War Stories




I thought it'd be a good idea for a seperate thread for people to post stories in about the war, rather than dip into the existing ones, so... here's my first contribution!

Zero Hour: The Line - Part One


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((These stories are based at the start of the Rikti invasion when I10 is out later today))

Inago watched calmly as the first portals opened at the Crash Site. He crouched on the edge of a building, just observing as the Rikti started to pour through. As the sounds of the start of another war rang out he tensed his fists and prepared himself for battle.

"It's just as we saw... They we're coming back. I hope I warned enough people of the coming storm."

The voice of a young girl spoke from behind him "Don't worry, little brother."

"Four wars, Frolic-ane... This will be my fifth. I don't care anymore... I just want it all to be over. There arn't even enough of us here to put up a good enough fight."

Frolic giggled and stepped forward out of the shadows to be by her brothers side "Cheer up! this is where the fun begins!"

Inago nodded and slowly rose to his feet "Well... I guess there's only one thing to say... Send in the clowns!"

The shadows from behind the two spread out towards the battle field, roaring fiercely. They were shortly followed by a gang of about ten brightly dressed warriors, carrying banners and drums.

With a sigh the young hero leaped after them, yelling at the top of his lungs "Tanoshimou ne!" The Cirque de la Lune were back in action.


"Nothin' like sittin' on a throne." Rachis had waited a long while to find the time to visit a public toilet to lighten his load. "Ah could get used ta this. King Rachis." He began to etch his name on the door, next to the graffiti of more than a dozen vandals.

His peaceful time was interrupted by an earth shaking explosion from outside. "Holy [censored]! What the [censored] was that?" He paused for a moment and sniffed the air before looking down at what he'd done. "Heh... best place fo' that ta happen."

After quickly finishing what he'd sat down to do he reached over for some toilet paper... "Aw [censored]!" Unfortunately for him there was none.


Steel Guard zig-zagged through the sky of Brickstown, he'd detected multiple high energy readings coming from the other side of Crey's Folly. What he'd failed to detect was the alien weapon energy signature pointing in his direction.

By the time he did notice it, it was too late. He'd already been hit in the chest by a high powered beam. His suit's warning systems kicked in "Structural Integrity at 45%. Power to flight systems failing."

As his jet boots cut out and he started to plummet to the ground he cursed to himself. This was the start of a long day.


Althia sat under a tree in the park reading her book. It was times like these that she felt truly at peace. No large crowds of people and no reason to feel uncomfortable. She didn't care that she didn't have many friends or any close friends at all. She liked her alone time. Her white hair blew gently in the breeze, occasionally obstructing her view of the text.

The first warning of invasion she received was the raid sirens started to echo across the zone which always made her tense up. The calming sound of the singing birds was drowned out by the horrific noise telling her there was major trouble.

Althia grabbed her satchel from next to her and opened it quickly, taking out her heroing costume and replacing it with the novel she had been reading. She needed to find somewhere to change. Althia was useless in this kind of situation, but that's where Thunderbug came in.



((heh, good to see I'm not the only one that rushes out creative righting as soon as they hear the invasion is started))

The walls of the KM-Tech factory in Port Oakes shook violently as the entire staff rushed into the parking lot to look at the huge craft thundering overhead. The chatterings of bemused curiosity flowing through the crowd.
"what the hell is that thing?"
"Some kind of new military toy, i dunno."
"Man, that looks so freaking sweet"

Pushing his way through the crowd, the factory owner, Renowned mercenary, Ben "Big Lunk" Campbel, clambers onto the roof of a delivery truck.
"People...People... Go back inside, Its probably just..."
In the distance, an object falls from the underside of the craft to the ground, and explodes in a flash of light and scattering the nearby parked cars.
The crowd stands in shocked silence as the air fizzes and alien creatures start to fill the scorched street.
Lunk jumps down from the truck and pushes against the teeming masses, trying to get closer to the drop zone with a determined stride, as the workers flee from it.
He taps the communicator pin on his collar "Anyone at the office, set up sentry guns at the entrance, shut off all non-essential base functions, and set up white noise generators around the entire facility. I want that place blind on scanners."
With a deft jump, he lauches himself into the air, flying upwards and perching himself on a roof above the mayhem caused by the rampaging Rikti soldiers.
The giant pulls his phone from his pocket, and dials frantically. Reaching the voice mail of Eric Mitchell, he keeps his tone low to avoid alerting the soldiers below. "Brit. Its Lunk. Rikti are hitting the Isles... Hell, they probably are everywhere. Call all the big names you can, arrange a meeting, I'll sort something out with Zero, get a conference room in D's or something. Call me back Asap."
He hangs up and watches the rampage silently from his vantage point.
Costumed freaks, and gangs of thugs running into the fray before being overwhelmed by the invaders.
Lunk's skin pales as realisation hits him "Oh god... Echo!" racing away from the fight, he flings himself off the roof into the air, as he heads towards his home.



It happened, all at once. The Warwall around mysteriously flickered, then shut down. The sky filled with mysterious orange, green clouds, no one suspected it. The world seem to stop as both hero, villain, and citizen of Paragon city looked up to the skies.

The scene was the same in the Rogue Isles, thugs stopped looting, soilders stopped harassing innocent people, and the "Destined Ones" look up to see a fleet of Arachnos fliers take to the skies.

In both the city of heroes and city of villains, the world seemed to stop as this weird phemonena progressed in front of them.

Back in St. Martial, on top of Double Down's highest pillar, the Twilight Shinobi stood sword drawn and pointing towards the sky. He spoke the words given to him by the TLFs psychic Billy Horrorshow, " And the Skies will rain green fire of death..." He lept from the building and activited his PDD. "To all Militia members, this is a warning, Rikti Destroyers are inbound do not investigate the skies," he said as he watched bodies fall as flying villains everywhere that were curious suddenly went up, and then a green flash of lighting, followed by the poor fools ever quickening decent to earth. "You should hear it.. like thunder... the war has begun... prepare yourselves..." he smiled. <Finally >, he thought as his eyes filled his a blood red color, <fun begins!>



Beet stood at his terminal, hitting buttons frantically. The screen displayed several numbers, constantly changing. As Beet carried on typing, the number rocketed up, 100, 200, up to 500.

