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  1. I can't comment on the stun toggle as I didn't actually take that on my toon, but in general I can say that for me, /EA has become one of my favourite secondary's. My staff/EA stalkers S/L/E defences are sitting comfortably above the icap (around 65%). Add to that fairly good S/L resists, a nice self heal that adds +regen and endurance reduction for a further 30 seconds after the heal and an endurance recovery power that adds defence based on number of targets hit, I'd have to say that my stalker is one of my most survivable 'lower HP' toons, even more so that my StJ/EA scrapper due to the stalkers ability to kill things really quick.

    On a levelling note, I found it very easy to layer defence onto this secondary with some light IO slotting, so it's highly possible to hit the regular softcap (45%) to S/L at fairly early levels, certainly by the mid 30's.

    I love it, I don't think you would be disappointed but it's still down to personal taste, personally I can't sing it's praises any higher.
  2. Thanks for the reply

    And yeah i know bad for the lined paper, but it was all I had to hand, beggars can't be choosers lol.

    Ok so...his leading leg needs to be lifted? and given the impression it's leading towards the camera more? I think I get it. I've slimmed his waist and following leg down a little since then which has helped to provide more of a feeling of depth, but not quite enough, I'm thinking your suggestion will help more, thanks again.
  3. Hi all after watching and drooling over the art threads here for....years, I finally decided to give it a go myself again after a 10 year hiatus from even attempting to draw something. Needless to say, i am out of practice!

    I chose my current ingame toon as a model and set to work on what was going to be a straight forward standing pose sketch. I got a little bit ambitious! Anyway, my WIP is below, it's rough, it's messy, it's 10 years out of practice and SOMETHING just doesn't seem to be sitting right (the experts here may find several things i'm sure lol) yet I can't put my finger on it, perhaps something in the proportions? hmm.

    So despite the embarrassment of airing my attempt publicly amongst some frankly awesome talent, I have to swallow my pride and defer to the experts for help. If anyone has any tips, suggestions or can even simply illustrate some changes, I would be very grateful.

    Thank to everyone in advance, and keep up the great Art

  4. I've noticed this happens when you activate AS without the staff already drawn, if the staff is already in hand prior to activation of AS (as in following BU) then you dont get the hit delay.
  5. Congrats again hun, hopefully i'll get some time to myself soon to actually get on the game.
  6. Count me in please, Ryuujin lvl 50 MA/Regen. Someone WILL have to remind me nearer to the time though, I have a famously bad memory, but there's medical reasons
  7. Too true, impractical shoes at that!

    On another note, the MM website as you probably know, is dead, and will be for the forseeable future. At some point I will get it up again on a different host but for now I just don't have the time.

    Capt, also....I would like Ryuujin instated as my new main on heroes, Spectre as you know is gone, and can't see myself playing Tsubasa any time soon. Cheers.
  8. More effort Chels, I'm sure you could fit in more if you really really tried
  9. Id be interested in exemping for this trial on my lvl 50 scrapper Ryuujin. I think I also have the contact but I'd have to check this tonight.
  10. No problem Cap, im on most evenings and will be on weekends as of this coming weekend, so just give me a shout if you see me on and we'll sort out your brute, or catch Chels or Gunny, they can invite you too.
    On that note if you could pencil me in for toon on your weekend team....not sure yet if scrapper or blaster.
  11. Well hello folks, I'm kinda back again, I'll try and make it longer this time. I would be interested in the weekend team Capt, but only if there is no one else to fill the spot, until I start playing again I dont know how long my play sessions are gonna be or how long I can stay comfortable.
    I got your PM's Capt and Ill text you later on.
    I plan on making an appearance tonight but most likely on Villains to start a new brute, hope to see some of you then.

  12. Congratulations to Chels on yet another level 50, this time another hero, how many is that in total now? I gave up counting ages ago.

    Well done honey, sorry I wasn't there for the ding.
  13. Hello folks, a little off topic from the current theme but just a little heads up. Been away from the game a while and now on my return I've decided to share my time and rejoin the heroic ranks. Got myself a new toon, a blaster (I can almost hear Capt crying already ) so you should see me being more active over on the light side.

