Mysterious plague spreading




*Short news segment on daytime TV in both Paragon and the Isles*

"Breaking news right now in both the Rogue isles and Paragon city. Numerous small time criminal gangs, schoolchildren and super powered beings have been admitted to hospital with a as of yet unknown disease. More information as it comes in"

((Pretty much the Global Legion of Extroardinary Evil are lacing all the drinks in Pocket D with the WBTY plague. They're hoping to cause chaos, panic and fear. Its all on the union Wiki so look it up there: Event page on the wiki))



((Hey there, I have some questions about this plot.

1: Is this all the time, or just when your characters serving?
2: If it's when Professor Terror is serving, why does DJ Zero let a known supervillain who has stolen from the establishment in the past work as a bar tender?
3: If not when it's serving, how have the security systems (That must be state of the art, considering the location of the place and the magical thingamajig that prevents conflict that has never been described but is obviously there) not seen the equipment being tampered with?
4: If this affects every single pump, aren't you kind of forcebly involving anyone who goes to PD to drink to be part of this plot?

I don't mean any disrespect whatsoever, but I think I will avoid Pocket D like, heh, pun intended, the plague while this plot is in effect. Even on characters that wouldn't be affected.))



4: If this affects every single pump, aren't you kind of forcebly involving anyone who goes to PD to drink to be part of this plot?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to ask this question too. Even if it's only the pumps Professor Terror is serving at, you're still forcing a plot on to people who might not want to take part, or even aren't aware of it; this is called god moding and plots of this nature have frequently led to arguments in the past.

Of course, some people will happily go along; but others will be extremely annoyed at having something forced on them. Depending on their style of roleplay, they'll either then be forced to go along, manifesting symptoms they really don't want just to stay IC; or they'll have to break character so that they can ignore it.

Also, remember; Pocket D is a safe zone. Canon says your characters cannot come to harm, or BE harmed whilst in there, so this plague shouldn't actually be working anyway.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



There's also the consequence part. Wouldn't Zero be a tad miffed about an attack like this against his clientèle? That's going to hurt the rep and the sales.

Wouldn't someone behind this get perhaps banned from the club? Can't speak for the NPC fella, but as an entrepreneur I'd be inclined to do something like that.

Could be there is an elaborate plan about what will be happening after the plot hits the fan, but judging from what I heard last night I gathered it was more along the lines "thought up something funny and decided to roll with it".



I ran with it. There's been a lot of people combatting in Pocket D of late; yeah okay it's impossible theoretically, and wouldn't have been my choice to distribute things (why not just get a sellout "hero" to hand out free food or samples or something on the street?) My character has met Prof. T and didn't trust him anyway. However. it give my character a chance to run to Galaxy City and actually get some of the rpers there to talk to him, which is rather like pulling teeth any other time, not to mention a chance to do something which isn't an insular inter-guild sort of thing.

So maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but it sure beats the usual bad pickup lines and dichonomy of good and evil stuff which tends to go on regularly.



Doctor Devious didn't end up drinking anything anyway. I think he was more surprised that Professor Terror had copied his outfit, even down to the colouring.

That said, Professor Terror was only 3ft tall. It was like wandering into a bar and seeing your own mini-me serving



Just make sure not to get caught IC by Zero, last **** that tried to pull a fast one in the D found himself in a pocket dimension of his own for quite a while



Just make sure not to get caught IC by Zero, last **** that tried to pull a fast one in the D found himself in a pocket dimension of his own for quite a while

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is, Zero would find out. He's not going to be operating a super-bar in a pocket dimension without having some kind of amazing security set up.



Well in regards to the security system I personally assume that diseases and any form of nanotechnology isn't affected. If that was the case then most invasive forms of nanotech would cease to function which would most likely kill a number of technology heroes and villains.

Its only being spread when someone from the legion is serving at the bar. And if you really don't want to be infected just walk by an electromagnet or expose yourself to a strong electrical field or EMP.

One of the main reasons I decided to roll with this is because its always annoyed me seeing people who play characters who cannot be affected by anything in the enviroment around them. Having to respond to something beyond their control is not something they ever do. So it will be interesting to see how they respond to not being in control.

And yes there is an overarching scheme to GLEEs activities in this. We will be selling a cure at some stage in the near future.