Beet turned to the cell at the back of the room, Efranof stared at him with blank eyes, Beet said calmly "It has begun."

Efranof ran to the back of his cell, putting on his armour and grabbing his sword, then following Beet out of the room, heading out into the city..


Spruk and Darvek looked on into the sky from their mansion, the sky dark and a Rikti ship heading for them. Spruk's grin grew and Darvek slowly walked to the shore. Albert stepped slowly into the waters of Sharkhead, his body grew and his skin darkened with each step. He walked far enough that he had to start swimming, but his body had changed.. And the ship was closer. Spruk flew up to Darvek and grabbed him by his newly formed horns, flying to the ship and throwing Lord Darvek at it, and like a living wrecking ball they attacked.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



The blonde rubber clad young lady walked amoungst the casinos and many bars of Jackpot, St. Martial, she stopped at a usual place where her and her Husband had had a few meals before, the decor was a Hawiian style, much like the Tiki lounge, they generally served mediterranean food, paella and similar exotic seafood dishes, she slowly wandred in getting a few odd looks, Echo cared not, she was used to it, having an odd looking arm and clad in what would likly be classed as fetishwear. She approached the barman.

"Hey i'm wondering can i reserve a table here tonight? Around seven or eight."

"Of course Miss..."
Replied the American speaking waiter, preparing to write down details.

"Mrs Campbel, and Mr Campbel, 07711111099, and prepare your most ex---"

The whole open restaraunt shook violently as what seemed like a bomb landed and imbedded into the tarmac, immediatly the already dining couples ran for their lives screaming, Echo turned back to the waiter who had dissappeared, she looks around as he ran off in the distance. The alien bomb was bleeping louder asif it were about to explode. The blonde leapt with force, smashing through the thatched roof, falling back down from the force, she fell off the roof landing on the cold pavement, looking back at the bomb she leapt once more eighty feet above Martials decimated roads. With a thunderous bang the bomb exploded the shockwave sending Echo further into the air, she lost her balance and control, the explosion sending her plumeting toward the East luckily toward water, landing from this height would break her legs, or worse. With a crash she landed in the water, back first. What seemed like a normal day was suddenly very abnormal, she swam to the surface form her plunge, and looked at the skys, filled with Rikti transport and bombers so much so it sent the city of St. Martial into an eerie darkness.



Blue lent on the street corner, idly flicking one of her pistols up and down, her rubber shining under the cool midday sun. Next to her was a large man with a shaved head, casually browsing a newspaper, occasionally taking a puff from his cigarette. Blue glanced at the empty sky, soft fluffy clouds casually meandering across peacefully, before she looked over her shoulder.

The other two of her goons stood gawping at a glass window, noisily consuming packets of crisps, their large revolvers hanging in their belts loosely. The smaller of the two piped up, his voice heavy with American youth. "This film aint that bad Fred, lots of explosions and [censored]. And lots of running." The taller of the two glanced at his companion. "Meh I dunno, Tom Cruise is a decent dude for it, could do with more boobs and stuff. The giant alien robots are cool."

The large, grizzled looking man lowered his newspaper and glowered at the two younger men, before speaking in an oddly civilised British accent. "The original was a far better production, with a higher calibre of actors. Besides, neither compare to H.G Wells' classic. "The War of the Worlds" is highly regarded in science-fiction circles."

Blue was highly disinterested, but glanced back at the screen through the glass window, and sure enough saw Tom Cruise running for his life from several explosions. There was an odd thrumming as a huge alien robot appeared on the screen. Fred "Fingersmith" Jones piped up. "Damn, that's some good effects, its almost like there's..."

His voice drained away into a whimper as a shadow fell across the whole street, and the small group looked up as one. The large Rikti ship moved above them as they stood gawping, until there was a small opening in the underbelly of the craft, and with a barely audible "Pfut" something flew out and straight towards them.

Charles "Charlieboy" O'Brien had enough time to say "Oh fu-" before Blue and the large shaved man grabbed the boys and threw themselves into the alleyway.

White Keener
Blue Serpent
Prophet Mu'Remar



Message Broadcast on Unity Vigil Commslinks.

Good afternoon everyone, this is Zortel speaking. The Unity Vigil is currently at Code Red, due to Paragon City being under attack by Rikti forces. Preliminary scans indicate them as coming from their homeworld. Due to the severity of this issue, I am cancelling all non-essential leave from the Unity Vigil. People on leave for medical or other essential reasons are not affected.

Unity Tower has been opened already, and the Vigilant Guardian drones that are running security operations will be helping out with the effort of protecting the building and converting it into a shelter. The building is protected by shield generators, so those members wishing to evacuate their family to a safe place can either do so here, or keep them here and we can then arrange transport for them out of the city. The medical teams are on standby in both Unity Tower and the Unity Vigil HQ, ready to deal with our own, other and civilian casualties.

All members are being ordered to head to Unity Tower or Unity Vigil HQ as soon as they have made arrangements for their families and loved ones. If any assitance is required, please let us know and we will try to help out.

I have lived through one invasion by the Rikti. I am determined to live, and help others live through this one. Times will be hard, and difficult, and the physical and emotional drains such situations can cause will be hard to endure, but we have to. I ask that everyone here assists the authorities and other hero groups in making sure civilians and non-combative forces to deal with the crisis are safe.

Cauter will be working with the Paragon Fire Department, to help deal with the casualties and structural damage will come from such an attack. Storm Sapphire will be our source of information from the Paragon Police Department, and will help co-ordinate our efforts.

Good luck, stay safe, and work as one.

Unity Tower, Zero Hour.

Zortel stood atop the former tower of ZorTel Industries, now owned by her group, the Unity Vigil, staring out towards the city. She had switched from her black and white uniform to her more armoured Zortel suit, and stood in silence for a moment, reflecting on the first minutes of the attack.

"I won't lose you again... or anyone else dear to me." she whispered, before with a flare of her thrusters she lept off the top of the thirty-one floor skyscraper, blasting down into battle.



I've made a little story about Jessica being elsewhere, but did anyone expect otherwise?

I'll have a look and see if I'll post other stories more involving of the invasion or not.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



{Zero Hour, Rikti Invasion II, Wayne Tower, Founders Falls}

Britanic stared out of Wayne Tower looking to the sky. Rikti destroyers were raining down their lethal green fire onto Founder's Falls. The canals bubbled as superheated plasma hit the water. The ground shook with the impact of Rikti bombs.