  14. Spectre_EU

    Recluse SF List

    I would also be game for this...

    Lethal Charge (SS/Elec Brute)
    ArchRevenant (EM/Inv Brute)
  15. Spectre_EU

    RV Heroes Badges

    I'd be interested in bringing my lvl 50 SS/elec brute to this, done them all on my previous lvl 50 so have a little experience.
  16. Thanks Tower , big grats to you on your 1st 50, and double grats to chels and gunny for getting there seconds.
  17. Looking like a good chance my home internet account will be back on tomorrow so count me in, if for whatever reason im not there give my place to whomever wants it.
  18. My idea....which I mentioned during our last attempt, was for each and every member to pre-stock on a LOT of purple insps, pop them just before the whole group run in on the target.
    Hopefully the 'mini-elude' state would keep each member of the team alive long enough to get an established healing/buff/debuff blanket going. Now coupled with the slower regen of the heroes we should be able to rince and repeat this to take them down one at a time.
    It may or may not work, but worth a try I think.

    Oh and squishes might wanna add a BF or 2

    Adding to this, a 'trickle-in' tactic might also be benefitial.....so still using the insps, except we order the members of the team entering the agro range e.g. highest defense/resist toons in first, closely followed by debuffers then healers...hopefully this would establish a lot of agro on the high resist toons before the squishies join in.
  19. Alrite on second thought, with the patch going live soon count me in, lets see if it makes any difference.
  20. I'm going to bow out of this one, maybe give someone else a chance, but put me on reserves....if you're short of signups i'll join.
  21. My bad Delks, sorry, undated

    Ok team update:-

    1. ArchRevenant lvl50 Brute (dps - agro)
    2. Champion Brawler lvl50 Brute (dps - agro)
    3. Dels lvl50 MM (buffs)
    4. Lyssa lvl50 Stalker (dps)
    5. Warengine lvl47 Cor (debuffs)
    6. Total Inertia lvl50 Cor (debuff - buff)
    7. Praetor Kinetic lvl40 Brute (dps - agro)
    8. ...

    Still require one more, would like to reserve this place for another debuffer if anyone out there is interested, but anyone else who fancies a go put your name down for the reserve list.

    Looking at a possible Monday night (26th June - 7pm). Any one so far has a problem with this let me know ASAP so we can try to get a time/day to suit all.
  22. Ok team update:-

    1. ArchRevenant lvl50 Brute (dps - agro)
    2. Champion Brawler lvl50 Brute (dps - agro)
    3. Dels lvl50 MM (debuffs)
    4. Lyssa lvl50 Stalker (dps)
    5. Warengine lvl47 Cor (debuffs)
    6. Total Inertia lvl50 Cor (debuff - buff)
    7. Praetor Kinetic lvl40 Brute (dps - agro)
    8. ...

    Still require one more, would like to reserve this place for another debuffer if anyone out there is interested, but anyone else who fancies a go put your name down for the reserve list.

    Looking at a possible Monday night (26th June - 7pm). Any one so far has a problem with this let me know ASAP so we can try to get a time/day to suit all.
  23. So after the test run of this Strike Force in which the team got to the second to last mission it's almost time for another attempt. 4 slots remaining for lvl45+ who are interested, and not afraid of debt

    Team so far:-

    1. ArchRevenant lvl50 Brute
    2. Champion Brawler lvl50 Brute
    3. Dels lvl50 MM
    4. Lyssa lvl50 Stalker
    5. ...
    6. ...
    7. ...
    8. ...

    These last 4 slots we would like to be filled by at least 1 /Kin Corrupter (preferably 2), and the remainder with hardcore debuffers (ice/ /rad /dark).

    No date set as yet as we want to see if we can get the desired team, however looking at probably an evening next week. If there's a particular day you CAN'T make it let us know.

    All final team members must be aware that this attempt IS for the long haul, so a commitment to finish would be appreciated. We would also ask that all members have the Shivan shard temp power from Bloody Bay and a full accompaniment of Warburg nukes.

    Keep your fingers crossed for the Hero regen rollback to come soon also
  24. Spitfire - The Prodigy (Album - Always outnumbered, never outgunned)