One of the main reasons I decided to roll with this is because its always annoyed me seeing people who play characters who cannot be affected by anything in the enviroment around them. Having to respond to something beyond their control is not something they ever do. So it will be interesting to see how they respond to not being in control.

[/ QUOTE ]
But, if they can't be affected by anything, surely a simple nano-plague isn't going to affect them. So, you're really just taking out your annoyance at some one else's play style on other people.

In that lane, I find it annoying when people fight at PD while canon states there are no fights in PD outside the arena.
I find it annoying when people force some effect on other people.
I find it annoying when people are acting evilly.
I find it annoying when people are acting like loons.

Should I make some invasive plot to get at other people because I'm annoyed?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




One of the main reasons I decided to roll with this is because its always annoyed me seeing people who play characters who cannot be affected by anything in the enviroment around them. Having to respond to something beyond their control is not something they ever do. So it will be interesting to see how they respond to not being in control.

[/ QUOTE ]

You want to know how the players that ignore situations outside their characters control react to a situation outside their characters control...? I think the clue is in the question.

It seems, from your words, that you want to control what other player characters do whether they like it or not. This really isn't a road you should be going down.

How have you been interacting with these characters that are being played as being unaffected by environment? Have you been going down the line of "my character punches character x in the face" or "my character swings a punch towards character x"?

If you've been doing the former, it's not surprising you've not been getting a response as you've taken away the other players choice of how to react, known as godmoding. This is the road you're currently walking down. Many players prefer to ignore godmoding as they cannot influence what is happening because they have essentially become NPCs, where's the fun it that?

If you've been doing the latter, you might have to arrange with the other player through tells if they're happy for you to do what you're going to do. Mutual consent is very useful to stop the other player feeling like you're treating their character as an NPC.



Well in regards to the security system I personally assume that diseases and any form of nanotechnology isn't affected. If that was the case then most invasive forms of nanotech would cease to function which would most likely kill a number of technology heroes and villains.

[/ QUOTE ]The way I was led to understand it was that DJ Zero prevents anyhing bad unless people consent to it or ask his permission (with all involved parties of course).

Its only being spread when someone from the legion is serving at the bar. And if you really don't want to be infected just walk by an electromagnet or expose yourself to a strong electrical field or EMP.

[/ QUOTE ]I'll just ignore it if I see it happeneing then.

One of the main reasons I decided to roll with this is because its always annoyed me seeing people who play characters who cannot be affected by anything in the enviroment around them. Having to respond to something beyond their control is not something they ever do. So it will be interesting to see how they respond to not being in control.

[/ QUOTE ]So your answer is to involve the entire Pocket D drinking community in a plot even though they might not be one of those 'unaffected' types.

Also if they don't get affected by anything (their choice); chances are they won't be affected by this either OR they'll find out and report it to DJ Zero so it's stopped in its tracks.

And yes there is an overarching scheme to GLEEs activities in this. We will be selling a cure at some stage in the near future.

[/ QUOTE ]What cure? It's a non-lethal plague that goes inert in two weeks. And since its nanotech an EMP is a decent enough 'cure'.


I can see why this has been sitting round for a while. It just doesn't seem right in its instigation and now is merely a way to get back at people (who might not even read the forums) just because they can't be affected by anything around them in the D.

A better way would've been to get a few volunteers to partake first rather than NPC cannon-fodder and expecting the RPs to simply be part of this.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Many players prefer to ignore godmoding as they cannot influence what is happening because they have essentially become NPCs, where's the fun it that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Kelvin already summed up exactly what i was about to say, and ShadowGhost made some good opinions on what i also find annoying. Ive read the whole thread everyone bar a couple seems to have the same opinion that, this plot the way its going now, really isnt a good idea.



One of the main reasons I decided to roll with this is because its always annoyed me seeing people who play characters who cannot be affected by anything in the enviroment around them. Having to respond to something beyond their control is not something they ever do. So it will be interesting to see how they respond to not being in control.

[/ QUOTE ]

So instead you choose to ignore others wishes and godmod their characters? I was pretty sure that was your intent, thank you for the confirmation. So if one of my characters is infected, or one of their close friends, you're happy with them killing yours in retaliation? Because that is what would happen as an IC consequence.

