Fairygothmother AKA Raven Dings 50!
Yeah Gratz Raven on your 50
And on the LRSF, do it in style
Big HUGE Gratz on that one Raven
Grats, Raven!
@Nanas (on Defiant)
Big Gratz to one of my best mates ... well done xxx
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

Congratulations, on the ultimate level!
Bah, I missed it.
Jolly well done on the big five-oh. Here, have a cookie.
Gratz FGM no more zombies
Yay cookies for me! None for the pets though.
Thankies all and double thankies to 'THE team' tonight was greatly appreciated. Of course being me I had to ding in style lol. I WILL be keeping this lvl 50 though I promise lol. And smyte you better be there for Anaesthesia or your in trouble ya hear!
*group hugs*
Grats =D
Gratz! hope those over zealous grave knights pulled their weight
edit - wrong nights :O
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Gratz FGM. Well done.
big GRATZ raven on another 50....at your age it must be getting tough too remember them all hehe!!
Ill say gratz agina babe as it dont show up from me doin it last time XX
big GRATZ raven on another 50....at your age it must be getting tough too remember them all hehe!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh you cheeky swine! I'm younger than you, just remember that as you shuffle your zimmer up to the computer later...
And it would have been remiss of me not to wish one of my Sisters a very happy ding-day.
Congratulations FGM!
Militis Metus << Website
ArchRevenant 50 EM/Inv Brute
Lethal Charge 50 SS/Elec Brute
Tsubasa - 50 Kat/SR Scrap
Spectre - 50 Fire/Fire Blast
Gratz on that - what manner of rampant alt-o-holism will you indulge in now?
*pokes raven with a giant sp00n!*
Thanky again folks..../e fancy bow
*pokes Tyl with FGM's luvverly bone wings* ner ner :P
I resemble that implication of altaholism Rhinoxx! lol. Think Ana's next in line for the Victory Cookies, then we shall see......(more corruptors or MM's prolly hehe)
Huge Huge Gratzzzz to Raven on her umpteenth lvl 50, Fairygothmother, popping the BIG 50 during LRSF tonight, well done