<Oh my God, how could I have been so wrong. I ignored the warnings because I didn't trust the sources...>

Britanic remembered back to the last invasion, and how he avoided taking up the fight, due to his fear of his own mutant powers.

Britanic picked up the photograph of himself, Suzi, Cassidy, and Rachel, his glowing white eyes reflected back at him as if peering into his own soul.

<So what you going to do this time mate...run...hide...or fight?>

Britanic put the photo back onto the desk.

"Anna send an emergency transmission to all Militia personnel. Tell them this is a priority one recall. Have all personnel either report to HQ, their nearest PPD precinct house, Freedom Corps station, or the Vanguard base at the crash site."

Britanic started to run down towards the Militia control room, while still barking order's to the Militia base computer AI Anna, on his personal data device.

"Start establishing emergency links to the Military, and Emergency Services, and try raise The PCP on my own personal access code B1066."

Anna's monotone blurted out of Britanic's PDD.

<Emergency recall message sent, and on a 30 second repeat cycle.>

<External communication links with Emergency Services, and local Military Command established. However we are experiencing interference from Rikti jamming.>

<Currently unable to establish communications with the Paragon City Protectors>

Anna's last message stabbed at Britanic's heart, but he knew he had no time to dwell on it.

"Ok Anna, keep trying."

As Britanic got to the control room he pulled out his mobile phone. He looked down at the screen in vain hope, but as he expected no network signal.

<God I hope Suzi, and the girls are ok.>

Running over to the base computer's he set to work tracking down both his comrades, and invasion hotspots...



Blasts exploding all around her, Sylpheed ran across the city skyline. When the first portals had opened, she had been visiting one of the local schools, as part of a safety campaign. Then, her only priority had been to draw the fight, and the dropship, away from the children. As she gathered herself for another leap to the top of the next skyscraper, the analytical part of her neural net reflected that perhaps she had been a little too successful.

These Rikti were not like the old ones, not like everything her tactical database had learned to expect. They were faster, stronger, and much much nastier. Permutations and combinations played out in her brain, estimations of armour strength, weaponry and agility of the craft that dogged her so closely. When she had been barely able to dent its armour, she'd known she was in trouble. When she'd seen it's top speed, she'd known things were bad. Then she'd seen that she was running out of buildings...

Sylpheed ran across the last tower roof, directly for the edge. The dropship angled, lining up for the killshot, and she dived, off the edge, out over empty space, puncuated far below only by a few cranes, just as the rooftop behind her eploded in plasma fire. The enemy flew straight through the flames, and nosed down, to catch the falling hero.

As the ground started to resolve itself properly, Sylpheed rotated in the air, facing up, heavy energy blasts from her weapon systems pummelling the dropship, aiming for exhausts, steering systems, engines, anything, while it returned fire,coming down vertically at her. One blast passed too close for comfort, incinerating part of her armour. Still, she continued to freefall.

Seconds later, the ground was rushing up awfully quickly. Calculations rushed through her mind, plotting a myriad factors. It was a stupid idea, but all she really had. She fell past the tallest of the construction cranes, cab thankfully empty. Her pursuer still hadn't pulled out, trusting his agility to save him. Then, at a frighteningly low altitude, about three things happened at the same instant. The rikti pilot began to pull out of his dive, and Sylpheed unleashed a carefully aimed shot, not at the dropship, but at the gantry of the crane nearest to it. Rotating in the air again, she measured her distances, and casually, as if she was hailing a taxi, stuck out an arm.

From a technical perspective, a whole bank of kinaesthetic sensors redlined, then overloaded, pseudomyomer and pseudoskeletal structures overstressed, almost to breaking point, diagnostics reporting massive structural damage to her shoulder and arm, as they went beyond design limits, at the moment she grabbed onto the lowest of the cranes, killing her downward velocity by translating it into horizontal momentum. In quite another, equally real sense, pain exploded throughout her entire arm and shoulder as she swung out of her out of her death-drop and into a rolling, uncontrolled landing, barely managing to avoid ripping her arm off entirely. The dropship, which looked to be easily pulling out of its dive, was struck by several tons of falling metal, and knocked back of course, ploughed into the ground, exploding in a green-tinged fireball.

After a few moments, Sylpheed got to her feed, diagnostics and sensors redlining all over the place, the simulated analogue of pain, as she staggered back towards DATA and their repair facility. Whether her emotions were simulated or no, here and now, they were strong enough. Fear, anger, and the need to repel these invaders, whatever it took.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Galaxy City - Day One of the Invasion

Bolts and blasts of bright blue energy bursted out of Zortel's gloves as she soared over the streets, having just helped old friend and teammate Alex Reed and his fiancee to the safety of Unity Tower. While the Rikti footsoldiers weren't that much of a match for her in small amounts, their commanders and the bombs that had been falling from the sky were another matter. Soaring up, she then dived down to expertly parry a plasma blast with a surge of power from her gauntlets that was about to hit a group of people running for terror.

"I need some help over here!"

Zortel glanced over to see a man in costume, bow clutched in one hand, valiently fighting side by side some Hellions against a number of Rikti. With a swipe of her hand to the civilians on the street to direct them to keep moving, her thrusters fired again as she propelled herself into combat to assist the group.

The group of invaders fell under their combined efforts, leaving the five standing over them.

"Thanks for the help." Captain Oppertunity smiled, wiping at his forehead as he got his breath back.

"No worries... you okay?" Zortel asked.

"Is anyone?" The Captain laughed.

Zortel couldn't help but smile under her mask. Even in situations like this, people still used humor to cope.

"And you three... thanks for the help." She said with a nod of thanks to the Hellions. "You all take care, okay?"

One of the Hellions, heavily tattoed, blinked in surprise and just nodded. "It's our turf too, ya know... take care out there as well."

The ground shook suddenly, the drone of engines overhead as one of the Rikti dropships let out twin blasts of energy at a nearby building, rubble spewing from the impact.

"Dammit, those things are gonna wreck our place!" Another of the Hellions exclaimed, picking herself up from the floor.

"... I'll draw its fire. You all get clear and get working." Zortel said, floating up, gloves at the ready.

