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  1. You can count myself and Mrs. Sparrow in and I know a number of other Goonies have been keen on the idea of regular raiding come I9. We have TS and a ready supply of Jaffa Cakes.

    Though if I get yet another Damage/Range I may well cry
  2. Potentially we may be getting new I9 toys, realistically are we more likely to want to play with these this week? If we're still on for tonight I'll be around for 7.30ish.
  3. Sorry we lost our internet connection for nearly 24 hours from 6ish that evening. Then a 6 hour long meeting yesterday with a developer on a database project meant I was to busy or brain dead to post.
  4. Still got connection problems, seems to be with our isp but not been able to get much joy from them so far. Looks like we won't be able to do much till it's sorted so it's a no show for us this week.
  5. We have a broadband problem at the moment and after intermitent crashes on Friday and Saturday, we lost our connection completely on Sunday afternoon. I'll keep you posted as soon as we can sort out where the problem is (it's either with our provider or a dodgy bit of Cat5 cable).
  6. mmmmmm Cake Day!

    Gratz mate
  7. There is one of mine missing from the list
    Starshift Kinetics/Energy Defender
  8. Bog monster
    @Bog Monster
  9. Gratz to Zane for his 3rd level 50.
  10. Always a pleasure Morty glad to have been there for the big ding!
  11. Bog_Monster

    Anyone for fun?

    Echo..... Agreed Perma holding AV's sorry just wont happen. Don't fancy the chances for much else though with crazy AM'd Imps and all those debuffs.
  12. Like many powers it situational and in the case of Rage in an Ice Tank build depends on your team. I spent most of my time in teams with my wife and her Stone/Stone tank playing a sweeper/secondary tank role where the rage downtime wasn't so much or an issue. Hence I have my rage slotted up with recharges and to hits and tend to use it full time when not lone tank on a team.

    Having said that Chilling Embrace is in my opinion the most effective pboae Taunt in the game and its very rare that you will have mobs loose interest in you once you get their attention. The key is to time the use of Energy Absorbtion and later Foot Stomp to maintain agro and up your defence.

    If you feel its not for you now you may want to try respecing it in in the late 30's or early 40's, personally I think Rage is a must. Its also great fun in PvP zones especially given Glacial Armours enhanced perception to Rage and Knockout Blow some unsuspecting stalker who thinks you havnt seeen them for 60% of their hit points.
  13. Bog_Monster


    I have had Arena chat switched off for over 2 months now because of the constant abuse of the channel for general broadcast chats and the regular baiting and swearing sessions. It’s not a decision I took lightly given the fact I enjoy the Arena side of things and took part in the S4.

    Now we have Global chat I was considering putting Arena chat back on as I want to PvP some more. But I don’t want to miss something important to me because of other players trivial chat just because they want to be "seen" or to listen to abuse.

    Though one person may be the object of this post the fact that they are baited and/or egged on by other members of the community is unacceptable.

    Personally will not put this person on ignore and will treat them with the same courtesy they show me on the day. I had polite tell asking for help on a respec from this individual which I had to decline as I had already arranged to switch alts to team with my SG.

    For the most part if there is baiting or swearing going on a public channel I will ask for it to either stop or carry on in private if they must, if it continues I will petition all concerned. We do need some GM support though, all too often I and others have petitioned these incidents and they still carry on.

    Whatever they have done in the past we need to remember that it’s not up to us to decide how others play the game, as long as it doesn’t detract from our own enjoyment at the time. I’m not suggesting more chances but continuing this is not helping the community. So /ignore if you want but don’t start old battles over.
  14. After tanking her way to 50 with 2 Defenders Big Gratz to Psy for her third with a Tank