Goodbye and all the best!
Sorry to see you go Capt. A.
Had some great fun with you and some others one evening in Pocket D. I even managed to get the Cage Fighter badge on our second map...Another good blaster leaves the game!
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
What? What? WHAT!!! YOU!!!! HOW VERY DARE YOU!!! Awwww sad to hear your leaving man Has been great to get to know you hehe hope my constant spamming sonic shields with Rhap hasn't scared you off
Anyway best of luck with all your exams and RL stuff! Take care and pretty sure you got my e-mail but do poke me again if you missed it
Sad to hear you leave Cap A
Good luck with your exams and have fun with that 'other MMO'
Well what can I say, REALLY REALLY REALLY sad to see you go mate. We had some good times with PvP, missions and the chats down in Atlas. Im sure your SG will be very sad to see you go as will Destiny's Hand. I hope you do come back even if its just for a month just to catch up, and I hope you have as much fun with LotRO as you did with CoX. Not gonna have a leaving party?
Wish you all the Best!
Your friend, Mr. Apollo
Good luck Cap, and see you again soon.
Yo cap sorry 2 cya leave mate whose in charge of the sg now (in other words who do i report 2) lol
Good luck in watever u do!
Always a pity to hear of another vet hanging up the spandex. Make sure it's easily accessible, as I'm sure you'll be back before too long!
Have a good break, and keep well.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
sad to hear you go mate, good luck on lotro, and dont forget CoX.
P.S- we will have that arena match, and yes i will win
Thanks for the replies guys, realising how many friends I made along the way makes it all the harder to go.. but still, it's just something I need to do.
@Mr Apollo: Sunday 24th June @8pm, I'll be on one last time up at Pocket D
@Baccarac: Remember that you report to no-one in Unit Alpha Everyone should always be at an equal level and have a say, and I'm sure the trend will continue like that after I'm gone.
@Cambo: We'll see.... if i10 brings something vastly new I'll pop back to give it a test.
@Adama: Always ready to do battle mate . Seriously though, it's been fantastic having a Rl mate to play the game with, and especially one who adapted to it so quickly, and always had a fun and helpful style
. If I don't see you ding 50 now, pre-gratz
Ohhh just a little heads up, you may want to write down some of your global friends just incase you do come back. You don't know if they will have the global friends bug fixed.
Damn Cap, best of luck for the future. You'll be missed mate.

Thelonious Monk
Good Bye and all the best - or is this good bye.......
everyone ends up coming back including myself
Really sad to hear Cpt m8, but take care whatever you decide on doing, we will have to team up one last time before you go for good m8.
Take care m8.
Sorry to hear you leaving Cap. Enjoyed the Hami raids that all went well.
Hope you pop back but if you don't good luck in RL and in your next game.
@War Man
The Goonies SG Defiant
War Man-Blaster lvl50
Odins Son-Tanker lvl50
War Rock-Troller lvl50
War The Impaler-Scrlvl50
Kleldor War Man-WS
Mind Storm
CoV-Union-War Thorn-Dom
When you get over your new hairy-footed midget fetish, you will be welcome back to Paragon City
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You've been a good friend to me over the past however-many-months Cap & it truly is saddening to see you go
Your dedication to getting the debt badges with Captain Alpha was nothing short of inspiring & the ease whith which you could give any party a target for Vengeance was & always will be an example to all blasters everywhere
That said I do expect you to get bored of yet another game with Orcs and think you'll be back before you (and we) know it!
Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;
Thanks for all your help (and Persuasion on actually gettin the game) with CoX, its certainly got me somewhere. Will really be a shame to see you go. If you do get time come back and we can do a hami raid perhaps.
all the best mate, dont forget your log in details!!!
Woooooo good to hear you will be back on 24th June! I'm thinking you, me, my fluffy and arena match! Soooo will be ready to splat you hehe Will try my best to help Blondie with upkeep of Unit Alpha and I'll poke Blue so he gets more prestige :P
When you get over your new hairy-footed midget fetish, you will be welcome back to Paragon City
[/ QUOTE ]
I was waiting for someone to say that , I'll miss you too GG ^^.