"That's suicide!"

"... No, I'll be okay. Get going." She said, before with a quickened boost of energy from her boots she started accelerating above the dropship. Taking aim, she fired off a blast of energy at the back, not that it had much effect, but...

The turrents on the back of the dropship rotated round and started firing streams of plasma at the leader of the Unity Vigil. The first blast sent her hurtling back through the air, spinning rapidly before she was able to regain balence and dodged the second blast, getting a few more shots off.

Another blast smacked into her, sending her hurtling back again, the shield systems whining in her suit.

"Dammit!" she snarled, watching the danger displays rising in her HUD built into her glasses. A quick switch diverted backup power to the shields, sending them into overdrive before blasting back into the battle.

Impossible odds, a mother of three, fighting alone against a floating weapon.

But it worked. The dogfighting drew fire away from the buildings, and after a while the sirens lifted as it flew off out of the zone, back to wherever it came from.

"... Now I'm begining to see where the old adage comes from. Battle one, won... war? Not even close." she said to no one, touching down on top of a building to rest her suits power cells.

A smile crossed her face though as she looked up, and noticed the war walls restarting and glowing back to life. She usually hated seeing them, saying the made her feel boxed in and trapped. Now though...

They were a welcome sight.



{Zero Hour, Rikti Invasion II, Dr.Mechano’s house, Mercy Island}

Big Game snoozed away in the hammock he’d set up outside Dr.Mechano’s place, his face covered by his wide brimmed hat. A sudden massive explosion, and groundquake flipped Big Game’s hammock, and dumped him unceremoniously onto the floor.

“For **** sake Mechano!...You better be dead, or il freakin’ kill you myself.” Game said as he pulled himself off the ground dusting himself off with his hat.

He was about to go tearing into the house, to see if Mechano, had finally killed himself with one of his experiments, when he noticed the screams, and the tell tale sounds, of plasma fire. He turned around in time to see several of Mercy Island’s citizens being chased down the street by a horde of Rikti.

“Awww ***p, im gonna die!”

Game bent down, picked up, and then shouldered his rifle. He then started firing at the advancing Rikti, taking several out with well placed head shot’s. However for every one he killed, another seemed to advance in it’s place.

“***p this ain’t working!...What would McGyver do?”

Almost as if saying aloud the name of his favourite TV character, had conjured some ingenious plan in his head, Game was hit with inspiration.

He loaded a grenade into the rifle’s launcher chamber, and fired it at one of the supporting legs of a huge water tower on top of one of the buildings lining the street. The wooden leg then turned into matchstick like splinters that flew in all directions. The water tower then crashed down the side of the building spilling tonnes of stored water down into the street, taking a large group of Rikti invaders straight off their feet. Wasting no time to bask in his own victory, Game took a few well placed shots at some electrical cables hanging over the street. The cables fell into the water, sparking and spluttering, as they electrified the deluge. Over a dozen Rikti spasmed as electricity coursed through them.

Big Game punched the air in celebration. “OOOOHHHH YEEEAAHHH!!! take that you freakin’ ugly **s bullet bait.

Game’s celebration was cut short as a volley of plasma fire, impacted around him.

<What would McGyver do? He’d freakin run!!!” Game thought as he legged it to safety...



Zero Hour, Attack One, Founders Falls.
A number of rikti lay on the ground, armour cracked and smoking. Purple bolts of dark energy darted out, striking more, as the combined being that was Penumbral Song cut loose with her arsenal against the invaders, who had just managed to drop themslves right into one of her lectures at PCU. Looking at the chaos and destruction around her, she took stock, others helping the injured and the dying out of the ruined hall,the building evacuating while under fire. Anger welled up like a volcano, and was supressed by ruthless control. The people they were had promised not to kill, that the past of Silent Song was behind them. Then the noise started again, the portals, more rikti beaming into the room around her...


The world went away. Rachel was standing on a cut stone pavement, under a night-dark alien sky. Three moons shone down. She stood facing her own reflection in midnight, herself, but with the darkest of purple-black eyes, in clothes that were the negative of her own. "We're in trouble, you know." said the kheldian. Her kheldian.

"Yes, I know." In the non-time, non-space of the world inside their heads, there seemed to be no need for hurry The world would not return for them until they were done. "There'll be more, you know."

"Yes," replied Song, "and they'll be stronger than ever. I don't know how long we can last, as we stand." Her tone was careful, precise. "I don't know if we can get through this without killing, without being something we swore not to be, something I never want you to be."

Rachel regarded her other half, her eyes, her expression betraying nothing. Then she spoke. "If they have returned, then this is to be war. We have to do all we can to keep our people safe. People are dying. Unless we act, more people will die. It isn't about being afraid to let the darkness in... it's whether we can control it, whether it will come to own us..." she trailed off for a moment, then finished. "and whether we have any choice."

"Rachel. You're the better half of us. You offered me the chance of redemption. You chose to join with me, even when you knew I've been worse than a monster. Two people, one being. We have to agree on this. Are we going to take the risk of unleashing our full abilities... at the risk we might return to what I once was? If I dragged you down with me, I'd..."

"You'd nothing. Like you said, I chose you. I chose this. We're stronger than we ever were. I'm not afraid to kill to save my people, and I'm sure as hell not planning to become a monster. We are bonded. We do this. Agreed?" Rachel stuck her hand out. Song reached out, and grasped it, tentatively at first, then with more resolve.

"Agreed. Now we show them what a warshade really is."

The world returned, the materialising shaped of more rikti surrounding them. Penumbral Song reached out, the ebb and flow of energy around her seemed to their senses to be the most beautfil music, the Song for which they were named. Opening herself to the flow, she stole the life energy from the rikti, converting it into raw dark energy, which she returned to the foe in bolts of purple destruction. Fighting with no restraint, with no ruth for the enemies of the world, she annihilated the rikti with blast after beautiful blast, shfting into the flying form for more firepower. Yet, there was no bloodlust, no enjoyment. This was fight to win.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



((Gonna use this opportunity to get myself something started, my RP never got off the ground good cause I had to play on a different pc.. and I don't think that everyone from 2 years ago who started at the GG are still intact))

Day One

At the break of dawn a vessel lands just a few miles away from the city life. The engine smokes off a burned smell of a long used engine having travelled a great distance. A small hiss sounds as the half glass and metal door of the contraption opens. Feet dangle outside as a figure sits on the rim of the vessel's entry.