BTW, Godmodders are generally not appreciated by the RP community. Nobody likes being forced into plots, and nobody wants things to happen to their characters without permission. I would suggest not continuing with this plot as it is, unless you WANT to end up ignored forever more by a large proportion of the community.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If people really have such a problem with a genuine evil plot by a villain group then why even leave Paragon? Just stay in the city and never interact with villains.

Theres more than enough ways to not be affected. Its there for anyone who actually wants to be involved in the sort of scheme that a classic supervillain group would cook up. So if you want to try stopping us then just message me ingame and we can arrange some kind of IC battle between our groups



It's nothing to do with having problem with a so called "genuine evil plot", and everything to do with trying to godmod people without their consent; and ignoring game canon to an extend that really breaks immersion.

If you want your plot, fine. Keep it to people who WANT to be involved, and out of areas which are SAFE. Game canon says you cannot come to hard in Pocket D; therefore your plaque is nuetralised and cannot affect anyone.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If people really have such a problem with a genuine evil plot by a villain group then why even leave Paragon? Just stay in the city and never interact with villains.

Theres more than enough ways to not be affected. Its there for anyone who actually wants to be involved in the sort of scheme that a classic supervillain group would cook up. So if you want to try stopping us then just message me ingame and we can arrange some kind of IC battle between our groups

[/ QUOTE ]

Thing is, from what i gather this is being forced down peoples necks without prior OOC planning with characters that may be affected. Amoungst the beastality insults my character recieved from yours last night if she did have a drink she'd of had this Nanoplague, something i havent consented to at all. What if i said "I dont want to be part of this plot."? It's still forced down my throat and i as a player have to come up with poor IC reasons as to why my character wouldent want to drink, thats how i'm seeing it, right now. Best way for me, and seemingly the majority of players who've already posted here is to ignore this totally.



I think this situation could have been partially avoided, if prior notice had been given on the forums. Whilst at Pocket D, I saw the small string of OOC conversation, where Gash_jackel realised he'd forgotten to put the information up on the boards before starting, having only gotten it on the Wiki thus far at that point. (At least, that's what I got from the conversation)

I think this just a lesson to be learned, that in future, give some warning, even if you think of something on the night, if it's something as wide-scale as this, hold it back an evening, and make sure people know beforehand.

EDIT: Added the word 'partially', as you know, I doubt it'd be totally avoided.



I highly doubt it can neutralise something like a nanoplague. If so then any time someone became ill they'd just go to Pocket D for a miracle cure.

Plus lets face it. Seeing a real evil scheme on villains is a rare enough thing as is and if this is the reaction to any attempt to bring fear, misery, pain, etc to the world then I can see why most villain groups are just self centered mercs.



no, see if your sick before you come in, your still sick, when you leave, you just have been given the worlds most effective lemsip when you enter the club.

the point is i doubt the wards on the club would let you bring it in, even if it was entirely inert.



They don't stop people bringing in guns. Or stop people who pump out radiation, electricity, fire, etc from entering.

I've always regarded it as just stopping people from suffering direct physical harm (albeit most people these days seem to ignore that)

And if people want to stop me. Do it IC



If we can ignore the possible game mechanics points for a moment...

The main thrust of why people are reacting badly to your idea is on a point of RP etiquette. You're telling people they have no choice in the matter and basically rendering an entire game zone off-limits to anyone that does not want to take part, and the zone you've chosen is the only one that people can RP between Villians and Heroes.

You possibly could still have run the plot had you maybe asked people if they wanted to take part beforehand to gauge the level of interest and not set it in Pocket D.

And what will you do if people decide to just ignore your plot altogether?



Well we're only doing it at the hero side bar. So go to the one on the villain side?



NO, you have to understand that you need player consent or your plot doesn't exist, as you can't do anything to us to actually infect anyone with anything, no toon's will get debuffed, not one need to buy the cure, not one needs to avoid the bar.

you have to to the work to make people want to get involved or you are just another loony spouting rubbish.

thats why this is irritating, we have to bow out or ignore even if we need to be drinking in pocket D for plots of our own.



Perhaps what you could do, if it is the case that it is only drinks that your character pours that would be affected, is send a tell to anyone that asks for a drink from your character so that they can then choose if they want to take part...?