Happy Brthday Lord Zane!
booyah! happy cake day zane ol bean :P
mmmmmm Cake Day!
Gratz mate
happy gamer cake day zane!
so another year gone, what are your thaughts on what will come in your next year?
Issue 8 will be here, i will have a few more 50's.
The i will most likely have a pipe, slippers and more wrinkles :P
just to signal my return as i download i7
HAppy Birthday mate man hope u have a great day ^^
Happy Birthday Matey
** and TG.. *tyl style* OUT! **
Happy Birthday Zane mate!
happybirthday zane
Have a great cakeday Zane
Happy Birthday Zane. Hope you have lots of good fun.
Just wanted to publicise the 29th birthday of one of my best friends in game and irl - Lord Zane!!!!!!!

Have a great day and dont eat too much cake
Jackie Sparrow Defiant Goonie!
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
- Green Day