''Paragon..'' mumbles to myself while taking a short leap out to settle my feet on the grass. Paces move towards the end of the hill I landed on. Eyes stare out to the calm city that's waking up.

''Not too late.. all is still here..'' Yet another mumble as I step back to my vessel, hands rummage in the cockpit and return with red looking goggles and a holder with what seems to be a blade which straps over my back. Returns to the point at the hill with the goggles shaping over my eyes, giving the hint of them working as binoculars.. tracing down the clear morning skies and the quiet city streets.

Slides the goggles over my forehead and locks up my ship and takes my leave from the hill.

With a lightning speed I soared over the water, all running I got closed to the city In Talos. A screaming citizen runs by just as I get on the street, butnothing seems different then the everyday life. A short walk around the block of buildings brightened up on the panicking woman.

A radio from an open window buzzes and squeeks out a report of several parts of Paragon beeing invaded by Rikti dropships. ''Have I came to late?'' My thoughts wailed in my head until an answer forms in a mass crowd of people yelling, panicking and screaming on their runaway, cars race frantically over the sidewalks and roads as my eyes look on the floor where a shadow grows.. and grows..

Eyes widen with the quickening sound of a dropping object.. reflexes carry myself away as a bomb explodes on the ground where I stood 2 seconds ago.. the humming blast shrieks in a shockwave over my feet, nearly escaped something that could've been fatal.

''Great g....nearly I lost my limbs there'' Chuckles some

Finding a stop to turn around, catching the horde of dropships bombing one by one.. burning the streets and demoloshing the structures to rubble.

With drawn sword I face the gigantic floating ships, pondering on how I could ever get there as the loud sounds of a portal catches my ear.. a Rikti weapon makes it first exit as I take no risk with the knowledge of what comes out of it I grab a hold of the gun and tugging with a raging strenght until the whole Rikti has gotten out. ''Well, hello! and welcome back to planet Earth'' Stunned by it's sudden ambush on it's plan to ambush me I take the advantge and subdue him right away by knocking him unconcious with the handle of my sword. ''Hope you enjoy our hospitality''

In the meantime three others, lead by a commandant have spawned from the portals. One blast flings past and sizzles out on the pavement. Dashing forward to avoid a more aimed shot, eyes scanning an' escape route as behind the Rikti more portals open, and no help.. but a few wounded COuncil soldiers is near.

The upmarching Rikti begin to outnumber leaving me to retreat into the only possible way.. thru the line of the bombings..

Right after another bomb erupts with a blast on the ground my super speed takes it's charge, thru the rubbish of just exploded bomb and the fires spreading everyhwere I run for my own health's sake.

Sidejumps at the shadows closing to the ground, leaving my only hint to avoid them. Scrap parts and heat leave slight damages on my suit as the Rikti have less succes to catch up on me..

Having safely escaped the bombing line I pause, immediate taken by the test of my dodging skill as a death ray fires my way. Nearly toasted I catch a group of other heroes driving the Rikti away. Quick as my feet can carry me I join up to claim back my vengeance for the ambush.. and to regain my goal as where I came for.



Zero Hour, NHU Base "The Maze"

Stepping out of the Temporal Slip that houses his Labrotary Doctor Henry Rickman Glances at his PDA and Checks his Buffel Bag, Slowly Slipping his Comms Device into his Ear He Speaks Clearly "Hal, Dave Commence Stage Three Lockdown on the Base, Contact Longbow and Issue that Unnamed Pardon for Ben... I'll collect it soon, First Theres someone i have too See.."
Stepping Though the Teleporters in the Base he Materilzes at Peregrine Ilse With Enough time too See one of the Rikti Ships over Head "Damn There Here already? Dave Your Calculations were off again..." Rushing Quickly into the Medical Centre He Visits an old Friend.



((I've seemed to have timed my return to the game nicely. Just waiting for I10 to download now.

Apologies to those I have been RP'ing with regularly with last few months for my unannounced absense, but real life matters came up that needed my full attention.

I'll try my best to fit back into it all))

Transatlantic Jet heading to Paragon City from the UK. The Dunelm Group are on board, returning to Paragon City after heading back home to Durham to deal with a developing issue seperate from the matters of Paragon City.

Warshade Eleven, who is meditating suddenly awakes in shock.

Dr Roberts: Whats the matter Warshade?

WS Eleven: No! It can't be!

Eleven: What the ruddy hell is it this time?!

WS Eleven: I....I....I should have seen this sooner rather than now.

Eleven: What is it?!

Brig Tasker gets a call on his communicator.

Leon: Brig Tasker......Yes sir........WHAT!

The rest of the team turn to Leon. They know that whatever Warshade Eleven saw in his meditation, Leon was beeing briefed about it in his call.

Leon: Ok. Can you secure us a safe area to land anywhere in the City?....No!.....Alright, its not ideal, but I understand thats the best that can be done right now. We'll try and get back into the City via land transports ASAP. Once we are back in, ether myself or Dr Roberts will contact you to receive further instructions.....Ok...Tasker out.

Dr Roberts: What's the situation then Leon.

Leon: *sighs* At around 10am, Paragon local time, Vanguard sent out an all-alerts broadcast. The Rikti have managed to bring their attack ships back to earth. They have executed co-ordinated attacks around the world. Now Vanguard is doing enough around the world to try and supress the Rikti attacks, but as expected Paragon City is the worst place getting hit.

Eleven: Ahh hell!

WS Eleven: No! I've felt that something was wrong for a number of weeks now, but I could not see it my brothers. And now its too late.

Leon: Don't beat yourself up about it too much Warshade. We need to focus on defending areas of Paragon City when needed, while stratagising a counter attack.

Dr Roberts: I take it then we won't be able to land in Paragon?

Leon: No. The City is too hot to be trying to fly into. So we are going to have to divert to a military base on the West Coast south of Paragon city. From there we can hitch a ride on land transport to back into Paragon. After that, we will receive orders as we get them on where to be.

Eleven cracks his neck in displeasure.

Eleven: We leave Paragon for a few weeks and then all hell breaks loose!

Leon: Do you honestly think that you would have been able to stop any of this.

