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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Kinda sucks that the two English servers can't be merged.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't see any TECHNICAL problem it can't be merged.
  2. Magic_Healing

    Chikira dings 50

    Congratulations Chikira
  3. Welcome, good you picked defiant
  4. Sad to hear you leave Cap A
    Good luck with your exams and have fun with that 'other MMO'
  5. Great job aero! Congratulations
  6. Welcome to Defiant! It's good to have another hero protecting Paragon City
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm an Altaholic

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So am I
  7. Magic_Healing

    Ding Fest

    Congratz all of you
  8. Magic_Healing

    Get interviewed!

    Btw, if you haven't noticed yet, I have interviewed Lodestar for this week: Clicky
  9. I have been interviewing Lodestar and here is his response

    Hello there, what is your name?

    How long have you been playing CoH?
    About a year now

    Who is your favourite developer and why?
    I think War Witch. Now I dont know great deal about them all. But I do get a sense of open creativity from her. I can't nail it down but I think the game would be less colourful without her contributions. Maybe it would even have if she had more freedom.

    So what actually keeps you playing CoH?
    Hmm I have had to take breaks here and there. And the last few months I have had interruptions. So it's like I can't get back to the principle. But I like the idea of building and a unique character of mine. I can sort of imagine the character stroy as I play. Gameplay is very strong. Although I have had to admit repetative. But i find it hasnt bit me with all the PC trouble I had. Oh and exploring new AT's. That I like.

    What do you think of the social aspect of the game?
    Heh kind of ironic right now, but I'll refrain from personal issues. I think we have a good close knit community for sure. It has its pros and cons. It can be good for socialising but have a small village mentality for gossip. But we do get a good wide mix of people on here and its good to see. Not everyone is the stereotypical MMO player here I find. Well as for the cons. Thats really down to people. And human nature. Neither is gonna get worse or better for being an MMO community of any game.

    If you could control CoH for one day, what would you change?
    Wages? Hehe. Seriously I think the game has great structure. But it lacks depth. I mean depth you can choose to take. I'd like to see more variety of tasks. More randomness to day to day gaming so that no day is alike. Thing like picking clues from rescuing civvies. Leading to random missions. It can seem like logging in and out and nothing more. When it could be more of character development. I'd like to see more of story driven development based on decisions. Oh and I don't like prestige. I'd go for an influence tax system for SGs instead. So you could set how much you wanted to give as you need an donate influence as you can. So a low level alt can work but the same player can give lots over with a high level. Hamidon Origins need sorting. I think once you get over 45 it should stay at full capacity. After all you earned it. And it feels worth when you do. I hear alot of complaints they would rather have a 53 SO which is full enhancement value.
    Lastly I have griped about few jackets. So I'd have graphics dep sort that. Along with more hair styles, especially for males.

    Ok tell me a little bit about yourself How old are you and where are you from?
    I'm 21 again (Ok, 29) and I'm from Hull, East Yorkshire.

    What kind of music do you listen to?
    I have quite a mix in music taste. I listen to anything from metal to classic and rap to drum and bass. Even reggae. I don't like pop or anything like that. My favo type of music is old hardcore metal/punk but I'll just as easy listen to Beethoven. I used to DJ at a local club playing underground rock and alternative stuff. I tried to play a few things that were quality but lesser known. I'm a big underground music fan.

    If you could be a hero for one day what would your powers be?
    Hmm. I think I quite like regeneration myself. Hardly get sick and not for long. Easy to stay in shape. But equally as much I like psychic powers. Can I have both? If not I'd just take regeneration. Oh and editing the regenerating slowly rules.

    Ok enough. Here is some fun stuff. This or That.
    Chocolate or Vanilla?

    Coca Cola or Pepsi?

    CoH or CoV?

    Console gaming or PC gaming?
    Hmm. Both really. But I'll say PC is preferred.

    PvE or PvP?

    Wolverine or Spiderman?

    Ok last question. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in CoH?
    When for the first time I found out that the Council were taking you prisoner in their base missions. Two teammates ended up there and we spent 30 minutes making the cliched prison jokes. I ended up sharing it with my friends channel. I had to ask my team to break while I stopped laughing so hard. Council and CoT missions still make me laugh even now when just entering a base.

    Haha Thank you for answering my questions!

  10. Magic_Healing

    Get interviewed!

    [ QUOTE ]
    So are you interviewing players or their heroes?

    Or both?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say both

  11. Magic_Healing

    Get interviewed!

    [ QUOTE ]
    What kind of depth are these interviews? How long for? What are you doing with the information?
    I'd be quite happy to be interviewed, provided its all in a good cause.

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    I'm just doing this for fun, I might make a website for this, but for now I'm just sticking to the forums.
    I might interview more then one, we'll see how this goes

  12. Magic_Healing

    Get interviewed!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Im up for an interview at 7.15 2nite meet u under tha atlas statue

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Interview will be tomorrow evening, but I will randomly select someone out of the heroes that have applied.