearing something that just does not fit my view of the in-game universe.

EDIT: [censored] Kelvin! Now I'll (again) be humming that for weeks!

RE-EDIT: I note damning a deity is a censored deed on this forum. Duly noted.



They don't stop people bringing in guns. Or stop people who pump out radiation, electricity, fire, etc from entering.

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Their power effects are suppressed, so that they can't harm others.


And if people want to stop me. Do it IC

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Why should we bother? Far easier for us to just ignore it as another random plot that isn't really happening. I mean, you're ignoring our wishes with regards to RPing, so we can ignore yours.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



EDIT: [censored] Kelvin! Now I'll (again) be humming that for weeks!

[/ QUOTE ]

Bwhahahahahaha! Fear the power of the Chicken Song!



Well Terror is a mad scientist. That means a high level of disregard for the consequences of his actions so his ignoring of Zero and his rules isn't a stretch of imagination.

And heres a hint for people: Actually trying to stop Terror will work a lot better than out of character whining.



Well Terror is a mad scientist. That means a high level of disregard for the consequences of his actions so his ignoring of Zero and his rules isn't a stretch of imagination.

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But it's a pretty big stretch that Zero wouldn't find out and do something about it.


And heres a hint for people: Actually trying to stop Terror will work a lot better than out of character whining.

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So if someone returns the favour and godmods YOU by turning Terror into a greasy stain on the club window, you won't ignore that?

Sure you will.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



So if someone returns the favour and godmods YOU by turning Terror into a greasy stain on the club window

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Or godmodes that they've been able to make a cure.

Or godmodes that they're able to EMP the whole of Pocket D.

Godmoding begets godmoding. I don't think I have anything further to add.

EDIT: Actually I do... Mad Scientists generally may have a level of disregard for their actions, but also have a very high level of regard for self-preservation.



Well actually considering the fact that Terrors bodies are disposable I would have no objections to him getting smashed to pieces



And heres a hint for people: Actually trying to stop Terror will work a lot better than out of character whining.

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No, you still don't get it, i don't have to do anything, i can ignore it as a total fantasy because thats what it is. you have to convince me to treat it as an event. i don't have to do anything that the game doesn't require me to.



All this has done for me so far is show me why villain groups tend to be self centered mercs and petty thieves...

Theres just no appreciation for real villainy.



You have so far not answered my question about what YOU think Dj Zero would do about this. Please, would you kindly?



come up with something plausible in game cannon, and i'll go with it. god mod your way around the bits of the in game cannon you don't like, i'm going to ignore your dumb self.



Probly port the Terror node into another dimension which would annoy Terror but ultimatly not be that useful considering he has quite a few kicking around



All this has done for me so far is show me why villain groups tend to be self centered mercs and petty thieves...

Theres just no appreciation for real villainy.

[/ QUOTE ]

that and a villain has to be, from the offset, prepared to lose.
its how it goes, the good guys win, the bad guys lose... but in the meantime, we have fun plotting our evil schemes for the heroes smash.

just one question..... is the plague spreading, and its symptoms now common knowledge?



All this has done for me so far is show me why villain groups tend to be self centered mercs and petty thieves...

Theres just no appreciation for real villainy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where's the villainy? It runs it's course in 2 weeks without really harming anyone; so it's more an annoyance than villainy.

Villainy would have had it being a fatal plague. And there have been PLENTY of good decent evil plots in the past that managed to be both really REALLY villainous, and NOT try to godmod the entire community.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Terrors scheme is more about causing panic and fear. Then taking the credit for curing the plague he started in the first place



As I think Big Lunk was getting onto, his main character Big Lunk, and two of my characters, Afterlight and Headliner, both know the nature of this plague. So as soon as it becomes common knowledge, they'll all make public statements to the press informing Paragon City of what is going on, who is behind it, and how to be cured.

I agree with everyone that Gash/Professor Terror is seriously godmodding this. You can't just infect someones character with a disease without their consent. It would be like me having Headliner destroy all of the Terror nodes without checking with you first.

The fact of the matter is that you're violating the game canon, showing poor roleplaying etiquette and are stubbornly refusing to accept anyone elses views on the matter. I've heard what you have to say, and while I agree that it isn't fair that people often deus ex machina their way out of situations, it doesn't give you the right to deus ex machina other peoples characters INTO situations.



Probly port the Terror node into another dimension which would annoy Terror but ultimatly not be that useful considering he has quite a few kicking around

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So, you rest safe with the reasoning that a man like Zero who build an extra-dimensional drinking hole is so stupid that he does not realize that the guy looking like Professor Terror is in fact the same guy? While, just assuming, anyone inside the bar would know?

I would be obliged to give the NPC lord of the place more credit and assume that he would, in fact, prevent Professor Terror entering his establishment after such a totally evil offense.



Who's to say? I never have had much of a good opinion regarding DJ's.



Who's to say? I never have had much of a good opinion regarding DJ's.

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Or, it would appear, much regard for your fellow RPers either.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Terrors just out to cause pain and misery amongst the general populace. If the RP community doesn't want a real villain running around doing so then why don't you just say?



Because that's not what people are saying, perhaps?



Exactly. We have no problem with a villain running around causing problem. The ONLY problem is having stuff forced on us with no warning or consent, and that forces us to break character to ignore it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



But thats what being a villain is all about. Since when has a bank robber ever politely asked if he can rob the bank and maybe kill a few staff members?

I know this plot lacks the whole "I only participate if I want to so my character is never subjected to anything I don't them to be subjected to" that the CoX RP community seems to thrive on (That and a disgusting amount of drama). But that is the whole point!
You have a real villain doing a real villanous scheme. Be heroes and put a stop to it instead of whining like little emo children.



yeah... sure, thats what your doing...



You have a real villain doing a real villanous scheme. Be heroes and put a stop to it instead of whining like little emo children.

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Or, we have a pipsqueek character who's about as evil as Sooty, being mildly irritating and OOCly is ignoring the wishes of his fellow players.

No one likes a god modder. Feel free to continue, but watch the numbers of those who will RP with you dwindle.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.