Eleven: Suppose not.....But when we do get back, I'll sure as hell make sure they think twice before doing it again!

The jet begins to divert it's course to the new destination.....taking the crew into war!

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Restora gestured to the stream of school children heading away from the Kings Row station. She waved ahead to her companion who hovered slightly ahead of the kids and their teacher. All had gone quiet for a few moments.

"Get them into the Van, and into Pocket D - the rest of the heroes there can make sure they get to a safe place," said the man. "You sure you can't get some of your old friends in the Overwatch to..."

Restora shook her head, her white coat flapping behind her. "I... I distanced myself from them when I'd had the problem with..."

A hissing, screeching noise broke into the air, and the man yelled something, focussing a blast of radiation at a point just past Restora's shoulder. Screaming, she darted forward and rolled out of the way as something twisted, purple and evil tried to leap at her.

Freezing the thing with a blast of Ice, Restora ran towards the kids, as, screaming, they started to scatter.

"Jennifer, get them out of here!" yelled the man. Glancing at the van, Restora saw the girl with the tentacles for arms ushering some of the less frightened kids into the van and through the portal to Pocket D. Restora glanced to the left, and saw three of the children running for the shelter of a nearby building.

Cursing the day the aliens first set foot on Earth, Restora ran down the side steet - with the Rikti scouts here it would only be a matter of time before a full strike force descended on the area...



Edward Johnson. Better known as the villainous Doctor Mechano stepped outside his house, just in time to see Big Game running the other way. Wondering what all the fuss was about he turned to see the hordes of Ritki and let out a sigh.

He flicked his wrist communicator on.

"Elise...download a copy of your intelligence back to your body NOW! The rest of you outside now..."

There was heavy metal footfalls as his family, as he called his robots, formed up infront of him. The three smallests, Gizmatron, Gigaflux and their AI commander Grunt stood infront of him, Arhnuld and Gizelda formed either side of him, there was a flicker of energy as they applied the shields to each other and the other three.

"I always did want to go out with a fight..."

He gave a maniac grin. There was the the loud clank as his largest creation, the AI originally named Succubus but since renamed (by Echo) Elise stood behind him, towering over them all.

"We've got to make our way to Pocket D's, from there we'll take the battle to them once we've regroupped...let's go ladies..."

As the Ritki advanced there was a battle-cry from Elise.


The sound of laser and plasma fire filled the air and they begun a steady advanced towards the Mercy ferry...hoping they could reach Port Oakes before the Ritki managed to sink the Ferry.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



It was going to be a big day. Having spent the better part of two weeks doing nothing but sitting at home and arresting a few miscreants here and there, Saffron had decided it was time to move on. While she’d been clearing out her locker from the university, she’d caught wind of a rumour that there was an assistant’s position going in the library. It wasn’t what she’d had in mind for a day job but the hours were flexible and it beat flipping burgers at Up And Away. Plus as someone who’d always got on with Debra, the librarian, she actually stood a chance of getting it. So at 10 o’clock, she was stood outside the university in Steel Canyon with her resume, counting the minutes before her meeting.

It was while waiting that she noticed in the sky that black clouds were gathering. The forecast had said nothing about a storm so it came as quite a surprise to both her and the students wandering about the grounds. It was as they stood looking at the black clouds that loomed overhead that she heard the sound.

It sounded like nothing else in this world. A cruel tearing sound of reality being carelessly pulled asunder by ruthless technology. Amber had heard it years before, when she was a lot younger. She knew what the sound heralded and the fear gripped her as it had the first time it had rung through the city. Her eyes widened as dark green shapes began to appear through the clouds, an ominous hum radiating from above.

“No…” she murmured, “not again…!”

She had to know for sure. Dropping her notes, she repelled herself from the ground, leaping high into the air. The skyscrapers in Steel Canyon were numerous and it was easy for her to propel herself up their monochrome surfaces until she reached the top of the clocktower. From her vertiginous vantage point, she watched the shapes loom over the city, their intent clear. The wind whistled through her red hair as the alien ships scythed their way through the clouds at last. As their ugly shapes became visible, Amber wept for the city, for the people and for the decisions that would be made.

And then the sky began to rain green fire…

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Kings Row - Day One

Red, gold and flames blasted past, a blazing sword clashing and clanging with sparks and embers as in the streets of Kings Row Cauter, the Burning Sensation himself, clashed with the Rikti, keeping them engaged in close ranged swordplay to avoid bearing the brunt of their plasma weapons. Along side him, clad in the tight fitting orange and black leather was his student, the former young offender Cindersnap, hands blazing with fire as he flung bolts of flame into the combat, harmlessly whistling past the fireproof suit of armour that Cauter weared to inflict damage upon the foe he was fighting.

"God dammit I didn't want to deal with this today!" Cauter grumbled, the engines on his back roaring with flames as he brought his sword down in a great cleaving arc of flame, through the centre of the rikti infantry he had been fighting.

"Lance... umm..." Cindersnap hesitated as he ducked out of the way of a drone speeding by, and flicking his wrist to send a lash of fire out at its engines.

"What's up, Ryan?" Lance asked, parrying another plasma shot with his blade.

"I... I need to go and find Ultimune." Cindersnap blurted out, the fire in his palms burning brighter as he flung rapid streaks of flame out at the drones buzzing about. "He lost his dad in the last invasion, I... I just want to see if he's alright and get him and his mom to safety. I'll be back as soon as possible, promise."

"... You better, Ryan. You're a good kid who's made a lot of progress... I'll buy you a distraction to slip away from these lot, then-" he paused as he bounced another shot away from them and towards a drone, catching it and causing it to blast to pieces. "Make sure you stay low, help anyone you can help out safely on the way, okay?"

"Will do... you like, better take care too dude!" Cindersnap said, catching his breath.

"I'm not going anywhere." Lance chuckled, manuvering so the main force of the Rikti they were fighting was in front of him. Grasping his gold and red sword, flames blazing up the tip of it, he nodded. "Ready... set... go!"

As Cindersnap sprinted off, he glanced behind him for a moment. Flames spewed out of Cauter's patented 'Firebrand' armour, more than he had ever seen before, and he paused just a moment longer to watch his mentor blaze like a phoenix into combat, whirling his sword around him as he fell into the crowd in a burning brawl to buy some more time.