Your dedication to getting the debt badges with Captain Alpha was nothing short of inspiring & the ease whith which you could give any party a target for Vengeance was & always will be an example to all blasters everywhere
That said I do expect you to get bored of yet another game with Orcs and think you'll be back before you (and we) know it!
[/ QUOTE ]
We'll have to wait and see Blonde, WoW was well.... well lets just not go there . Hehe anyway, I've looked into LotRO in quite a bit of detail, and think what you must, running about with hobbits, looks the same as WoW etc etc, but at the end of the day, as long as I'm having fun and enjoying some fresh content, its all good.
And I wasnt dedicated to getting all 6 debt badges, it just well.. happened! ^^ And yeah I never minded being vengeance fodder, I didnt give myself the title of Captain for no apparent reason; when I play with others I always think with the team-based frame of mind, even if that means dying just to activate a buff! I'm gonna carry this on in LotRO and be the Captain class if you were wondering .
Thanks for all your help (and Persuasion on actually gettin the game) with CoX, its certainly got me somewhere. Will really be a shame to see you go. If you do get time come back and we can do a hami raid perhaps.
all the best mate, dont forget your log in details!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh It's quite likely I'll be back at some stage, and I know you'll continue to enjoy CoX as much as I used to matey . Btw if anyone has a message for me anytime, just poke Adama, he can pass it on to me
Woooooo good to hear you will be back on 24th June! I'm thinking you, me, my fluffy and arena match! Soooo will be ready to splat you hehe Will try my best to help Blondie with upkeep of Unit Alpha and I'll poke Blue so he gets more prestige :P
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh I'll be looking forward to the 24th, I'll see if I can do something extra nice like a few influence/salvage prizes, and even see if I can poke a mate of mine to do an evo radio set there
And thanks for your help with Unit Alpha BM, the one thing I want to happen when I go is that the sg stays alive and continues to provide a great experience for all; and yeah give Blue a good poke from me and tell him to earn a bit of prestige (and to drop off his flier in the base ^^).
Wow, looking back over this I've said poke alot, damn you BM and your influential ways!!!!
When you get over your new hairy-footed midget fetish, you will be welcome back to Paragon City
[/ QUOTE ]
I was waiting for someone to say that
[/ QUOTE ]
Because you know it's true - and i also notice a lack of denial about coming back after this sick midget love-fest is over
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Sorry to see you go cap, wouldnt mind having another pvp match againts ya mate before you head off but dont worry i wont use omega. Hopefully you wont be amazed by the world of the hobbits for too long and youll come back soon
I don't say good bye. I say: See you later.
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
Cya Captain!
Good luck and look forward to seeing you back once you get sick of S4m and Fr0d0
(I've a rabid phobia of Hobbits and halflings. Vile little things! This is the only good one about!!)
Well it's been nearly 18 months since i started out in Paragon, but now I have to bid you farewell (for quite a while at least). I feel that i9 was a fantastic update, with some innovative content which will prolong the game for quite a while (well, until i10 at least!
). Although now, I just feel I've seen alot of it to the extent that the game has become a little tedious, and tbh, when you've done it all and theres really not alot of major things left but re-running certain aspects over and over again, the game just... well loses it's charm in my eyes. When I came to CoH in late 2005, it was the best thing since sliced bread!
The fact that I had to work my way up from the ground with a low level character and next to nothing knowledge was the perfect challenge for me to do with my spare time. Although now, 18 months later, things have just slowed down; yes I could develop my level 50, or get level 50 a second time, but then what's next? Getting new costume pieces? Not worth my time in the end
. Or I could work on making my alt about 15% stronger with those new enhancements; just not really my idea of fun to be totally truthful.
. I just wanted to thank my amazing sg for always being there for me; all the people who I've had the honour of fighting alongside (far too many to mention
). This is a wonderful game which has a wonderful community, by far the best in all the MMO's i have ever played, true we are small in number compared to WoW for example; but it's quality over quantity!
. My account doesn't run out until June, but it's a busy time for me and I should only be on one last time in June.)
Anyway I'm rambling, so I'll leave it there
Take care Defiant, and have fun!
Cpt. A
(P.S- Before you ask, you're not getting my inf! ^^. And if you are wondering if I am carrying on with another MMO, I was considering moving to lotRO for a new challenge