With a gulp, Cindersnap got running again, sprinting away through the streets as he tried to track his best friend down through commslink, knowledge and intuition.

"You guys are-" His sword arced up in a smooth motion through one of the invaders.
"Facing the one-" And a swing to the left cleaved through one of the blasters an attacker was trying to aim.
"And only, the Burning-" Another swing through some more Rikti.
"Sensation! And I'm not going to let some stinking-" A burst of flame erupted from him in a circle.
"Alien-" Jets of flame sprayed out from the seams and joints in his armour.
"Invaders keep me-" Cauter's sword bit deep into the armour of the lieutenant of the ranks he was facing.
"From my-" Several blows snuck through his frenzied offensive, causing him to stagger and fall to his knees slightly. A determined look crossed his face, gritting his teeth.
"GIRLFRIEND!" He yelled out, fire erupting in a pillar from around him, high into the sky as he unleashed the reserves in his fuel tank, charred bodies falling back from the onslaught.

"... Damn, that was something." Lance panted tiredly, slowly picking himself back up on trembling legs. "Told you guys you weren't going to keep me from my girlfriend."



Day 1 of the Invasion: 1700 hours, The Paragon Russian Embassy In Atlas Park

Five minutes ago, several major crumbing holes had been blasted into the side of the Paragon Russian Embassy more or less fixing the endless debate over refurbishing the seventy years old building in an instant. Sadly, this kind act of Rikti refurbishing killed several people in the Embassy at the same time and wounded countless others.

Red Commmissar was not in a good mood, and neither were the twenty other Russian heroes who were inside what was nicknamed Red Tape Square, the 3rd floor of the Russian Embassy, which was the desk filled area where a large amount of paperwork was processed.

Luckily for them, aside from a few minor injuries, nobody was killed in that part of the building. Everyone with Red Commissar was a hero too, which was even luckier. However, a small group of Rikti had somehow also noticed this and the newly armoured and armed Soldiers and Drone were stationed outside the Embassy, firing at anything that moved.

Red Commissar was indeed in a bad mood, which later would be even worse. He had finished a massive mound of paperwork for the month and was just about to take the file to Filing Cabinet A before the deadly Rikti beam smashed into the embassy, causing him to drop all his paper work. The flimsy cover he and three other heroes were lying against was also under Rikti fire. To his left was the young hero, Crimson Dynamo and to his right was the much older Kaptain Pavlov who was currently screaming into a Military Radio that until recently had served as the office radio for easy listening.

The cover consisted of several battered desks and semi-molten filing cabinets. The occasional Plasa blast would fly overhead and burn deeply into the cheap grey plaster wall on the far end of the floor. Red Commissar groped on the floor and located his mask and helmet which, next to his rifle were the first things he grabbed when he went into cover.

"Evening Andrei, may I ask you something?" asked Crimson Dynamo, A slim bald man in his late twenties, his costume a black jumpsuit with dark green plastoid kevlar covering the vital parts of his Torso and his hands cracking with electricity.

"Ask it, Popov..." said Red, fixing his mask into place shortly followed by his helmet.

"It is Dynamo old man if you must, the situation is beyond casual talk I must say. Think you can give us covering fire with that monstrosity?" muttered Ivan Popov indicating to the battered modified Hero Corp Longbow Assault Rifle laying at Red Commissars booted feet. Brief thoughts of Hana, Lynix, Little Ivan and his many friends and comrades flitted through his mind. He tapped his SG Communcation Badge and muttered something in it. He put the Workers on Red Alert.

"Of course it can, It is made for this. And so can I. I was shooting enemies of the state before you were parted from your mothers teat. What do you have in mind?" Red Commissar loudly shouted back, as the Rikti Plasma barrage suddenly intensified.

On the other side of the Room, Several Russian heroes were bracing up their own defences with whatever debris they could find and use in what was left of the office. Snow Voice, clad in her light costume of a fur tunic, red beret and dark camo trousers shouted something at Dynamos direction.

"I have a crazy plan old man, Just keep them from frying me up!" shouted Dynamo back, before quickly bolting from cover.

"Damn kids! going to kill themselves!" Red muttered in reply, grabbing his Assault Rifle, and getting into position behind the desk. He noticed the three Headmen Gunners ordered the Infantry to fire at Dynamo who was annoyingly moving quite slow for a live target in Red Commissars opinion, electric shield or not around him.

Red snapped the safety quickly off and then moved his right hand to small set of switches on a panel that was modified onto his Rifle and selected 'Heavy Composite Armour Piercing' Ammunition. The hand then slid quickly to the underside of his Rifle. The Rifle it self shook and hummed briefly. Hammerspace was still working, thank god.

Red Commmissar pulled his trigger in short steady bursts, his gun shuddering against him. The bullets slammed into the group of Rikti, a few lucky shots had felled several of the Infantry but only stunned some of the Headmen. The Rikti Group quickly split up and dived for their own cover in the shattered Atlas Park Street.

Red raked whatever he could hit with his Rifle, the gunfire was loud and several other weapons joined in with him on the same floor and below. He could even hear somebody firing an AK-47, even though the bullets were useless against the old Rikti armour.

It was going to be a really long, bad day for everyone.



Zero Hour +4, Port Oakes, Rogue Isles

The rikti battlesquad stomped down the street, firing indiscriminately on civilian and armed villain alike. The small arms fire was swiftly silenced. The heavier weapons seemed to be giving them trouble, but, in this street at least, they appeared to have the upper hand.

Smoke from a burning building obscured the other end of the street, and, when it cleared, the only thing that could be seen was a human woman, small, wearing a long black coat and a bizarre black hat. She was talking into a communicator attatched to her wrist.

"Satlink, scramble code 3. To: Ms Nene McAllister. Hey hon, your friendly neighbourhood pirate gal here. Hope you're keeping well, even if..." she sidestepped the first shot from the headman, barely even watching him, and continued without batting an eyelid "...you're probably getting the same garbage we are." Josie whistled, and a drone dropped down to hover next to her, enveloping her in a glowing force-field. The rikti, by now thoroughly baffled at a human who neither ran from them, nor immediately started shooting, opened fire anyway, plasma-shot glancing off the glittering barrier. Sadly, he had no idea that the skull and crossbones was not a good sign.

"Anyway, as I was saying, if you want..." she tried to continue to dictate her mail, but couldn't make the system pick her voice out of the sheer volume of weapons-fire. With a look of extreme exasparation, she turned,and pointed at the squad. "Boys, shut these noisy critters up will you?"

It was about this point that the Communications officer, who was just about in the process of dialling up a portal, was given several new breathing holes by a crisscross of laser-fire from the buildings. Several large robots stomped their way out of doors, and, in the the case of the biggest one, a behemoth with "Friday" painted neatly on its shell, straight through the wall. The smaller ones began to rapid-fire, blasting the conscripts and infantry in turn, with well-coordinated attacks. The headman didn't had time to reach for his emergency teleporter as twin heavy plasma cannons opened up right into his face. The end result was short and predictable.

The robots stood down, as Josie went back to her dictation. "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, if you want to meet up for refreshments or something in the D when we're not fighting off uglies, it'd be great. Love and hugs." The last survivor of the battle squad, trying to sneak away, was cored front-to-back by the pulse-rifle Josie had yanked out of her coat, and aimed one-handed. "ps. they're stronger, but they still aint all that bright."

Her mail finished, Josie shouldered the pulse rifle, and grinned around at her mob of robotic boy-toys. "Alright lads. It's time to go find more of these ugly mugs, and introduce them to our hospitality." She stuck a small novelty Jolly Roger into a crack in the fallen headmans helmet, and, whistling a jaunty ditty, strode off down the street, robots grouped around her like a small walking fortress. "Drink up me hearties, yo ho..."

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Port Oaks, Day One, Second wave

Headbreaker placed a cigar in his mouth and held it there as he watched the skies turn dark.
Standing of the rooftops of Port Oaks he watched as the Rikti ships appeared through the clouds and descended on the city below. He closed his eyes for only a second before the sound of Rikti weapons filled the air. His eyes snapped open to witness the destruction of several buildings and watched them fall into dust. Rage filled within him as memories of the first war flooded back to him, the screams, the destruction, the blood, tears and sweat...he shook off the anger and concentrated on building up his power.

Looking into the street bellow, citizens ran for cover as the sirens bleated out warnings far too late as green light flooded the streets, followed by the thunderous explosions they brought. For second Headbreakers heart sank as he watched more buildings fall. Then skies then filled with some-thing else...

...villains of the Isles flew out of the darkened clouds and speed towards the Rikti. Taunts and screams of sheer hate echoed into the air as they headed towards their enemy. No sight like this would be seen in Paragon City, the capes battle cries where of hope, freedom and justice. Here in the Isles they where promises of pain to come!
The Rikti made one mistake today. This was Rogue Isles, things where going to get nasty and Headbreaker wanted to be a part of it!

Within minutes the Villains who could fly approached the ships and then they where attacking in full force. Headbreaker laughed as the ships exploded left and right, he chanced his glance to the street and saw more villains enter the fray. The super speeders hurtling between buildings, their feet blurs as they moved towards the drop zone. Soon the rooftops where filled with those who could leap and the teleporter's appeared in the battle zone!
Soon they whole area of Port Oaks was ablaze with battle.

Headbreaker took out a wooden match and stuck it on a wall, placed the flame to his cigar and took several long puffs to get it going. He savoured the taste and then wastefully threw it to the ground. Then with a leap and a bound, he headed towards the action.

Instantly Headbreaker was blinded by flashing colours. He could make out some faces of people he knew yet some villains he did not know or had net yet met.
Fire, ice, radiation, bullets, sonic and rock where all flying at the Rikti ships, Headbreaker had never seen a bigger display of power.

Without warning, portals opened and closed on the ground, flooding the streets with Rikti foot soldiers. Now the battle had really begun.

One of the creatures charged him, but quickly Headbreaker trusted his fist foward into the Rikti face. The explosion of blood caused other Rikti to move away from Headbreaker. He turned and aggressively planted a Haymaker onto another’s shoulders causing him to crumple to the floor. Searing heat suddenly washed over him causing him to fall to one knee. He shock off any pain he felt and then turned his head to see the Rikti that shot him. If charged towards him ready to shoot again, but it had gotten to close. Headbreaker raised his fist clean into the Rikti's chin. Bone broke and blood splattered any-one standing near by. He got up and threw himself back into the battle. He had killed two more Rikti before another blast hit him throwing him onto his back. He shook off the pain again and threw his feet up into a Rikti's chest cracking its armour and breaking its chest. He rose to his feet and killed the nearest one to him. Again a blast hit him, but he kept his balance...

The battle felt like forever...

Soon Rikti where lying dead every-where. Headbreakers jacket was torn and burnt and his body was covered in Rikti blood. Every-time he was shot by the Rikti he would kill 3 to 5 of their solider, then he would get hit again.

Soon the battle began to fall into the Villains favour and the Rikti ran for their portals. There was a cheer as the last few soldiers vanished in the blink of an eye. Nothing was going to stop the villa-

Headbreakers whole world exploded around him. In a desperate bid to kill as many villains as they could, one of the Rikti ships flew over head and dropped a bomb right in the midst of all the Villains.
Headbreaker flew backwards from the blast into a wall causing the building to shake and half crumple behind him.

His vision swam and his body hurt but he quickly dulled the pain and shock of any disorientation, he looked up and suddenly shouted in rage. Several villains lay dead in the street, their bodies burnt and broken. Headbreaker fought to get out of the wall as the Rikti ships moved away taking the darkening clouds with them. Headbreaker screamed for them to finish it, to come back and fight, but they where gone. The Villains had won this battle, but at a price.

Headbreaker finally pulled himself out of the wall with help from a large villain who was badly cut and bruised. Headbreaker looked at the bodies and felt his heart sink. Headbreaker ran towards a younger villain who lay on the ground barely alive, he screamed towards the survivors,
The villain looked upwards as the sky and weakly said
"D-Did we get them?"
Headbreaker nodded; as he tried to stop the younger mans bleeding,
"We got them good!"
The villain laughed out loud, a death rattle then sounded in his throat...his body went limp. Headbreaker let his body down gently then screamed in rage. He turned towards a Rikti body and started pounding at it until he was finally pulled off by 5 large villains...

The war had started again...

(edited cause i knew i could write that a hell of a lot better!)